Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"


Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
Kristýna Lhotková, oktáva
“Hi, I'm Mark. I believe we haven't met.... I am 34 years old, I
am young and pretty. I always wanted to have my own
restaurant, but I wasn't educated properly. Hence, I worked as
a waiter couple of years. That didn't really satisfy me, so I lied to
my boss about my experiences and got myself promoted. I am
quite happy now. I don't enjoy the job much, but, at least, I earn
some money and can rule few people.” Such a bad man, this
, we would
keeps boasting how handsome he looks, his egoism is
nearly welling out of him. He deceives to get a better
job and all what he cares about is money, money and
Our imagination starts to outline an image of an
indifferent character with hardly few friends but a lot of
darkness in his mind. Maybe he is all of these things.
Indifferent consumer, lazy and mischievous, deceitful
demagogue. But... aren't we slanted? Isn't this view
just a single big fat prejudice?
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
People are different; and I don't mean only
considering their colour, origin or level of
education. People think in a different way, feel
different things differently strong and
consequently, the reception of their and the
others' behaviour differs as well. There are
people among us who take everything very
seriously and are very likely to get hurt. Then,
there are those, who act according to their
emotions and don't think about the effect on the
others much. These two kinds very often meet
and there is just a little of positive feelings
between them, if any at all. They
subconsciously make an image of the other
person in their mind and that repels them from
any further and closer touch with their
counterpart. This is the natural interaction
between two characters, two natures. However,
it can grow into something less natural,
something constructed and perverse. A human
brain tends to make conclusions from the first
impression and that is, in fact, what we'd better
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
is a human trait proper to a person who gets
influenced easily by the first sight and makes
prejudices which reckon for the definite opinion
and is not willing to give them up. So, there is
no harm in building up an attitude, but we have
to stay open up and free to change it whenever
any occasion appears.
Nowadays, it is hard to distinguish
between real personal feelings and a
mask that every single person sometimes
wears, whether on purpose or
unintentionally. The more the person is
able to hide his disguise, the harder it is
for us to decide which part of him or her
we can believe and which one we ought to
whip away. Of course, it is very dangerous
to trust the person unlimitedly, especially if
we don't know him properly. Again, there
is one danger: we have to be able to
identify the border between carefulness
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
. That can be linked to traits such as
egoism, insensitivity and bluntness to
other people's feelings. Inability to help
others is one of the gravest personal
problems; unfortunately, it can be
deep-seated in one's mind due to the
upbringing experienced in the early
childhood or gained from parents.
Honesty is one of the ideals of a
human character. It is necessary for
making friends and fastening already
existing relationships, it is used in
national slogans, themes or pledges.
Though, the desire for looking better
than we actually are, sometimes,
beats our will. We start with white lies
that cannot really hurt anybody, but
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
when they break into our core and
begin to take control over us,
is being born. Our mind gets clouded
and our eyes no longer see the reality
as it originates and passes away. We
hurt the people we are surrounded
with and we don't care, we hurt
ourselves and we don't care either. As
our parents would say: “Don't lie, it
never helps. Honesty is what is
appreciated the most.” And I wouldn't
change a word.
The idea of psychoanalysis dates
back to a far far history and new
charts of ideal human traits have
been created in every new period
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
of time. If we look back to the
Platonic era, we would find a
group called the Eclectics, whose
main aim was to be able to choose
certain parts of different
philosophies to get a mixture that
suited them the most. This
ideology survived and today, it is
the most common
way of creating our own opinions
and personal attitude. We don't
think about it, we do it naturally
and it works well. However, this
system begins to collapse when
used for a self-benefit. The old
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
idea is transforming into
, a self-centred feature of an
inconsiderate self-discipline. It is
proper to lots of us, especially to
the politicians and mighty people.
Fortunately, we are still here to
look for the real truth and stop the
demagogues from establishing
their power on baseless beliefs.
As I mentioned, people feel and
understand things differently.
That can cause
misunderstandings that neither
of the sides can be blamed for,
because it happens account on
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
their different characters. One
can do something with a good
purpose to help, but it is
received as a mean deed. We
are not able to predict this
interference or even preclude it,
but we have to act as fairly and
clearly as we can. That is the
only way to single ourselves out
from the people who really do
act with a bad, mischievous
is one of the few attributes that
can influence our every single
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
thought and intend and can be
applied on every act we do. Of
course, the misuse of the
others eventually turns back on
us and we get hurt by our own
In my opinion, for creating a
strong and healthily thinking
personality it is necessary to
determine an aim we want to
achieve, whether it is linked
to our personal life, work or
spare time. It helps us to
keep an effective path and
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
control our lifestyle. The
worst thing to happen is
when we loose our ambition
and our
sends away our dreams,
when our level of satisfaction
starts to decrease and we
care about our comfort more
than about the joy we were
looking for the whole time. If
the answer to the question '
Do you like your job?' i
s nothing more than '
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
Well, at least I get what I
need, you know...'.
That is, in fact, the first step
to become a perfect
. A consumerism with the
simple pattern: get money –
spend money. No new ideas,
no original style, no special
need. Doing what we are
expected to do, buying what
is made exactly for our
exigence, eating what was
produced to fit to our freezer.
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
That is the lifestyle we don't
want to adopt, but also the
one to which the simplest
way leads.
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Sins" Napsal uživatel Kloudová štěpánka
