
Jihočeská Informační centra pro
mládež (Český Krumlov,
Prachatice, Tábor) připravila další
nabídku mládežnických projektů a
možností zapojení mladých lidí.
Veškeré informace jsou
zprostředkované přes evropskou
informační sít pro mládež
V případě dotazů se obraťte na
nejbližší “íčko”, které Vám
poskytne bližší informace.
The Youth department of Council
of Albacete is the municipal
department that develops local
youth policies.
Looking for: 5 European
Deadline: 15th of August 2012
The aims:
- To facilitate the social
participation of youth in the
development of the city.
- To promote the experimentation
in youth as a way of non-formal
- To provide quality information to
young people to support the
design of their courses to
- To prevent risks associated with
youth behavior.
- To make progress in the quality of
programs and services for youth.
The European volunteers will
support activities in the Youth
Area of the City Council of
Albacete. Their collaboration will
be focusing on tasks related to
information and promotion of
activities and spaces for youngest.
They will participate in the
following activities:
Support Young Volunteer Project:
Motivation, information and
awareness of young people
towards volunteering and
participation. Information and
guidance to young people about
European Voluntary Service.
Organization and encouragement
of the different voluntary activities
from municipal projects.
Support Youth Mobility Project:
Participation in the development
of events to promote youth
mobility. Participation in the
development of “Hello Europe”
group, a conversational exchange
program. Information about
European resources for youth.
Support Youth Information
Centre: Development the tasks in
direct contact with young people
and always with the support of
center staff. Participation in all
training activities carried out by
the center during their stay.
Preparation with center staff an
information dossier about
European youth policies. Deal
young people interested in these
projects and information about the
real possibilities of participation in
them. Distribution of youth
information through the website
of the center in particular and
Internet in general, finding
information over the Internet.
Support Youth Centers Network:
Assessment of needs according to
the activities proposed by the
associations. Support for youth
groups from the center in carrying
out these activities: planning,
implementation and monitoring of
these activities. Coordination of
available resources. Contact the
Youth Center to distribute the
information generated by this and
distribution of the information
received among young people and
associations. Organization and
distribution of rooms for weekly
Each volunteer has to send an
application form, CV and
motivation letter before the 15th of
August 2012 at:
[email protected]
Profile of the volunteers:
The selection process will have to
comply with the requirements
conditions in the JEA program.
The process will be open to any
young adult (18-29 years).
Next skills will be consider positive
for the projects: Knowledge of
office software programs, Spanish,
English, social and communication
skills, active listening skills, focus
on aid, knowledge of promoting
and animation youth, new
technologies, youth information
and Youth European Programs.
Call for participants for a
workcamp in Romania.
ADESCO_03: 13 - 29 July 2012
ADESCO_04: 31 July - 16 August
Bacau County Department for
Youth and Sports (DJST) is
organizing each year English
learning workcamps for youth
Centrum pro pomoc dětem a mládeži, obecně prospěšná společnost Český Krumlov
Informa ční centrum pro mládež ,Špičák 114, 381 01 Český Krumlov, tel/fax: 381 712 427, http://icmck.cpdm.cz
aged between 7-18 years. Grouped
in series with the duration of one
week, according to their age, the
young people have the
opportunity to enrich their
knowledge of the English language
through conversation, games and
other educational activities. The
volunteers will be involved in this
non-formal teaching process.
The recreation center VALEA
BUDULUI is situated 15 km from
Bacau city, in a beautiful forest,
with a North-West orientation
from the "Pietricica Bacaului"
The volunteers will be hosted at
the Guest House of the workcamp
- 2 floor mansion, with 4 rooms of 2
beds per floor, living-room at each
floor, kitchen, bathroom. Meals
will be served at the workcamp
The group:
Will be composed of 10 volunteers,
Romanian and International,
coordinated by a camp leader. The
language of the workcamp will be
Special requisite:
Advanced knowledge of the
English language.
Contact: [email protected]
Sustainable development and less
Place: Yozgat
Yozgat Genclik Hizmetleri ve Spor
Il Mudurlugu
Fatih Mah. Rıza Kayaalp Cad. No 1
Date: 23-07-2012 - 30-07-2012
This YE is opened to youngsters
and youth workers (no age limit)
working not only in NGO’s.
The language of the YE will be
Aims and objectives:
We would like to coordinate a 7
days of international Youth
Meeting in Yozgat with European
The event gathers together 30
young people from European
countries. And their age is
between 18-30, and they come
from different cultural and
religious backgrounds.
General aim of the project is to
contribute finding solutions for
employment problem which has
severe reflection on social life and
which causes decomposition and
destruction of societies, specific
aim is to contribute finding
solutions for unemployment
problem of the city by improving
social dialogue between sides that
will create employment.
This Youth meeting will be realized
through discussions, workshops,
working in groups, excursions
focused on history and culture,
cultural nights, evening parties and
spare time spent together.
As a result; by implementation of
this project; by improving culture
of working together; decision
makers, NGOs and academicians,
Turkish and EU participant will be
able to work and produce projects
together and it will result to use all
potentials of our towns and to
produce the quality in a cheaper
way and it will be possible to find
direct solutions to sustainable
development and unemployment
by improving competition forces
and supply full employment.
For more information about the
Youth Programme you can visit the
following website:
You will be accommodated in
double rooms.
The room provides:
• Sleeping Arrangements
• Fridge
• Hairdryer
• Bath/shower
• TV
• WC - not adopted for
wheelchair users.
The accommodation, 3 meals in a
day, and coffee breaks will be paid
by hosting organization.
A computer with an internet
access will be available for
participants to check e-mails
About Kırsehir;
Kırşehir, , is a city in Turkey. It is
the capital district of the Kırşehir
Province. According to 2000
census, population of the district is
121,947 of which 105,826 live in the
city of Kırşehir
During the YE , each one will get
the opportunity to present own
organization in a visual way on
Organisational Market Evening
We encourage you to bring as
much –relevant- materials as
Proof of all the travel expenses
and visa costs you wish to reclaim.
If you come by plane, please be
sure to bring evidence of the sum
actually paid (invoice) and
boarding pass, Electronic tickets
will only be considered as
acceptable on proof of payment
(invoice) and on presentation of
the boarding pass for the outward
journey). Please keep in mind the
Centrum pro pomoc dětem a mládeži, obecně prospěšná společnost Český Krumlov
Informa ční centrum pro mládež ,Špičák 114, 381 01 Český Krumlov, tel/fax: 381 712 427, http://icmck.cpdm.cz
travel rules of the YOUTH
Programme. If you come by train
or bus do not forget to buy a
return ticket. Please copy your
tickets before you leave your
homes to Kırsehir.
Should you need visa to come to
Turkey, please locate the Turkish
Consulate nearest to you and apply
for the visa as soon as possible.
Your travel expenses will only be
reimbursed upon presentation of
documentary evidence of the sum
actually paid. For this reason, the
original invoice is necessary
(issued by the travel agency or
other ticket issuing company).
Copies of invoices are not taken
into account. Electronic tickets will
only be considered as acceptable
on proof of payment (invoice) and
on presentation of the boarding
pass for the outward journey. This
evidence of the expenditure will
be joined to the claim form for
reimbursement together with the
relevant travel tickets or copy
(plane, train, etc) and boarding
Please buy return tickets for your
full journey, and keep your
boarding passes.
Reimbursements will be made in
cash, in Euros, during the training
course. According to the rules of
the YOUTH Programme your travel
expenses will be reimbursed in 70%
of the total cost of your travel.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Průvodce po městě jinak
Pro účast na projektu „Otevři oči –
průvodce po městě jinak,“
hledáme dobrodruhy, kteří mají
chuť vyrazit do Ústí nad Labem a
prozkoumat jej skrz naskrz.
Pořadatelem je pracovní skupina
Interaktivní průvodce Českoněmeckého fóra mládeže ve
spolupráci s Collegiem Bohemicem
a Univerzitou J. E. Purkyně v Ústí
nad Labem
Od čtvrtka 26. do neděle 29.07.12
se uskuteční letní seminář, při
kterém skupina mladých lidí z Čech
a Německa bude společně
objevovat různé tváře Ústí nad
Labem a společně vytvoří
alternativního průvodce pro
CO ?
Účastníci mají možnost navázat
nová přátelství a vyzkoušet si
česko-německé prostředí na vlastní
kůži. Lákadlem semináře je
žurnalistický workshop, který
povede Bára Procházková,
novinářka a odbornice na českoněmecké vztahy. Na programu je
toho ale ještě mnohem víc –
prohlídka zajímavých míst v Ústí
nad Labem podle vlastního výběru,
činnosti pro zlepšení
komunikačních dovedností v
němčině nebo volnočasové aktivity
pro posílení týmového ducha.
Díky podpoře Česko-německého
fondu budoucnosti a programu
Mládež v akci, je seminář zcela
Přihlásit se mohou všichni mezi 18
a 26 lety, kteří chtějí o prázdninách
prožít něco nového a získat cenné
zkušenosti. Proto pokud Tě tato
nabídka zaujala, tak neváhej,
protože máme poslední volná
Více informací a přihlášky jsou k
dispozici na augenauf.webnode.cz.
Případné dotazy rádi zodpovíme
na [email protected].
UNESCO pro mladou generaci
Je Ti mezi 10 a 26 lety? Zapoj se i Ty
do umělecké soutěže soutěže,
která má hlavní téma Život
v památkách.
Soutěž byla vyhlášena k 20. výročí
zapsání Českého Krumlova na
Seznam světového kulturního a
přírodního dědictví UNESCO.
Slavnostní vyhlášení výsledků a
následná výstava se uskuteční na
podzim roku 2012.
Soutěžit se může ve třech
kategoriích (fotografie,
dvojrozměrná výtvarná díla a
video). Díla můžete posílat do 27.
9. 2012 na adresu CPDM, o.p.s.,
Špičák 114, 381 01 Č. Krumlov.
Podrobnosti získáte na stránkách
Informačního centra pro mládež
Český Krumlov
Centrum pro pomoc dětem a mládeži, obecně prospěšná společnost Český Krumlov
Informa ční centrum pro mládež ,Špičák 114, 381 01 Český Krumlov, tel/fax: 381 712 427, http://icmck.cpdm.cz