Little Monkeys


Little Monkeys
Little Monkeys
The gardener goes to the garden
Color of the month: Orange Shape of the month: Diamond
Main topic:
Revision of:
basic colors, shapes, counting up to 10
phrases: How are you? Hello, Good bye, I am....
weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy
songs: Weather song, Days of the week, If you are happy,
verbs: to walk, to run, to eat
New vocabulary:
nouns: names of fruits and vegetables, kite, wind, leaves, pumpkin, spider, car,
bus, bicycle, scooter,
traffic lights, ghost, bat, monster, skeleton, witch
verbs: to stop, to drive, to fly, to fall down, to ride,
phrases: I like...., I don´t like...
adverbs: up, down
adjectives: big, small, slow, fast, tired, hungry, sour, scary
Songs and rhymes:
5 little pumpkins:
I like apples:
The Eensey Weensey spider:
Go away:
Two Big Lemons
Way up high, in a tree (hold hands up as high as possible)
Two big lemons smiled at me (put hand on cheeks smile)
So I shook that tree with all my power; (Pretend to shake a tree)
Down came the lemons, whoa, they were SOUR!! (make sour face)
Trick or treat
Trick or treat, trick or treat
give me something good and sweet!
Sensory bins and trays – playing with pine cones, leaves, pumpkins, pumpkin
seeds, cars etc.
Fruit lotto and memory board games
Drama play – how do we fly the kites, cut the fruit
Game "Stop on red, go on green"
Sorting fruits, vehicles
Playing basic musical instruments
Collecting leaves, acorns, chestnuts, pinecones
Decorating school for Halloween
Arts and crafts:
Rubbing leaves
Stamping with fruits and vegetables
Bubble wrap tree painting
Toilet paper roll car
Tissue paper ghosts
Class project:
Carving pumpkin
Topic: The gardener goes to the garden
Week 1: We love fruits and vegetables
Vocabulary: fruits and vegetables, healthy, crunchy/soft, sweet/sour, garden, plant,
seed, grow
Eating the Alphabet book
Art projects:
Fruit stamps
Rainbow food collage
Food tasting
Leaf gathering
Fruit rotting
Taking care of our new class plant
Sorting foods by category, features
Favorite kind of fruit/vegetable graph
The carrot seed-sequencing
Week 2: The kite flew to us
(Weather/change of Season)
Vocabulary: wind, rain, blow, wet, leaves, change, colors, kite, rain drops, umbrella
Little Cloud…Eric Carle
Art projects:
Wind painting
Leaf rubbing
Paper kites (counting beads for tails)
R “rain”
Will the wind blow it?
Make it rain experiment
Rainbow worksheet
Favorite kind of weather graph
4 seasons sequencing
“Under” the umbrella
Counting raindrops (dice game)
Week 3: Red and green, we know what it means?
(transportation and road safety)
Vocabulary: vehicles, road, sky, rail, water, signs, stop/go
Drama play-riding a train/plane
Game-red light, green light
Sorting by where they go
Sorting/sequencing by size
Week 4: Halloween
Vocabulary: Halloween, ghost, bat, witch, vampire, costume, spooky, mask,
Art Projects:
Toilet paper roll bat
Halloween chain
Decorate masks
Ghost hunt
Pumpkin carving
10 pumpkins poem
Pumpkin prepositions song
Week one -we love fruits and veggies
Objective- to understand that food fuels our bodies and how our food grows
Vocab- fruit, veggie, healthy, seasonal, harvest, patch, tree, bush, nutrition
Activities- sorting fruits v.s. Veggies, making a color wheel with fruits and veggies,
making charts on out favorites, sorting seasonal foods
Book- Johnny Appleseed
Songs-we eat the rainbow, there's a party in my tummy
Arts- food pyramid
Week 2 -The kite that flew us
Objective- to explore nature and how it can help make our bodies strong
Vocab- strong wind vs light wind, storm vs sprinkling, active, exercise, weather
appropriate, changing leaves
Activities- making kites, discussing what else we can do outside during different
weather conditions, making our own playground game
Book- I love the fall
Song- fly the kite
Arts- make our own kites
Week 3- Red and green, what does it mean?
Objective- learning the rules of the road and transport
Vocab- time table, traffic, traffic sign, conductor, driver, passenger, transport, safety,
bike lane, right of way
Activities- playing red light green light, worksheet on counting trains, determining who
has the right of way in different situations
Book- Thomas and friends
Songs- the streets are safe for you and me
Arts- making our own stop signs and train schedules
Week 4 - Halloween!!!
Objective- getting children acquainted with customs and legions of Halloween
Vocab- All Hallows' eve, ghost, witch, magic, fanatics, celebration, Holliday, custom,
Activities- discussing traditions all around the world, physical game- march of the
goblins, worksheet matching the goats to numbers
Book- a very marry Halloween
Poem- ten pumpkins
Art- pumpkin drawing, making bats out of paper towel rollers
Pranostika: V říjnu hojnost žaludů a bukvic oznamuje zimy víc
Hlásky: D, T, N
2. 10. Ovoce a zelenina
Významný den: 1. říjen – Světový den cyklistiky
Básnička: Foukej, foukej větříčku
shoď mi jednu hruštičku.
Shoď mi jednu nebo dvě,
budou sladké obě dvě.
Pracovní listy: Spoj půlky ovoce, Zakroužkuj ovoce, ve kterém najdeš pecku, Překresli
obrázek do sítě
Hra: Záhon nebo strom? Děti se přemísťují podle toho, zda jsou ovoce či zelenina
9.10. Draci
Významný den: 9. říjen – Světový den pošty
Básnička: Vítr fičí, vítr duje,
copak to v něm poletuje?
Papírový dráček,
má barevný fráček. (Jitka Halasová)
Pracovní listy: Stejní draci a jejich nálady, Domaluj mašličky na ocásky podle čísel
Hra: Pošťák – učitel naviguje „pošťáka“ (prostorová orientace)
16. 10. V lese
Významný den: 20. říjen – Den stromů
Básnička: Les je spousta různých stromů,
tráva, mech a keře k tomu.
Les má listí, jehličí,
do lesa moc nefičí.
Pracovní listy: Obtáhni dráhu listů + kudy skákala veverka (grafomotorika), Přiřaď plody
Hra: Ano x ne (rychlá reakce na správné nebo nesprávné tvrzení)
23. 10. Vitamíny a bacily
Významný den: 16. říjen – Světový den výživy
Básnička: Za pomoci vitamínů
odeženeš kašel, rýmu.
Budeš zdravý jako buk,
ať jsi holka nebo kluk.
Pracovní listy: Stejné deštníky stejnou barvou, Hledej a zdůvodni nesmysly
Hra: Kompot – seskupování dle stejných druhů ovoce
30. 10. Halloween
Významný den: 31. říjen - Halloween
Básnička: Halloween, Halloween
už je tu zas.
Halloween, Halloween
je strašidel čas.
Pracovní listy: Logico piccolo
Hra: Rozesměj smutné strašidlo (pitvoření povoleno, nedotýkat se strašidla!)

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