Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek


Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek
Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek
Electronic Journals Library offers an effective use of both scientific and academic journals
publishing full text articles in the internet.
This service has been developed at the Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg (University Library of
Regensburg) in cooperation with the Universitätsbibliothek der Technischen Universität
München (University Library of the Technical University of Munich).
To work in EZB we can use German and English version.
One way of search are thematic and alphabetical list of journals. Links to
these lists we can found in menu "Journals (by subject, by title) /
Zeitschriften (nach Fächern, alphabetisch)".
In these lists we can see the whole account a particular library,
regardless of the availability of periodicals.
Quick search
Into the box "Quick Search / Schnelle Suche" on the main page write any
word from the title.
Advanced search
To form the "Search / Suchen" can enter a word from the title, beginning of title, keywords,
ISSN, date of inclusion into the EZB title, last modification date and ZDB-ID.
Use operators to combine search terms (AND, OR, NOT, etc.).
Look for phrases by enclosing your search terms in quotation marks
Example: „Journal of sea research“
Result: Journal of sea research, Netherlands journal of sea research.
You can use parentheses () to specify a group of words.
Example: „Journal of physics“ and (nuclear or atomic)
Result: a) Journal of Physics B: Atomic , Molecular and Optical Physics,
b) Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Searching can be limited by subject and availability.
Lists of journals
In the list of journals title of journal has function of reference to the full text.
Use button
unpack next alphabetically sorted offer.
For newly added journals, you can found icon
Po kliknutí na ikonku nalevo u názvu časopisu se nám zobrazí detailní informace o časopisu
(vydavatelské údaje, ISSN, rozsah plnotextových ročníků, formát textu aj.).
After clicking on the icon
to the left of the title of the journal, we display detailed information
about the journal (publishing information, ISSN, year range of full text, format text, etc.).
If the institution haven‘t access to the journal, in the information is list of paticipating institution
with fulltext access.
Full text accessibility is shown by means of dots in different colors:
Full texts are freely accessible.
The library / research institute has a license for this journal; therefore it is accessible
for the users of this institution.
The institution has no continuous subscription on this journal. Therefore, only some
of the published volumes are accessible as full texts.
The journal is not on subscription, thus full texts are not accessible. Mostly, however,
tables of contents and in many cases abstracts are available free-of-charge.
Searching in databases of other institutions
Pokud chceme hledat v jiné instituci, můžeme si ji navolit v odkazu „Preference/Einstellungen“.
Zde si také můžeme vybrat knihovnu, zvolit si typ dostupnosti a způsob řazení časopisů.
If we look for at other institution, we can selected in reference to "Preferences / Einstellungen".
You can also choose a library, select the type and availability of the order of the magazines.
Suggest a Journal
To EZB are still added new titles or modified information about included titles. If you discover a
journal, which would you think was behind the publication, please send a information to the
contact e-mail address listed under the heading "This journal is missing / Their vermisse Die
Zeitschrift". If your queries to the system EZB is available by e-mail address under "Contact
address / Anschprechpartner".