Téma: Thanksgiving Day


Téma: Thanksgiving Day
soutěžní úkol č. 2 - listopad 2014
Thanksgiving Day
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What is the traditional food served at Thanksgiving dinner?
a) Baked turkey, mashed sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn
b) Roasted turkey, potatoes, cherry sauce, pumpkin pie
c) Roasted turkey, pasta, pumpkin pie, sweet corn
2) Which ingredients are in “Thanksgiving sandwich“?
a) Chicken, mustard, stuffing, cornbread
b) Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, cornbread
c) Blue cheese, ketchup, vegetable, cornbread
3) How many days do Thanksgiving holidays take in the USA?
a) 2-3
b) 3-4
c) 4-5
4) Which city is the most popular Thanksgiving parade “Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade“
held in?
a) Washington
b) New York
c) Detroit
5) Some popular football games are held on Thanksgiving Day. Which team is a
traditional rival for Alabama in Iron Bowl?
a) Auburn
b) Michigan
c) Washington
6) Which event is called “Turkey Bowl“?
a) It’s a Thanksgiving bowling competition for high schools
b) It’s a Thanksgiving football cup for high schools
c) It’s a Thanksgiving basketball tournament for high schools
7) Which part of the day is the Turkey Trot (running competition) held?
a) In the morning
b) In the evening
c) At night
8) Alice‘ s Restaurant is:
a) A theatre play about Thanksgiving Day history
b) A 132 minute film shown on TV
c) An 18 minute monologue played on a radio station
9) The Monday after Thanksgiving Day is called Cyber Monday. Why?
a) It encourages shopping online.
b) It’s a day without using the Internet.
c) It’s a day which laptops and computers are sold in huge sales on.
10) Which day of the week after Thanksgiving Thursday is Native American Heritage Day?
a) Sunday
b) Saturday
c) Friday
11) Who were Pilgrims?
a) They were Puritans and were persecuted by the Church of England.
b) They were Separatists and were persecuted by the Church of England.
c) They were pagans and were persecuted by the entire country of England.
12) What was the name of the ship that brought Pilgrims from England to Plymouth Rock?
a) Mayflower
b) Mary Rose
c) Aurora
13) When did it happen?
a) 31st November
b) 6th September 1620
c) 1st January
14) How many decks did the ship have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
15) How long did it take to get to America?
a) 66 days
b) 77 days
c) 88 days
16) How many passengers were there on the ship?
a) 138
b) 102
c) 26
17) What was the average age?
a) 32
b) 48
c) 55
18) How old was the oldest passenger?
a) 48
b) 55
c) 64
19) What was the name of the baby that was born onboard?
a) Oceanus
b) Poseidon
c) Perun
20) How many passengers survived the first winter?
a) 103
b) 73
c) 53