Aktuální výměny mládeže:


Aktuální výměny mládeže:
únor 2012
jih o č e s k á in f o r m a č n í
c e n t r a p r o m lá d e ž
www.icmck.cpdm.cz www.oskrebul.cz/icm www.icmtabor.cz
SOUTĚZ o nejlepší studentskou
Centrum pro studium demokracie a
kultury a Centrum politického
myšlení vyhlašují Soutěž o nejlepší
studentskou esej věnovanou otázce
(obnovy) hodnot v politice.
Volit lze z následujících deseti témat:
• Politická moc, suverenita a
• Právo a odpovědnost
• Volný trh, vlastnictví a daně
• Veřejné dobro a korupce
• Solidarita - základ sociální
• Svoboda - kořeny a limity
• Demokracie a politické
• Politické společenství, národ
a stát
• Revoluce a evoluce (progres
a tradice)
• Populismus: problém
legitimity v současné politice
Texty o rozsahu nejvýše 8
normostran zasílejte do 31. srpna
2012 na [email protected].
Šest nejlepších esejí (tři z Česka a tři
z Polska) bude oceněno
symbolickým honorářem, přeloženo
a uveřejněno paralelně v Česku a
Polsku. Soutěž je součástí projektu
podpořeného Česko-polským fórem.
Více na www.cdk.cz.
Evropská soutěž pro mládež na
téma udržitelná budoucnost
Evropská agentura pro životní
prostředí (EEA) vyhlásila v
souvislosti s letošním summitem v
Rio de Janeiru soutěž Generation
´92 , které se mohou zúčastnit
Evropané narození v letech 19911993.
Podstatou soutěže je vytvořit video
na téma, jak si mladí Evropané
představují udržitelnou budoucnost v
horizontu 20 let. Vítěznou cenou
bude finanční odměna ve výši
několika tisíc EUR a pozvání na
červnovou konferenci do Kodaně,
kde budou představeny nejlepší
1. místo: 3000 €, 2. místo: 2000 €,
3. místo: 1000 €
Příspěvky mohou být do EEA
zasílány v období od 1. března do 2.
dubna 2012.
Více na www.eea.europa.eu.
Evropská soutěž PASSION
Výzva pro kreativní studenty VŠ zapojte se do evropské soutěže
Soutěž The e-Skills Week Project
Passion Competition je součástí
celoevropské kampaně e-Skills Week
2012 / Evropský týden IT dovedností
2012, kterou iniciuje Evropská
Téma soutěže: Elektronické
dovednosti: Otevřená cesta
k zaměstnání mnoha tváří! (e-Skills:
there is a job waiting for you)
Soutěž je určena studentům
posledních ročníků vysokých škol
nebo čerstvým absolventům VŠ,
kteří studují obory jako komunikace,
žurnalistika, audio-visuální umění,
design, media, digitální technologie
apod. V rámci soutěže mohou
studenti vytvořit kreativní video, film
nebo hudební příspěvek! Vyhrajte
stáž v jedné z renomovaných IT
firem a finanční odměnu 1000 EUR!
Více informací zde www.dzs.cz.
Termín soutěže je 30. 6. 2012.
Aktuální výměny mládeže:
Youth exchange in Slovakia
A group of
are looking
for sending
for a youth
exchange that they are going to
apply for 1.5.2012
Description: We are group of 9
youngsters from Streda nad
Bodrogom (South-East Slovakia).
Our region have typical village
stroke with beautiful nature and
around the village flows river
Bodrog. In our region are some
castles, churches, wine cellars
because this region is part of wine
locality Tokaj.
The topic of our Exchange is: The
European Union after 50 years.
This topic consists from seven parts
which are:
The role of family in society
Building practices
Management system
Eating habits
Free time, entertainment
Registration is open to 2. April 2012.
Contact person: Róbert Harda, email: [email protected]
Youth exchage in Spain
The youth
organisation Obre't'ebre, are looking
for organizations who would like to
cooperate with us to create a tri- or
multilateral Youth Exchange in
September 2012.
We will
with group of
seven girls
from 14 to
18 years
from a CRAE (educational centre for
girls with special needs). As they
don't have the same oportunities as
other youngsters of their age we
would like to go abroad with them
and facilitate an international
Who can apply?
Non-governmental organizations
from EU member states.
From each organisation: 7
participants + 1 leader from each
country. Our group will participate
with more than one leader as there
will be also at least one educator
from the center. Gender balance is
Working language: English. Our girls
speak only little English even though
we will try to prepare them by
establishing a small language course
within the preparation of the Youth
Centrum pro pomoc dětem a mládeži, obecně prospěšná společnost Český Krumlov
Informa ční centrum pro mládež ,Špičák 114, 381 01 Český Krumlov, tel/fax: 381 712 427, http://icmck.cpdm.cz
únor 2012
jih o č e s k á in f o r m a č n í
c e n t r a p r o m lá d e ž
www.icmck.cpdm.cz www.oskrebul.cz/icm www.icmtabor.cz
If you are interested, please contact
us via message or mail until the 5th
of March in order to have enough
time to do the planning together.
Project runs from 01/09/2012 till
[email protected]
NAYOFEST 2012 in Ghana
around the
want to
travel and
make contacts and learn from
different cultures. This is why
BYF/Ladybug Project and
PASSWORD NGO organize a once-ayear event in Ghana, where the
youth from all over the world can
meet their peers from other
We invite you to participate in II
International Youth Festival
“NAYOFEST”: which is going to take
place on the beautiful mountainous
serene environment in the Jasikan
district, Volta Regionjasikan.ghanadistricts.gov.gh. More
than 200 people from different
regions of the Ghana and foreign
countries are expected to participate
there. Participants from Ghana, USA,
Romania, Canada, Latvia, Russia,
The Netherlands, UK, Czech
Republic etc. Project runs from
23/06/2012 till 03/07/2012.
[email protected]
Themes: The main themes are
Healthy living-A must for today's
youth and development cooperation.
With this project we aim to promote
even outside the African context the
importance of the African/world
values, develop tolerance among
young people, promote the mobility
of young Sicilians, youth and cultural
exchange, contribute to the
development of the local
community, and contribute to
disseminate more information about
Millennium Development Goals
Healthy living can be said to be
ensuring that ones own personal
health needs are met through
nutrition, physical exercise, spiritual
well being and a sense of balance by
knowing ones limit.
The youth of today are less sensitive
to almost all of the above and tend
to treat their health needs with no
sense of urgency. They also fail to
realize that healthy living goes
beyond eating. Identify some of the
challenges in observing a healthy
lifestyle, Work together to come up
with creative ideas that will make
healthy living a must for the youth,
Create awareness among the youth
that their health needs should be of
concern to them, HIV/AIDS
education, awareness and its
implications and the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs).At least
five of the eight goals are in the
area of health.
Objectives are:
- Cultural exchange-at the end of
the festival, participants will have
the opportunity to attend many local
traditional festivals in Ghana
- Healthy living among the youthHealthy living can be said to be
ensuring that ones own personal
health needs are met through
nutrition, physical exercise, spiritual
well being and a sense of balance by
knowing ones limit.
- Sports-there will also be sports
activities (soccer, basketball, cycling
- Contact making-making new
friends are one of our objectives.
- Tourism-there will be a tour for all
participants to many tourist sites
- Community development-some
selected primary schools will be
painted by participants.
- HIV/AIDs awareness campaignparticipants will move from
community to community to create
awareness of this deadly disease
especially among the youth. There
will also be distribution of
contraceptives to these
- Creation of new international youth
socially-oriented projects ready to
be jointly implemented
The age of participants aged from
16 years and above.
Cost: Registration fee for
participants is $1000.
The fee includes:
Local transport
Night club (disco)
Medical insurance
Tips for tour guide
All fees to your places
Please note, that participants or the
sending party should bear the costs
of transport (flight) to Ghana. A
group of 10 people and exceeding
are entitled to 10% discount.
Více na www.youthnetworks.eu
Aktuální EVS
EVS in Italy
Tempo Libero
is a sending
located in Brescia, Northern Italy.
For the deadline of the 1st of May
2012 they are looking for some EVS
volunteers, to be hosted in some
organizations located in the province
of Brescia (for a complete
description of the activities you can
have a look on the online database http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/h
- 1 volunteer, the activities in a
Home for elderly people. Duration
from 6/09/2012 till 6/06/2013.
- 4 volunteers,the activities will be
carried out in a Home for people
with disability. Duration from
6/10/2012 till 6/07/2013.
[email protected]
Deadline for applications and
motivation letters is the 2/04/2012.
Skype: mguaschi.tempolibero
Centrum pro pomoc dětem a mládeži, obecně prospěšná společnost Český Krumlov
Informa ční centrum pro mládež ,Špičák 114, 381 01 Český Krumlov, tel/fax: 381 712 427, http://icmck.cpdm.cz