Dear business partners, We would like to inform


Dear business partners, We would like to inform
plaan czech, s.r.o.
Ostrovní 126/30, Praha 1 – Nové Město
Branch office: Bílanská 1818, Kroměříž
tel./fax: +420 573 334 832
Dear business partners,
We would like to inform you about change of the address of company plaan czech, s.r.o., valid from
26th of June 2012.
Company Registered office: Praha 1 – Nové Město, Ostrovní 126/30, PSČ 110 00, Czech Republic
Branch office: Kroměříž, Bílanská 1818, PSČ 767 01, Czech Republic
The Billing address is the address of the company Registered office from 26th of June 2012, the
mailing address is the address of the branch office.
Other identification details are not changed.
Completely contact details are:
plaan czech, s.r.o.
Registered Office:
Praha 1 – Nové Město, Ostrovní 126/30, PSČ 110 00, Czech Republic
VAT No.:
Branch Office:
Kroměříž, Bílanská 1818, PSČ 767 01, Czech Republic
We are looking forward to the next successful cooperation.
Best regards,
Miloš Blahák
IČ: 27699790, DIČ: CZ27699790
Firma zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku u Krajského soudu v Brně, odd.C, vložka 52975.