PRAZSKE JARO PRAGUE SPRING 56 MEZINARODNI HUDEBNI FESTIVAL 56TH INT[RNAT10NALヽ 4uSic FESTIVAL 27 KVETEN SPANELSKY SAL 14ハ 1 27 SP411lS■ 1鳳 [ι Komornl orchestry Prattsk6 iar0 PFague Spring 2001 56 mezinarOdnr hudebnf festival rl 5ε ′ ′ ″′ θ′″′!′ 0"a′ 〃″s′ οFes′ ′νa′ 0,1[,r,P,kt''01``==sV=t hlJt,,い 01,│,n,,, aA`oc,ct ilJoblitl ls,ItO,`k,re,ui X, ,f・ おls,,cti,,l● 出■ ,1■ ll● ″ ,I“ =“ `,14川 '1曰 '`t詢 `P′ ′ `│サ,T,1,,,l ll′ s,`た │, ′ ,`r'`r′ `,パ `I略 Pod =`,11lou O(ozidenia 03sk`ieoJb ky v6Glava Havl` lε ρ ∂′ ′ θ′∂′θθ′′ 力θP″ S,υ θβr υρυ;′ ′ 力′θ ay″ a yθ ′ θ′′ 力θεzθ θ ρ″b″ θF● θ′ Spo JpoFadatel‐ h avol mOsi3 P[aha P′ ,σ 〃 θ ′″θ r― ε′ l.7θ ′ εつθ `∂ Vぃ ,ou,「 lo,M n slorsiveil ku‖ ury ′ ′ η″ θ ′ ηassθ `● '力 llじ M′ O:sk`千 :,ub k, ″たrry θ′ε′ ′ れ θ,″ │,,θ │′ =θ ,"′ ″′ 0′ に Piaha 12 kvё ten-3 0erven tla/ ′2 プuη θθ PRAZSKE JARO PRAGUE SPRING Me2 n`子 oO■ f卜 udebnた ■ival Pra2skO iarO d`k両 e za bSkavou podpo「 ulさ mto spo eさ nosI・ m( gene■ lninu pa● merovi Cesk`spoiitelnt a s olc lln mu partneЮ vis p rransgas a Onて "`賄 9oo,4″ d n mu automoblu Mercede,3en2 Jttk"`e口 らわ′め″ `わ aa`ο rd″ σ "箔 “"d,p"t η′IO●al恥skF“ ●va″ お力 "懃 ″ ″αO′ ρ '商 gで `,ο aで"d″ d巫 3aッ ーリ鐵 b′"珈 ω a,d″ “ ` `p rral`,ぉ Komorni orchestry nedde 27 kvё tna.20:00 SllB∂ a´ Aぬ/2Z aθ θρ ″ ,ぉ ll″ a″ ,panё sky s6 5ρ ∂ F可 :naga Kengy0 ●ri Kel Azech,Rosen TOSha Mmoru M H) Shin Vachivolishi MinOFu M:ki Parafra2e na davnOu iaponskou hudbu Paiapll`asで ∂力で 「 4Л aθηrlapan6θ Must` l Pre ude 2 50hmon 3 Tanomai 4 Rulka 5 Kagei prestavka lll口 νa′ Takashi Voshimatsu ηs ve snach.bez snl 171ttl17'で ∂ , И力t力 ουt,で∂′ `η ν ν a″ r l Sen vody″ eaη llF 2 Sen dreva ,で ∂″ 0′ ″ood ηO′ Flle 3 Sen ohnё ,で ∂′ 4 Sen mrakO,で a″ Or dο υ 5 Sen vzduchu″ea,0′ 4″“ Akira lfukube Bintatara per 16 strumenti di Ciappone PRO MuSicA NIPPON:A Takuo Tamura‐ d rigent ωηdll● o′ elfolag spdu`dnklleク υ “`ρ sqθ rarο Tere2a M6tlova― soprdn Myttenka wJを l v soudobё kompoJで pra瀾 zulζ tnosl iaponSk`tradて ni hudby h n6stroll.m3を eb′ t v mnOha a,dnetn,(h ZVUkOv,ch mOを nOsJ,pOnS● “ (h hudebnに ohttdech vdに e inspraivni Me洒 obzv O,tё pFinosoO nsp raて ni momenty iapOnSkさ hudebni tradに e patr wznamn6`応 ha tOmbru iakO fOrmOwOrnlho prostFedku zelmё na v souv`o● e(h s vyJを lim un k`iniho zvuku tradて n ch nOstrO10,iakO iSOu θ 0ゎ apod dde u口 atnёnf tFebaぬ んねこ η O絡 o kagυ fa"e sJ b′ ll a● "な `々 nosi tradい ho notopも u nに h slntuttnに h myttenに vych koncepti,vに eznaて tra出 て a v nepottedtt FadO p肖 引oveて n`uspOlnOsu ttadFOVacに h prOstFedk` ivい ponsk`tradttt hudbё jab ieden z iOた h CharaktelslckO s6ntnost.fung可 に Havnに h formoivoin′ ch prOStFedku′ kOrespondule s nё kte″ mi V,VO10V′ m trendy soudobO kompozて ni praxe z6padoevropskё hudby kde se v reakc na pFevさ dalに mdodに ko molИ ck,plndp poJednに h staに Oo切 eV可 l rOl noそ tendence k posle“ funk〔 e 1 t`mbru Oを vuli〔 i nlhradou zaオ rO(en6 ntonaて ni spec ika a pnrOzenOu charaktelslku ko nbstroov`hO ZVuku u Ookonaに zn可 ににh a temperovanё mtonulに にh nOstro10 Ma引 〔 romani(k● ho olchestru m12o bvt prlvё .7uを li pivod“ ho mゞ rumentlr・ Tadに 前 i mnOhostrannO moを nosu pnIozenで adё ni a tで mbrovO zv O,toosl tOchlo n6stroil nabレ 可 k Юz`千 に市,klり vy adぬ Va(に h prostぬ dka sOudOb7ch skbdatdi Ved e tO(hto spge techR(k,Ch aSpektu matte nsp"ace myttenim Dl n`hO V,ChOdu s iehO pFttnaて nou t・ ndenci k p uraltё a snahou nach`zet vに e sprlvn,(h ёse nevy uさ uli(〔 Ch Fe,enitё hott prob Omu p odn0 0bohalt souて asnou hudbu nbviaw k pOstuplm.znさ m′ m nelenOm z mimoevropsk,(h hudebnich kuLu: Ыei zd`vnё Mstone na引 uastni hudb,Mea tabvё patr napF nё kd可 唸labita 8 otevFenost iorem plnc p neurて 10stiて opё lovn`poslen1 6 ohy improv “zacelako a VZliern■ SV`b,nd ro■ ny hudeb“ hterpreta(e,pFekraて 可にI PO StЫ er z6vazn′ mOdd"υ S g籠 〔 Ve stnkt“ pOdObё ttxoⅥ nOho dla l.ko Fdnё Spぬ vnё mo2nosu ρ "● sebevЙ 6dreni hudebniho )I ZⅥ 8t“ lodコ い ol s″ 一 勁わつ ¨ ansbmblovou lpravou klasickO skladby pro koま 2 “ `n ldて nё ■i口 出て pЮ いdё na lko s∂ η ゆa ―.hudba tF・ tedy v obsazeni々 0わ se zpё vem. ll`“ aS∂ 々ll・ ∂dVて stё nstrumentl ni ve21 ●′ kterou v rOce 1975 upra輌 I Mhoru Mttt隆 中Azech (K・ da Azed)a Rosen Tosha(Rosen To,dl卜 OU zduraznё ny pivkv tradて nho tance slsl"∂ dopЮ v6zendho lё tnou a bubny a vztahuiに` ihO Se km′ ICk・ ″ 時 bytosu Sttadbaて aslo引 ouオ iak0 1・ 1akbl,OVertura na pFに hodnou・ k v astnlmu vys10upeni bOhem kterO hrad postupnё nastupuJ na leViζ tё M■ 0子 O M kl 豊 autOrem ie Fujinaga KengyO(M str Fudttnaga a b′ ′4 itlrmを Komorni orchestry Mhoru Mi晰 930)引 o副 Sttadbu焔 あ ′わυゅ 0″ ″ /t乃 ′∂ρ力raSθ (Parafrbze na dlvnou lapOnskou hudbO vに 10Ch 1965 66 a ta se vzろ pOl staぬ wznamn,m “ mezniに m na pol soudobё iaponsk`● orby AutoriOim prOStFedncMIn manrestonl sv`p・ svё dて enl,2e pr6vё v nezkrotnosti vl`nich a ene● 1 ldi d6Vnё ho,aponska lze nJ`zi mhdstvou a raznorOdOu pnЮ zenOst hudtt keЮ uレ e podtovat,ko Opavdu moderni Sttadba mさ pё tて ,sti Ovodni″eludit,Vych6ゴ z iednoducho formy l oddly"″ ο η zJo2en`na mstrumentOhi barevnosl,pた dznamenlvaに inl引 ed可 に ya SkuOna dterん o a poddn` oゎ a butnaわ ル bSky Sopr6n,pFに n`netna η le pも nさ ina勢 々 “ 昴 adzde vzaemnO PFezn∼ 可1 0dpOVdaF● ′a lm vytvさ re iり │(kOu vё tu ο na′ ψov`m pdゐ η ie scherzO v rOzhOdnё m pregnantnim rvtmu,ktett ie odvozen z pra・ tarё ho pOsvlinOho tan(e pro ceremonぬ slzeni「 vを ov′ (h whOnku Tdnec na Do proudu Ыubok,ch t6n3● 々 昴advnさ Jedu d pohFeb“ p“ 前動ka vstup11 力∂どve ysOk・ poloze Zlvё retnl .lamentace citery koゎ a tOny dal,iヽ a々 υ n`引 avnosl,pn kterё J m ad千 さst κ∂ O ie hudebnim obrazem dlVn`ldovO taneて だ ク ‖ dO vzliemnё Zp● al p“ nё bsky a v t.aFd mに necに pbtt PFlemno vzru`ent kter` m`,vO koFeny v idsk,Ch hSunktech,zde postupnё narOstさ aを k vrchdu a pak se energi〔 ke ,Ch e ulζ i Ptt kompo力 (sk adby力 ″θ alVaSeル ・・εレ θ e snO(h,beze Sn3)Se Takashi Voshimatsu A・ “ (Taka蒟 JOlmacu′ 1953)ins口 rOⅥ I Wttadem a mterpretacr sn3,sOu pFttn vё てn ko,vaレ e zmOnl, nepHz市 v`na takove ktere pln6菊 ,tё sti?Skladba mb pё tて Osti 千 sen vody sen dFeva,sen ohnё ′sen mrakl a sen vzdu(hu Vznikla pavOdnё (1988)pro vyn kajに l hrま ku na々 οわ Nanae Yosh mura(Nanae Joζ mura) bka,師 お a soubor Waner sOも ten iak0 `hmaも o sttadba pro d.acelstrunnё ttο o日 annet.houtte a udon(dtt V roce 1998 1 nに h nOstro10 sHadatd pた pra(ovЫ pro々 ο "a sedm tladで zkOmpOnott v roce 1973 Akira θ η″ppons,(h dl G● SHadbu θわ●●″ρer′ 6S"η rukube(19141 Je ms口 rovさ na hudbou=1埼oれ ""θ ,kterl vzkvetЫ a v,aponsku v obdobr Hdan(7921185)a bJa nelspに la● ml prdm6nim formttni posvOinO hudby(`a`k・ ho e leli Charaktensl(k`"sy dvora se svetskou hudbou‖ dovou PFedpO鳳 ldl sら せ a ndode bJysmё ダhud,t・ hdttζ hO Japonska Cmy a mde,,● zlan6 tё を nで formy ttdO pけ Himυ ●● ρbプ a ZFttmё hudbou pro憫 zenou zpё vem,be2 n匈 ak`pFも"η pn“ mprOMzOvanё tantt allに h tance vに hdけ nakOne(v ЫOz品 vё m vre“ Pro v,echny kte肖 (hteli nas ouchat,miを e bi setk`ni s vvlimeて n′ m sOubOrem iak,m ie PrO Musca N ppOn a,skutetn,m muL kuLumim mostem a tak`led neて nOu pFneを 10sti k daに r vzalemn`nsp rac v mnOha rovinさ (h meコ r`zn′ mi kuLurami rozdln′ mi hudebnim tradに em myttenkowm kOncepty V,chOdu a Z6padu Va`lJav Matouヽ ck lnstrumenthF souboru いstrumentaF souboru tvor tradて Or nostrole Ze vζ ech h`tol〔 Japonska Mnohё ●(h Obdob〔 z nに h isou obsaを eny uを v unikbtni sbirce dnceu tr dШ hu nbst Olu ヽklhll"よ ● ひ Z neirlZnttζ iCh konて n tehdeiζ fhO svё ta,kter6 se do(hovda v prottJ`pouad■ h avnim mё st・ JapOnska Nara “ Ve sb"ce z po ov ny 8 sto etile u o2enO nё kolk exemp 6Fuて ,r d pё Jstrunn0 いsk・ 崎uiny ρ ぬ bプ y Zl・ lmё pFedohou cd`lady laponskych vanant tOhOto nOstrole,ぃ “ “ ν∂a daに 1 0dpoて dneζ nf saα ″η∂― b′ No,いkυ zenめ ん buiny'lla kterさ ' に sσ soわ v chr6mu"ぬ ′ ∂ ′v nё kdo,im ゃuastnё ObdObou zn6mOて tO butny T・ k`pFedStav可 千 ahiavnim “ 3 stoleti byla b′ vu″ θ ke 7・ οη οク∂ doprovodn′ m nostrolem pn rechad hrd nsk,Ch epick′`tku(h1 Zpё "rl pFedn`ζ enych potu nymi buddh sl(k′ mi mn(hy Z depoz10FI動 znlme nastarJ do(hovan`dnsk・ ust“ varh`nky贅 り pou2¨ nou v(eremonめ hr `0わ pFimOu pFedbhu pro,1に h lponSkou modikad“ (`a`k`ho dvoo""kυ ltl uttechlb● vltrbenO hudba a pH nych a podO nych 16ten isou oけ adech MeJ Fadou tamnに hp百 て hudbё ,ponsk・ h。 srわ `=,"ふ n6strae z bambusu,ze引 o■ o宙 ny z Jabastru a leden dOkOn(ez,denu PO(hlィ tny potuh′ ch odtud naSta``znlml podoba ttk〃 わ ∂ d podЫ n`bambusov`悧 ё ,m面 chi nco,・ 2 1pOnSkehO stFedovё ku Ze zde dochottn,ch plて n′ (h neten se abυ e a ttο bυ e Zttmё wⅢ nuり pFedevttm v動 ふ ltulは h pouを ″υ "aΠ `々 6pravou,voを enim pouを ′ 々 υPozdttζ F drobnou a nelspgei n`tna″ "anl v 939∂ a netna η oゎ 出n′ mdOd(k′ nlstra d Юdb η。 Zu芝 可 にhO kanlku rο`k贅 oO vz市 劇 0`ヽ 」 eho 力 WOFr kiOmo 10iny η Oわ ηu21enom in ″a“`● a"″ OJ旬 にh pFed ohy znOme samozFamё tak` ‐″′ `0‐ vpravdё askel(k,orChest4 zvan′ bubnμ 々 ο 6z17・ Komorni orchestry z poHadnに eSあ 0わ ●cbz開 ′Oαz〃 "mai a War pFeS,pacich hod n.rOzeznival se rderem rukOu lei ch ton lze pF hFe mod fikovat napinlnim ihir lvazu V ied neて n6mnお troiovOm SOubOru sbrrky ma ce Ou radu pFed oh i nesm"nё pOpu lrnilaponSk6(lera bo Hudba pro● fa vzkvOtab zom`na v ObdoЫ ど dQ od 17 stdel,kdy tt takeた 9endl「 ni neⅢ dom′ unuOz na tentO nast OI YatsuhaSh KengyO(M`tr Jacuha引 ) PrakJcky v,echny zmmё n`nbstrole卜 Ou souて 6SJ instrument6Fe souboru Pro lvlusica NippOnia Pro up nOstie le'tё OVζ em nutno dOp nl Fadu daRに h nOstroin PFedevttm isou tO rlzn`b cr n6stiOle, po(hlzttKf Z hStrumentlγ e buddhstに 対ch chrlmo jako napF,dFevё nb ζ tOrb■ ovё ho r・ ba・ v pr3mё ru a s ouセ ik ゃxtl― sゴ で4 ―ηο 々 υ ブοve t7aru bubnu′ kte″ m]芝 e mttiVに ne2 metr Ⅳtm za(pn pFednesu posv6in′ ch nebo do引 ova,vdk′ buben・ -0ある J nO zas naopak po(h6zelispSe z hudby ldov` a dvaddnl lkO dV可 にe dFevё n,ch perkuダ ,2 金kυ δ " nebo dFevё nё k apaて ky bわ ″ ,M鶴剛 穏 鑑 :T糖譜咄 朧 舞 Jedい ,m smyと Owm nOStrO em iapOnSke tradこ ni hudby ie bendお v`ho,pu s korpusem pOtaを en′ m kO江 a ten,m krkem bez praを (l a zdom6(nё ly v JaponSku tepⅣ e ctvl stde“ smyて cem a ,viO10ncelovO・ △ bё hem poslednich Nam“ O obFmo trsltka se btt rOzeznm douh′ drを enli smyて m (ov6 te(hnika odkazu1l spge na lehOて いske neを evropskё smyて (ov` ,pFibuzn`・ Nё kter`tradに ni n6strole bプ y V pottedni dobO novovan“ VZnkり tr・ ba nnanw dtew kο O v basovO pdoze a o vetダ m l・ ∂ rozsahu s dttceu strunam neb0 1`ina力 々 こkterl m`to h anhemlonに kou pet tOnov,ch OtVOtt vydlⅥ iに に pentatOnku,m6otvora sedm.d dokonce dⅣ ё t a umOを htte tak snaz“ hru d atonに k,(h i nё kter・ (h chromal(k,(h t6nl V asl,av Mabugek The idea to apply to contempOrarv(ompOs tion the special character st cs oF trad tional,apanese musi(and the unique sound of,apanese musi(al instruments may in many respeds′ prOvide 9reatinsP rat On Among the paⅢ culaHy ere(t ve insp rational sour(es of the,apanese mulcal tradit on,timbre plays an impOrtant ro e as a form creatng med um plnc paly n(onneclon w th the unique(haractr of trad面 onJ mstruments su(h as the"a々 昴∂ ′″δ 々aa bク υ ″ e Sわ o勤 ∂ `abυ 々οゎ et( the app cat On oftrad tional sp r tualintelle(tual con(epts′ the various`¨ “ (onnotat,ons of trad t,onal notation and′ last but nllt least the proverbial e(onomy of express ona means The,pCa sound qua w spe(I(10 tradl ona Japanese mul(as one of ns chief form crealng med a.(orrespOnds w th some oFthe devo opmenta trends n ing motf and melodi( pln(p e establshed overthe ast f● w(entules,we wl see trends to c nfoκ e contempOratt VVeStern music fvhere,in resPonse to the preva‖ the fun(t on oftimbre The use of or ginalinstruments may indeed provide a restorat ve subst tute for lostintonat onal spe(fi(s and the natural(haracter st cs Of peFe(t and tempered intoning instruments found in the Classi(al Romantic Orchestra The trad tiOna,natural tuning and spe(ial timbre of these instiuments Otter versatle oppOltun ties to b「 oaden the ran9e of the expresslonal means open to(ontempOrarv(ompOsers Apait FrOm these more technical aspe(`the inspirat on of FarEastern thinking. wlh ts d sund ve tenden(y tovvards p uralit・ and the endeavourto lnd more corre(t and mutualy comprehensive solut ons to the same problem,may、 vel enhan(e (ontempOraw mus(by return n9 1o approaches faml ar not on y from mus(a (u tures outside[urope but also from the distant historv of our o、 nc Jde′ vn music These for examp e.erstwhie valabl,and Openness Offorms′ the pln(p e ofthe indef n te or the r・ inforcement of imprOvisat on as llustrat ve levels of musi(al ραイ p `dυ wnh nits stld the on y(orred fOrms Of mus ca seFexpress on ″ n9ement Ofa das釧 e ar● (d work forthe 、 "b“by Fulinaga `a spedJ ensemЫ 々οo “ w"ten Kengyo(MaestrO Fuinaga).and`tradl onaly performed as`∂“nぃkυ ― mus(of three・ ,namey 8(Omb nalon ofthe々 οo wlh singe`sわ an′ ηand slla々 υ力∂cl・ ′The purely instrumental verslo■ ,arranged in 1 975 by MmOru Mk `θ Kett Aze(h and Rosen Tosha contЫ ns domhant dements ofthe tradl ona dance勁 おわ ■′ ηa,a((ompan ed by the nute and drum■ and s asso(ated ・ 、 v th the mythical lon creature The vvork frequent y serves as a kind of・ ovetture・ for the main performance′ dulng whに h the musに ians 9radua‖ y make ther interpretation,for centur es transcending the binding mOdel of the opυ appearan(e on stage 10 s Komornl orchest"y rbゐ ″ 力 Minoru Mim 1930 wrotethe work綺 あ′ θらりん η ′ ″se ンο “pelod 1965 66 wh(h (Paraphrase ater Andent,apanese MuJO dunng the immed ate y became an important andmark n(ontempo「 arv Japanese wrt ng Through this、vork the(ompOser man fested his convict on that the unru ness′ pass10ns and energy of the people of an(ientJaPan embody the youth and heterogene tv of muJc wh ch can be th astru y modern The work has lve patts The introductow preル lb(omplses a lmp e form based on nstrumenta co our 、 vhich anticipates the subsequent palts ∫ο hnο ηis a song Oflove The sopranQ side blo、vn flute ηOkaη ′the b′ Ⅳa lute′ the 9rOup of々 0わ z thers and the end― blo、 vn fute sわ ∂ 々υ力∂ひ′interJveave the r melodies and respond to each othei thus(reat ng a lyr(al movement The ri(e f eld dan(e ゐηαη∂′is a s(herzo in a decisive adept rhythm′ del ved'om the ancient sacred dance for the(eremonial plani n9 0f rice in the next palt the Rυ ′ 々a shoots The current oFthe deep tones of the s3a々 υわ∂ひ′ dirg⊆ carr es along v・ th it the energet c ・ lanentat on・ of the々 οゎ z thers and other SI∂ 々 LI∂ ′h a hghに 」stel The inЫ pa嗜 く age,off・ rsa mul(Ы mage ofan ancient folk “ dan(e ceremony dur ng、 vhich yOung people sang love sOn9s to each other and selected the r paitners The agreeable ex(tement born of human inst ncts, here 9radually grows to a(lmax and then swit y fals slent Takashl Yoshlmatsu 195助 found inspi at on in the narrat on and nterpretalon OF dreams whle he was wrt ng力 ″θ4囮 se)4″ ηθ●9aθ (Wnhn Dreams Wnhout Dreams)Are they favourable or negative2(an unpleasant dreams be repla(ed by those vvhich br ng good foitune2 The 、 vork has five partsithe Dream of ヽ Vatei the Dream of 711ood,the Dream of Fire the Dream of Clouds and the Dream Of Aに w“ ten forthe "was exce olg ent々naly(1988) 0ゎ p ayer Nanae Yoshimura and the Vienna So o sts ensemb e as a work for lar net′ vio n a■lventy str nged kc、、〔 and(e‖ o l■ 1998 the compOser にwrote tfor kο ゎ and seven tiadit onal,apanese instruments A,ra lFu`u)3 11 ″ηね●々 ρer′ σ υ″ ″′ σlρροpevVaswlten n 1973 byAkira lfukube “ lk,純 muttc wh(h loulshed m Japan dunng the Hdan 910"Was hslred `″ by θ penod(7921185)and waS probab y some k nd offus on offorma sacred mus(at “ the imper al court and secu ar rOlk mus( 15 charadelsi c tra ts and melodies were ¨ ra asO supposed y a blend of mus(from,apan,(hina and lnd a atthat time a‐ 1,vvas evident y mus(aC(Ompan ed by song.wthout any stlct known asいヽ Rυ form P・ ople are"● sald tO have improvised dances dur ng this musi(、 vhich(ulminated n a frenz ed wh H of movement For a‖ those、 vho、vish to hear music,an en(ounter,vith su〔 h an excelent ensemble as Pro 14usi(a Nipponia generates the setting fOr a truly mu ti(ultural bldge n aに o provides a un que oppOrtuni,forfurther mutua nsplaJon on vanous planes― bet、 veen diI・ rent cu tures dissimilar musical trad tions and the inte‖ (oncepts of[ast and VVest ectual vlast s av Matoし t・ ω b心'ek 昴 ′″ 鮨Ю″ instruments performed by the ensemble The instruments played by the ensemble are tradit onalinstruments dat ng from al per ods in,apanese histor・ lvlany of theln are(ontained in a unique(olect on of tAen,thに e tvpes of mstruments from valoJS pa“ ofthe reJon aS t Wasthen whに h suⅣ Ved h the cdebrated SAあ 0あ treasu″ Of theわ め″itempい h Nara, the former cap ta1 0f Japan The co‖ e(t on from the rnid-8th(entu"compr ses several examples of fou卜 or ive― stlnged b lta lutes、 vhich aie sim‖ arto the fam‖ iar Chinese lute These lutes,vere evident y the modelfor a・ ・vhole ser es of Japanese var anS Of this instrument Su(h as todayヽ ,お 切ηa b続,aklzeη 窃 !Ma and others From the beginning ofthe 13th centu"the b′ 142ヽ VaS the chief nstrumental ac(ompan ment dulng performan(es of ta″ heroに epに songs pe formed by Heike nll′ 0ク ∂ traveling Buddhist monks The Sl δ sδ ′ n depOstow alSO〔 Ontained the eariest suⅣ iving(hinese mouth or3an sl・ ε、、the d re(t inspiration for its,apanese mod fi(at on sha used during (eremonial mus(at the lapaneSe imper al(oun.9agakυ O e nOЫ たl ntuJs 0 0rreined mu10 and dunng勁 The range of side‐ blo、 vn "ゎ from this and end‐ blo、vn flutes source nc udes nstrumenも made from bamboo vorv 12 ρ′ ]o∂ Komorni orchestry 々 ′ Jso 〃 abbaSter and one even from lde rle ea‖ たst known,pe of`わ ∂ "“ monks of Or 9inates irom here― end― blo、vn bamboo flutes played by the it nerant nothingness・ dur ng the Japaneseヽ 4,ddle Ages The side― b10An flutes surviving fiom e and"わ Obυ θused dulng ths b(alon probabけ chefy gave nse to the●9υ `abυ the 5わ たi ntuaに ′and presumably a so the γυ″k'lut・ performed as part of the "ゎ vn A later minOr rnod fication involving the inseltion oF a tapered tube kno、 クaga々 」 as η οσ ●produCed the η θ 力ηlute′ the o‖ y mdodに mstrulnent used by the″ ο わ theatle ns tuv as(etC Or(he“ o.cJに d力 3yashi em口 Oyed add t on to the η δ 々 ∂ ηfute ηう0お the々ο Z17・ Osδ natura‖ y a so olginate from the Sわ`uz′ iesemble hour glaSSes they are struck O‖ y three drums h ′ and the"lko The r mOde s 0々 οおlz.r′ and Oお by"treasu"■ hand and theii lz lm′ notes may be mod fied dur ng play by tightening the str ngs of the binding llle highly popular,apanese々 0● zither also has a ser es of or 9inal mOdels in this unique conect On Of instruments lrlusic for々 EOo per od,'om the 17th(entur″ οo f our shed particular y dur ng the the era of the legendav bind virtuoso on this ηg/0(Maestro Yatsuhash) いstrument bお υわθ ′κθ `力 PradiCaly al the instruments mentiOned here are used by the Pro 14usi(a NippOnia ensemble For the sak of(ompleteness one should also ment on a number of othes These chief y include var ous percussion instruments、 vhich、 vere played in Buddhも ttemp e■ such as the・ wooden ish・ ―″ο響 wh(h can measure over one metre n d ameter and seⅣ ac(ompanying rhythm during the rec tal of sacred texts― vvhi(h itera‖ o,n the shape of a ttn drum. esto prOv de an sυ tra,or the instrument y means ・ large drum・ ―ι da々 O Others.hO、 vevei or ginated more in the folk or theatre musical env ronment′ lke the pair of、 vooden percussion instruments sllab、ふ ′orthe wooden dappes b′ ηza`∂ o The only bo、 ved instrument from the、 vor d of,apanese trad tional music is the 々ο゛ 、basicaly a smaler velsion Of the p ucked`力 ap`e■ a so known as sar9eη ― iteraly tlp e stlngヽ 3oth resemb e banioS Wに h Skin strethed overthe corpus and a na「 ow neCk wnhout frets they ontt beCame oca to Japan duno9 the ast four centunesい stead Of uJng a gant口 edrum′ the々 0`γ jも pbyed with a ttng bow and the・(e‖ o' postion and bo、 ving technique are suggest ve more of its Chinese rather than European bo、 ved counterparts Recent times have seen the innovat on of(eitain trad tional instruments For examp e.bass valantS Of the々 οゎ ather and the arger verJon wth twenw stlngS 々υ力∂[h′ flute、 vhich′ instead of five finge「 holes generat ng an anhemitoni( or the s力 ∂ pentatOnic s(ale.has seven holes or somet mes even nine.enab ng the playerto produ(e d aton(and(etta n(hrOmaJ(notes w th 9reater fadl″ lrS′ Va,11av Mabし ,ck 昴,い わυb "Ker。 13 PRO MuSlcA NIPPONIA Soubor Pro 14usi(a NippOnia zaloを lo v ro(e1964 ctrnO(l skladatell a hudebnFkl s neviedni deou:hrlt pledevζ im uastni soudObOu hudbu′ ovζ em nalaponsk・ tradに ni n6strae Duchovnrm otcem tOhoto prolektu by M nOru M kt kteけ lё ta vndて l osObnOstisouboru V souて se sta na asnosi mO soubor kolem ζedes6t てlen3.kteFi dle pOtFeby wl.│ぬ i narlzn。 引Sestavy a komЫ na(e tradtnに h iaponSk,Ch tO Wを adur aktu`hё reJレ o唸 n6vystoupenf a prOlektV Konce蔵 roて nё aklviw se sOustFedも I kdem pё l praИ ddn,ch temal(k,ch kOn(enu kompoJce pЮ iaponSに tndて ni い酬e ぬ novё Jeden“ z ni(h napFrklad v20y poて vytvor・ n` `tkem uv6di v premiё nlstrOle Od 10ta n・ laponSkych sHadatda z cd`hO svё ta praMddn,ch temal(kych kon(ennに h podni soubor uskuteて htte rOtno kdem kuLulni mst"uce a ζ ko,pO(dё m ,aponsku Vedぬ toho se vё ntte nahr6v6“ repFzentaJvnに h sttadeb svlhO repenol出 “ a samoz● mё se pod“ na nahravkOch prO wslln rozhbsu a tdeⅢ ze Vede sw(h ak」 ut V」 apOnsku vЙ 貶 ditdeso naて asta koncettni turnO dO zahran ti P「 o Mus(a N ppOn a hrh aj2 v destk`(h zem千 Evropy Amenk"As e 10(ein e MeJ svё lozn6m′ mi kOncertnimi sb y ve kte″ (h12 SOubor wstupovat stovky dJζ に h wstoupenf pro narizn可 nechybi napFiktad Carnegie Hal v Ne、 v Yorku o DvoFlkova sih Rudo fina′ lИ kde Pro Ъmuヮ pOpⅣ 0 30 zOγ 1972 t・ hdy natoて en Cesko引 ovenskou tdeuイ a,hO Z6Znam le dnes uastno● usi(a NippOnia hr`la pod taktovkou dir genta Tdkuo Kon(eⅢ bプ Cenn′ m h stOlck,m dOkumentem SoubOr tasto takO spO upracuie na spo eて nych prOlekteCh S Vyznamn′ mi zahranて nim oκ hestり Sttadba`″η 続 をρわσ ,kterOu Mmoru l・ k "'た zkomponOⅥ vfo(e1981 na o町 ednovku k dvoustで muv′ rOd ZJOを e● or(hestru 14 Komornl orchestry ‖pskOho Ge、 vandhausu osobitvm zpasobem prezentlle iapOnsk・ tradに ni n`strole vる mbhad sinstrumentlFem evrOps● m SOubOr Pro Mu引 (a N ppOna Odto doby mnOhokr6t uved tuto sdadbu spdu s rnzn′ m5V010Wm Symfon(k′ m tdes"vて etnё NewyOrsk・ l harmonに a spdupra(ovJ t02 s mnoh′ m ζpに kOWm Sdも ヽ jakO卜 Ou lsaac Stern a Yo Yo lvla Za svouて innost obdrを el takOこ Ptn6 mezinbrOdni ocenё nf PRO MUSICA NIPPONIA The Pro Mus(a N ppOn a ensemb e ltas estabished in 1964 by fOuneen(omposers and musicians un ted by an unJsualidealto perfOrm ch ely the"own(ontempOray mus(but on trad t,onal,apanese instruments 14inoru lvliki vvas the SlrLutt father of the proled who.for a leading 19ure in the ensemble The ensemble no、 v has around ttx,members whq depend ng on the o((asion form vanOus arrangemenS with asso t・ d combination5 of trad tionalJapanese instruments as req面 red by(urrent performances and prde(tS The v ties are concentrated around ive regular(oncetts per year each based on a palti(ular themo One ofthes⊆ 力に ,T● mJ「 1 for examplq is alvvays held at the be9inning Of summei presenting the prem eres of new works fortrad lona」 apanese nstruments by non Japanese compOse`from a‖ overthe wond Apart from these regu ar themat(con(etts the ensemble a15o peHに rms approximately one hundred other a(ross,apan They aК o concerts annua‖ y for various culturalinst tutions and schooに record mttor WOrks from the"reperto re y aし O appear on te ev`,on and radio Apan from the r Japanese engagements the ensemble also frequent y travels abroad on toui PrO iИ usica NippOnia has appeared in dozens of(ountr es in[urOpq Amel(a.As a and Ocean a Famous venues nc udq for examp c Carneg e Ha‖ n Ne、 v York and the Dvoγ Ok Hal at the Rudolf num in Prague vvhere the ensemble vvas conduded by Takuo Tamura for the frゞ t me on Saturday 30 September 1972 The concett was re(orded by Czechoslovak Telev sion and the programme is now 〔 onsidered a valuable histor(al document The ensemЫ e Jso iatures m idnt praeds withに adhg fordgn orchestras iヽ ふ,wltten by M noru M k n 1981 as a(omm`s on The work ttη ρ わ ο ο η /rol rlla′ レ for the ttlo hundredth anniversa"of the teipz19 Govandhaus.o■ ers an eie(t ve presentat on of trad tionalJapanese instruments in(Ombinat on the r[ulopean 15 PRA「 1● l iAH:` PRACllE SPRI‖ G 1:l[:臨 鰤:lI翼 楓 冊糧朧悧if酬 紀 脚器需;l:こ ]詰 よ ]』 York Phlharmon(Orchestra,and has appeared w th numerous top so10ists su(h as lsaac Stern and Yo Yo lИ a The ensemble has also re(eiVed a number Of nternaJonal awards ,m々 PRO MuSlcA NIPPOlllA obsazeni pro fest市 2θ O′ Ы Pra2ske iar0 2001 Юsrer Plaglle,p颯 "θ "Festlya′ Takuo Tamura d rigent ωηdtlcゎ ′ Kohd N`hkavja,Shgeto Ochi fue Naoyuki Manabe‐ ,6 sh0 YuI N`hihara― hに il晰 力 '6,"k, んacll, akuhaこ Kfu Miも uhash ζ Shbeyasu F可 Hiroshi `ak Soekawa― Ke“ ん aclli″ ″々 511a々 υ ttute‖ `hakυ 々 υ 力 aclli ηOkaρ nOkan `わ ∂ ;akuhaて ′ ζ akUhad こ Azech‐ ko町 Sh"o M noda ,am sen`的 ttanlsell り unko Tahara Vasutaka Aral‐ b vva Nanae Yoshimura.Kelko Miyakosht Chte SakuralAに miYamada― koto ShntarO Sendo.Taknoo MO(hレ Jk,Mに hip UsuИ Ыd ndstrole ραてυ lall “ IBI 《 m)The」 apan ││lt l' Cutura Arai6 of,apan N乱 留1馴I‰ NDATЮ N Foundation v