
VERSION 2.2. / 6.2
 With the optimization of the design preview we have accelerated the operation of the interactive
visualization environment.
 We have introduced a new appearance of object selection – previously the selected object was marked with
a cuboid, now it is outlined with an magenta contour accurately reflecting object's shape.
A new look of selection of objects
 We have added the ability to center the view on the selected object. The new ‘Center on selection’
option is available with a right-click, after the object has been previously double-clicked, as well as under the
new keyboard shortcut Alt+C. If no model is selected when you press the shortcut keys, the view will be
centered on the entire room in a default distance. After centering the camera will orbit around the object until you
move the view horizontally or vertically using the right mouse button.
Centering on selected object
it will be located in the central point of the view,
and zoomed in
 The ‘Scene’ tab now includes a new feature ‘Depth of field’, enabling the
production of image blur in the foreground or background, giving the
impression of depth and spaciousness of the scene. With the ‘Autofocus’ setting
enabled, simply set the view in relation to the focus marker indicating the optimum
focus point (little red square in the middle of the view). The distance of the depth
will be set at the object indicated by the marker. And to set the parameters
manually, change the positions of ‘Distance’ and ‘Blur’ sliders. The first of them
determines the distance of the maximum sharpness from the 'spectator's eye' and
the second slider is responsible for the level of blurring. In this case you decide
whether the closer or further plan of the scene will be sharp. Note: the 'Depth of
field feature in the 'Scene' tab cannot be used at the same time as the 'Anaglyph'
feature, described on the following pages, because of too large memory
consumption. When one of these functions is used, the other one becomes inactive.
But you can create anaglyph picture with the depth of field - while saving
visualization as pictures. To do so, in the visualization saving dialog box select the
'Anaglyph picture' option for the scene with previously set depth - the view will be the image will be properly rendered.
Various depth of field settings
in the same scene
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 The ‘Scene’ tab has also been enhanced with another interesting new feature:
‘Anaglyph’. The anaglyphic view offers the illusion of three-dimensionality
when viewed with special red/cyan glasses. To obtain the optimal effect, you
adjust two sliders: 'Separation' and 'Convergence".
'Separation' is responsible for the adaptation to the distance between the eyes
of the viewer. The narrower is the width of the monitor, the greater should be
the value of this parameter.
'Convergence' determines the distance over which the two axes of the
hypothetical eyes would converge. It should be set on the object on which we
want to focus the viewer's sight. This object can be identified by the fact that it
has only minimal turquoise and red "ghosts" - just like the faucet on the
illustration below. The 'Centering on selection' option, available under the right
mouse button after selecting the object, may be helpful when determining the
convergence - because it automatically sets on the object defined as the center
of the view.
The ‘Anaglyph’ option is available both in the standard rendering without lights
and in the 'lights on' mode (under [F1]), as well as in the Profession Rendering
Module after the application of the Radiosity and Raytracing algorithm
computations (the latter can be started by [F6]). Note: Professional Rendering
Module is a available as a standard in CAD Decor PRO program while for CAD
Decor and CAD Kitchens it can be separately purchased as an optional module.
The anaglyph effect can be also obtained in the dialog box for saving visualization as illustrations and 3DE
presentations - by selecting the 'Anaglyph picture' saving mode. The values of separation and convergence
displayed in the visualization saving window depend on the current settings in the 'Scene' tab. Note: the settings of
the 'Anaglyph' sliders in the 'Scene' tab influence also the properties of visualizations saved as 'Stereo pictures'.
Anaglyph picture created in the 'Save visualization' window
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Anaglyph pictures created in the 'Save visualization' window
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Anaglyph pictures obtained in the 'Anaglyph' panel in the 'Scene'
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 As you will surely notice, the dialog box for saving the design in the visualization as illustrations and
3D presentation has changed. Now it can be opened not only after clicking the ‘Save 3D scene’ icon, but also with
[F12] function key. Available file formats are JPG and PNG (picture files) and format of the
3DE presentation, which can be presented to clients in Export 3D module or CAD Share-it mobile system. Note:
Export 3D is a standard module for CAD Decor and CAD Decor PRO, programs and an optional module for CAD
Kitchens. It's presence is necessary to be able to create 3DE presentations. And only holders of Export 3D may
use CAD Share-it mobile app.
JPG and PNG files can be saved as standard pictures, stereo pictures (pairs of 2D views of one scene, which
coupled together allow human brain to perceive relative position of objects in space, creating the impression of
3-dimensionality) or anaglyph pictures (giving the impression of 3D when watched with red/cyan glasses) .
You can choose from many resolutions - from 1024x768 up to 5760x3240. Note: settings of stereo
pictures depend on values of 'Separation' and 'Convergence' parameters defined in the 'Anaglyph' section in the
'Scene' tab.
New window for saving illustrations & 3D presentations
selection of saving mode
illustration saved as 'standard picture' in PNG format
and in the view resolution (which depend on the size of visualization preview on the screen)
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
New window for saving illustrations & 3D presentations
selection of a resolution
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 Stereoscopy is an imaging technique creating an impression of spatial vision. It allows you to see not only the
colours and shapes of objects, but also the depth of the scene and the relative position of objects in space.
In the new versions of our programs you can use this effect by selecting the 'Stereo picture' illustration
saving mode. You will then obtain a stereo image, consisting of two views of the same scene, taken from
different angles. To see the effect you need to view them in special stereoscopic 3D glasses or other devices, the
protopye of which was the stereoscope, created by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1838.
The default setting for the pair of stereoscopic images in our software is the 'top-bottom' position (one over the
other), because this is the mode of the most modern devices that display stereoscopic pictures. But we also offer the
option to save images in a sidebyside stereoscopic mode (one beside the other). This option is available in the
'Advanced' pane in the 'Save visualization' window.
Stereo mode, default top-bottom setting
selection of a file format
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Stereo mode,
(note: visualizations
were created in
the Professional
Rendering Module)
Saving images in the sidebyside stereo mode
various settings of the 'Save visualization' window
(the 'Advanced' pane opened or closed, different width)
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
A result of saving stereo images
default tom-bottom position
and sidebyside position (advanced option)
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 We have also introduce changes in adding copyright sing to saved JPG and PNG files and to 3DE
presentations. Watermark options: location, visibility (the degree of transparency) and percentage of
filling (determining the size of the sign on the picture), as well as text settings and insertion of the
picture logo are currently available in 2 locations: in the dialog box for saving visualization as pictures and 3D
presentations, and in the dialog box with the print preview, opening when you attempt to print the current
view of visualization (which currently opens when you select the 'Print' icon, what is another novelty in the new
versions of our programs, as previously the image was immediately printed, without displaying the preview).
In the 'Copyright sing' pane, available in both windows (visualization printing and saving) you will notice bars
with percentage indications of current visibility and filling settings, as well as information about the
watermark position. To change the visibility and size settings simply click the left mouse button on the bar and
move the cursor. alternatively you can also click on the numerical value and enter a new one from the keyboard.
Presently our programs provide a proper support of the transparency of the picture logos in PNG and
BMP files - until now they used masking with the magenta colour.
Note: Watermarks may be added also to files saved in the 3DE format, read by the Export 3D module and the CAD
Share-it mobile app.
Font selection
for the watermark text
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Selecting a picture logo as a copyright sign
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
settings of a
with the
without it
(note: visualizations
were created in the
Rendering Module)
Current view print preview
without artistic filters and copyright sign
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 In the 'Save visualization' window, where you creare pictures and 3D animations, you can zoom the view in.
To do it, simply click the icon in the right upper corner of the preview. After zooming-in, you will see a symbol of
a magnifier on the icon, and in the default view you will see a 'full-screen' symbol.
Icons changing
the view
in the saving
as illustrations
and 3D
 In the new 'Advanced' pane in the saving visualization window you will find not only the options of
creating stereo sidebyside images and features of watermark signs, but also new artistic post-process
image filters:
'Soft crayon'
'Oil paint'
'Oil paint Van Gogh'.
They are analogical to effects used in professional photo processing, allowing for the production of interesting
and varied illustrations of your rich, creative, artistic visions.
Note: computations of artistic filters take some time and require a large amount of memory, especially when the
image is saved in a very high resolution or in stereo or anaglyph mode.
Selection of post-process filers
in the 'Advanced' pane in the visualization saving window
selected effect: 'Crayon'
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Examples of the post-process filters - selected effect: 'Watercolor'
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Examples of the post-process filters: 'Crayon', 'Soft crayon', 'Sketch'
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Examples of the post-process filters: 'Crayon', Sketch, 'Oil paint'
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 During creating a visual documentation of your design, in the 'Advanced' pane in the 'Save visualization' window
you can use a new interesting feature: Gradient. With it you can create creative, artistic combinations of
images processed with filters and photo-realistic views, obtaining remarkable results.
Various settings of gradient
and filters:
'Crayon', 'Oil paint Van Gogh', 'Sketch'
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Various combinations of the post-process filters and a gradient
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Various combinations of the post-process filters and a gradient
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Saving visualization with an artistic filter 'Sketch'
and an oblique gradient spreading from the upper left corner
and a logo as a copyright sign
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 We have introduced the ability to display the results of
the Raytracing algorithm - responsible for the reflected
and refracted rays brought to the "eye" of the camera - by
using the function key [F6].
Raytracing requires previous completion of the Radiosity
computations - the analysis of the distribution of the light
scattered in the scene. When enabled it shows the effects of
the Radiosity algorithm with added realistic appearance of
metal, mirrors, glass and other objects reflecting or
refracting rays that reach the virtual camera.
Note: Radiosity and Raytracing algorithms are available in
the Professional Rendering Module, which is an optional
module for CAD Decor and CAD Kitchens.
Exemplary use of Raytracing algorithm
 Another new impressive funtion is a presentation of a video within a video. In the newest versions of
our software you can add AVI video files to the materials' tree (more presicely - to the 'User materials' folder)
in the same way as your own textures. After adding the AVI files to the user materials you will see the PLAY
icon on their previews.
Then it is enough to simply drag-and-drop the video on an object in the scene in the same way as a
texture. Straight after applying the video file to the surface of the object (e.g. laptop screen) will be black (if the
first frame is black). After recording and saving a video in visualization to AVI in the 'Presentation' tab you will
see another frame of the applied video on the object. It is worth remembersing that the video files applied in the
design are subject to the same rules as textures - what means that you can freely change their size (e.g. fit the to
the dimensions of the object, to which they have been applied). Note: During playing a video within another video
the results of the Raytracing algorithm are not displayed.
You can use this effect to present a fire in a chimney, traffic on the streets behind the window, clouds on the sky, a
movie on TV or computer screen. Note: recording and playing AVI videos in our programs require installation of
relevant codecs.
Adding a folder with video files
the the user material directory in order to obtain
the effect of playing 'a video within a video'
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Video applied as texture
to the laptop screen
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 During recording AVI videos in visualization of our programs for interior
design you will find one more novelty - a new 'Saving to AVI' pane, that
appears after you have recorded a path for your video and presents the
currently rendered frames and time left to the end of the processing. In the
'Frame' field you are informed which frame is currenlty being processed, and
what is the total number of frames, and in the 'Time' field you are given the
amoung of time needed for full rendering of the video and how much of it
already passed.
A new pane 'Saving to AVI'
with a preview of the rendered video
On the following pages we present the course of recording AVI videos in
visualization of our programs, in which other AVI videos are displayed. Note:
visualizations on illustrations were created in the Professional Rendering Module,
and the used video is Big Bunny Buck (© Copyright 2008, Blender Foundation).
When the arrangement of the room is completed, apply
the video to an object in it and render the scene (run the
Radiosity computations). Then go to the 'Presentation'
tab and click in the 'Animation' pane.
The course os saving AVI file
rendering of frames of the recorded path
From this moment on all movements of the camera
compose a path for your video. Path recording may be
paused , e.g. to locate the camera in a different point
of a scene. When the whole desired path is recorded
click to stop recording.
The next step is to select the resolution, number of
frames displayed per second and the duration of the
video. Then click 'Save as AVI file' button, select the
location and name of the file and select a codec.
A view after saving an AVI file
frame from a movie on a laptop screen
The program will now render the video - the progress
can be monitored in the new 'Saving to AVI' pane. On the
preview of the rendered path you can notice the video
within the video. After completion of the processing,
you can watch the preview of the recorded and rendered
path directly in the visualization, selecting button .
To see the results of the rendering, turn the lights on
before clicking the play button. Note: for better results
the laptop screen has been attributed with the basic
emission effect, that is the impression of glowing with
intense own light (so called Glow Effect). Visualization
was created in the Professional Rendering Module.
Playing a video withing a video
in visualization of CAD Decor PRO
exemplary video: Big Bunny Buck (© Copyright 2008,
Blender Foundation /
Exemple of displaying a video within a video
playing recorded and the rendered path in CAD Decor PRO
used video: Big Bunny Buck (© Copyright 2008, Blender Foundation /
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 The look and operation of the bar showing the memory
consumption in the 'Statistics' pane in the 'RenderPRO' tab have also
been modified. The indicator is now divided in to 2 parts, presenting a
total memory usage. The first part (on the left, oscillating from green to
red) shows the amount of a memory consumed by the IntelliCAD
environment. The second one presents a joint system memory
consumption by the Radiosity process and operation of other programs
running on the computer. If the participation of CAD environment in the
overall memory usage significantly exceeds the load of the Radiosity and
other processes, the appearance of the bar changes - the blue part
decreases or disappears, and the entire bar turns red. In the case of
critically high consumption of system resources, the 'Memory' caption will
change color to red.
Memory usage indicator
 One more news is quick and easy access to tiles used in a present design. After applying linings in the
desing, in the list of tile databases, in the left bottom corner of the screen, you will see a new position called
'Design collection'. When you select this collection, a list of tiles used in the current design will display.
Design collection on the list of databases
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Until the moment of saving your work, the 'Design collection' includes all used linings, which were applied on walls,
floors and objects from the moment of commencing designing. After saving the changes, in the 'Design collection'
list will remain only tiles present in the desing at the moment of saving changes. Note: in CAD Kitchens options of
tile application are available only with an optional Ceramic Tiles Design Module.
 There is also a change in the tile valuation. A new
feature 'Simplified valuation' can be found in
the 'Valuation' tab in the 'Optimization parameters
(...)' window (which opens up when you double-click on
a position in tile valuation). It causes a calculation of
used material without optimization, including only
square meters and the percentage of reserve, defined
by a user. To determine the percentage of reserve,
switch to the 'Optimization' tab and enter the desired
value in the 'Tile reserve' field. Simplified valuation is
particularly useful in case of large tiles when
optimization can lead to too large amount of waste.
Note: the simplified valuation is not available for tiles
priced individually (per item), e.g. decorations.
Defining the % reserve of tiles
Simplified tile valuation (m2 + reserve %)
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 Another change in the valuation of tiles and
otehr linings is a possibility of editing
prices and saving the new ones in a desing. To
edit the price, double-click on a selected
position in the tile Summary and then in the
newly opened window called 'Optimization
parameters for cutting tiles/valuation'
go to the 'Valuation' tab, select the 'new gross
price' option and enter a new value. Then
confirm the change by clicking the 'Apply'
button and click 'OK' to close the window. The
net price and gorss value for the particular
position in the Summary will be re-calculated.
Edition of tile's price
Changing the gross price of a selected tile
in the 'Optimization parameters for cutting tiles/valuation'
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 There are also changes in Tikkurila Paint
Module. The new versions of our programs
support the structural coatings from
Tikkurila's offer - products that in real
world have patterned, pronounced textures,
e.g. structural plasters, glazes, stains for
decorative effects and pearlescent paints,
These products after application and turning
on the lights in the design provide a very
apparent Bump Mapping effect, that gives
them natural and 3-dimensional look.
Selection of
structural coatings
in the Tikkurila Paint Module
Examples of using
Tikkurila's structural coatings -
- clearly visible Bump Mapping
 Another new option regards the lining arrangement. It is the possibility of applying tiles to objects
drawn by user, that is, created from the 3Dface surfaces in the CAD environment and then converted into one
block using the 'user-made' element type in the Custom elements module. Note: in CAD Kitchens options of tile
application are available only with an optional Ceramic Tiles Design Module.
 We have expanded the cooperation between our advanced rendering and the mobile system, and as a result the
CAD Share-it mobile app displays the results of Raytracing algorithm. It is now possible to present
photo-realistic reflections on metal and mirror-like objects (including also recursive reflections of mirrors in
other mirrors) and refractions on glass objects and other transparent materials in 3D presentations, that you can
send directly to your client's 'pocket' - to various types of mobile devices. Note: CAD Share-it Publisher
application in the BASIC version is available for free to holders of an active Service Package and CAD Decor or
CAD Kitchens with an optional Export 3D module. And CAD Share-it Publisher PRO can be used free-of-charge by
users of CAD Decor PRO with a valid Service Package.
3D presentation in the CAD Share-it mobile app
visible multiple reflexes in mirrors
a result of Raytracing algorithm
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
Results of Raytracing algorithm in CAD Share-it
visible recursive reflections in mirrors
(note: visualizations were created in the Professional Rendering Module)
 We have also introduced an adjustement during texture application. After dropping the material in the
design its preview displays on the pane below the material directory tree. In the same pane you can see a
preview currently selected in the scene (with a double-click of a left mouse button). After directing the mouse
cursor to the pane with a preview, you will gain access to information about a texture (in the case of
universal databases - the path to the file in a directory, and for branded finishing materials - information
provided by the manufacturer), and a hiperlink to the folder containing the particular material (after
clicking on the link, the folder will open and files contained in it will display on the list below the pane).
Information about a texture with hyperlink
to the folder from which it come from
 One more news is a new camera control - 'Rotation' around the cenral axis
of the lens ('tilting' the view from side to side), resulting in slanted position
of the camera. The features is located in the 'Camera' pane in the 'Scene' tab.
 In addition to the above mentioned novelties, in the current versions of CAD Decor PRO, CAD Kitchens and CAD
Decor we have also made adjustments and removed some inconveniences, reported to us by the
end-users of our software. A complete list of all changes you can find at our website - in Our software
upfates history in the Knowledge Center tab.
Thank you for your commitment to developing and improving our products!
We look forward for further fruitful cooperation!
We wish you a pleasant work with our software!