Mistrovství světa WKU 2015


Mistrovství světa WKU 2015
Mistrovství světa WKU 2015
Informace k výjezdu reprezentace Českého svazu kickboxu
Datum konání: 28.10.-3.11.2015
Místo konání: Albir, Španělsko
Reprezentační výjezd zahrnuje:
dopravu letecky na místo závodů a transfery ve Španělsku na letiště a zpět
ubytování a polopenze v oficiálním hotelu mistrovství světa na 6 nocí a transfery do
sportovní haly
1x startovné
Doplňující informace co mít sebou:
1x pasové foto
závodníci do 18ti let musí mít platný revers od rodičů
pojištění si sjedná každý sám (bez pojištění není možná účast na MS)
reprezentační set (pokud nevlastníte reprezentační set, je nutné se o něj přihlásit spolu
s registrací a zakoupit aspoň teplákovou soupravu a sportovní tričko)
sportovní pas ČSK
Cena za reprezentační výjezd bude cca: 23.000,- Kč
(přesná částka bude určena cenou letenky)
Konkrétní informace o platbách a přesném programu a dopravy na MS vám budou
zaslány po přihlášení.
Přihlašte se nejpozději do 7.10. 2015 na tel: 603 593 719, e-mail: [email protected]
Odkaz na web MS WKU 2015: http://2015.wkuworld.com
Český svaz kickboxu, Štverákova 2777/22, Praha 9, 193 00
IČ: 22845097, Bankovní spojení: Fio Banka č.ú. 2400454035/2010
[email protected]
Závodní kategorie na mistrovství světa:
Weight and Age Divisions: Poinfighting, Light Contact, Karate Kumite
Kids Girls 12 years old and under /-25kg, -30kg, -35kg, -40kg, -45kg, -50kg, +50kg
Kids Boys 12 years old and under /-25kg, -30kg, -35kg, -40kg, -45kg, -50kg, +50kg
Junior Girls 13-17 years old /-40kg, -45kg, -50kg, -55kg, -60kg, +60kg
Junior Boys 13-17 years old /-40kg, -45kg, -50kg, -55kg, -60kg, -65kg, -70kg, +70kg.
Adult Women 18-34 years old /-50kg, -55kg, -60kg, -65kg, +65kg, Allcategory
Adult Men 18-34 years old /-60kg, -65kg, -70kg, -75kg, -80kg, -85kg, -90kg, +90kg, Allcategory
Veteran Women 35-44 years old /-60kg, +60kg.
Veteran Men 35-44 years old /-70kg, -80kg, +80kg.
Executive Women 45 years old and up /-60kg, +60kg.
Executive Men 45 years old and up /-70kg, -80kg, +80kg.
Team Competition: Pointfighting and Light Contact
Female Teams consist of three (3) members from the (kids, juniors and women).
Male Teams consist of five (5) members from the (kids, juniors and men).
Each Team is allowed One (1) competitor for an alternate, in case a member of the Team
is injured during competition.
The Team Coach that is the winner of the coin toss will have the option to decide if they want to
send out their first Competitor or have the opposing Team send out their first Competitor. After the
first match the Team Coaches must take turns sending out their next Competitor.
Team Weight Classes for Kids Divisions: Pointfighting and Light Contact
The Team Coach has the option to pick from two (2) separate weight divisions to fill a spot. (For
example a Girls Team Coach can pick either a -25kg or -35kg.
Kids Girls Divisions are: 1x -25kg or -35kg/ 1x -40kg or -45kg/ 1x -50kg or +50kg.
Kids Boys Divisions are: 1x -25kg or -30kg / 1x -35kg or -40kg/ 2x -45kg or -50kg/ 1x +50kg.
Team Coaches do not have to follow a specific order when they decide on which weight class they
want to send out. But once a Team Coach sends out their Competitor the opposing Coach must
match their Competitor from the same weight Division.
Team Weight Classes for Juniors and Adults: Pointfighting and Light Contact
There are no weight divisions in the Junior and Adult Team competition.
The Team Coaches will choose their Competitors alternatively matching the weight Divisions from
both Teams.
Český svaz kickboxu, Štverákova 2777/22, Praha 9, 193 00
IČ: 22845097, Bankovní spojení: Fio Banka č.ú. 2400454035/2010
[email protected]
Divisions by Age:
Kids 11 years old and under
Juniors 12 14 years old
Teens 15-17 years old
Adults 18-34 years old
Veterans 35-44 years old
Executives 45 years old and up Divisions for Kids, Juniors and Adults: Males and Females are in
separate Divisions except for Team Forms
Hard Style, Korean Style, Japanese/Okinawa Style, Chinese Style, Free Style, ITF Style Forms,
Weapons with Music,Weapons No Music, Traditional Karate Weapons
Hard Style and Traditional Team Forms,
Free Style Team Forms
Divisions for Veterans: Men and Woman are in separate Divisions
Veterans Traditional, Veterans Hard/Soft Style,
Music, Veterans with Music
Traditional Karate Weapons, Weapons No
Divisions for Executives: Men and Women are in separate Divisions
Executive Traditional, Executive Hard/Soft Style,Traditional Karate Weapons, Weapons No Music
Applied weight divisions for Full contact and Original GCO Kickboxing (K-1 style) are as follows
No Head Contact allowed Spain law Kids 9-11years
-25KG, -30KG, -35KG, -40KG, +40KG
-25KG, -30KG, -35KG,+35KG
-35KG, -40KG,
Light Contact to the head allowed Kids 12-14 years
60KG, +60KG
-45KG, -50KG,
-55KG, +55KG
Český svaz kickboxu, Štverákova 2777/22, Praha 9, 193 00
IČ: 22845097, Bankovní spojení: Fio Banka č.ú. 2400454035/2010
[email protected]
Cadets Girls and Boys 15-17 years old Cadets Girls: - 50 kg, - 55 kg, - 60 kg +60kg
Cadets Boys: - 50 kg, - 55 kg, - 60 kg, - 65 kg, - 70 kg, - 75 kg, - 80 kg, - 85 kg, + 85 kg
Women : -50kg, -55kg, -60kg, -65kg, +65kgMen: -60kg, -65kg, -70kg, -75kg, -80kg, -85kg, 90kg, +90kg
Men: -60kg, -65kg, -70kg, -75kg, -80kg, -85kg, -90kg, +90kg
WKU World Kyokushin Division:
Junior Girls: 15-16 years old. -60kg and +60 kg
Junior Girls 17-18 years old. -58kg and -65kg +65kg
Junior Boys: 15-16 years old. -60kg,- 70kg,-80kg + 80kg
Junior Boys: 17-18 years old. -70kg,- 80kg,-+80kg
Senior 19-40 years old. -70kg,-80kg,- 90kg and +90kg
Veteran +40 years old. -85kg -95kg +95kg.
Český svaz kickboxu, Štverákova 2777/22, Praha 9, 193 00
IČ: 22845097, Bankovní spojení: Fio Banka č.ú. 2400454035/2010
[email protected]

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