THE TEXT AN ISLAND BREEZE BLOWS IN PRAGUE An exiled fund prodigy and his brash Wall Street mentor promised to teach Czech industry Western management methods. Instead, investors learned a painful lesson about the perils of emerging markets. So are Kozeny and Dingman guilty or is everyone else a gullible sucker? The next time you consider sailing your small transform a rusty bucket of Czech industrial investor boat into the tempting but turbulent companies--all without ever leaving his tropical waters of an emerging market, keep the base. Though some in Prague greeted this raid following exchange in mind: When FORTUNE by Caribbean buccaneers with skepticism, much asked swashbuckling financier Michael D. of the foreign press hailed Dingman--who Dingman--a fellow who says he considers claimed he was pouring $140 million of his own pirates merely misunderstood entrepreneurs-- money into the investments--as a hero, a man whether he traded on inside knowledge during who would teach the locals much needed his recent business adventures in the Czech lessons in free-market capitalism and Western Republic, he cheerfully replied, "That's probably management skills. "An island breeze blows in true." Other investors, he went on to volunteer, Prague" was Business Week's headline, while "are saying, 'We can't get enough information, London's Financial Times called him a "breath of so we're going to sell, we're going to go home fresh air." to bitch and complain.' That's the kind of meat I like to eat." VOCABULARY Remember Dingman? He was the Al Dunlap of the 1980s, a swaggering, make-no-apologies, take-no-prisoners turnaround artist who dazzled Wall Street by rescuing a series of companies like Wheelabrator and Signal. A daredevil whose hobby was high-speed auto racing, Dingman later led a then-record $1.2 billion IPO of AlliedSignal's castoffs into the Henley Group, a feat that ultimately made him a multimillionaire but also left a trail of angry shareholders who claim he enriched himself at their expense. Last fall Dingman, who a few years ago gave up his U.S. citizenship for a passport from the taxfree Bahamas, resurfaced in investing's Wild East. Allied with a controversial young Czech prodigy -- zázračné dítě, génius brash -- drzý, neomalený peril -- nebezpečí, riziko swashbuckling -- dobrodružný (ve stylu pirátů) volunteer -- říci sám od sebe, bez vyzvání bitch -- stěžovat si Al Dunlap -- ??? swaggering -- naparující se dazzle -- oslnit daredevil -- opovážlivec castoffs -- odložené věci feat -- husarský kousek leave a trail of... -- nechat za sebou spoustu... resurface -- znovu se vynořit allied with -- ve spojení s a fellow exile -- další (stejně tak) exulant bold scheme -- odvážný plán take over -- převzít velení a rusty bucket -- zrezivělý kbelík raid -- nájezd (přepadení) hail sb -- oslavovat někoho investor (and fellow exile), Viktor Kozeny, he announced a bold scheme to take over and CNBW READING ROOM / SMALL BLACK BEETLES / TOO LONG TO FAIL PIRATES OF PRAGUE - 1 - AN ISLAND BREEZE BLOWS IN PRAGUE