28. vztažné věty


28. vztažné věty
Číslo projektu
Název školy
SOUpotravinářské, Jílové u Prahy, Šenflukova 220
Název materiálu
Mgr. Sylvie Dovenerová
Obor; předmět, ročník
ŠVP Podnikání; Anglický jazyk; 2.ročník
Tematická oblast
Gramatika – souvětí
Tematický okruh
Vztažné věty
Datum tvorby
10. 7. 2013
Otázky slouží k praktickému ověření znalostí gramatického
útvaru, který byl žákům vysvětlen formou výkladu.
Metodický pokyn
Žáci dostanou nakopírované otázky a budou je společně
Vlastní zdroje autora
1. Rozhodněte, zda se jedná o vztažné věty nevypustitelné (defining) nebo vypustitelné (nondefining) a napište za věty D nebo ND:
a) The old lady who lives on the ground floor has two beautiful cats.
b) A vegetarian is someone who doesn´t eat meat.
c) Kate´s new dress, which she bought when she was in Venice, is too small for her.
d) Josh, who is almost seven, likes his English teacher.
e) The Tate Gallery, which is one of the most visited in London, offers a modern art collection.
2. Přeložte:
Můžete mi doporučit restauraci, která dělá dobrou pizzu? Bungalov je dům, který má jen jedno patro.
To je ten muž, který nás učí angličtinu. Potřebuješ učebnici, která má více cvičení. Mají syna, který bydlí
ve Španělsku. Toto je nejkrásnější místo, jaké znám. On je jediný, koho můj pes respektuje. Není tam
nikdo, komu můžu věřit. Znáš někoho, kdo umí řídit autobus? Znám paní, jejíž manžel má deset dětí. To
je ten kamarád, jehož narozeniny jsme slavili včera.
3. Použijte zájmeno who nebo which a vytvořte věty:
a) a tenant – pays rent to live in a flat
b) a landlord – owns a house and rents it
c) a waiter – serves customers at the restaurant
d) a nanny – looks after children
4. Spojte věty pomocí who, which/that nebo whose:
a) The girl you want to marry. She is dating another man.
b) The neighbours don´t clear snow. They have a silver car.
c) I saw a castle. It was very beautiful.
d) That´s the lady. Her dogs keep barking all night.
5. Upravte slovosled:
a) I the letter who from received man the this is.
b) with travel work to colleagues my these people are who I.
c) he a person is I speak need to who to.
d) she girl present a is I buy want for to who this.
1. a) D
b) D
c) ND
d) ND
e) ND
2. Can you recommend me a restaurant that/which makes a good pizza? A bungalow is a house
that/which has only one floor. That´s the man that/who teaches us English. You need a textbook
that/which has more exercises. They have son that/who lives in Spain. This is the most beautiful
place (that) I know. He is the only one (that) my dog respects. There is nobody (that) I can trust. Do
you know anybody that can drive a bus? I know a lady whose husband has ten children. That´s the
friend whose birthday we were celebrating yesterday.
3. a) A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a flat.
b) A landlord is someone who owns a house and rents it.
c) A waiter is someone who serves customers at the restaurant.
d) A nanny is someone who looks after children.
4. a) The girl who you want to marry is dating another man.
b) The neighbours who have a silver car don´t clear snow.
c) I saw a castle which was very beautiful.
d) That´s the lady whose dogs keep barking all night.
5. a) This is the man who I received that letter from.
b) These people are my colleagues who I travel to work with.
c) He is a person who I need to speak to.
d) She is a girl who I want to buy this present for.