Pokročilá manipulace s terči


Pokročilá manipulace s terči
Nabídka výzkumného úkolu na téma:
Advanced targetry and diagnostics for ELIMAIA beamline
(Pokročilá manipulace s terči a diagnostika iontů pro laserový svazek
S nabídkou práce na výzkumném úkolu je spjata atraktivní možnost částečného
pracovního úvazku (0.3) v laserovém centru ELI-Beamlines v Dolních Břežanech.
Předpokládá se pokračování v tématu v rámci diplomové práce. Podmínkou je dobrá
znalost anglického jazyka, jedná se o práci v mezinárodním výzkumném týmu.
Vedoucí práce: Dr. Lorenzo Giuffrida – ELI Beamlines,
Za Radnicí 835, 25241 Dolní Břežany.
Tel: +420 266051367. Email: [email protected]
Konzultant, kontaktní osoba na FJFI: Ing. Jan Pšikal, Ph.D. – FJFI ČVUT v Praze, KFE,
V Holešovičkách 2, 18000 Praha 8.
Tel: +420 221912272. Email: [email protected]
Abstrakt práce v anglickém jazyce na druhé straně.
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ELI-Beamlines is seeking for a Master Degree student to work on scientific aspects of the project in the
next 2 years. The potential topics of the research project/master thesis are described below. Funding
will come from EUCALL budget.
During the first year, the work will be mainly focused on support activities which will be carried out at
the ELI-Beamlines ion acceleration test laboratory located at the HiLASE laser facility already in
operation. A recently installed laser with 10-100 J of energy, 1030 nm wavelength, and 2 to 10 ns pulse
duration (10 Hz repetition rate) will be used in this phase mainly to test advanced targetry and
diagnostics developed within the ELIMAIA (ELI Multidisciplinary Applications of laser-Ion Acceleration)
beamline. After a first training period, the student will be involved in several activities concerning ion
beam acceleration using the laser-plasma technique. The main tasks for the student will be to
characterize the proton/ion beam generated during laser-matter interaction, as well as to realize simple
application experiments connected to the use of such ion beams for ion implantation and deposition, or
for laser damage threshold investigations on nanostructured targets. Furthermore, the student is
supposed to test a target positioning system recently developed for the ELIMAIA beamline and also to
support the development of a new high repetition rate (up to 10 Hz) target handling system. At the end
of this first year the student will acquire a basic knowledge on main diagnostics and targetry systems
for the generation and characterization of ions using high intensity lasers.
The second year of the project will be mainly focused on testing the above mentioned targetry and
diagnostic devices at international high power femtosecond laser facilities, as well as at the PW laser
system (30 J, 30 fs, 800 nm, 10 Hz) which will be installed at the ELI-Beamlines facility (activities
connected to the commissioning phase of ELIMAIA). The potential experiments carried out abroad in
high power femtosecond laser facilities will also allow to test advanced targets for ion acceleration as
well as the developed diagnostics.
The student should be willing to work in an international team, open to collaboration among team
members and responsible for the assigned tasks. Basic skills in programming are considered a plus.
Pokud Vás tato nabídka zaujala, zašlete nám svůj strukturovaný životopis. Prosím uvádějte vždy
následující text společně s Vaším e-mailem/dopisem, abychom mohli pracovat s Vámi zaslanými údaji:
Souhlasím, aby mé osobní údaje, zaslané FZÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. se sídlem Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Praha 8 byly
v souladu se zákonem č. 101/2000 Sb., použity výhradně pro účely zprostředkování zaměstnání a vedení databáze
uchazečů o zaměstnání. Souhlas je dán na dobu jednoho roku a lze jej kdykoliv písemně odvolat.
Kontakt: Jana Ženíšková, HR specialista, [email protected] +420601560322
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