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From: http://lingvistkalidus.webovastranka.cz/
≈ Syntax (Greek) = arrangement, organization
- Grammar = also relationship in the internal structure of words, morphology + syntax
- Syntax look at the structure of sentences, doesn’t study text, relations between sentences
≈ Syntax means
- Word order, inflection, auxiliaries
≈ Sentence elements
- Centre – have to be present in every sentence; subject, predicate, object
- Periphery – you can choose to use them or not, up to the speaker, optional; modifiers
- Immediate constituents analysis
o “Poor John run away” - the lower level are single words (don’t divide into
morphemes) = ultimate constituents (“poor” – final indivisible element)– can’t be
analyzed further
≈ Surface X Deep structure = Chomsky
- Transformative grammar→ Generative transformative grammar→ Universal for all languages
– “Universal Grammar”
- Surface = what you can see (Bloomfield)
- Deep Structure = underline sentences, give meaning to the words
≈ Transformative rules – obligatory X optional
The man opened the door.
- no transformation
The man did not open the door.
- negative (Obligatory)
Did the man open the door?
- interrogative (Obligatory)
The door was opened by the man.
- passive (Optional – we keep the
Wasn’t the door opened by someone?
- pass., neg., interr.
Syntactic units
≈ Sentence = largest unit of grammatical description
- Highest – final ultimate unit
- We have no GRAMMATICAL rules for paragraphs, sentence is the highest unit
≈ Sentence types – Function & Structure
- Function
o Paradigmatic level
o Making statement
o Asking, explaining
o Declarative + Interrogative + Exclamatory + Imperative (secondary function = Can
function as declarative or polite request “Would you please leave the door?”)
- Structure
o Syntagmatic level
o Depends on the structure
o Simple and multiple (compound, complex)
o Clause = Subordinate (nominal “Whatever he did was wonderful”, adverbial “I’ll be
there when I’m ready” restrict the referential area of the word or use as
comparisons “He is not tall as I am”; adjectival “Whose people, who have not seen it
won’t believe it”), Main
- Question (it’s function) X Interrogative sentence (“Would you please leave the door?” – I’m
not asking a question; it’s type)
- Clause(“vedlejší věta”) – nominal, adjectival, adverbial
- Concord (“shoda”) & Government (regimen - “rekce”)
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From: http://lingvistkalidus.webovastranka.cz/
o Concord= Relation between 2 or more words in different word classes that agree
(“He works”)
o Government = relationship between verb and pronoun (“I don’t understand him”
NOT “I don’t understand he”)
Sentence semantic
≈ Syntax – Semantics – Pragmatics
- Semantics = meaning (noun – subject – agent)
- Pragmatics = what I want to say, relationship between language user and language
≈ Language system X Language use
- System = represented by syntax as such formal relationship
- Use = how I use language, if you use the sentence you make it utterance
≈ Linguistic meaning – Cognitive content → Ambiguity X Indistinctness
- Linguist meaning = linguistic role at element in a sentence (e.g. subject)
- Cognitive content – without emotions (“poznávací obsah”)
- Ambiguity – structural (“mnohoznačnost”), you need the the sentence (context) to
understand the meaning
- Indistinctness – weakness of meaning (you need the context of the situation to interpret it
correctly (now – I can be interval of few weeks “I’m listening to Elvis” – you see that I don’t
have headphones – it’s not right know. If she writes “I’m listening to Elvis” you don’t know if
it’s now, or recently
≈ Sentence X Utterance
- Sentence – formally analyzing sentence – “věta”,
- Utterance – “výpověď, v kontextu, význam daný mluvčím”, concrete parole unit
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From: http://lingvistkalidus.webovastranka.cz/
Functional sentence perspective
- FSP is further than semantics
- Syntax focuses only on a form
- Psychological suspect of a syntactic structure
- Dealing with utterance
Theme (2)
Given information
Rheme (1)
newest info
Transition (3)
Where (2) is (3) John (1) ?
John (1) went (3) home (1). → grammatical subject isn’t the psychological subject here
“čím vice vpravo, tím větší důležitost”
The righter you go, the more important info you get
John (th)
has not been (th)
sleeping well (rh)
“Not” – “gramatické pravidlo, důležité not zůstává v méně důležité části”
1. Theme – grammatical subject
2. Rheme – psychological subject
3. CD – communicative dynamism (=degree of info value every sentence element carries)
CD is low
CD is higher
Transition – between Theme and Rheme, usually a verb
Where is John?
He went home.
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