

Study newsletter
2015, week 37
Language level
Phrase of the week – Get a grip
All levels
Mind map – Sports
All levels
Czenglish – Dictionary vs. vocabulary
Pre-intermediate (B1-) – Advanced (C1)
Business Writing – Talking about sales
Pre-intermediate (B1-) – Advanced (C1)
Test – Last
Pre-intermediate (B1-) – Advanced (C1)
Phrase of the week
Get a grip
We use this expression to tell someone to stop worrying about something
and control themselves. It’s often a reply in a moment of panic.
You can use this phrase in ………… language.
 Spoken
 Informal
Example 1
A: I'm so worried, it’s going to be a disaster!
B: It's only cards. Get a grip!
Example 2
A: I've got an audit at work, I haven't had time to prepare for it. I’ll be fired!
B: Get a grip! The audit is next week, you should be able to do something about it.
Mind map
Learning new vocabulary in the most effective way
Vyzkoušejte si interaktivní Mindmapy zde:
Klikejte na slova, uslyšíte jednotlivá slovíčka namluvená rodilým mluvčím.
Leisure activity
Fair play
Význam slova
volnočasové aktivity
sportovně založený
fyzická zdatnost
fair play
WRONG: My English is terrible. I always look up words in my vocabulary.
My English is terrible. I always look up words in my dictionary.
Your English probably isn't terrible. If you understand me, then your English is clearly very good! One
small but common mistake though is using the word 'vocabulary' instead of 'dictionary'.
A vocabulary is a stock of known words. It can exist in your head - so for example, we could say 'My
friend has a great vocabulary' meaning they know a lot of words. Or it can exist in a book (or
webpage), and we call this a dictionary. A dictionary contains lots of vocabulary.
Here's a conversation between two students:
A: My English vocabulary is terrible!
B: I'll buy you a dictionary for your birthday.
A: Thanks but it's ok. I prefer to use online dictionaries like Seznam and Google.
Business Writing
Idioms 2 (and some collocations): Talking about sales
Idioms abound in English. In this series I am not providing comprehensive lists (I don’t think I
could). I’ve focussed on the most commonly used ones. As well as some idioms, I’ve also
listed some commonly used sales and marketing expressions.
To come down in price
to become cheaper
To bring down the price
to lower the price of a product, to make it cheaper
To do a roaring trade
to sell a lot of something very quickly
To plug (a product)
to promote (a product)
To work out the kinks (informal)
to solve a problem you are having with something
To make cold calls
to telephone somebody you do not know in order to
sell them something
For sale
available to be bought, especially from the owner
On sale
available to be bought, especially in a shop/store,
being offered at a reduced price
Sales drive/campaign
a special effort to sell more of a particular product
Seller’s market
the situation when the people selling something have
an advantage, because there is not a lot of a particular
item for sale, and prices can be kept high
Buyer’s market
the situation when there is a lot of a particular item
for sale, so that prices are low and people buying have
a choice
To have an ace up your sleeve to hold a secret advantage, for example a piece of
information, that you are ready to use if you need to
Hard sell
a method of selling that puts a lot of pressure on the
customer to buy
Some Common Sales and Marketing Verb Phrases
break into/enter/capture/dominate the market
gain/grab/take/win/boost/lose market share
find/build/create a market for something
start/launch an advertising/a marketing campaign
develop/launch/promote a product/website
create/generate demand for your product
attract/get/retain/help customers/clients
drive/generate/boost/increase demand/sales
beat/keep ahead of/out-think/outperform the competition
meet/reach/exceed/miss sales targets
DALICE TROST, původem z Austrálie, je absolventkou magisterského studia
managementu lidských zdrojů na University of Canberra v Austrálii. Lektorka je
držitelkou certifikátu TEFL opravňující k výuce cizích jazyků. V rámci své profesní
praxe zastávala vysoké manažerské pozice jako personalistka, senior
supervizorka, HR manažerka, a to mimo jiné ve společnostech v Dubaji a
Austrálii. Aktivně se věnuje publikační práci v oboru vzdělávání a anglického
Lektorka je autorkou knihy, ze které čerpáme tyto tipy: Business Writing-A Tip a Day for 30 Days
TEST: Last
……… (1) we studied the present perfect.
I’m asking you ……… (2) to turn off that music!
When did you ……… (3) go to the doctor?
……… (4) I understand this question.
Last weekend I saw him ……… (5).
I want to pass the exam. ……… (6) I failed it.
We’re here ……… (7). That was a terrible flight.
He looked quite well, when I ……… (8) saw him.
Who was ……… (9) man in space?
Will ……… (10) person to leave the room please close the windows.
A Last
B The last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A Last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
A last
B the last
C At last
D Last time
E for the last time
Správné odpovědi se dozvíte ihned po dokončení on-line testu zde:
Správné odpovědi z minulého týdne (On the road):
1C, 2A, 3D, 4B, 5B, 6C, 7C, 8A, 9A, 10D.

Podobné dokumenty

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pdf dokument We use this expression to say we think something is quite impossible


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