12.19 Classroom interactive games


12.19 Classroom interactive games
Projekt: Zlepšení podmínek pro vzdělávání
Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3764
Příjemce: Základní škola Integra Vsetín
Metodický list
Název materiálu
Classroom interactive games
Radmila Válková
Klíčová slova
Games, asking questions, find, if you have/like/wear …
III/2 - Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky – využíváním ICT
Datum vytvoření
2. 6. 2013
III/2 - 12.19
Oblast, obor
Anglický jazyk, komunikační hry
6. třída
Druh učebního materiálu
Pracovní list
Anotace + popis použití
Náplň pracovního listu u žáků 6. třída pravděpodobně přesáhne rámec jedné
vyučovací hodiny. Žáci se na komunikační hru připraví společným nácvikem
tvoření otázek. Poté probíhá hra, kdy žáci vyhledávají spolužáky dle
požadovaných kritérií.
Další hru zahájí učitel a poté zkušenější žák či žáci, kteří se mohou střídat.
Hra procvičuje porozumění a plnění pokynů, také plynulé vyjadřování úkolů.
Seznam literatury a pramenů
Str. 1
Název materiálu:
Číslo materiálu:
Radmila Válková
Classroom interactive games
EU(III/2 12.19)
In your class find a person who…. (you have to make the correct questions):
1. Find someone who has birthday in May
When is your birthday?
2. Find the tallest person in the class
How tall are you?
3. Find the youngest person in the class
4. Find someone who is the only child
5. Find a boy who has no sister
6. Find a girl who has no sister
7. Find someone who has no pet
8. Find someone who spent holiday at the seaside __________________________________
9. Find a person who visited the cinema in 2013
Str. 2
10. Find someone who doesn´t want to go to the USA
11. Find someone who can cook pizza
12. Find people who don´t live in Vsetin
13. Find the youngest child in the family
14. Find a person who likes snakes
15. Find someone who can play any musical instrument ______________________________
16. Find a person who has Harry Potter books
17. Find someone who has flown by plane
18. Find a friend who lives in a house not in a flat
B. Play a game like this (there is one person who says what to do):
If you like red colour go to the door
If you like boys with long hair go to the window
If you like smoking sit on the floor
If you wear glasses sit on the desk
You don´t like chocolate sit on your chair
If you like vanilla ice cream touch your nose
If you want to drive a car come to the blackboard
If you are looking forward to the weekend jump up twice...
Str. 3
Název materiálu:
Číslo materiálu:
Radmila Válková
Classroom interactive games
EU(III/2 12.19)
In your class find a person who…. (you have to make the correct questions):
1. Find someone who has birthday in May
Write the name:
When is your birthday?
2. Find the tallest person in the class
How tall are you?
3. Find the youngest person in the class
When were you born?
4. Find someone who is the only child
How many brothers and sisters have you got?
5. Find a boy who has no sister
Have you got a sister?
6. Find a girl who has no sister
Have you got a sister?
7. Find someone who has no pet
Have you got a pet?
8. Find someone who spent holiday at the seaside __________________________________
Did you spend your holiday at the seaside?
9. Find a person who visited the cinema in 2013
Did you go to the cinema this year?
Str. 4
10. Find someone who doesn´t want to go to the USA
Do you want to go to the cinema?
11. Find someone who can cook pizza
Can you cook pizza?
12. Find people who don´t live in Vsetin
Where do you live?
13. Find the youngest child in the family
Are you the youngest child in your family?
14. Find a person who likes snakes
Do you like snakes?
15. Find someone who can play any musical instrument ______________________________
Can you play a musical instrument?
16. Find a person who has Harry Potter books
Have you got Harry Potter books at home?
17. Find someone who has flown by plane
Did you travel by plane?
18. Find a friend who lives in a house not in a flat
Do you live in a house?
C. Play a game like this (there is one person who says what to do):
If you like red colour go to the door
If you like boys with long hair go to the window
If you like smoking sit on the floor
If you wear glasses sit on the desk
You don´t like chocolate sit on your chair
If you like vanilla ice cream touch your nose
If you want to drive a car come to the blackboard
If you are looking forward to the weekend jump up twice...
Str. 5