Creation of the animal people


Creation of the animal people
Creation of the animal people
Anglický jazyk, 8. - 9. ročník
II. stupeň ZŠ
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zbude čas) je možné porovnat tuto indiánskou legendu s legendami z našich zeměpisných
Očekávané výstupy:
Tato aktivita procvičuje čtení textu s porozuměním a schopností získat informace ze čteného
anglického textu. Nenásilnou formou umožňuje žákům pochopit i význam složitějších
mluvnických struktur. Mimo to seznamuje žáky s kulturně historickými reáliemi z anglicky
mluvících zemí.
Mezipředmětový vztah: Zeměpis, literatura, občanská výchova, multikulturní výchova
Zohlednění žáků se SVP:
Pro tyto žáky je zvláště vhodné pracovat při písemném odpovídání na otázky ve dvojicích
s jazykově zdatnějšími spolužáky.
Autor: Ing. Alena Jankovská
Použitá literatura:
American Indian myths and legends: selected and edited by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso
Ortiz, Pantheon books New York, 1984, strany 14-15.
Metodický list
Centrum Korálek
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Creation of the animal people
Creation of the animal people
(Okanogan Indians)
The earth was once a human being: Old One made her out of a woman. „You will be the
mother of all people,“ he said.
Earth is alive yet, but she has been changed. The soil is her (1)flesh, the rocks are her
bones, the wind is her breath, trees and grass are her hair. She lives spread out, and we live on
her. When she moves, we have an earthquake.
After taking the woman and changing her to earth, Old One (2)gathered some of her
flesh and rolled it into balls, as people do with (3)mud and clay. He made the first group of
these balls into the (4)ancients, the beings of the early world.
The ancients were people, (5)yet also animals. In form some looked human while
some walked on all four like animals. Some could fly like birds, other could swim like fishes.
All had the gift of speech, as well as greater power and (6)cunning than either animals or
people. But (7)deer were never among the ancients, they were always animals, even as they
are today.
(8)Besides the ancients, real people and real animals lived on the earth at that time.
Old One made the people out of the last balls of mud he took from the earth. He rolled them
over and over, (9)shaped them like Indians, and blew on them to bring them (10)alive. They
were so ignorant that they were the most (11)helpless of all the creatures Old One had made.
Old One made people and animals into (12)males and females so that they might
(13)breed and multiply. (14)Thus all living things came from the earth. When we look
around, wee see part of our mother everywhere.
The (15)difficulty with the early world was that most of the ancients were (16)selfish
and some were monsters, and there was much trouble among them. They were also very
stupid in some ways. Though they knew they had to hunt in order to live, they did not know
which creatures were deer and which were people, and sometimes they ate people (17)by
At last the Old One said,“There will soon be no people if I (18)let things go on like
this. So he sent Coyote to kill all the monsters and other evil beings among the ancients and
teach the Indians (19)how to do things.
And Coyote began to travel on the earth, teaching the Indians, making life easier and
better for them, and performing many wonderful (20)deeds.
(Reported by Ella Clark in the 1950)
11) helpless - bezmocný
1) flesh – tělo, maso
2) gather – sebrat, sbírat
12) males and females – samci a samice, muži a
3) mud and clay – bláto a hlína
13) breed and multiply – pářit a množit
4) ancients – staré národy, předkové
14) thus - takto
5) yet – ještě
15) difficulty - potíž
6) cunning – chytráctví, mazanost
16) selfish - sobecký
7) deer – vysoká zvěř, jelen
17) by mistake - omylem
8) besides – kromě
18)let things go on like this – nechat věci pokračovat tak jako dosud
9) shape – vytvarovat
19) how to do things – jak dělat vše potřebné
10) alive – živý
20) deed – skutek, čin
Metodický list
Centrum Korálek
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Creation of the animal people
1) Who was the creator of the Earth?
2) What did he make the earth from?
3) How did the Old One call the earth?
4) What is our Mother – earth’s flesh, bones, breath and hair?
5) What happens, when our Mother-earth moves?
6) How are called the beings of the early world?
7) How did the Old One make them?
8) Were the ancients people or animals?
9) Were the ancients people and animals the same as today’s people and animals?
10) Which animals were never among the ancients? What do you think is the reason for
11) Who lived on the early earth besides the ancients?
12) Were people the best creatures that the Old One had made? Why?
13) Why did the Old One make the people and animals into males and females?
14) What was the difficulty with the early world?
15) How did the Old One solve that problem?
16) Is Coyote good or bad animal for the Indians, what do you think about it?
1) The Old One.
2) From a woman.
3) Mother of all people.
4) Her flesh is the soil, her bones are the mountains, her breath is the wind and her hair
are trees and grass.
5) We have an earthquake.
6) The ancients.
7) He gathered some of Mother-earth‘s flesh which is soil and rolled it into balls. He
made the first group of these balls into the ancients.
8) Some of them were people and some of them were animals.
9) No, they weren’t. All had the gift of speech, as well as greater power and cunning than
either animals or people.
10) Deer. Probably because the Indian hunt them.
11) Real people and real animals.
12) No, people were the most helpless creatures, because they were very ignorant.
13) In order they can breed and multiply.
14) Most of the ancients were selfish and some were monsters, and there was much
trouble among them. They were also very stupid in some ways. Though they knew
they had to hunt in order to live, they did not know which creatures were deer and
which were people, and sometimes they ate people by mistake.
15) He sent Coyote to kill all the monsters and other evil beings among the ancients and
teach the Indians how to do things.
16) Definitely a good one, because it was one of their most helpful ancients to them.
Metodický list
Centrum Korálek
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Creation of the animal people

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