20. Revision FINAL test


20. Revision FINAL test
VY_32_INOVACE_DUM - 20, S18
Mgr. Kristýna Kábrtová
3. 2. 2013
studijního maturitního: Předškolní a mimoškolní
všeobecně vzdělávací předměty
Revision FINAL Test
Datum: 14. 5. 2013
Pracovní list pro opakování probrané látky formou testu.
Žáci si ověří svoje dosavadní nabyté znalosti. Test slouží
jako zpětná vazba nejen pro žáky ale také pro učitele.
Materiál je určen pokročilým studentům 3. ročníku SŠ
(oboru Předškolní a mimoškolní pedagogika). Materiál
shrnuje veškerou předcházející výuku interaktivní formou
(viz. VY_32_INOVACE_DUM – 1-19, S18). Pomocí
jednoduchých cvičení si učitel může ověřit úroveň znalostí
anglického jazyka u studentů a tím pádem taktéž jejich
připravenost na další (maturitní) ročník.
Test obsahuje sedm didaktických úloh (vybírání,
doplňování, opravování chyb), které jsou koncipovány tak,
aby pokryly veškerou probíranou látku (Verb patterns,
Future tenses, What…like?, Comparison).
Pre-Intermediate English
třída: III. PS
1 Vyberte správnou možnost:
1 They like to / like swimming.
2 We’d like / We like dancing.
3 I’d like / I like to live in Spain when I retire.
4 Would you like learning / to learn another language?
5 We hope / hoping to get married next year.
6 She’s thinking of to buy / buying a new car.
7 He can’t read / reading – he’s only a baby.
____/ 7
2 Vyberte do textu slovesa z tabulky a použijte jejich správný tvar.
to love to fly to see want to travel to look
We (1) a_re_ go_in_g_ t_o_ Australia next January. We both
(2) _______ diving so we plan to spend the first two weeks at the Barrier Reef. After that, we (3)
__________________ to Sydney to visit my cousins. We have some old friends in Perth and we (4)
______________________ them too. We (5) _______________ by train from one side of the country to
the other. I (6) _________________________ on the Internet to (8) find how
long the journey takes.
___/ 10
3 Zakroužkujte správnou odpověď (a/b):
1 a Do you like mineral water?
b Would you like some mineral water?
Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.
2 a Which books would you like to read?
b What sort of books do you like?
Romances and comedies.
3 a Would you like to go out later?
b Where do you like going out?
I’d love to but I’m too busy.
4 a I’d like to live in the US one day.
b I like the US.
Yes, I would too.
___/ 4
4 Doplňte správný tvar slovesa:
1 Remember _________________ a ball. I ___________________ play volleyball. (bring/ want)
2 They told me_______________ for them. They are going to be late. (wait)
3 Don’t forget ________________ Janet to call Paul about going ____________________. (tell/ swim)
4 You shouldn’t _____________ to pay your bills. You need ______________ everything all right.
(forget/ have)
5 Jack decided ________________ his birth father after all. He is looking forward _______________ him
a lot. (contact/ see)
___/ 9
5 Vytvořte otázky. Použijte What ... like? / like.
A (1) __D_i_d__ you __l_ik_e__ Amsterdam?
B Yes, we liked it very much.
A (2) ______ Amsterdam ______ ?
B It’s smaller than London so it’s easy to find places.
A (3) ____________ the food?
B Yes, I did, but I like Spanish and Italian food more.
A (4) ______ it ______?
B It’s a bit like British and German food – meat,
potatoes, and vegetables. And lots of cheese!
A (5) ______ the countryside ______ ?
B It’s flat! It’s the flattest place I’ve ever been to.
A Where did you stay? (6) ______ your hotel ______ ?
___/ 10
B It was quite small but nice and very central.
6 Doplňte věty správnými tvary přídavných jmen (2. nebo 3. tvar) v závorce, doplňte výraz than pokud je
to zapotřebí:
1 She is (heavy) __h_e_av_i_er_ t_h_a_n__ her brother.
2 It’s (beautiful) ____________ building in Paris.
3 He’s (good) ____________ student in the class.
4 This is (bad) ____________ meal I’ve ever had.
5 She was born in May and he was born in June 1988 so he’s not (old) ____________ her.
6 Of course £100 is (expensive) ____________ $100!
7 The girls are noisy, but the boys are (noisy) ________ .
8 It’s 35°C in Milan and Athens. Milan is (hot) ____________ Athens.
9 It’s –15°C in Chicago and –20°C in Stockholm. Chicago is not (cold) ____________ Stockholm.
10 ‘How’s your cold?’ ‘I’m (good) ____________ now, thank you.’
11 His second wife is (bad) ____________ than the first!
___/ 10
7 Opravte chyby:
1 She is more clever than her sister. __cl_e_ve_r_e_r _
2 It’s the most good city in the world. _______________
3 Bologna is the older university in Europe. _______________
4 A car is most expensive than a bicycle. ________________
5 London is more wet than Rome. _________________
___/ 4
TOTAL:___/ 54