Sylabus EUCZ ZS 2015


Sylabus EUCZ ZS 2015
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Filozofická fakulta
Katedra politologie a evropských studií
Vyučující: Doc. Dan Marek, M. A., PhD.; Mgr. Jan Matlocha
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
I. Cíl kurzu a jeho postavení v programu KPES
Analýza zahraniční a bezpečnostní politiky jednotlivých členských zemí Evropské unie (EU 28). Komparace evropských národních politik a jejich vztah k společné zahraniční a
bezpečnostní politice EU (SZBP) a společné bezpečnostní a obranné politice (SBOP).
Vysvětlení role EU v mezinárodní politice. Implikace pro zahraniční a bezpečnostní politiku
České republiky s ohledem na její členství v EU a NATO.
II. Metody výuky
Přednáška a seminář střídavě v dvouhodinovém bloku jednou týdně. Semináře tematicky
navazují na předchozí přednášku. V každém semináři budou 2–3 studenty prezentovány
předem zadané texty. Studenti připraví prezentace i v elektronické podobě a předem je emailem rozešlou svým kolegům a učitelům. Orální prezentace v semináři by neměly být delší
než 15–20 minut.
III. Požadavky na ukončení kurzu
Kurs je určen studentům 4. ročníku KPES. Semináře jsou povinné, jakož i četba zadaná na
každý z nich. Povolena je pouze jedna omluvená absence v semináři. Kromě zadané četby se
od účastníků kursů očekává pravidelná četba týdeníku The Economist a práce s texty na
IV. Hodnocení
Hodnocení kursu na základě eseje, písemného testu a prezentace (v ústní i písemné formě) v
semináři. Délka eseje by se měla pohybovat mezi 3 000 až 3 500 slovy, což představuje asi
10 až 12 stránek strojopisu. Esej, který bude vycházet z méně než 10 odborných zdrojů,
nebude akceptován! Esej musí být napsán na PC, musí splňovat normy KPES pro psaní
písemných prací a být odeslán v elektronické podobě (formát pdf) na e-mailovou adresu
vyučujících (viz výše). Nejpozdější termín odevzdání eseje je 10. prosince 2015 před 14
hodinou. U eseje je možný pouze jeden opravný termín! Výsledná známka bude reflektovat
dílčí požadavky následujícím způsobem: esej (40%), test (40%) a prezentace (20%).
Výsledné hodnocení:
A = 100 – 90 %
B= 89,9 – 80 %
C = 79,9 – 75 %
D= 74,9 – 70 %
E = 69,9 – 60 %
F = 59 % a méně
V. Obsah kurzu
Přednášky a semináře:
Čtvrtek: 9:45 – 11:15
Učebna: KB 1.09
Přednáška (P)
Seminář (S)
Povinná četba (PČ)
Témata pro esej:
1. Jaký je postoj ČR k SZBP/SBOP EU? Jak tento postoj ovlivňují zájmy jednotlivých
parlamentních politických stran?
2. Jaký je postoj Německa k CFSP/ESDP EU? Jak tento postoj ovlivňovaly zájmy
jednotlivých parlamentních politických stran?
3. Jaké postoje k CFSP zastávaly Švédsko a Finsko, které do EU vstoupily až po
přijetí Maastrichtské smlouvy? Srovnej postoje obou zemí a vysvětli, jakou podobu
CFSP tyto země upřednostňují.
4. Analyzuj a vysvětli dopady války v Iráku na SZBP a její další vývoj.
5. Jak efektivní a přínosná je podle Vás SZBP a SBOP? Analyzujte její klady i
nedostatky a její možnou budoucnost.
6. Které státy podle Vás dominují SZBP a jak se to promítá do reálné politiky?
Vysvětlete své tvrzení analýzou konkrétního příkladu.
* modře uvedena povinná četba
1. TÝDEN 24. 9.
2. TÝDEN 1. 10.
PČ: Wallace, W. and Giegerich, B.: Foreign and Security Policy: Civilian Power
Europe and American Leadership. In: Wallace, H., Pollack, M. and Young, A. (eds.):
Policy-making in the EU. Oxford: OUP, 2015, kap. 18.
Federiga Bindi (ed.): The Foreign Policy of the European Union Assessing Europe’s
Role in the World. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2010 (Chapters 1, 2, 3).
Grevi, G. – Helly, D. – Keohane, D. (eds) European Security and Defence Policy: the
first ten years (1999-2009). Paris: EUISS, 2009 (Chapters 1, 2).
Richard Dover: The EU's Foreign, Security and Defense Policy. In: Michelle Cini:
European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, kap. 15.
Kateryna Koehler: European Foreign Policy after Lisbon. Caucasian Review of
International Affairs. VOL. 4 (1) – Winter 2010.
Hanna Ojanen: The EU and NATO: Two Competing Models for a Common Defence
Policy. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44, 2006, č. 1, s. 57–76.
Ch. Hill: Renationalizing or Regrouping? EU Foreign Policy Since September 11
2001. Journal of Common Market Studies, 42, 2004, č. 1, s. 143–163.
F. Cameron: The Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: Past, Present
and Future. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999, kap. 6: “The Security
Dimension,” s. 69-82.
J. Bryan Collester: How Defense ‘Spilled Over” into CFSP: Western European Union
and the European Security and Defense Identity. In Marian Green Cowles and
Michael Smith (eds.): The State of the European Union, Vol. 5: Risk, Reforms,
Resistance, and Revival. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
S. Hoffmann: Towards a Common European Foreign and Security Policy? Journal of
Common Market Studies, 38, 2000, č. 2, s. 189–198.
Neil Winn: Towards a Common European Security and Defence Policy? The Debate
on NATO, the European Army and Transatlantic Security. Geopolitics, 8, 2003, s.
Christopher J. Bickerton: The Perils of Performance: EU Foreign Policy and the
Problem of legitimization. Perspectives: Central European Review of International
Affairs, 28, 2007, s. 24–42.
Daniel Thym: Reforming Europe’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. European
Law Journal, 10, 2004, č. 1, s. 5–22.
Anne Deighton: The European Security and Defence Policy. Journal of Common
Market Studies, 40, 2002, č. 4, s. 719–41.
3. TÝDEN 8.10.
PČ: Fraser Cameron: An Introduction to European Foreign Policy. London:
Routledge, 2007 (Chapter 3).
S. Nuttall: The Commission: The Struggle for Legitimacy. In: Christopher Hill, ed.:
The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 130–147.
U. Diedrichs: The European Parliament in CFSP: More than a Marginal Player? The
International Spectator, 2004, No. 2.
F. Cameron: Where the European Commission Dones? In: From the Single
European Act to Maastricht. In: Elfriede Regelsberger, Philippe de Schoutheete de
Tervarent, and Wolfgang Wessels, eds.: Foreign Policy of the European Union: From
EPC to CFSP and Betone. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1997, s. 99–108.
Thomas Grunert: The Association of the European Parliament: No Longer the
Underdog in EPC? In: Elfriede Regelsberger, Philippe de Schoutheete de Tervarent,
and Wolfgang Wessels, eds.: Foreign Policy of the European Union: From EPC to
CFSP and Betone. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1997, s. 109–131.
Daniel Thym: Beyond Parliament’s Reach? The Role of the European Parliament in
the CFSP. European Foreign Affairs Review, 11, 2006, č. 1, s. 109–127.
Ben Cum: Parliamentarization of the CFSP through informal institution-making? The
fifth European Parliament and the EU High Representative. In: Journal of European
Public Policy, 13, 2006, č. 3, s. 383-401.
Simon Duke and Sophie Vanhoonacker: Administrative Governance in the CFSP:
Development and Practice. European Foreign Affairs Review, 11, 2006, č. 2, s. 163–
Suzana-Elena Gavrilescu: Parliamentary Scrutiny of European Security and Defence
Policy: is there Anybody in Charge? In: Central European Review of International
Affairs, 22, 2004, s. 75-93.
4. TÝDEN 15. 10.
PČ: Helen Drake and Christian Lequesne: France: from rejection to return? In:
Maurizio Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European Integration from the
Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
Tiersky, R. and Van Oudenaren, J. (eds) European Foreign Policies: Does Europe
Still Matter? Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010 (Chapter 8 - France).
O. Rozenberg: Genuine Europeanization or Monnet for Nothing?. In: Simon Bulmer
and Christian Lequesne: The Member States of the European Union. Oxford
University Press, 2013, kap. 3 (seminář – prezentace).
J. S. Amber: France: Europeanism, Nationalism, and Change. In: Eleanor E. Zeff and
Ellen B. Pirro: The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation,
Coordination, and Compromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Christian Deubner: France: Contradictions and Imbalances. In: Eleanor E. Zeff &
Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne
Rienner, 2006, kap. 4, s. 61–83.
F. De la Serre: France: The Impact of François Mitterrand. In: Christopher Hill (ed.):
The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 19–39.
Drake, Helen (ed.) French Relations with the European Union. London: Routledge,
Simon Bulmer: Germany: from launching the constitutional debate to salvaging a
treaty. In: Maurizio Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European Integration from the
Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
Tiersky, R. and Van Oudenaren, J. (eds) European Foreign Policies: Does Europe
Still Matter? Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010 (Chapter 10 - Germany).
T. Beichelt: Germany: In Search of a New Balance. In: Simon Bulmer and Christian
Lequesne: The Member States of the European Union. Oxford University Press,
2013, kap. 4 (seminář – prezentace).
Carl Lankowski: Germany: Transforming Its Role. In: Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro
(eds): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006,
kap. 3, s. 35–59.
Alister Miskimmon: Germany and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the
European Union:Between Europeanisation and National Adaptation. Basingstoke:
Palgrave, 2007.
R. Rummel: Germany’s Role in the CFSP: ‘Normalität’ or ‘Sonderweg’? In:
Christopher Hill, ed.: The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge,
1996, s. 40–67.
Joachim Schild: Mission Impossible? The Potential for Franco–German Leadership in
the Enlarged EU. Journal of Common Market Studies. 2010, Vol. 48, No. 5.
Christian Schweiger: Britain, Germany and the Future of the European Union.
Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2007.
Thomas Pedersen: Keynote Article: Recent Trends in the Franco-German
Relationship. Journal of Common Market Studies, 41, 2003, s. 13–25.
Jolyon Howorth: The Euro-Atlantic Security Dilemma: France, Britain, and the ESDP.
Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 3, 2005, č. 1, s. 39–54.
Wolfgang Wagner: Foreign Policy Capacities and State Preference on CFSP:
Assessing the Racionalist Explanation of German, French and British CFSP Policies.
Vanda Knowles and Silke Thomson-Pottebohm: The UK, Germany and ESDP:
Developments at the Convention and the IGC. German Politics, 12, 2004, č. 4, s.
Neill Nugent and David Phinnemore: United Kingdom: red lines defended. In:
Maurizio Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European Integration from the
Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
Tiersky, R. and Van Oudenaren, J. (eds) European Foreign Policies: Does Europe
Still Matter? Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010 (Chapter 9 – United Kingdom).
David Allen: The United Kingdom: Towards Isolation and a Parting of the Ways?. In:
Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne: The Member States of the European Union.
Oxford University Press, 2005, kap. 6 (seminář – prezentace).
Ian Bache and Andrew Jordan (eds) The Europeanization of British Politics.
Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006.
J. Rasmussen: Britain: Aloof and Skeptical. In: Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B. Pirro:
The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation, Coordination, and
Compromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Neill Nugent and Janet Mather: The United Kingdom: Critical Friend and Awkward
Partner? In: Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and the
Member States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006, kap. 7, s. 129–150.
C. Hill: United Kingdom: Sharpening Contradictions. In: Christopher Hill, ed.: The
Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 68–89.
Richard Whitman: The UK Presidency: In the Hot Seat. Journal of Common Market
Studies, 44, 2006, s. 57–62.
Vanda Knowles and Silke Thomson-Pottebohm: The UK, Germany and ESDP:
Developments at the Convention and the IGC. German Politics, 12, 2004, č. 4, s.
5. TÝDEN 22. 10.
PČ: Peter Bursens and Ben Crum: The Benelux countries: how politicization upset
a prointegration coalition. In: Maurizio Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European
Integration from the Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
2010 (seminář – prezentace).
J. Beyers, B. Kerremans, and p. Bursens: Belgium, The Netherlands, and
Luxembourg: Diversity Among the Benelux Countries. In: Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen
B. Pirro: The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation, Coordination,
and Compromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Karen Anderson and Michael Kaeding: Belgium, the Netherlands, and
Luxemburg: Increasingly Cautious Eropeans. In: Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro
(eds): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006,
kap. 6, s. 107–128 (seminář – prezentace).
Erik Jones: The Benelux Countries: Identity and Self-interest. In: Simon Bulmer and
Christian Lequesne: The Member States of the European Union. Oxford University
Press, 2005, kap. 8, s. 164–184.
C. Franck: Belgium: The Importance of Foreign Policy to European Political Union.
In: Christopher Hill ed.: The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge,
1996, s. 151–165.
A. Pijpers: The Netherlands: The Weakening Pull of Atlanticism. In: Christopher Hill,
ed.: The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 247–267.
P-L. Lorenz: Luxembourg: New Commitments, New Assertiveness. In: Christopher
Hill, ed., The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 226–
6. TÝDEN 29. 10.
PČ: Lucia Quaglia: Italy: the importance of party politics in treaty negotiations. In:
Maurizio Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European Integration from the
Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
Tiersky, R. and Van Oudenaren, J. (eds) European Foreign Policies: Does Europe
Still Matter? Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010 (Chapter 11 - Italy).
Marco Giuliani and Simona Piattoni: Italy: Back to the Future or Steps Toward
Normality? In: Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro (eds): The European Union and the
Member States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006, kap. 5, s. 85–106.
G. Bonviváni: Regional Reassertion: The Dilemmas of Italy. In: Christopher Hill, ed.:
The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 90–107.
Francesc Morata: Spain: Modernization through Europeanization. In: Simon Bulmer
and Christian Lequesne: The Member States of the European Union. Oxford
University Press, 2013, kap. 6.
Mary Farrell: Spain and Portugal: continuity and consensus in Iberia. In: Maurizio
Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European Integration from the Constitution to the
Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
J. Roy and A. Banner: Spain and Portugal: Betting on Europe. In: Eleanor E. Zeff
and Ellen B. Pirro: The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation,
Coordination, and Compromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Sebástian Royo: Portugal and Spain: Mission Accomplished? In: Eleanor E. Zeff &
Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne
Rienner, 2006, kap. 11, s. 211–234.
E. Barbé: Spain: the Uses of Foreign Policy Cooperation. In: Christopher Hill ed.:
The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 108–129.
A. de Vasconcelos: Portugal: Pressing for an Open Europe. In: Christopher Hill
(ed.): The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 268–287.
Federiga Bindi and Manuela Cisci: Italy and Spain: A Tale of Contrasting
Effectiveness in the EU. In: Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne: The Member
States of the European Union. Oxford University Press, 2005, kap. 7, s. 142–163.
Béatrice Hibou: Greece and Portugal: Convergent or Divergent Europeanization?
In: Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne: The Member States of the European
Union. Oxford University Press, 2005, kap. 11, s. 229–253.
7. TÝDEN 5. 11.
PČ: Brian Girvin: Ireland: more referendums anyone? In: Maurizio Carbone (ed.)
National Politics and European Integration from the Constitution to the Lisbon
Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010 (seminář – prezentace).
R. B. Finnegan: Ireland: Brussels and the Celtic Tiger. In: Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen
B. Pirro: The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation, Coordination,
and Compromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Richard B. Finnegan: Ireland: Brussels and the Celnic Tiger. In: Eleanor E. Zeff &
Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne
Rienner, 2006, kap. 8, s. 151–172.
P. Keatinge: Ireland and Common Security: Stretching the Limits of Commitment?
In: Christopher Hill, ed.: The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge,
1996, s. 208–225.
Gerda Falkner and Brigid Kaftan: The Europeanization of Austria and Ireland:
Small can be Difficult? In: Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne: The Member
States of the European Union. Oxford University Press, 2005, kap. 10, s. 209–228.
R. Heinisch: Austria: Confronting Controversy. In: Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B.
Pirro: The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation, Coordination, and
Compromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Lisa Hunt and Gerda Falkner: Austria: Fiction and Mixed Feelings. In: Eleanor E.
Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro (eds): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder:
Lynne Rienner, 2006, kap. 12, s. 237–252 (seminář – prezentace).
Nikolas Zahariadis: Greece: A Most Enthusiastic, Reluctant European. In: Eleanor
E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro (eds): The European Union and the Member States.
Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006, kap. 10, s. 193–210 (seminář – prezentace).
P. Tsakaloyannis: Greece: The Limits to Convergence. In: Christopher Hill, ed.: The
Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 186–207.
Harry Coccossis, Dimitris Economou, Georgie Petrakos: The ESDP Relevance to a
Distant Partner: Greece. European Planning Studies, 13, 2005, č. 2, s. 253–264.
George A. Papandreou: Greek Views on the EU Common Foreign and Security
Policy. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 9, 2003, č. 2, s. 49–62.
8. TÝDEN 12. 11.
PČ: Finn Laursen: The Nordic countries: between scepticism and adaptation. In:
Maurizio Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European Integration from the
Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
Anna Michalski: Sweden: From Scepticism to Pragmatic Support. In: Simon Bulmer
and Christian Lequesne: The Member States of the European Union. Oxford
University Press, 2013, kap. 7.
K. Anderson: Sweden: Retreat from Exceptionalism. In: Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B.
Pirro: The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation, Coordination, and
Kompromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Johan Eliasson: Sweden: Adaptation and Resistence. In: Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B.
Pirro (eds): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner,
2006, kap. 13, s. 253–269.
A. C-G. Stubb, H. Kaila, and T. Ranta: Finland: An Integrationist Member State. In:
Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B. Pirro: The European Union and the Member States:
Cooperation, Coordination, and Kompromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Jussi Kinnunen and Tapio Faunko: Finland: Consensual Politics, Effective
Implementation. In: Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and
the Member States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006, kap. 14, s. 271–290.
L. Eliason: Denmark: Small State with a Big Voice. In: Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B.
Pirro: The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation, Coordination, and
Kompromise. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001.
Eric S. Einhorn and Jessica Erfer: Denmark: Euro-Pragmatism in Practice. In:
Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro (eds): The European Union and the Member States.
Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006, kap. 9, s. 173–190.
B. Heurlin: Denmark: A New Activism in Foreign and Security Policy. In: Christopher
Hill, ed.: The Actors in Europe’s Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, 1996, s. 166–
Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira: The Militarily Non-Allied States in the Foreign and
Security Policy of the European Union: Solidarity “ma non troppo”. Journal of
Contemporary European Studies, 13, 2005, č. 1, s. 21–37.
9. TÝDEN 19. 11.
PČ: Michael Baun and Dan Marek: The foreign policies of the new member states: a
framework for analysis. In: Michael Baun and Dan Marek (eds): The New Member
States and the European Union: Foreign Policy and Europeanization. London and
New York: Routledge, 2013.
Klaus H. Goetz: The New Member States and the EU: responding to Europe. In:
Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne: The Member States of the European Union.
Oxford University Press, 2005, kap. 12, s. 254–280.
Geoffrey Edwards: The New Member States and the Making of EU Foreign Policy.
European Foreign Affairs Review, 11, 2006, č. 2, s. 143–162.
Antonio Missiroli: EU Enlargement and CFSP/ESDP. Journal of European
Integration, 25, 2003, č. 1, s. 1–16.
Tiersky, R. and Van Oudenaren, J. (eds) European Foreign Policies: Does Europe
Still Matter? Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010 (Chapter 12 – Poland and
Eastern Europe).
Arunas Molis: The Role and Interests of Small States in Developing European
Security and Defence Policy. Baltic Security & Defence Review, 8, 2006, s. 81-100.
Joanna Kaminska: Poland: the new agenda setter. In: Michael Baun and Dan Marek
(eds): The New Member States and the European Union: Foreign Policy and
Europeanization. London and New York: Routledge 2013 (seminář – prezentace).
Paul G. Lewis: Poland: domestic discord makes for a problematic partner. In:
Maurizio Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European Integration from the
Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
Artur Gruszczak: Poland: A Reluctant Member. In: Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro
(eds): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006,
kap. 15, s. 293–313.
Csaba Töro: Hungary: the Europeanization of policy perspectives and purposes. In:
Michael Baun and Dan Marek (eds): The New Member States and the European
Union: Foreign Policy and Europeanization. London and New York: Routledge 2013
(seminář – prezentace).
David Ellison: Hungary: From “Policy Taker” to Policymaker. In: Eleanor E. Zeff &
Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne
Rienner, 2006, kap. 16, s. 315–341.
Michal Kořan: Coloring it Europe? the Europeanization of Czech foreign policy. In:
Michael Baun and Dan Marek (eds): The New Member States and the European
Union: Foreign Policy and Europeanization. London and New York: Routledge 2013
(seminář – prezentace).
Marek, Dan a Baun, Michael: The Czech Republic and the European Union.
London and New York: Routledge, 2011, Chapter 6 - The Czech Republic as an EU
Sharon Fisher: The Czech Republic: Waning Enthusiasm. In: Eleanor E. Zeff &
Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder: Lynne
Rienner, 2006, kap. 17, s. 343–360.
Jozef Bútora and Veronika Pulišová: Slovakia: learning to add value to EU foreign
policy. In: Michael Baun and Dan Marek (eds): The New Member States and the
European Union: Foreign Policy and Europeanization. London and New York:
Routledge 2013 (seminář – prezentace).
Karen Henderson: Czech Republic and Slovakia: party politics and the travails of
ratification. In: Maurizio Carbone (ed.) National Politics and European Integration
from the Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
10. TÝDEN 26. 11.
Čtecí týden
11. TÝDEN 3. 12.
PČ: Polona Bunič and Zlatko Šabič: The Europeanization of Slovenian foreign
policy: a one-way process? In: Michael Baun and Dan Marek (eds): The New
Member States and the European Union: Foreign Policy and Europeanization.
London and New York: Routledge 2013 (seminář – prezentace).
John Occhipinti and Peter Loedel: Slovenia and Slovakia: Joining the Club. In:
Eleanor E. Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and the Member States.
Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2006, kap. 18, s. 361–380.
Koerner, Kevin: Croatia facing challenges on the EU’s doorstep. Deutsche Bank
Research, June 2013, (seminář –
Roderick Pace: Malta: a Lilliputian state’s struggle for security and peace. In: Michael
Baun and Dan Marek (eds): The New Member States and the European Union:
Foreign Policy and Europeanization. London and New York: Routledge 2013
(seminář – prezentace).
Stelios Stavridis and Christos Kassimeris: Cyprus: the limits of European solidarity
with a small member state. In: Michael Baun and Dan Marek (eds): The New
Member States and the European Union: Foreign Policy and Europeanization.
London and New York: Routledge 2013 (seminář – prezentace).
Roderick Pace: Malta and Cyprus: The Mediterranean Island States. In: Eleanor E.
Zeff & Ellen B. Pirro (eds.): The European Union and the Member States. Boulder:
Lynne Rienner, 2006, kap. 19, s. 381–409.
Steven Stoltenberg: Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia: Determined Euro-Atlanticists. In:
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