Základní škola a mateřská škola Hutisko


Základní škola a mateřská škola Hutisko
Základní škola a mateřská škola Hutisko-Solanec
Digitální učební materiál
Poslechové cvičení, slovní zásoba z textu Sir Bedivere and
Excalibur, hledání slovesných vzorů
Mgr. Jana Němečková
Angličtina, Čeština
Očekávaný výstup:
Nácvik poslechu, upevnění slovní zásoby z textu Sir Bedivere and Excalibur, hledání slovesných vzorů
Speciální vzdělávací potřeby:
Klíčová slova:
Verb patterns
Druh učebního materiálu:
Poslechové cvičení
Druh interaktivity:
řešení cvičení
Cílová skupina:
Stupeň a typ vzdělávání:
základní vzdělávaní: druhý stupeň
Typická věková skupina:
12-15 let
Celková velikost:
330 kB
Project 4 – UNIT 4 – A
The Story of Sir Bedivere and Excalibur
Exercise 1: Read the text of the story in your book Project 4, page 44.
Exercise 2: Listen. Find the different parts of the story in this text. Underline
The wounded king tried to stand up, but he was too angry. Sir Bedivere
hated seeing the king like this, so he promised to do what the king wanted.
He went back to the bushes. On the way, he stopped to get the sword from
the bushes. He stood on the stone of the lake, lifted the sword above his hat
and threw it with all his strength out into the water of the lake. Excalibur
flew through the air, then as it fell towards the water something scary happened, a woman´s arm came up out of the lake and caught the sword. The
woman waved Excabur three times in the air. Then the arm and the sword
slowly sank down into the clean waters of the lake and disappeared.
When Sir Bedivere told King Arthur about the arm, the king started crying
again.” Ah, the Lady of the Lake”, he said. Then he closed his eyes and fell
Exercise 3:Circle all verb patterns. There are 5 of them.
Exercise 2: změny jsou podtrženy
The wounded king tried to stand up, but he was too angry (weak). Sir Bedivere hated seeing
the king like this, so he promised to do what the king wanted. He went back to the bushes
(lake).. On the way, he stopped to get the sword from the bushes. He stood on the
stone(shore) of the lake, lifted the sword above his stone(shore) and threw it with all his
strength out into the water (middle) of the lake. Excalibur flew through the air, then as it fell
towards the water something scary (amazing) happened, a woman´s arm came up of the lake
and caught the sword. The woman waved Excabur three times in the air. Then the arm and
the sword slowly sank down into the scary (amazing) waters of the lake and disappeared.
When Sir Bedivere told King Arthur about the arm, the king started crying (smiling)again.”
Ah, the Lady of the Lake”, he said. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep(died).
Exercise 3: označené žlutě
Text podle :
HUTCHINSON Tom, Project 4, učebnice angličtiny. 3. vyd. Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 2009. 79 s. ISBN: 978 019 4764179
Unit 4, str. 44
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