ZeGaLa Nobody - poems


ZeGaLa Nobody - poems
Poetry Series
ZeGaLa Nobody
- poems -
Publication Date:
Poemhunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
ZeGaLa Nobody(At beautiful day of nonedning storm)
www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Dream Catcher
Enough of pain
my soul goin vain
I understand i can
we are all in devil den
We can try run away
but we can´t
he own this land
so just keep pray
ZeGaLa Nobody
www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
I just wanna see
how i fly and fall
i just wanna be free
this i want it is all
that fire i feel
it burning me like beam
but it all is surreal
within my life in dream
can i stay one more day
this land is just mine
why i must go and stay
just for sunlight and his shine
ZeGaLa Nobody
www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Lighting the fire
warming hands
smoke signals
into heaven dive
Nobody understand
my simply cipher
for my uniques i can´t stand
im alone and fighter
Maybe one time
i will be one of all
absorbed by my own fire
and all of me into fall
ZeGaLa Nobody
www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Byl jsem tam
porád je slyším
hlasy mrtvych co na me kricí
krídla andelu ze zlatého perí
radí mi kudy a kam
ted i já panikou kricím
Snad casem skoncí zly sen
ten ve kterém jsem uveznen
kolik zlatych per
posbírat musím abych je umlcel
co na tom vidí
tolik zoufalych lidí
Kamenné sloupy plné príbehu
léta zivota a snení
dny slozené z kousícku
a kvetiny vyhaslych
nebe tady není
jen sny bohu byvalych
ZeGaLa Nobody
www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
The longest way
straight midlle of hell
on end of crazy day
you decide you done well
Your only chance
maybe last nameless
will give you resistance
but you can´t be hopeless
ZeGaLa Nobody
www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Piece of cloth
on the rose
chosing pose
for night moth
Nymph of forest
gave her red
and without bed
pray for a rest
ZeGaLa Nobody
www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive
Swear for me Blue
Our stories aren't true
Untie me from the chains
Lie is around and out of us drains
Souls in fact innocent
ZeGaLa Nobody
www.PoemHunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive