č. 6 - Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec


č. 6 - Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec
Název projektu OPVK: Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec
Klíčová aktivita: II/2
Číslo dokumentu: VY_22_INOVACE_AJ.S1.06
Typ výukového materiálu: Pracovní list pro žáka
Název výukového materiálu: United Kingdom - exercises
Autor: Mgr. Milan Kadlec
Škola: Gymnázium V. Nováka Jindřichův Hradec
Obor vzdělávání: Gymnázium (všeobecné)
Ročník: 4.
Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk
Tématická oblast: Anglický jazyk – V.-VIII. ročník osmiletého a 1.-4. ročník čtyřletého gymnázia
Datum vytvoření: 17. 3. 2013
Anotace: Na tomto pracovním listu si žáci procvičí celou řadu různých faktů týkajících
se Spojeného království Velké Británie a Severního Irska a současně se naučí další zajímavosti ohledně vlajky,
správního rozdělení a politického systému.
1. What countries is the United Kingdom made up of and what are their capitals?
2. Match the crosses that occur in the flag of the United Kingdom with their patron
saints and the countries they symbolize:
White diagonal cross on a blue field
Red diagonal cross on a white field
No cross
Red upright cross on a white field
St Patrick
St David
St George
St Andrew
3. What are alternative names for the flag of the UK?
The Union Flag and the .................................... .
The exact origin of the name is unclear. The flag dates back to 1603 when James VI of
Scotland inherited the English and Irish thrones as James I. Latin for James is Jacobus so it
might have been named after him. He introduced the flag after his accession to the throne and
also united England, Ireland and Scotland to a personal union (which meant that the three
nations had the same monarch but their boundaries, laws and interests remained).
Another explanation is that it got its name from the jack staff (vlajková žerď) on a
naval ship. Thus the term “jack” means the flag that is flown from the bow of a ship showing
the nationality.
4. What smaller parts is the United Kingdom divided into?
........................... (česky: ............................ )
All the four countries England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are divided into
counties. In England, there are over 50 of them. Each county is responsible for local
government, and provides services such as education, health and police forces. Each county
has its own badge. Policemen have a unique silver badge on their helmet, which represents
the county police force they work for.
Quite a lot of counties end with the word “shire”. This is an old English word meaning
county. The word ’shire’ was used to name a region after its most important town, such as
5. What terms contain the name of the county Yorkshire and what do they refer to?
................................................. - .................................................................
................................................. - .................................................................
Other names of the counties refer to cities like Oxford – Oxfordshire, Cambridge –
Cambridgeshire, Nottingham – Nottinghamshire, Leicester – Leicestershire etc.
Viking invaders have left us with county names Sussex, Wessex and Essex.
6. Do these names have anything in common with sex?
Sussex meant ”South Saxons” (jižní Sasové). The Saxons together with the Angles
were the Germanic tribes who conquered Britain in the early Middle Ages.
7. Guess what two other county names meant.
The Angles is the modern English-language term for a Germanic tribe who took their
name from the district of Angeln, an area of what is today northern Germany.
8. What name was created from the tribe called the Angles?
9. Complete the text with suitable names and words:
The United Kingdom is a .................................... ............................. . This means that
the official Head of State is the monarch (a .............. or a .................) but his or her powers
are limited by the constitution. The constitution is not written in any single document. It is a
set of rules many of which are customs and conventions (úmluvy, společenské mravy).
Parliament is the supreme .................................. body. Its seat is in Westminster
Palace in ................... . It is situated on the left bank of the .................. . There are ...........
houses. The House of ........................, the lower one, is an elected assembly, and 650
Members of Parliament (.........) meet there. They represent constituencies (voličstvo, volební
obvody) in England, Scotland, ...................... and ........................ .................. . They are
elected at a general election every 5 years. They sit on the .................... seats.
The House of ......................, the upper one, is a non-elected assembly. It consists of people
who hold the title of lord, count, viscount, earl, baron etc, and also representatives of the
church. The lords that sits in the chamber with the ............... seats are made up of the Lords
Temporal (světští) and the Lords Spiritual (duchovní). The number of them is not fixed.
The majority of the Lords Temporal is life peers (pérové, šlechtici) who are appointed by the
monarch. The peers who hold titles that may be inherited are hereditary. Only 92 of all the
peers are allowed to sit in the House of Lords.
The Lords Spiritual are 2 archbishops (of ................................ and ..................) and more
than 20 bishops of the Church of England (Anglikánská církev).
The Queen is only a formal head of State. She holds receptions, banquets, dinner
parties and the like; she visits various parts of Britain and undertakes tours in other countries.
The Queen’s residence is ............................. ................... . The eldest son of Elizabeth II
..................., Prince of ....................., is the heir to the throne. A daughter succeeds only if
there are no sons in the royal family.
The Cabinet is the ................................. organ of government which comprises
ministers and is headed by the ..................... .............................. . All ministers are formally
appointed by the Queen. The Prime Minister resides at .......... ............................ ...................
The current Prime Minister, .................... .............................. , is the leader of the centreright Conservative Party, which won the last election. It governs in coalition with the
Liberal Democrats. One of the two main British political parties is the Labour Party. This
centre-left one currently forms the Official Opposition in the Parliament of the UK.
Prohlašuji, že při tvorbě výukového materiálu jsem respektoval(a) všeobecně užívané právní a morální zvyklosti, autorská a jiná práva třetích
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dílům nebo práva k ochranným známkám) dle zákona 121/2000 Sb. (Autorský zákon). Nesu veškerou právní odpovědnost za obsah a původ
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Prohlašuji dále, že výše uvedený materiál jsem ověřil(a) ve výuce a provedl(a) o tom zápis do třídní knihy. Dávám souhlas, aby mé dílo bylo
dáno k dispozici veřejnosti k účelům volného užití (§ 30 odst. 1 zákona 121/2000 Sb.), tj. že k uvedeným účelům může být kýmkoliv
zveřejňováno, používáno, upravováno a uchováváno.