READING 1 - little Pepa´s family


READING 1 - little Pepa´s family
READING 1 - little Pepa´s family
Hello, how are you? Are you fine? And where are you from? My (1) ______________ is little
Pepa and I ´m from Vidlákov. Vidlákov is in the Czech Republic. And this is my family:
My mother´s name is Jane. She is from Prague. She is a (2) ______________ woman and she is
a good mother too. My father's name is Pepa and my sister's name is little Jane. My father is
a strong man and a clever teacher. And little Jane is a good (3) ______________ . Our big
friend is Joey. It is a dog. Joey is nice, clever and quite lazy.
My uncle is a hard-working man. He´s a (4) __________________ and he´s very reliable. His name is Franta, and his
surname is Novák. His wife is Perla. Franta is from the Czech Republic but Perla isn´t Czech. She is from Spain. Franta
and Perla's children are Carlos and Rosa. They are very small and (5) __________________ babies. They are my cousins.
Alois is my grandfather and Silva is my grandmother. They are very old and (6) _________________ . But they are quite
happy because we are a good and nice family! And what is your family like? Tell me about it!
--------- (zde si stránku přehněte a při vypracovávání úkolů 1 a 2 nepoužívejte "text") ------------
úkol 1: poslechněte si několikrát nahrávku a odpovězte na otázky:
1) Where is little Pepa from?
2) What is the name of the dog?
3) What are little Pepa´s grandparents like?
úkol 2: během poslechu přiřaďte (spojte čárou) výrazy z 1. sloupce k jednotlivým jménům (sloupec 2.), poté
totéž zopakujte i s výrazy ze sloupce 3.
aunt (uncle´s wife)
little Pepa
very old
from Vidlákov
little Jane
from Spain
hard-working and reliable
a teacher
Carlos and Rosa
quite lazy
a pretty woman
a girl
úkol 3: poslechněte si nahrávku několikrát znovu a doplňte do textu chybějící slova 1-6
úkol 4: přečtěte a přeložte si text s doplněnými slovy a napište 10 vět o členech vaší rodiny:
1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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