Snow White and seven dwarfs


Snow White and seven dwarfs
Snow White and seven dwarfs
cíl: vyprávění pohádky v minulém čase
1. zopakování minulého času sloves:
2. slovesa roztřídit na pravidelná a nepravidelná, vytvořit z nich minulý čas be – was,
were, have – had, die – died, marry – married, grow up – grew up, hate – hated, ask –
asked, answer – answered, call – called, want – wanted, take – took, leave – left, find –
found, live – lived, change – changed, go – went, sell – sold, fall – fell, see – saw, kiss –
kissed, wake up – woke up
3. na tabuli slovíčka a obrázky – rozklíčovat (obrázky Sněhurka, skleněná truhla atd)
4. vyprávění pohádky – využití doplňování dětí, např. Once upon a time there was a ....
(naznačit korunu na hlavě, studenti doplní KING)....
5. Pracovní list 2 – studenti hledají překlad slov
6. Pracovní list 1 – studenti se snaží doplnit chybějící slova
7. vyprávění příběhu bez použití pracovních listů (u slabších studentů každý ze skupiny
řekne jednu větu, kterou navazuje na vyprávění předchozího. U silnějších studentů si
vyprávějí příběh ve dvojici – střídají se a navazují na věty druhého)
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who were very happy. They had a baby so white
as a snow and her face was so red that they called her Snow White. Unfortunately, the queen died
and the king married again. But the step mother was evil and she didn´n like Snow White. When
Snow White grew up, her step mother hated her more and more. Once she asked her magic
mirror: „ Who is the prettiest from the world?“ The mirror answered: „You are so pretty, my
queen, but Snow White is prettier then you.“ She was really angry. She called for a hunter and
wanted from him to kill Snow Whitw. The hunter took Snow White into a deep and dark forrest
and left her there. Snow White was frightened, but soon she found a cottage where seven dwarfs
lived. The dwarfs were friendly and loved Snow White. Few days later the step mother noticed
about Snow White, that she is alive and lives with seven dwarfs in a forrest. She changed herself
into an old woman and went to visit her. The step mother sold her poisoned apple and Snow
White fell down as dead. The dwarfs left her in a glass chest in the forrest. They wanted to see
her. One day a princ went around. He saw the beautiful Snow White in her glass chest and kissed
her. Snow White woke up. They lived happily ever after.
-worksheet 1______________________________________________________
Snow White and seven dwarfs
Once upon a time there was a ________1 and a __________2 who were very happy.
They had a baby so white as a snow and her face was so red that they call her
Unfortunately, the queen died and the king married again. But the __________4 was evil
and she didn´t like Snow White. When Snow White grew up, her step mother hated her
more and more.
Once she asked her magic _________5: „ Who is the prettiest from the world?“ The
mirror answered: „You are so prette, my queen, but Snow White is prettier then you.“ She was
really angry. She called for a _________6 and wanted from him to kill Snow White. The hunter
took Snow White into a deep and dark _________7 and left her there.
Snow White was frightened, but soon she found a ___________8 where seven
dwarfs lived. The dwarfs were friendly and loved Snow White. Few days later
the _____________9 noticed about Snow White, that she is alive and lives with
seven dwarfs in a forrest. She changed herself into an _____________10 and went
to visit her. The step mother sold her poisoned ___________11 and Snow White fell down as
The _________12 left her in a glass chest in the forrest. They wanted to see her.
One day a ___________13 went around. He saw the beautiful Snow White in her
glass chest and kissed her. Snow White woke up. They lived _________14 ever
-Worksheet 2__________________________________________________________________________
1. Sněhurka 2. sedm
3. král a
4. otrávené 5. magické 6. skleněná 7. chaloupka
8. Bylo nebylo 9. Dokud nezemřeli, žijí dodnes 10. Naneštěstí
11. hezký, hezčí, nejhezčí
Snow White
seven dwarfs
king and queen
poisoned apple
magic mirror
glass chest
once upon a
they lived
happily even
pretty – prettier
– the prettiest

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