My future plans


My future plans
Číslo projektu
Název školy
Střední škola cestovního ruchu, s. r. o., Benešov
Anglický jazyk
Tematický okruh
Konverzační téma
My future plans
Mgr. Nela Vlachová
Datum výroby
DUM slouží k výuce žáků 1. ročníku v oblasti „Anglický
Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je
Mgr. Nela Vlachová. Dostupné z u
Pracovní list – My future plans, career
When do we think about future? Why?
When we are at the end of something and we have to decide what to do in our future.
When we are unhappy with something what we do now
When we need or want to do something new
Why – because we want to know what we are going to do, we plan our future or we have
some dreams or ideas about our life, we can find some sense of our life
Usual / frequent “jobs of our dreams”
When I was small I wanted to be ….
In 10, in 15 and now
We expect that we will do something we like, what makes us happy
Education: if we want to have a good job we need to have education
Secondary school
University – which one, why
What is important for you?
A job that you like and you are interested in it
Career, be successful
Earn a lot of money
Travel a lot
This year I pass my school leaving exam. I hope to …..
What is your ideal job?
What is your dream occupation?
What do you look for in a job?
How do people find a job?
First, write CV – including information about your education and past work
experience. Then you can visit an employment agency which will find suitable jobs,
you can look for jobs offers in advertisements, on the Internet, in newspapers,
How do you prepare for a job interview?
You should research information about your job/the company. Dress up well, arrive on
time, don't be late, know the name of the person who is interviewing you.