Ukázka - Polyglot


Ukázka - Polyglot
1. Homofony – slova, která stejně zní, ale jinak se píší. Homophones – words with
1. I. a) She wears her hair in a pony tail. b) I’d like to go to the
sea again this year. c) Father, can you come nearer? d) I’d like
to meet her one day. e) Her brother Adam writes beautiful
songs. f) He always knew what to do. g) Who’s this one for?
h) I want to go there and hear it. i) Where is my red dress?
1. II. kazeta + řešení: buy – by – bye, hour – our, nose – knows,
red – read (minulý čas/příčestí), no – know, Jim – gym, two –
too, eye – I
2. c), f)
the same sound but different spellings
a) She wears her hare in a pony tail. b)
I. V každé větě diktátu napsal Jeník jedno
Id like to go to the see again this year.
slovo špatně. Najděte ho a nahraďte slovem,
c) Farther, can you come nearer? d) Id
které je s ním homofonní. In each sentence
like to meat her one day.e) Her brother
of his dictation Jeník has written one word
Adam rights beautiful songs. f) He
wrongly. Find it and replace it with its correct
always new what to do. g) Who s this
homophonic equivalent.
one four? h) I want to go there and
II. Poslouchejte. Ke každému slovu napište dvě
možnosti jeho zápisu. Write the words on the tape in two different ways.
2. Ve kterých z těchto dvojic se zvýrazněné části slov vyslovují stejně? In which
3. Jako řešení uvádíme pouze slova, se kterými se studenti setkali v rámci povinné slovní zásoby:
a) beef b) course c) door d) word e) sauce f) part g) hurry
h) key i) learn j) laugh k) even l) speech
of these pairs are the bold parts of words pronounced in the same way?
a) down – own
d) perhaps – personal g) though – thought
j) bread – break
b) almost – along
e) programme – problem h) moment – modern
k) even – every
c) card – carp
f) advance – admit
i) decorate – December l) matter – material
3. Co to je za slovo? What’s the word?
a) b [i:] f – __________
d) w [§
:] d – __________ g) h [v
] rry – __________ j) l [B
:] gh – __________
b) c [c:] se – __________ e) s [c:] ce – __________ h) k [i:] – __________
k) ev [e] n – __________
c) d [c:] – __________
f) p [B
:] t – __________
i) l [§
:] n – __________
l) sp [i:] ch – _________
4. Vyhledejte dvojice slov, která se rýmují. Make rhyming pairs.
4. lamb – tram; year – hear; light – write; meal – feel; though –
know; said – red; crowd – cloud; even – Stephen; year – here;
light – quite; live – drive; seen – clean; key – see; sort – nought;
ate – let; cry – lie; hare – bear; word – heard; též: light – quite –
write, here – hear
cr y
5. A Mad Tea Party
5. I. bravely – dirty – friendly – curiously – party – crossly –
story – really – immediately – ready – nervously
I. V rámci každé skupiny přeházejte velká písmena tak, abyste utvořili slova končící na „y“.
Rescramble the capital letters to make words ending in ‘y’.
5. II. ready, curiously
5. III. a) podstatná jména: party, story b) přídavná jména:
friendly, dirty, ready c) příslovce: bravely, curiously, crossly,
really, immediately, nervously
II. Poslechněte si text. Která dvě slova z části I se v něm nevyskytují? Listen to the story.
Which two of the words in part I do not occur?
III. Která z těch slov jsou a) podstatná jména, b) přídavná jména, c) příslovce? Which of the
words are a) nouns? b) adjectives? c) adverbs?
6. Přečtěte si text. Read the text.
I. Jeden z těchto obrázků neodpovídá textu. Který? One picture doesn’t apply. Which is it?
6. I. neplatí: d)
II. Seřaďte zbylé obrázky tak, aby pořadí odpovídalo textu. Put the remaining five pictures in
the correct order to summarize the extract.
III. Napište ke každému obrázku vhodný komentář v minulém čase. Write a suitable caption
for each picture using the past tense.
7. Které tvrzení nejlépe vystihuje obsah daných řádků z textu? Which of the
three sentences best summarizes the given section of text?
a) řádky 1–15
(i) Alice meets some strange characters.
(ii) Alice talks to a rude hare.
(iii) Alice is invited to a tea party.
b) řádky 16–25
(i) Alice means what she says.
(ii) Alice answers the riddle.
(iii) Alice argues with the other characters.
c) řádky 26–41
(i) Alice begins to understand the strange tea party.
(ii) The March Hare becomes tired.
(iii) The Mad Hatter explains why it’s always six o’clock.
d) řádky 42–57
(i) The Dormouse tells them a story.
(ii) Alice leaves the party and has a second strange experience.
(iii) Alice goes for a walk.
6. II. správné pořadí zbylých obrázků: c), e), b), f), a)
6. III. např.: první obrázek: c) “There’s no room!” said the Mad
Hatter and the March Hare crossly. druhý obrázek: e) The Mad
Hatter looked at his pocket watch. třetí obrázek: b) The
Dormouse started to tell them a story about three sisters. čtvrtý
obrázek: f) Suddenly, in the forest, Alice saw a tree with a door
in it. pátý obrázek: a) Alice picked up the golden key that was
lying on the glass table.
7. a) lines 1–15: (i) Alice meets some strange characters.
b) lines 16–25: (iii) Alice argues with the other characters.
c) lines 26–47: (i) Alice begins to understand the strange tea
party. d) lines 42–57: (ii) Alice leaves the party and has a
second strange experience.
8. Find it!
I. Najděte v textu synonyma těchto výrazů. In the text find synonyms of these expressions.
easy – continue – saw – huge – around – straight away – strange
II. Teď vyhledejte antonyma. Now find antonyms.
easy – polite – clean – end – man – inside – with – clever – different – afraid
III. Utvořte tematické dvojice. Každé slovo užijte jen jednou. Make thematic pairs, using each
expression only once.
ck k
air ps
rs ce
ur atch esk
lac seat
c cu
tir sau off yaw pa
9. Toto všechno by někdo mohl říct na čajovém dýchánku. Co je nezdvořilé
(rude) a co zdvořilé (polite)? Here are things that people might say at a tea party. Which
are rude and which are polite?
Can I offer you some tea?
I want some tea.
What terrible tea!
Nice to see you. Come and have some tea.
I’ve never been to a worse tea party.
8. I. easy – simple; continue – keep; saw – noticed; huge –
great; around – round; straight away – immediately; strange –
8. II. easy – difficult; polite – rude; clean – dirty; end –
beginning; man – lady; inside – out; with – without; clever –
stupid; different – same; afraid – brave
8. III. tired – yawn, saucers – cups, office – desk, party –
invitation, armchair – seat, hour – watch, raven – black,
teatime – six o’clock
9. polite: Can I offer you some tea? – Nice to see you. Come
and have some tea. – Would you like a cup of tea? – Why don’t
you have a cup of tea? – Please come to our next tea party, too.
– Oh, Charles is here. Perhaps he’d like some tea.
rude: I want some tea. – What terrible tea! – I’ve never been to
a worse tea party. – The door’s over there. – Why can’t you
learn to make good tea? – Oh, Charles is here. That means we’ll
have to give him some tea. – Did we really invite you? Oh, well,
have some tea, then.
Why don’t you have a cup of tea?
Would you like a cup of tea?
The door’s over there.
Why can’t you learn to make good tea?
Please come to our next tea party, too.
Oh, Charles is here. That means we’ll have to give him some tea.
Oh, Charles is here. Perhaps he’d like some tea.
Did we really invite you? Oh, well, have some tea, then.
10. A Mad Tea Party. Poslouchejte ještě jednou. Listen again.
I. Spojením úryvků vytvořte citáty z textu. Pair the phrases to make quotations from the text.
Butter isn’t good
Let’s talk
And it was very rude
around the table.
It’s the same
You just keep moving
about something else.
to the beginning?
And what’s the problem
But there are plenty
What happens when you come
to sit down
of you.
with that?
with mine.
without an invitation.
for watches.
of seats here.
II. Kdo co řekl? Who said what?
10. I., II. Butter isn’t good for watches. (the Mad Hatter) –
Let’s talk about something else. (the March Hare) – And it
was very rude of you. (Alice) – It’s the same with mine. (the
Mad Hatter) – And what’s the problem with that? (the Mad
Hatter) – But there are plenty of seats here. (Alice) – You just
keep moving around the table. (Alice) – What happens when
you come to the beginning? (Alice) – to sit down without an
invitation. (the March Hare)
11. Vyberte nejvhodnější pokračování podle textu. Choose the best continuation.
11. a) Alice is cross because the March Hare and the Mad
Hatter are rude. b) The Mad Hatter’s first words to Alice are
critical. c) A riddle is a game with words. d) The March Hare
thinks that Alice doesn’t say what she means. e) The
Dormouse sleeps a lot. f) While everybody is quiet, Alice
thinks about the riddle. g) The Mad Hatter is nervous because
he doesn’t know if his watch is still going. h) What was the
March Hare’s mistake? He used butter. i) The Mad Hatter’s
watch is strange because it doesn’t have hours on it. j) Alice
doesn’t understand the Hatter’s way of thinking. k) The Mad
Hatter doesn’t really need a watch because the time doesn’t
change. l) The Mad Hatter and the March Hare move around
the table when they need clean tea things. m) The March Hare
yawns probably because he is bored. n) Alice goes for a walk
because she isn’t enjoying the party. o) Alice bravely goes
inside the tree because it is already such a strange day.
12. např.: a) No, he isn’t, because he offers Alice some wine
when there’s only tea. b) They cry ‘No room!’ perhaps because
the tea party is happening only at one corner of the table. They
don’t want Alice to sit at the table and use their clean tea cups.
c) There isn’t any wine because it’s a tea party. d) No, I don’t.
It’s very critical/unpleasant. e) Alice is thinking about ravens
because she wants to guess the Mad Hatter’s riddle. f) The Mad
Hatter thinks the Dormouse only sleeps and does nothing else.
g) He’s cross because the March Hare put butter in his pocket
watch, although the March Hare was only trying to help. h) The
date shown on the Mad Hatter’s watch is the second. i) They
have to move around the table because occasionally they need
clean tea cups. j) Alice arrived at the party at six o’clock, of
course. The time doesn’t change, and so it’s always six o’clock.
k) Studenti odpovídají podle vlastního názoru.
13. a) He sat down in a/the big, comfortable armchair.
b) There wasn’t (any) room for us. (There was no room for us.)
c) She spoke/She was speaking in a quiet voice. d) That wasn’t
very friendly of them! e) There were six cups and saucers and
a teapot on the table. f) I was surprised when he offered me his
help. g) Help! I can’t breathe! h) Yes, Dad was quite cross. i) I
don’t go anywhere without a/my watch. j) Shall I send an
invitation to the Browns too? (Shall I also send an invitation to
the Browns?) k) The theatre has (got) around/about three
hundred seats. l) That’s a rude word. m) This is really going to
be fun! (That is going to be real fun!) n) She picked up her
things and left/went immediately. o) Keep walking/going along
this street... p) Don’t put it in your pocket. It’s dirty. q) The
young lady yawned several times. r) Which key is yours and
which (one) is mine?
14. I. Studenti se v rámci povinné slovní zásoby v tomto kurzu
ještě nesetkali s těmito výrazy:
appear [e;pJe] objevit se, vyjít; illustrator [;JlestreJte] ilustrátor;
inspire [Jn;spaJe] inspirovat; lecture [;lekt/e] přednáška; logic
[;lbdgJk] logika; mathematician [,m+
eme;tJ/n] matematik;
mirror [;mJre] zrcadlo; north [nc:Q] sever; poem [;pewJm] báseň;
produce [pre;dju:s] vyrobit, vytvořit; well-known [,wel;newn]
výslovnost vlastních jmen: Disney [;dJznJ], Lewis Carroll [,lu:Js
;k+rel], Charles Lutwidge Dodgson [,t/
B:lz ,lvtwJdg ;dbdgsn],
Oxford [;bksfed], Cheshire [;t/e/e], Thames [;temz], Alice Liddell
+lJs ;lJdl]
14. II., III. kazeta + řešení:
Millions of people have seen Disney’s ‘Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland’. But how many of them know anything about
a) Alice is cross because the March Hare and the Mad Hatter are rude/there is no wine/there is no room.
b) The Mad Hatter’s first words to Alice are strange/critical/interesting.
c) A riddle is a game with words/simple/about a raven and a desk.
d) The March Hare thinks that Alice doesn’t mean what she says/say what she means/know the answer.
e) The Dormouse sleeps a lot/sleeps when he breathes/breathes when he sleeps.
f) While everybody is quiet, Alice remembers the ravens and desks/thinks about the riddle/says nothing.
g) The Mad Hatter is nervous because he doesn’t know if his watch is still going/what day it is/if he’s late.
h) What was the March Hare’s mistake? He was disappointed/He used butter/He used the best butter.
i) The Mad Hatter’s watch is strange because it doesn’t have hours on it/
it shows the years/it’s got butter in it.
j) Alice doesn’t understand the Hatter’s way of thinking/
the Hatter’s watch/why it is six o’clock.
k) The Mad Hatter doesn’t really need a watch because it’s six o’clock/
it’s always teatime/the time doesn’t change.
l) The Mad Hatter and the March Hare move around the table when
they want more tea/they need clean tea things/they are bored.
m) The March Hare yawns probably because he is bored/he is asleep/
he wants a story.
n) Alice goes for a walk because she is very tired/
she doesn’t want any more tea/she isn’t enjoying the party.
o) Alice bravely goes inside the tree because she is bored/it is already such a strange day/she isn’t afraid.
12. Odpovězte na otázky. Answer the questions.
a) Is the March Hare really friendly? Why (not)? b) Why do the March Hare and the Mad Hatter
cry ‘No room!’? c) Why isn’t there any wine on the table? d) Do you think the Mad Hatter’s first
comment is kind? e) Why is Alice thinking about ravens? f) What does the Mad Hatter think about
the Dormouse? g) Why is the Mad Hatter cross with the March Hare? h) What date is shown on
the Mad Hatter’s watch? i) Why do the Mad Hatter and the March Hare have to keep moving
around the table? j) It’s now six o’clock. At what time did Alice arrive at the party? k) Alice thinks
the tea party is stupid. Do you agree with her? Why (not)?
13. Přeložte. Translate.
a) Posadil se do velkého, pohodlného křesla. b) Nebylo pro nás místo. c) Mluvila tichým hlasem.
d) To od nich nebylo moc přátelské! e) Na stole bylo šest šálků s podšálky a čajová konvice.
f) Byla jsem překvapena, když mi nabídl svou pomoc. g) Pomoc! Nemůžu dýchat! h) Ano, táta se
docela zlobil. i) Nikam nechodím bez hodinek. j) Mám poslat pozvánku i Brownovým? k) To
divadlo má okolo tří set míst. l) To je sprosté slovo. m) Tohle bude opravdu legrace! n) Sebrala
své věci a ihned odešla. o) Jděte dál touto ulicí... p) Nedávej to do kapsy. Je to špinavé. q) Slečna
několikrát zívla. r) Který klíč je tvůj a který je můj?
14. Lewis Carroll
I. Přečtěte si následující text a vyhledejte ve slovníku všechna slova, která neznáte. Glance
over the text quickly to find words you don’t know. Look up their meanings in a dictionary.
Millions of people have seen Disney’s ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’.
But how many of them know anything about Lewis Carroll, the man
who – more than a hundred years ago – wrote the famous Alice stories?
Lewis Carroll – his real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson – was born
at Oxford University, and while he was there he produced a book of his
best written work. He was from a large family – Charles was the third of
eleven children – and when he was still a young boy he produced seven
other books for children, which he filled with his own stories and poems.
Dodgson studied mathematics in 1832 in Cheshire, in the north of England.
Its title was ‘Mischmasch’. After his student years he wrote several maths textbooks.
In the summer of 1862 he began writing ‘Alice’s Adventures’ on a boat trip along the Thames.
The stories were inspired by a photographer and illustrator and a well-known mathematician
who taught at Oxford.
‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ was a huge success when it appeared in 1865, and Lewis
Carroll started to write more Alice books: ‘Alice’s Adventures under Ground’ (for Miss Liddell)
and ‘Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Saw There’. (A ‘looking glass’ is a mirror.)
But Dodgson wasn’t just a great writer. He was also Alice Liddell, the little daughter of
a colleague at Oxford. In 1881 he stopped giving lectures at the university and planned to write
books for children. In the next five years he worked on seven books about maths and logic, two
books of games and a ‘magazine’ for his parents and his brothers and sisters.
II. Spojení vytištěná kurzivou jsou na špatném místě. Najděte, kam patří. The phrases in
italics are in the wrong places. Relocate them.
III. Poslouchejte a zkontrolujte si řešení. Listen and check your answers.
IV. Napište otázky k těmto odpovědím. Write questions for these answers.
a) Disney. b) More than a hundred years ago. c) No, it wasn’t Carroll. It was Dodgson. d) It’s in
the north of England. e) There were eleven. f) While he was at Oxford. g) Alice Liddell. h) He
took photographs and was an excellent mathematician. i) ‘Alice’s Adventures under Ground’, for
example, and ‘Through the Looking Glass’.
15. Alice má ráda hádanky a jiné slovní hry. Vyzkoušejte si tuto. Alice likes
riddles and other word games. Try this one!
The March Hare likes pocket watches, but he doesn’t like clocks. How strange! He likes
armchairs, but he doesn’t like tables. What about food? Well, he likes cheese but not milk. He
likes chicken, but he doesn’t like turkey very much at all. And he loves chips, but he hates
potatoes. What does he do in his free time? He loves going to church, but he doesn’t like going to
the theatre. The March Hare loves March, of course, but he doesn’t enjoy April at all. Why?
The Mad Hatter likes butter, but he prefers rolls to bread. He hates tomatoes, but he loves
cabbage and lettuce. He never drinks tea, but he loves coffee. (He always drinks it from a glass,
though, and not from a cup.) In his free time he sometimes goes swimming or running, but he
doesn’t like walking much. And what about his friends? The Mad Hatter likes rabbits, but
he’s not too keen on hares. Why?
16. About Alice...
a) Alice says “I think I’ll try again”. What is she going to try again? What do you think happened when she tried it the first time?
b) Take a part of the Mad Tea Party story and write a short play for three/four characters. Perform it (přehrajte) in class.
...and about you
Lewis Carroll, the man who – more than a hundred years ago –
wrote the famous Alice stories?
Lewis Carroll – his real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson –
was born in 1832 in Cheshire, in the north of England. He was
from a large family – Charles was the third of eleven children –
and when he was still a young boy he produced a ‘magazine’
for his parents and his brothers and sisters, which he filled
with his own stories and poems.
Dodgson studied mathematics at Oxford University, and while
he was there he produced a book of his best written work. Its
title was ‘Mischmasch’. After his student years he wrote several
maths textbooks. In the summer of 1862 he began writing
‘Alice’s Adventures’ on a boat trip along the Thames. The
stories were inspired by Alice Liddell, the little daughter of a
colleague at Oxford.
‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ was a huge success when it
appeared in 1865, and Lewis Carroll started to write more Alice
books: ‘Alice’s Adventures under Ground’ (for Miss Liddell)
and ‘Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Saw There’.
(A ‘looking glass’ is a mirror.)
But Dodgson wasn’t just a great writer. He was also a photographer
and illustrator and a well-known mathematician who taught
at Oxford. In 1881 he stopped giving lectures at the university
and planned to write books for children. In the next five years
he worked on seven books about maths and logic, two books of
games and seven other books for children.
14. IV. např.: a) Who made a film of Carroll’s ‘Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland’? ~ Disney. b) When did Lewis
Carroll write his stories about Alice? ~ More than a hundred
years ago. c) Was the writer’s real name Carroll? ~ No, it wasn’t
Carroll. It was Dodgson. d) Where is Cheshire? ~ It’s in the
north of England. e) How many children were there in the
Dodgson family? ~ There were eleven. f) When did Dodgson
(Carroll) produce ‘Mischmasch’? ~ While he was at Oxford.
g) Who inspired the story of ‘Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland’? ~ Alice Liddell. h) What else did Dodgson/
Carroll do? ~ He took photographs and was an excellent
mathematician. i) What are the names/titles of some of
Carroll’s other books? ~ ‘Alice Adventures under Ground’, for
example, and ‘Through the Looking Glass’.
15. March Hare má rád vše, co obsahuje hlásku [t/], protože je
March [-t//] Hare.
Mad Hatter má rád vše, co se píše s dvojitým písmenem, protože je Mad Hatter.
Princip této hry můžete aplikovat na jakékoliv další kombinace
a) Lewis Carroll’s books about Alice were written for children. What was your favourite book when you were a small
child? Tell the class about it.
b) You live in a country [země] where it is always X o’clock. Describe a typical day there.
17. After the tea party
These 15 things stayed on the table after the Mad Hatter’s tea party. Look at the picture for
three minutes, then close your books and try to remember what you saw. Play in fours. Who
can remember the most?
17. Doporučte studentům, aby při vyjmenovávání věcí užívali
neurčitý člen, případně i vazbu there was/were.
řešení: a raven, a basket, a camera, a book, a diary, a cup,
a saucer, a wine glass, a fork, a strawberry, a lemon, a pocket
watch, a mushroom, a letter, a golden key

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