
Petr Pišoft
[email protected]
2002–2006 1997–2002 1993–1997 Doctoral studies, Faculty of Mathematics and Physic, Charles University in Prague
MSc. studies, Faculty of Mathematics and Physic, Charles University in Prague
High school with extended language teaching Čs. Exilu, Ostrava
Other activities:
Bcs. studies, Philosophical Faculty, Palacký University Olomouc, unfinished
Major subjects:
Physics, Physics of Atmosphere, Meteorology, Climatology
doc. (Associate Professor), November 2012
Ph.D., May 2006
RNDr. (Rerum Naturalium Doctor), September 2003
Mgr. (MSc.), June 2002
EXPERIENCE & Lecturing:
Department of Atmospheric Physics (formerly DMEP), Faculty of Mathematics and Physic,
Charles University in Prague, 2006–present
– since 2013 vice head of the department, since 2014 head of the department
– Special climatological seminar, User friendly linux, Meteorological computer seminar,
Meteorological seminar for bachelors I & II, Stratosphere, Oceans in the climate system
Department of Agroecology and Biometeorology, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources,
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, 2010–present
– Air quality
Mathematics and physics co-tutor, Department of Atmospheric Physics (formerly DMEP),
Faculty of Mathematics and Physic, Charles University in Prague, 2003–2005
– Statistical methods in meteorology and climatology, Seminar of the data treatment methods in physics
– Czech: native speaker
– English: fluent spoken and highly proficient written language
– French, Russian & Polish: understanding with basic competence
– Middle atmosphere effects of localized gravity wave forcing - MATELO, international project
GACR 16-01562J (principal investigator), 2016–present
– Global climatology of the wind vector rotation – implications for the orographic internal gravity
waves propagation, international project MOBILITY, MŠMT 7AMB16AT021 (principal investigator),
– Waves processes in the middle atmosphere and their significance for the coupling of selected atmospheric regions, GAUK 1474314 (supervisor), 2014–present
– Stratospheric dynamics and coupling with troposphere and mesosphere, GAUK 108313
(supervisor), 2013–2015
– Global and regional climate model simulations in Central Europe in the 18th-20th centuries in
comparison with observed and reconstructed climate, GACR P209/11/0956, 2011–2015
– Impact-targeted validation of statistical and dynamical downscaling models,
GACR 205/08/1619, 2008–2012
– Specification of existing estimates of climate change impacts in hydrology, water management, agriculture and forestry sectors and proposals for adaptation options, SP/1a6/108/07, 2008–2012
– Analysis of regular oscillations in the climate system, GACR 205/07/p199, 2006–2009
– Atmospheric teleconnections across North Atlantic region, GACR 205/05/2282, 2004–2007
– Development of regional climatic model, GACR 205/01/0804, 2003–2004
– Atlas of climate in the Czech Republic, VaV/740/2/03, 2002–2004
– Climatic change and the climate fluctuation, VaV/740/1/01, 2001–2002
– Solar wind instabilities and their propagation through the bow shock,
163/2000/B-FYZ/MFF, 2000–2002
– Location and motion of the Earth’s magnetopause and bow shock, 181/1999/B-FYZ/MFF, 1999–2001
– Low-frequency variations of the ion flux in the magnetosheath, 1999–2001
Research interest:
My research area is the Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology and Climatology with focus on the variability
of the climate system and the middle atmosphere processes. I concentrate on the quasi-periodic signals
in the atmosphere, manifestation of the QBO and the solar sunspot cycle together with the analysis of
large-scale circulation and wave activity.
H-index by WoS - 8 (August 2016)
Number of citations without self-citations by WoS - 183 (August 2016)
rok narození:
Petr Pišoft
[email protected]
2002–2006 1997–2002 1993–1997 Postgraduální studium, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Magisterský program, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Jazykové gymnázium Čs. Exilu, Ostrava
Další aktivity:
Bakalářské studium, Filosofická fakulta, Palackého Univerzita v Olomouci, neukončeno
fyzika, fyzika atmosféry, meteorologie, klimatologie
doc., listopad 2012
Ph.D., květen 2006
RNDr., září 2003
Mgr., červen 2002
praxe & výuka:
Katedra fyziky atmosféry (dříve KMOP), Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze,
– od 2013 zástupce vedoucího katedry, od 2014 vedoucí katedry
– Speciální klimatologický seminář, Uživatelsky přátelský linux, Meteorologický počítačový seminář
Meteorologický bakalářský seminář I & II, přednášky Stratosféra a Oceány v klimatickém systému
Katedra agroekologie a biometeorologie, Fakulta agrobiologie, potravinových a přírodních zdrojů,
Česká Zemědělská Univerzita v Praze, září 2010–současnost
– přednáška Kvalita ovzduší
Spolupráce na přednáškách matematiky a fyziky , Katedra fyziky atmosféry (dříve KMOP),
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2003–2005
– Statistické metody v meteorologii a klimatologii, Seminář zpracování fyzikálních měření
– čeština: rodilý mluvčí
– angličtina: aktivní znalost, schopen plynulé konverzace, psaní a čtení textu
– francouština, ruština & polština: pasivní znalost, základní porozumění
vědecké projekty:
– Dopady lokalizovaného působení gravitačních vln na střední atmosféru, mezinárodní projekt GACR
16-01562J, řešitelem je doc. RNDr. Petr Pišoft, Ph.D., 2016–současnost
- Globální klimatologie stočení vektoru větru – implikace pro šíření orografických gravitačních vln,
mezinárodní projekt spolupráce MOBILITY, MŠMT 7AMB16AT021, řešitelem je
doc. RNDr. Petr Pišoft, Ph.D., 2016–současnost
– Vlnové procesy ve střední atmosféře a jejich význam pro vazbu vybraných atmosférických oblastí,
GAUK 1474314, řešitelem je Mgr. Aleš Kuchař, 2014–současnost
– Dynamika stratosféry a propojení s troposférou a mezosférou, GAUK 108313 , řešitelem byl Mgr. Petr
Šácha, 2013–2015
– Globální a regionální modelové simulace klimatu ve střední Evropě v 18.-20. stoleté v porovnání s
pozorovaným a rekonstruovaným klimatem, GACR P209/11/0956, hlavním řešitelem byl Prof. RNDr.
Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc., 2011–2015
– Validace modelů statistického a dynamického downscalingu cílená na dopady, GACR 205/08/1619,
hlavním řešitelem byl RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc., 2008–2012
– Zpřesnění dosavadních odhadů dopadů klimatické změny v sektorech vodního hospodářství,
zemědělství a lesnictví a návrhy adaptačních opatření, SP/1a6/108/07, hlavním řešitelem byl RNDr.
Jan Pretel, Csc., 2008–2012
– Studium pravidelných oscilací v klimatickém systému, GACR 205/07/p199, hlavním řešitelem byl
RNDr. Petr Pišoft, Ph.D., 2006–2009
– Atmosférické dálkové vazby nad euro-atlantskou oblastí, GACR 205/05/2282, hlavním řešitelem byl
RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc., 2004–2007
– Vývoj regionálního klimatického modelu pro střední Evropu, GACR 205/01/0804, hlavním řešitelem
byl RNDr. Radan Huth, DrSc., 2003–2004
– Atlas podnebí ČR a regionalizace výstupu modelů všeobecné cirkulace atmosféry, VaV/740/2/03,
hlavním řešitelem za MFF UK byla doc. RNDr. Jaroslava Kalvová, CSc., 2002–2004
– Klimatická změna a klimatické fluktuace – normály klimatických prvků na území ČR, VaV 740/1/01,
hlavním řešitelem za MFF UK byla doc. RNDr. Jaroslava Kalvová, CSc., 2001–2002
– Nestability slunečního větru a jejich šíření přes rázovou vlnu, 163/2000/B-FYZ/MFF, hlavním řešitelem
byl doc. RNDr. Lubomír Přech, Dr., 2000–2002
– Poloha a pohyb rázové vlny a magnetopauzy Země, 181/1999/B-FYZ/MFF, hlavním řešitelem byl prof.
RNDr. Zdeněk Němeček, DrSc., 1999–2001
– Porovnání parametrů plazmatu přechodové oblasti s hydrodynamickým modelem, studentský projekt, vedoucím projektu byla prof. RNDr. Jana Šafránková, DrSc., 1999–2001
výzkumné zaměření:
Oblastí mého výzkumu je fyzika atmosféry, meteorologie a klimatologie se zaměřením na proměnlivost
klimatického systému a děje střední atmosféry. Soustředím se na kvaziperiodické signály v atmosféře,
vlnové působení, projev QBO a cyklu slunečních skvrn společně s analýzou velkoprostorové cirkulace a
vlnovou aktivitou.
H-index dle WoS - 8 (srpen 2016)
Počet citací bez autocitací dle WoS - 183 (srpen 2016)
Impact Publications/impaktované publikace:
Miksovsky, J., Holtanova, E., and Pisoft, P. (2016): Imprints of climate forcings in global gridded
temperature data, Earth Syst. Dynam., 7, 231-249, doi:10.5194/esd-7-231-2016, 2016
Zak M., Miksovsky J., Pisoft P. (2015): CMSAF Radiation Data: New Possibilities for Climatological
Applications in the Czech Republic, Remote Sens. 7(11), 14445-14457; doi:10.3390/rs71114445
Sacha, P., Kuchar, A., Jacobi, C., and Pisoft, P (2015).: Enhanced internal gravity wave activity and
breaking over the Northeastern Pacific / Eastern Asian region, Atmos. Chem. Phys.,, 15,
13097-13112, doi:10.5194/acp-15-13097-2015, 2015.
Kuchar, A., Sacha, P., Miksovsky, J., and Pisoft, P. (2015): The 11-year solar cycle in current reanalyses:
a (non)linear attribution study of the middle atmosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 6879-6895.
Huth R., Miksovsky J., Stepanek P., Belda M., Farda A., Chladova Z., Pisoft P. (2015): Comparative
validation of statistical and dynamical downscaling models on a dense grid in central Europe:
temperature, Theor. and Applied Climatology, 120(3), pp 533-553.
Miksovsky J., Brazdil R., Stepanek P., Zahradnicek P., Pisoft P. (2014): Long-term variability of
temperature and precipitation in the Czech Lands: an attribution analysis, Climatic Change,
125 (2), pp 253-264, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1147-7
P. Sacha, U. Foelsche, P. Pisoft (2014): Analysis of internal gravity waves with GPS RO density
profiles, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 4123-4132, doi:10.5194/amt-7-4123-2014
Holtanova, E., Kalvova, J., Pisoft, P., Miksovsky, J., (2014): Uncertainty in regional climate
model outputs over the Czech Republic: the role of nested and driving models, Int. Journal of
Climatology, 34(1), pp. 637-646, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3663
Pisoft, P., Holtanova, E., Huszar, P., Kalvova, J., Miksovsky, J., Raidl, A., Žak, M., Zemankova, K., (2013):
Manifestation of reanalyzed QBO and SSC signals, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112 (3-4),
pp. 637-646, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-012-0752-5
Brazdil R., Zahradnicek P., Pisoft P., Stepanek P., Belinova M., Dobrovolny P. (2012): Temperature and
precipitation fluctuations in the Czech Republic during the period of instrumental measurement,
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 110 (1-2), pp. 17-34, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-012-0604-3
Holtanova, E., Miksovsky, J., Kalvova, J., Pisoft, P., Motl, M. (2012): Performance of ENSEMBLES
regional climate models over Central Europe using various metrics, Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 108(3-4), pp. 463-470 DOI: 10.1007/s00704-011-0542-5
Huszar P, Miksovsky J, Pisoft P, Belda M, Halenka T, (2012): Interactive coupling of a regional
climate model and a chemical transport model: evaluation and preliminary results on ozone and
aerosol feedback. Clim Res, 51, pp, 59-88 DOI:10.3354/cr01054
Pisoft, P., Holtanova, E., Huszar, P., Miksovsky, J., Žak, M., (2012): Imprint of the 11-year solar cycle
in reanalyzed and radiosonde datasets: a spatial frequency analysis approach, Climatic Change,
110(1-2), pp. 85-99, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-011-0147-0
Pisoft, P., Miksovsky, J., Kalvova, J., Raidl, A., Žak, M., (2011): Areal analysis of oscillations in 500 hPa
temperature field: a pseudo-2D wavelet transform approach, Int. Journal of Climatology, 31(10),
pp. 1545–1553 DOI: 10.1002/joc.2167
Holtanova, E., Kalvova, J., Miksovsky, J., Pisoft, P., Motl, M. (2010): Analysis of uncertainties in
regional climate model outputs over the Czech Republic. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 54,
pp. 513-528, DOI: 10.1007/s11200-010-0030-x
Huszar, P., Cariolle, D., Paoli, R., Halenka, T., Belda, M., Schlager, H., Miksovsky, J. And Pisoft, P.,
(2010). Modeling the regional impact of ship emissions on NOx and ozone levels over the Eastern
Atlantic and Western Europe using ship plume parameterization, Atmospheric Chemistry and
Physics, 10(14), pp. 6645-6660, DOI: 10.5194/acp-10-6645-2010
Impact Publications/impaktované publikace:
Pisoft, P., Miksovsky, J. (2009): An analysis of the spatial distribution of approximate 8 years
periodicity in NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 temperature fields, European Journal of Physics, 174, p. 147155, DOI: 10.1140/epjst/ e2009-01097-3
Pisoft, P., Kalvova, J., Brazdil, R., (2004): Cycles and Trends in the Czech Temperature Series Using
Wavelet Transforms, Int. Journal of Climatology 24, 13, pp. 1661-1670
Nemecek, Z., J. Safrankova, G. N. Zastenker, P. Pisoft, and K.Jelinek (2002): Low-frequency
variations of the of the ion flux in the magnetosheath, Planetetary and Space Science, 50, 5-6,
2002, pp. 567-575.
Nemecek, Z., J. Safrankova, G. N. Zastenker, and P. Pisoft (2001): Statistical study of ion flux
fluctuations in the magnetosheath, Czech. J. Phys., 51, pp. 853-862
Nemecek, Z., J. Safrankova, G. N. Zastenker, P. Pisoft, and K. I. Paularena (2000): Spatial distribution
of the magnetosheath ion flux, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-23, Warsaw, Adv. Space
Res., 30(12), 2751–2756
Nemecek, Z., J. Safrankova, G. N. Zastenker, P. Pisoft, K. I. Paularena, and J. D. Richardson (2000):
Observations of the radial magnetosheath profile and a comparison with gasdynamic model
predictions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, No.17, pp. 2801-2804.
reviewed Publications/recenzované publikace:
Miksovsky, J., Holtanova, E., and Pisoft, P. (2015): Imprints of climate forcings in global gridded
temperature data, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 6, 2339-2381, doi:10.5194/esdd-6-2339-2015
Sacha, P., Kuchar, A., Jacobi, C., and Pisoft, P. (2015): Enhanced internal gravity wave activity and
breaking over the Northeastern Pacific/Eastern Asian region, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 15,
18285-18325, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-18285-2015, 2015
Kuchar, A., Sacha, P., Miksovsky, J., and Pisoft, P.(2014): Solar cycle in current reanalyses: (non)linear
attribution study, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 14, 30879-30912, doi:10.5194/acpd-14-30879-2014.
Sacha, P., Foelsche, U., and Pisoft, P. (2014): Analysis of internal gravity waves with GPS RO density
profiles, Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 7, 8311-8338, doi:10.5194/amtd-7-8311-2014.
Žak M., Sacha P., Pisoft P. (2013): On the use of the CM-SAF cloud-data in the czech republic, in
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8795, art. no. 87950M,
DOI: 10.1117/12.2027727
Bednar J., Huszar P., Zemankova K., Pisoft P. (2013): Srovnani modelovych odhadů obsahu
formaldehydu ve sloupci atmosfery s družicovym merenim - pilotni studie, Meteorologicke zpravy,
rocnik 66, c. 4, pp. 110-116.
Brazdil R., Belinova M., Dobrovolny P., Miksovsky J., Pisoft P., Reznickova L., Stepanek P., ValaSek H.,
Zahradnicek P., (2012): Temperature and precipitation fluctuations in the Czech Republic during the
instrumental period, Brno, Masaryk University press, 236 p., ISBN 978-80-210-6052-4
Kalvova, J., Holtanova, E., Motl, M., Miksovsky, J., Pisoft, P., Raidl, A. (2010): Odhady rozsahu zmen
klimatu na územi Ceske republiky pro tri casova obdobi 21. stoleti na zaklade vystupů AR4 modelů.
Meteorologicke zpravy, rocnik 63, c. 2, pp. 57-66.
Huszar, P., Cariolle, D., Paoli, R., Halenka, T., Belda, M., Schlager, H., Miksovsky, J. And Pisoft, P.,
(2010). Modeling the regional impact of ship emissions on NOx and ozone levels over the Eastern
Atlantic and Western Europe using ship plume parameterization, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss, 9(6),
pp. 26735-26776, DOI:10.5194/acpd-9-26735-2009
Kalvova, J., Holtanova, E., Miksovsky, J., Motl, M., Pisoft, P., Raidl, A., Farda, A., Kliegrova, S., Metelka,
L. (2009): Vyber globalnich klimatickych modelů pro posouzeni neurcitosti odhadů budoucich
zmen klimatu v oblasti CR. Meteorologicke zpravy, 62, pp. 97-106.
Miksovsky, J., Pisoft, P., Raidl, P., (2007): Global Patterns of Nonlinearity in Real and GCMsimulated Atmospheric Data. In: Nonlinear Time Series Analysis in the Geosciences - Applications
in Climatology, Geodynamics, and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (eds. R. Donner, S. Barbosa),
Geodynamice and Solar-terrestral Physics, Lecture Notes in Earth Science 112, 17-34
Pisoft, P., (2006): Climate System Variability by the Pseudo-2D Wavelet Transform, 2006, Ph.D.
thesis, Charles Univesity, 97pp
Kalvova, J., Chladova, Z., Miksovsky, J., Pisoft, P., Raidl, A. (2005): Vytvoreni scenarů zmeny klimatu
pro Ceskou republiku. Vyzkumna zprava projektu VZ 01 VODA, subprojekt 03 Dopady klimatickych
a antropogennich zmen na hydrologicke a ekologicke systemy. MFF UK, Praha
Pisoft, P., Kalvova, J. (2005): Wavelet analyza v meteorologii: teorie a prehled dosavadnich
vysledků, Meteorologicke Zpravy, 58, 1, pp. 1-10.
Pisoft, P., Kalvova, J. (2003): Climate Quantities Interconnections and the Wavelet Transform of
Secular Meteorological Time Series, in WDS’03 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part II - Physics
(ed. J. Safrankova), Prague, 2003, Matfyzpress, pp. 556-561.
Shevyrev, N. N., G. N. Zastenker, and P. Pisoft: (2000): Statistical study of the fast ion flux variations
in the magnetosheat and solar wind, Proceed. of Contribution Papers: Part II – Physics of Plasmas
and Ionized Media, ed. by J. Safrankova, Praha, Matfyzpress, 2000, pp. 208-213.
other Publications & confereces/další publikace & konference:
Pisoft P., Sacha P., Lilienthal F., Jacobi C. (2015): Model Study of IGW Hotspot Implications for
the Middle Atmospheric Dynamics and Transport, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, Abstract
Miksovsky J, and Pisoft P (2015): Statistical attribution of temporal variability in global gridded
temperature data, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, Abstract GC23C-1159
Sacha P., Pisoft P., Kuchar A., Lilienthal F., Jacobi C. (2015): Localized Internal Gravity Waves
Breaking Region and its Implications for Middle Atmospheric Circulation and StratosphereTroposphere Exchange, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2015, 17, pp. 5190-5190
Sacha P., Pisoft P., Kuchar A., Lilienthal F., Jacobi C. (2015): Internal Gravity Wave Activity Hotspot
and Implications for the Middle Atmospheric Dynamics, proceedings of ESA - Advances in
Atmospheric Science and Applications, Crete, 2015
Sacha P., Pisoft P., Kuchar A. (2015): Localized IGW breaking region and its implications for middle
atmospheric circulation, proceedings of IUGG 2015, Prague, 2015
Pisoft P., Sacha P., Kuchar A. (2015): Global climatology of the wind vector rotation - implications
for the orographic gravity waves propagation, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2015, 17, pp.
Kuchar A., and Pisoft P (2014): Solar Cycle Variability in New Merge Satellite Ozone Datasets, AGU
Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, Abstract SA53A-4105
Sacha P., and Pisoft P (2014): Analysis of Internal Gravity Waves Using GPS RO Density Profiles,
AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, Abstract A23K-3393
Pisoft P., Sacha P. (2014): Stratosphere over the Northern Pacifik / Eastern Asia region: anomalies
of the annual cycle and analysis of the gravity waves activity, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts,
2014, 16, pp. 11121-11121
Miksovsky J, and Pisoft P (2014): Global patterns of temperature response to climate forcings and
internal climate oscillations, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2014, 16, pp. 3626-3626
Pisoft P., Kuchar A. (2014): Large scale circulation in connection with the solar cycle forcing,
EMS14/ECAM12 Abstracts, 11, 14th Annual Meeting of the EMS/10th ECAC, Prague 2014
Pisoft P., Kuchar A. (2013): Solar cycle in MERRA series: attribution and frequency analysis, EMS13/
ECAM11 Abstracts, 10, 13th Annual Meeting of the EMS/11th ECAM, Reading 2013
Miksovsky J, Brazdil R, Stepanek P, and Pisoft P (2013): Long-term variability in Czech temperature
series: An attribution analysis, EMS13/ECAM11 Abstracts, 10, 13th Annual Meeting of the EMS/11th
ECAM, Reading 2013
Miksovsky J, Brazdil R, Stepanek P, and Pisoft P (2013): Imprint of the climate forcings in the longterm Czech temperature and precipitation series, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2013, 15,
pp. 3138-3138
Pisoft P., Miksovsky J. (2012): QBO and SSC Reanalyzed Anomalies in the Ozone Field, AGU Fall
Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, Abstract A11J-0178
Pisoft P. (2012): Circulation variations due to combine effect of the QBO and SSC: a reanalyses
comparison, EMS12/ECAC9 Abstracts, 9, 12th Annual Meeting of the EMS/9th ECAC, Lodz 2012
Brazdil R, Zahradnicek P, Pisoft P, Stepanek P, Belinova M, and Dobrovolny P (2012): Temperature
and precipitation fluctuations in the Czech Republic during the period of instrumental
measurements, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2012, 14, pp. 89-89
Pisoft P., Simek J. (2011): Detailed cluster analysis of (E-OBS 4.0) European precipitation series,
EMS11/ECAM8 Abstracts, 8, 11th Annual Meeting of the EMS/8th ECAM, Berlin 2011
Pisoft, P., Holtanova, E., Kalvova, J., Miksovsky J. (2011): Global study of the quasi-biennial
oscillation by the pseudo- 2D wavelet transform, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2011, 13,
pp. 7697-7697
Pisoft, P. (2010): Cluster analysis of temperature trends during the 20th century in the 20C3M
experiments of the ENSEMBLE project, EMS10/ECAC8 Abstracts, 7, 10th Annual Meeting of the
EMS/8th ECAC, Zurich 2010
Pisoft, P., Miksovsky J. (2010): METEO in the TALNET project after 5 years - meteorology for
talented high schools students, EMS10/ECAC8 Abstracts, 7, 10th Annual Meeting of the EMS/8th
ECAC, Zurich 2010
J. Kalvova, E. Holtanova, L. Crhova, J. Miksovsky, P. Pisoft, and M. Motl (2010): Assessment of the
future climate change in the Czech Republic based on ALADIN-CLIMATE/CZ and AR4 models,
EMS10/ECAC8 Abstracts, 7, 10th Annual Meeting of the EMS/8th ECAC, Zurich 2010
Pisoft, P. (2009): Spatial distribution of distinct oscillations in temperature fields of different GCMs
used in the ENSAMBLES project, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A13I-0370
Pisoft, P. (2009): 11-years cycle in reanalyzed datasets: a comparison of spatial frequency patterns
detected in NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 temperature series, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2009,
11, pp. 12003- 12003
Pisoft, P. (2008): Sunspot cycle global patterns? - a study of spatio-temporal distribution of 11-years
cycle, EMS8/ECAC7 Abstracts, 5, 8th Annual Meeting of the EMS/7th ECAC, Amsterdam
Pisoft, P. (2008): Spatial distribution and temporal evolution of distinct periodicities detected in
NAO index, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2008, 10, pp. 03583- 03583.
Kalvova J., Farda A., Miksovsky J., Pisoft P., Raidl A. (2008): Temperature and precipitation
characteristics of ALADIN model versus climate conditions of the Czech Republic, In: Geophysical
Research Abstracts, 2008, 10, pp. 03842- 03842.
Pisoft, P., Kalvova, J. (2007): Evolution profiles of annual cycle in global temperature fields during
last 50 years, In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2007, 9, pp. 05440- 05440.
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