Digitální učební materiál


Digitální učební materiál
Digitální učební materiál
Evidenční číslo materiálu: 126
Autor: Mgr. Nikola Henčlová
Datum: 24.10.2011
Ročník: 8.
Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Vzdělávací obor: Cizí jazyk – anglický jazyk
Tematický okruh: Gramatika
Téma: Přítomný čas průběhový/prostý
Druh učebního materiálu: Test
Anotace: Test je zaměřen na správné užití přítomného času
průběhového a prostého v kladné, záporné větě
i v otázce.
A/Complete the sentences. Use these verbs in the present simple affirmative or
the present continuous affirmative.
1/ Where is John? He is in the bathroom. He _____________________ .(have a shower)
2/ Tom usually _________________________ after dinner. (wash up)
3/ In the picture Jack and Tim ___________________________ volleyball. (play)
4/ What do you do in your free time? I ______________ a lot. (cycle)
5/ Tina _______________________ every day. ( go to work)
6/ She __________________________ in the garden all the time. (help)
B/ Complete the sentences. Use these verbs in the present simple negative or the
present continuous negative.
1/ My family _________________________ in the village. (not live)
2/ I _______________________ riding a horse. (not like)
3/ Our mum ____________________________ the clothes into the washing machine now. (not
4/ The children __________________________ the internet at the moment. ( not use)
5/ She ______________________________ on Saturday mornings. (not watch TV)
6/ I´m having a rest. I _________________________exercises. (not do)
C/ Make the questions. Use these verbs in the present simple or the present
1/ What ___________________________ in the photo? ( he - do)
2/ When ____________________________ to bed? (Jane – go)
3/ What _______________________________ today? (the children – wear)
4/ ______________________________your homework at home? (you – do)
5/ ___________________________ photos in his free time? (he – take)
6/ __________________________your keys now? (you – look for)
Key to exercises
1/ is having a shower
2/ washes up
3/ are playing
4/ cycle
5/ goes to work
6/ helps
1/ doesn´t live
2/ don´t like
3/ isn´t putting
4/ aren´t using
5/ doesn´t watch
6/ am not doing
1/ is he doing
2/ does Jane go
3/ are the children wearing
4/ do you do
5/ does he take
6/ are you looking for