bored X boring ???


bored X boring ???
bored X boring ???
grammar lesson 13
Jak používat tyto koncovky správně? Vlastně se nejedná o žádnou
Přípona -ed se používá pro vyjádření toho, jak se kdo cítí.
I am bored with my job. (Jsem znuděn svou prací.)
The mouse is frightened hearing the cat. (Myš je vyděšená, když slyší
Zde používáme -ed, protože popisujeme pocity.
Slovo zakončené na -ing vyjadřuje vlastnost popisované
věci, ale také osoby.
My job is boring. (Má práce je nudná.)
The narrator is boring. (Vypravěč je nudný.)
The flight was frightening because the weather got miserable.
(Ten let byl děsuplný, protože bylo hrozné počasí.)
zapamatujte si:
Rozdíl v jednotlivých slovech lze většinou poznat i z českého
be flattered => být polichocen
be flattering => být lichotivý
be bored => být znuděn, nudit se
be boring => být nudný
1. I´m really unfit. It´s so _____________
b) depressing
2. The first time I flew I was very ____________
b) frightened
3. English is very _________ for me.
a) interested
b) interesting
4. These instructions do not make any sense –
I am totally _________.
a) confused
b) confusing
5. The news was _________. I was shocked when I heard them.
a) shocked
b) shocking
use these adjectives: tired – bored – interested – worried - excited
– annoyed and their –ing forms (pro každý pár stejný výraz):
1. I want to go to the party but I can´t – I´m......................
Getting up early morning is so ........................
2. I can´t find my keys. – I´m ..........................
The storm is really ................................
3. I´m going on holiday tomorrow. - I´m ...........................
Was the movie ...........................?
4. I worked very hard today. – I´m ....................................
Long trips are too ............................for kids.
5. I have nothing to do. – I´m ........................................
Washing up is so .................................
6. We have a good teacher. – I´m .....................................
The view of the hill was ..................................
1. What are we going to do tonight? I'm so (bored/boring) just sitting
here watching TV. Let's go out and do something (exciting/excited)
2. Did you watch that (interesting/interested) documentary on TV last
3. John hates working in a bank, he isn't (interested/interesting) in
banking at all.
4. The (surprised/surprising) fact that almost 20% of Americans are
obese is, in part, due to the fact that they eat too much junk food.
5. His abilities were so (amazed/amazing) that people travelled from far
away to hear him play.
I am very (disappointed/disappointing) that you came home so late.
I was very (depressed/depressing) in 2006, when England didn't win
the World Cup.
Do you find that so (surprised/surprising)?
I'd really hate to seem him lose his job because of his
(shocked/shocking) lack of preparation.
One of his favorite colours is (shocked/shocking)
Kam jsi jel o víkendu?
Proč hraješ na kytaru?
Kam jezdíš v červenci a srpnu?
Jak byla stará?
Kolik to stálo?
Co jste tam hledali?
Kterou kabelku si chceš koupit?
Kdo tam nebyl?
Kdy to začalo?

Podobné dokumenty

ed, -ing

ed, -ing 1 - disappointed , 2 – frightening, 3 – boring, 4 -embarrassed, 5 – relaxing, 6 - worried, 7 amusing, 8 – interested, 9 – excited, 10 - amazing
