Snow White


Snow White
Snow White
Snow White was the daughter of a beautiful queen, who died when the girl was
young. Her father married again, but the girl’s stepmother was very jealous of her
because she was so beautiful. The evil queen ordered a hunter to kill Snow White but
he couldn’t do it because she was so lovely. Snow White went into a forest and found
a small cottage. Seven dwarfs lived there. Snow White lived with the dwarfs and
helped them to look after their house. They loved her.
Then one day the evil queen was told by her talking mirror that Snow White was still
alive, and she changed herself into a witch and made a poisoned apple. She went to
the dwarfs house dressed up as an old woman and gave Snow White the poisoned
apple. Snow White ates the apple and fell asleep. The dwarfs put her into a glass
coffin. Finally a prince found her and woke her up with a kiss. Snow White and the
prince were married and lived happily ever after.
1. Najděte v textu tato slovesa a uveďte jejich minulý čas:
být – bydlet – změnit – jít – nařídit – oženit se – vzbudit – dát – jíst – najít – udělat,
vyrobit – zemřít – milovat – pomáhat
2.Přeložte krátké věty, pak vytvořte zápor a otázku:
a) Otec se oženil.
b) Královna byla žárlivá.
c) Sněhurka šla do lesa.
d) Pomáhala trpaslíkům.
e) Královna dala Sněhurce jablko.
f) Sněhurka snědla jablko.
g) Princ ji vzbudil.
a) When did Snow White´s mother die?
b) Why was her stepmother jealous?
c) What did the queen give to Snow White?
d) How did the prince wake her up?
4.Použijte tato slova k převyprávění pohádky:
Daughter – stepmother – kill – dwarf – look after – mirror – poisoned – sleep – coffin
– kiss – married