Konference, granty, stipendia - MU ONLINE APPLICATION for


Konference, granty, stipendia - MU ONLINE APPLICATION for
Studijní pobyty a stipendia (str. 1-2)
Pracovní stáže (str. 2-3)
Letní školy (str. 3-7)
Mobilitní týden 2016 - Save the Date!
I letos pořádá Centrum zahraniční spolupráce tzv. mobilitní týden – nově pod názvem Keep Moving!
Formou přednášek a prezentací se seznámíte s možnostmi studijních a pracovních výjezdů do zahraničí.
Poznačte si tedy 4. – 6. října 2016.
Studijní pobyty a stipendia
Studium na partnerských univerzitách Masarykovy univerzity
Už víte, co budete dělat příští jarní semestr? Podejte si přihlášku na více než třicet univerzit mimo Evropu, s nimiž má Masarykova univerzita uzavřenou
bilaterární smlouvu. Studujte na partnerských univerzitách v Austrálii, Kanadě, Mexiku, USA, Brazílii, Izraeli, Číně a dalších univerzitách na různých
kontinentech světa.
program je určen studentům, kteří mají v době výjezdu do zahraničí ukončené minimálně dva semestry studia na Masarykově univerzitě. Tato
podmínka platí pro bakalářské studium, ale ne pro navazující magisterské studium. Mohou se účastnit i studenti kombinované formy.
většina univerzit v nabídce je otevřená studentům bakalářských a magisterských programů, ale několik možností je nabízeno i doktorandům
očekává se vynikající znalost angličtiny, případně jazyka, ve kterém bude výuka probíhat (španělština, portugalština, japonština, čínština)
délka pobytu je od jednoho semestru po celý akademický rok (pro instituce na jižní polokouli)
student může požádat o měsíční stipendium ve výši až 10.000 Kč/měsíc
Termín pro podání on-line přihlášek: 15. září 2016 do 23:59.
Přihlášku podávejte na https://isois.ois.muni.cz/application-outgoing v sekci Bilateral agreements.
Kontaktní osoba: Martin Vašek ([email protected])
Více informací: http://czs.muni.cz/cs/outgoing-mobility/outgoing-student/outgoing-student-studium/outgoing-student-partners (nabídka škol je
průběžně doplňována).
Studijní pobyty a stipendia
Prodloužení výběrového řízení do programu FREEMOVER na pobyty v létě a na podzim 2016
CZS přijímá přihlášky studentů do stipendijního programu na podporu mobility, a to studijních pobytů i praktických stáží. Výzva je určena pro vyjíždějící
studenty MU mimo dohody o spolupráci jako tzv. "freemovers" pro pobyty v roce 2016. Podporujeme takovou mobilitu, která bude vysílající fakultou
MU uznána jako součást studijního programu.
Bližší informace pro studijní pobyty zde
Bližší informace pro praktické stáže zde
Stipendijní nabídky:
Možnosti stipendií:
Nadace Zdeňka Bakaly http://www.nadacezb.cz/
CEEPUS http://www.ceepus.info/
Nadační fond Martiny a Tomáše Krskových http://www.krsekfoundation.cz/
Fulbrightova komise http://www.fulbright.cz/
Open Society Fund Praha http://www.osf.cz/
Dům zahraničních služeb http://www.dzs.cz/cz/akademicka-informacni-agentura/
Rochus und Beatrice Mummert Stiftung
RASMUS+ internship at the International Cooperation Office of School of Arts and
Humanities - ULisboaERASMUS+ internship at the International Cooperation Office of School of Arts and Humanities boaáže
Pracovní stáže
Evropská dobrovolná služba v Německu 2016/2017
výběrové řízení na pozici: dobrovolnici / dobrovolníka v rámci Evropské dobrovolné služby programu EU Erasmus+
v našem česko-německém kulturním středisku Centrum Bavaria Bohemia (CeBB) v Schönsee (Horní Falc, Bavorsko).
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 11. 7. 2016!!
Přehled nejdůležitějších informací:
 Začátek: možno od 1. 8. 2016 nebo 1. 9. 2016 (po dohodě možno i později)
 Doba trvání: 1 rok (po dohodě i kratší dobu)
 Místo působení: Centrum Bavaria Bohemia (CeBB), Schönsee (Horní Falc, Bavorsko)
 Žádosti je možné posílat okamžitě! Zájemci nechť zašlou svůj životopis a motivační dopis v českém a německém jazyce na mailovou adresu
[email protected].
 Uchazeč by měl být ve věku 18 až 30 let a měl by mít zájem o česko-německé vztahy a přeshraniční kulturní život.
 Při účasti na programu Evropské unie Erasmus+ dobrovolníkovi nevznikají žádné náklady!
 Detaily k nabídce místa EDS naleznete na: http://bbkult.net/redaktion/details/14522459152123.html
Centrum Bavaria Bohemia
Maika Victor-Ustohal M.A.
Projekt- und Programm-Management
Freyung 1
D-92539 Schönsee, Mail to: [email protected]
Internet: www.bbkult.net
Pracovní stáže
Leo-net http://leonet.globalplacement.com/
Stáže.cz http://www.staze.cz/tag/pracovni-staz/
Velká Británie http://www.placement-uk.com/
Německo http://www.praktikum.de/
Francie http://www.cidj.asso.fr/
AIESEC http://aiesec.cz/front-page/
European Association of Erasmus Coordinators (EAEC) http://www.eaec.eu.com/?action=database
Letní školy
Summer University for Security Studies, Kosovo
Deadline: 17 August 2016
Open to: students to apply are all students/candidates that need no visa to enter to the Republic of Kosovo
Venue: 20-25 August 2016, Pristina, Kosovo
Kosovo Youth Atlantic Treaty Association has the immense pleasure of inviting you to participate in this event: Summer University for Security
Studies, which will be held for the 6th anniversary of KYATA.
This year the Summer University, will be held in Kosovo, from 20-25 of August 2016. The accommodation, meals and lectures are going to be held at
Kosovo Academy for Public Safety. In this Summer University we will present various levels of security, institutions, levels that must be understood by
students and young scholars, and receive briefing by best experts and guest speakers on the topics, mentioned in agenda.
The word ‘security’ is highly present in media, politics and daily conversations. But what does it actually mean? What makes one feel secure? And, more
importantly, how is security organized in order to improve it and what are effective ways to deal with (violent) conflicts? In other words, in what ways is
security governed?
This one-week program will give students an in-depth look into the ways in which thinking and
speaking about security have changed over time, and how stakeholders on various levels deal
with conflicts and security, ranging from the international arena to the state and from private
security companies to communities and individuals.
Topics that will be discussed include:
International security and new wars unconventional threats,
Responsibility to protect, National security in a globalizing world,
Private security companies,
Gated communities, and citizens’ initiatives in war situations,
Terrorism, international terrorist organization, how to defeat terrorist groups
International security organizations.
Refugees crises,
Culture program:
An exciting cultural program and tour around Kosovo including riding horses will take place in our agenda
Students with different academic backgrounds and a general interest in Security, Euro-Atlantic integration, International Relations, Diplomacy etc.. will
benefit from each other in an intercultural and interdisciplinary learning process. Former classes consisted of regular students and practitioners such as
civil servants, communication experts, young politicians and even parliamentary officials.
The course does not require special knowledge about security policies and institutions, European politics, law, history or culture, but participants should
be interested in more than just their field of specialization. In class participation, especially in the discussions with experts, is essential for the course
success and plays an important role in grading.
 Tuition fee for Kosovo Students is 100 euro
 Tuition fee for Western Balkan student is 110 euro;
 The tuition fee for non Western Balkan students is 180 euro
 All costs regarding the bank transfer of the participation fee (Transfer fees) are to be covered by the applicant.
 Tuition (all lectures, workshops, discussions as mentioned in the program)
 Culture and social events (as mentioned in the program)
 Housing and 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Thanks to the generosity of KYATA and Partners, you will have the opportunity to have lower costs compared to other summer schools in the Balkan
Peninsula and abroad. For very reasonable price you will get the highest academic standards and an exciting culture, social, and study visits program in
Moreover, accommodation, meals and reading materials are prepared for you, so you don’t have to worry about anything. You can
concentrate only on studying and enjoying yourself.
The only costs not included in the price are travel cost, and health insurance :-)
All participants must send their CV and motivation letter to [email protected] by 17 August 2016, at 24:00.
Lectures, presentations and examinations will be held in English.
If you have any questions, write to: [email protected]; call: +37745603619 or
Letní školy
Ready to improve your public speaking and communication skills? Join our very enjoyable Debate Academy Summer School in Pécs,
Come to the heart of Europe, to the beautiful Pécs in Hungary and join our Debate Academy while you learn about the ‘Ongoing Migration Crisis and
Central Europe’ from 28 July to 10 August 2016.
Our intensive and very enjoyable Pécs Debate Academy 2016 – CEEPUS Summer School on Migration will use a mixed methodology – you will
learn about the migration crisis from experts of the field while you will also gain an opportunity to develop your speaking skills and learn to argue along
the techniques of the British Parliamentary Debate style.
Language of instruction: English. The summer school program is awarded 8 ECTS credits and is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students
as well.
5 reasons to join the Pécs Debate Academy 2016 Summer School on Migration:
improve your speaking skills while learning about migration, a hot topic of today’s European Union
it is more than just study! – enjoy the great social programs including concerts, trips to the countryside, karaoke party, sport contests, pub
visiting, the best intercultural party and much more
attend an affordable summer program – the very reasonable program fee includes accommodation for the 10 days and 2 hot meals per
day, all social programs
have fun in an international environment, make new life-long friendships
enjoy the gorgeous location - Pécs is one of the most beautiful central European cities with a rich culture dating back to the Roman Empire,
the European Capital of Culture of 2010 – safe, Mediterranean UniverCity, full of pubs, bars, cafés, restaurants
Please find more details about the Pécs Debate Academy 2016 Summer School on our website:
You can also watch a short film about a previous Pécs Debate Academy here:
The Pecs Debate Academy - started in 2013 based on the 17-year experience of the International Culture Week in Pecs (ICWiP) - is a unique regional
summer university initiative of its kind in Hungary and the very first debate event in the Transdanubian region.
The University of Pécs, founded in 1367, is the oldest and one of the largest research universities of Hungary. With its ten schools and 20,000 students
the University of Pécs is a truly international university which launched its first English-taught degree program more than 30 years ago. Today, the
University of Pécs offers more than 50 degree programs and preparatory courses in English and German while the number of international students has
reached 2,900.
The unique Pécs Debate Academy 2016 awaits you in 2016! Don’t miss the opportunity!
For your application or questions, please, contact
Mr. Ákos Bilonka, Operative Organizer
Pécs Debate Academy 2016
[email protected]
Letní školy
Last Call, IPD Summer Programs 2016 in Baar, Switzerland
We are so happy gathered very interesting group to our coming summer programs from all over the world countries with different backgrounds.
But there have some places for 09-19 August, 2016 and 19-29 August, 2016 which will be held in Baar, Switzerland and think why you not be
part of this fruitful program.
During the program you will get deep academic and professional knowledge on Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Security and
Intercultural Dialogue fields by IPD experienced experts.
The deadline to receive the applications is 25 July, 2016.
For the participants who needs visa to enter Switzerland we strongly advice to start the application process as soon as its possible.
We have limited accommodation places at the Eckstein Zentrum and in this regards we encourage you to submit your application and start your
payment as soon as its possible, otherwise for late applications we could be problem to find available accommodation opportunity in the event place.
On the same time you could join to 3 Month CAS-Research Program or 1 Yearly Visitor Research Program.
There have scholarship opportunity for the potential participants who will ask reduction on the requested participation fee amount.
Hope you will be time to spend with us valuable and unforgettable summer days.
Feel free if you will be any more questions.
Fakhrinur HUSEYNLI
Director of Institute for Peace & Dialogue, IPD
Event Organizer & Study Abroad Consultant
Address: Eschenstrasse 4, 6020 Emmenbrücke,
Luzern, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected],
Cell: +41764316170
Letní školy
Future City Summit by HKU Students
We are pleased to spread the message below on behalf of a group of students initiating an event at HKU campus. The
event is supported by the University and we would much appreciate your kind assistance in disseminating them to your
students, who may find interest in joining the event!
Attached please find a poster for the event for your reference. Thank you for your kind help and assistance.
HKU Summer Institute
The University of Hong Kong
From demographic changes to socio-economic problems, urban issues are gaining prominence in national and even international agendas. Now is the
best time to talk about the future of urban development.
Do you aspire to make an impact?
Ready to expose yourself on the global stage?
A team of ten students from The University of Hong Kong is taking an initiative this year to curate a platform so that passionate minds in the
vanguard from all over the world can get together and talk about the future of cities.
Future City Summit:
The Future City Summit aims to gather young bright minds across the globe, especially in the Asia Pacific, in the aim of advocating a development
agenda for cities. Throughout the four-day programme, delegates along with distinguished guest speakers will explore issues of urban resilience, smart
city development and urban lifestyles in the new era.
We hold a myriad of meaningful events to reach real avenues of influence, such as keynote session, panel discussions and interactive seminars,
field study, and many other occasions for meet-and-greet.
The Future City Summit is a 4-day academic program, held from August 4 (Thursday) to August 7 (Sunday) this year in Hong Kong, featuring
four main aspects of exploration for delegates to choose from, namely “The People,” “The Capital,” “The Culture,” and “The Environment.”
Our Mission:
With the rapid development in information and communication technology (ICT), smart city seems to be the common approach to improve urbanites’
quality of life and the city’s overall efficiency. The conference seeks to capture these opportunities and inspire future leaders with a spectrum of
emerging concepts, including resilient city, urban resilience and industrial revolution 4.0.
Outstanding delegates who are selected to present their projects in the program showcase will be awarded with scholarships. Bearing the vision of
nurturing pioneers for our future cities, FCS strives to live up to its mission – “Advocate the agenda of future development of cities.”
Application Deadline:
July 15, 2016 (Friday)
International Delegates Fee: US$250
Hong Kong Delegates Fee: HK$900
Please apply through our website, www.futurecitysummit.org, and shortlisted candidates will be contacted to schedule an interview.
Should there be any inquiry, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team at [email protected].
See you all at the summit!