Glorious Hope / Slavná naděje - Czechoslovak Baptist Convention


Glorious Hope / Slavná naděje - Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
ince ancient times, the month of
May has been called a month of
love. This is a pagan tradition
that has survived in our society to
this day.
Spring is a pleasant season, full of
inspiration for artists and poets. Nature
blooms in all its beauty, and radiates
freshness. Trees become concert stages
where birds put on their musical performance. It is interesting that this period of “love” arrives shortly
after Easter. All Easter events are interwoven with love, but with
love of a different kind—God’s love. Without this love we would
not have Easter. Because of this love it was possible to complete
the great work of salvation as God planned it. In the climate
Editorial - Natasha Legierski .................................................................50
91st Convention Information................................................................51
Letter to the Convention - Stephen E. Markwood............................51
Czechs and Slovaks and the Bible, Part 7 - Natasha Legierski....52
Naše národy a Bible, èást 7 - Nataša Legierská...............................53
A Journey of Yelding - Joseph Abraham .............................................54
Love Matters - Garth Priebe..................................................................56
Biblická studie, 4 èas: List Júdov - Peter Abraham.........................58
Few Words about Someone Special - Natasha Legierski .............60
Nìkolik slov - Nataša Legierská ...........................................................61
Question Box, The Observation Tower - John E. Karenko .............62
My Parents Struck It Rich in America - John E. Karenko................63
Syn, 1. èást - Marie Frydrychová ..........................................................64
Makers and Builders of a Conv. - Vlado Canji ..................................66
From Our Readers..................................................................................67
In Memory - Jerry Rand ..........................................................................67
Children’s Corner ..................................................................................68
A Special Day - Amy Nesvadba ............................................................68
Youth Scene - Jane Branda...................................................................69
From the President - Robert Dvorak ...................................................70
Ladies’ Page - Barbara Manas .............................................................71
Tell Us About You - Natasha Legierski ...............................................71
Ježíšova matka - Nataša Legierská ......................................................72
Glorious Hope / Slavná nadìje
May 2000, Vol. 26, No 3
(USPS 009334)
ISSN 0700-5202
Published Bi-Monthly by
The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
of USA and Canada
Periodical postage paid in Philippi, WV.
Publication Office: Glorious Hope
1524 Lancaster Dr., #134,
Oakville, ON, L6H 2Z2, Canada
Editor-in-Chief: Natasha Legierski
Electronic Publishing and Art: Vit Malek
Assistant Editors: Janice Cermak, Ján Banko
Editorial Staff: George Sommer, George Legierski,
Joseph Novak
You may send articles to above address
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Glorious Hope / Slavná nadìje
Rt. 1, Box 58D, Philippi, WV 26416-9717 USA
Next issue deadline - June 15, 2000
zone we occupy, spring brings new life to the plant and animal
kingdom. Golgotha brought not only new life, but also a new
hope which is in the resurrection. Do we realize this connection
as we admire nature in the spring? If so, let us raise our voices
to praise God as we are called to do in Psalm 66:1, “Shout with
joy to God, all the earth!” In the practical life of the Christian,
however, it is not enough merely to praise God with words. Our
entire lives should be great concerts of praise; in other words, our
style of life should praise God. Is this really the case? I am afraid
that often, instead of praising God, we grieve Him. Does Jesus
have to weep over us as He wept over Jerusalem? The Christian
of today does not lack knowledge about how to live according to
God’s Word. The problem lies in the changed thought process
of modern man, and this is reflected in the way Christians
understand God’s law. We are concerned by various natural
disasters that disrupt or even destroy nature completely. Why do
we tolerate changes—“disasters”—in the lives of the individual
limbs of the church? Why do we not fight for the purity of the
church and of relationships between people? Shouldn’t we be as
concerned with spiritual pollution as we are with polluting our
environment? The answer is the weakening of our relationship
with God the Father—becoming lukewarm and abandoning the
first love, the love that shook the world from the cross, the
love of Jesus Christ that we should have in our hearts, a love
that is unchanging and is willing to sacrifice itself for another.
This is the love that only God can put in our hearts. This
love is able to love until the end in any kind of relationship.
We should live in this love not only during this month, but
throughout our entire lives.
Editor-in-Chief Natasha Legierski
ìsíc kvìten—máj, je od pradávna nazýván mìsícem lásky.
Je to pohanská tradice, která se udržela v našem národì
až do dnešní moderní doby.
Je to pìkné období, plné inspirace pro umìlce i básníky. Pøíroda se
rozvine do plné krásy a oplývá svìžestí. Koruny stromù se promìní
v koncertní pódia ptaèího zpìvu. Je zajímavé, že toto období
„lásky” následuje po velikonocích. Všechny velikonoèní události
jsou prodchnuty láskou, ovšem láskou jiného druhu—Boží láskou.
Pokraèování na stranì 55
Tiskaøský šotek si s námi zalaškoval, v minulém èísle èasopisu,
ve všech èeských a slovenských èláncích.
Velmi se všem ètenáøùm omlouváme. V tiskárnì, kde se
èasopis tiskne (v Západní Virginii, USA) nikdo z Èechoslovákù
nepracuje a Amerièané omylem použily k vytisknutí jiný typ
písma. Jistì se vám podaøilo všechno úspìšnì rozluštit a
chybìjící písmenka doplnit. Dìkujeme za pochopení.
Redakce Slavné nadìje
Front cover: Corel Photo: Every season has a beauty all its own
Back cover: Corel Photo: Baume-les-Messieurs, France
Photos :
George Sommer and Ben Nesvadba
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
91st Convention Information
he 91st Annual Convention will meet
• You must send payments with your registrations.
in Philippi, June 29–July 2, 2000.
• Use an individual registration form for each family unit. Do not
Please read carefully other instrucregister your relatives or other families on the same registration form,
tions on the registration form,
but do include all of your own family members.
which will be published in the May issue of
• Send payment with each registration form. Do not send one
Glorious Hope.
payment with multiple registration forms.
• Send all registration forms and payments
• Much additional information is printed on the registration form.
in $US (except Canadian delegates, who will
Please read and complete it carefully, particularly when adding up
pay the registration fee in Canadian dollars) to
your totals. Check your calculations!
Helena Pojman, 1516 Pembroke Dr., Oakville, ON, L6H 1V9,
George Sommer,
CANADA. Phone and FAX: 1-905-338-3833. After June 24, 2000,
Convention Coordinator
1-304-457-4287 or FAX 304-457-3043.
• The regular registration fee is $18 for all persons 18 years
and older. The late registration fee is $25, applicable after June
13. One-day registration fee is $10
for those who arrive on Saturday.
Persons under 18 years of age—no
registration fee.
Canadian delegates will pay the registration fee in Canadian dollars! You may
send your personal check.
• The Convention will pay for meals
for children 12 years and younger.
• Children ages 13–17 years will
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
pay one half of the full meal price;
Convention will pay the other half.
As always, it is a pleasure for me to personally invite you to return to the
Persons 18 years and older will pay
mountaintop here at Alderson-Broaddus College for your summer Convention.
full price.
Full Price Half Price
We, in the A-B family, and you, in the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention, have
developed a special relationship bonded in our common love for our Lord and
nurtured in our common Baptist beliefs. Our relationship has matured into one of
brother/sisterhood and mutual respect as we here at the College, and you in the
Convention, carry out our special tasks as critical components in God’s “Master
• Kincaid (formerly LQRC), Benedum, and Priestley $12.00/night/
As we at the College begin to meet the educational challenges of the third
bed. Children 12 and under free!
millennium, with its technology explosion from the information age, you must rise
Therefore it is imperative that you
to the challenge of providing God’s message of love in new ways to an increasingly
state the ages of your children.
skeptical world. Yet, as the skepticism in the world grows, the need for God’s love
• Linens for residence hall guests
grows even more. Therefore, both the College and the Convention must continue
$6.00/bed/stay, available only for
to increase their personal efforts and the development of new methods of delivering
those who travel by airplane.
His message to fulfill God’s “Plan.”
• Erickson Alumni Center already
fully booked. No vacancies availI again look forward to personally welcoming you into the A-B family for
another summer Convention. May this be a time of joy and peace for you and
• Super 8 Motel in Philippi availyour family.
able for $45.00 per room per night
Yours in Christ,
plus state tax. Call (304) 457-5888
ASAP to make your own reservations. You will need to state that you
are from the Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention to qualify for reduced
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Czechs and Slovaks
and the Bible - Part 7
Natasha Legierski
Mothers Throughout Our History
ome time ago I heard the saying “Behind every great
individual there is a woman.” It is probably possible
to interpret this phrase in various ways, depending on
whom we’d like to flatter. I believe, however, that this
phrase originally referred to mothers and that the author wanted
to emphasize the important role that a mother plays in the
life of every person. In the Bible, we encounter a number
of women, many of them mothers, who played an important
role in the history of the Israelites. This Mother’s Day, we
have an opportunity to glance back
into the rich history of our nation and
have a look at the mothers of several
key figures.
Let us look back to the year 880,
when Methodius baptized Borivoj along
with his wife Ludmila. Although we
do not have much information about
Ludmila, we know that after the death
of her husband and both sons, the
Czech nobles entrusted her with the
upbringing of her two grandsons. This
responsibility may give us an idea of her
sincerity as a Christian. Slavic mothers
took their Christianity seriously. How
else could the nation endure and remain
faithful in times of persecution? During
times of turmoil, mothers were given
the difficult task of maintaining the
faith of their ancestors and keeping the
family unified. Through remembering
the courage, suffering and strength
of their ancestors, mothers sowed
precious seeds into the hearts of the
next generation. These seeds sprouted
and grew to the benefit of the nation.
Although we’d like to know much about the lives of the mothers
of our great national figures, very little has been recorded. We can
only guess at their great sacrifices and moral strength founded
on Biblical principles. John Hus remembers his mother in one of
his works from 1412, “…she taught me to say Amen, may God
be willing....” A legend tells us that when his mother walked
him to school, she knelt seven times along the way and prayed
for her son. She followed the example of Anna, the mother of
Samuel (1 Kings). John Hus led his followers to honor and to
love their parents. In Bethlehem Chapel, Czech mothers learned
to love the Bible and to sing hymns. This was later reflected in
the Czech Reform Movement.
When reading the literary works of Peter Chelcicky or Jan
Blahoslav, we can get a feel for their relationships with their
mothers. Havel Zalansky, a preacher from Prague and Kutna
Hora, stresses the role of the mother, not only within the family
but in Christian society as a whole. In his works from 1615, he
also describes her role in the social arena. Jan Amos Komensky
lost both parents at the age of twelve. We know little about his
mother. Her name was Anna and she came from a family from
Uhersky Brod. Of her four children, Jan was the youngest.
Based on Komensky’s literar y
works in which he stresses the
importance of a good pre-school
upbringing, she was an excellent
teacher to her children. Komensky
also emphasized the importance
of a woman’s education in her
role as a mother. He realized
that only a well-educated mother
and properly raised and educated
children can reawaken the church
and the nation. In one of his wellknown works, Komensky deals
with the subject of honoring one’s
mother. He describes the Unity
of Brethren as a mother, who on
her deathbed divides spiritual gifts
among her children.
Generations of mothers who
raised their children in godliness
and taught them to love truth and
God’s Word have come and gone.
From among them arose the great
figures of the national awakening.
To this day we encounter the
influence of the Christian mother
within our nation. The beautiful
text of the Kralicka Bible was often the only source of our mother
tongue as it was taught to children whose families were forced
to emigrate. The rich tradition of hymns from the Unity
of Brethren church continues to this day. Hviezdoslav, the
Slovak poet, says that the old hymns of the Unity of Brethren
accompanied him throughout his life. Komensky’s teaching
methods that reformed the education system around the world
are still used today.
As we look back into history, it is amazing to see all that
God has led our nation through. Much evil and injustice was
intermixed with periods of apparent calm. Those who had a love
Continues on page 60
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Naše národy a Bible
Nataša Legierská
7. èást
Matky v historii našich národù
dysi jsem slyšela rèení: „Za každou velkou osobností se
skrývá žena.” Pravdìpodobnì lze tuto vìtu vysvìtlit
nìkolika zpùsoby, podle toho, komu chceme polichotit.
Myslím si však, že pùvodnì byla zamìøena na matky a
autor tohoto rèení chtìl zdùraznit, jak dùležitou roli hraje matka v
životì každého jedince. V Bibli se setkáváme s øadou vzácných
žen a matek, které sehrály svou roli v
historii Izraelského národa. U pøíležitosti
svátku matek, bychom se mohli zahledìt
zpìt do naší bohaté historie a zjistit, jaké
byly matky klíèových osobností našich
Vracíme se tedy zpìt, pøibližnì do
období kolem roku 880, kdy byl kníže
Boøivoj pokøtìn Metodìjem i se svou
manželkou Ludmilou. Nemáme mnoho
zpráv o této knìžnì. Víme však, že po
smrti manžela i obou synù jí byla èeskými
velmoži svìøena výchova dvou vnukù. Tato
skuteènost nám napovídá o upøímnosti
jejího køesanství. Slovanské matky vzaly
køesanství vážnì. Jak jinak by se projevila
síla národa a uvìdomìní v otázkách
víry zvláštì v dobách pronásledování?
V pohnutých dìjinách byl vìøící matce
uložen tìžký úkol: strážit víru pøedkù a
rodinnou pospolitost. Vzpomínkami na
utrpení, stateènost a sílu pøedkù, zasévaly
matky vzácná seménka do srdcí dìtí.
Tato seménka vzklíèila a pøinesla mnohý
užitek ve prospìch celého národa. Chtìli
bychom se mnoho dozvìdìt o životì matek
velikánù národa, ale historie nám o nich
mnoho nepoví. Pouze tušíme nekoneènou
obìtavost a mravní sílu matek, postavenou
na biblických zásadách. Mistr Jan Hus vzpomíná na svou matku
ve svých Výkladech (z roku 1412): „…uèila mne øíkat amen, tak dej
Bùh….” Legenda vypráví o tom, jak jeho matka, když ho vodila do
školy, cestou sedmkrát poklekla a modlila se za nìj k Pánu Bohu.
Øídila se tak pøíkladem Anny, matky Samuele (1. Král.), Mistr Jan
Hus vedl své posluchaèe k úctì a lásce obou rodièù. V Betlémské
kapli se èeské matky nauèily lásce k Bibli i k duchovnímu zpìvu, což
se odrazilo také v èeské reformaci.
Vztah k matce mùžeme vyèíst z literárních dìl našich národních
osobností, a už to byl Petr Chelèický nebo Jan Blahoslav. Pøedchùdce
J. Á. Komenského, Havel Žalanský z Žalan, kutnohorský a pražský
kazatel, zdùrazòuje význam matky nejen pro rodinu, ale i pro
køesanskou spoleènost. Ve svých spisech (r. 1615) vykresluje její
poslání také na poli sociálním. Jan Ámos Komenský ztratil oba
rodièe ve dvanácti letech. O jeho matce rovnìž mnoho nevíme.
Jmenovala se Anna, pocházela z m욝anské rodiny z Uherského Brodu
a mìla celkem ètyøi dìti, nejmladší byl Jan. Podle záznamù v literární
tvorbì Komenského, kde je kladen nesmírný význam na pøedškolní
výchovu dìtí, se posuzuje, že byla vynikající vychovatelkou. Komenský
poukazuje na dùležitost vzdìlání ženy
jako matky. Pochopil, že jen vzdìlaná
matka a vzdìlané, dobøe vychované
dítì mùže obrodit církev (Jednotu
bratrskou) a národ. Úctu k matce vyjádøil
Komenský ve svém snad nejkrásnìjším
spise „Kšaft umírající matky Jednoty
bratrské” (kšaft—odkaz). V tomto díle
Jednotu bratrskou pøedstavuje matka,
která na smrtelném loži rozdìluje
pozùstalým dìtem své duchovní dary.
Prošly celé generace matek, vychovávající
dìti ve zbožnosti, vštìpující lásku k
pravdì a k Bibli. Z øad evangelických
matek vzešli velikáni národního obrození.
Dodnes se setkáváme s odkazem vìøící
matky v našich národech. Nᚠrodný
jazyk, uchovaný v pøekrásném textu
Kralické Bible, šíøený matkami, prvními
uèitelkami dìtí, byl jediným zdrojem
mateøského jazyka v emigraci. Dodnes
žije slavná tradice èeské zpìvnosti
a ohlas bratrských písní matek se
ozývá v díle potomkù. Hviezdoslav
(slovenský básník) vyznává, že ho
staré bratrské písnì provázejí celým
životem. Doposud žijí a stále se
praktikují metody vychovávatelské a
vyuèovací (pedagogika) Komenského,
které zreformovaly školství po celém svìtì.
Pøi pohledu zpìt do naší historie žasneme, èím vším Pán Bùh
provedl naše národy. Kolik zla a nespravedlnosti se mísilo s vlnami
zdánlivého klidu! Ti, kteøí si Boží Slovo zamilovali, vytrvali. Dnes
èerpáme z naší minulosti povzbuzení i ponauèení. Dotkli jsme se
jen nepatrného zlomku z celku dìjin našich národù. Na potomcích
vidíme, jaké byly matky. Jaké máme matky dnes, pøi pohledu do
budoucnosti? Vštìpují matky lásku k Božímu slovu i v dnešní
dobì, kdy je kontakt rodièù a dìtí omezen na minimum? Svìøují
péèi o dítì pøedškolního vìku institucím nebo nekvalifikovaným
vychovatelkám? Jak pøipravují své dìti pro budoucnost? Uèí je milovat
bližního a sloužit mu, anebo jsou uzavøeny ve svých domácnostech
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Pokraèování na stranì 61
J.O.Y—A Journey of Yielding
Rev. Joseph Abraham
alatians 5:22: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,…”
Joy, Joy, Joy.
Joy. Much like love, joy is one of the most misunderstood words in our dictionary, even in our spiritual
vocabulary. How many times have you heard it said, “I don’t
feel joy today ”; “You don’t look very joyous”: “You’ve got
the joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart …Where? How far
down is it?
Come on up here, joy. Please.
Let’s go one step further. You’ve explained many times that joy
is not happiness. Joy is inner peace, while happiness is dependent
upon outward circumstances. Okay, I’ll buy that. But how about
changing my circumstances, Lord?
One acronym often used for joy is J-esus, O-thers, S-elf. Put
Jesus first, others second and, as former Chicago Bears running
back Gayle Sayers said in the heart-warming movie Brian’s Song,
“I am third.” There is a lot of practicing truth to this acronym, I
must admit. As you put Jesus first, there is joy in serving others
and forsaking yourself. Especially when I submit to Matthew
6:33, “seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness”;
Colossians 3:2, “to set our hearts and minds on things above”;
and Hebrews 12:1, “fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and
finisher of our faith.”
Jesus is the first ingredient to joy, no doubt. It is His gift to
us, His fruit of the Spirit. This acronym is fulfilled in the Old
Testament law’s summation, found in Matthew 22:37–39, “to
love the Lord your God with everything (Lebanese version) and
to love your neighbors as yourself.” That’s all.
That’s it. JOY, according to God’s word.
But there exist many difficulties in this biblical formula. What
happens if I have an unhealthy love for myself? I am saved,
yes, but can God really love me for who I am? Can I now truly
give to others without expecting something back in return? An
improper self-love, negative or arrogant, will pervert how I relate
to others, and perhaps even to God. Our serving, which may
look so good and sacrificial to others, may be contaminated
by needy motives within.
Is there perhaps another acronym that might fit and even
purify the definition of our word, joy? I’m glad that you asked. I
would like to submit the following.
Joy is a J-ourney o-f Y-ielding. Let me qualify and then
personalize this for a moment.
To qualify, let us be certain of one thing. Joy is a gift of
the Holy Spirit, not something that can be conjured up or
manufactured. It is a gift of God to the recipient who has realized
his or her need of a Savior, to the person who confesses his
or her sinful state before a holy God and receives the gift of
forgiveness through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is joy’s
author and perfecter.
But how is joy practiced and maintained?
We all have personality types. Though I have been known
to be a bit “crazy” around others, in my private self I might
be considered very melancholy. My spirit can tend to become
slightly depressed if I am not careful; I might see the cup as
“half empty, not half full.” That’s why I love it when God
puts visionaries and dreamers around me. They help fire up my
“joy and thank” tank!
But do I know joy? Absolutely!
Turn with me to John 15:9–11. “As the Father has loved me,
so have I loved you.” There is no joy in the truest sense apart
from the love of God for you and me, and our love back to Him.
But it doesn’t stop there. “If you obey my commands, you will
remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands
and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be
in you and that your joy may be made complete.”
Joy, therefore, is dependent upon two ingredients. First, my
love for Jesus because He first loved me. Second, joy will be
experienced through obedience.
Obedience. This hardly sounds like a “joyful” word. But
let’s return to our acronym of consideration, a Journey of
Yielding. Life, for all of us, is made up of hundreds of daily
decisions. Most seemingly have little impact on our life’s outcome;
others can alter our life’s direction, positively or tragically,
one step at a time.
Joy is surrendering your hopes, dreams, desires (even lusts)
to the Living Word of God and the God of the Living Word, at
the moment of truth. Joy is trusting the word of God by faith, as
you honor the One who loved you and gave His life for you. He
is the Father who knows best! He is the One who said in John
10:10 that we might have life to the full!
Do you believe that?
Joy follows obedience, but it doesn’t always make sense. The
Bible provides illustration after illustration. Hebrews 11:8 says
that my great, great relative Abraham (only sort of a joke!), when
called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance,
obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was
going. Didn’t know where he was going, you say? Big deal. That’s
me most of the time. I have two adolescent sons; I know. Where
are you going, what are you doing? I don’t know.
But here, it is God calling us to faithful obedience, following
His call into at times a seemingly painful, risky or unpleasant
situation that just make no earthly sense. Abraham trusted His
heavenly Father. God said go; he went! And his joy, not just from
the peace that passes all understanding, was rewarded with a son
by the name of Isaac, born when Abraham was 100; with his
redemption from the test of fire and the knife in Genesis 22; and
with the superceding grace that would be available to Jews and
Gentiles, alike, by embracing the Lord Jesus Christ. Abraham is
the joyous father of all nations.
How about Moses? He was in a position as Pharaoh’s
adoptive son to enjoy the pleasures of sin and the riches of
the treasures of Egypt. Instead, he chose to suffer affliction
with the people of God and esteemed reproach for the sake of
Christ and His riches even greater (Hebrew 11:25,26). And
aren’t we glad He did!
There’s my other namesake, Joseph. Cruelly abandoned by his
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
brothers, sold into slavery, imprisoned
but what you will.” Yielding to His
falsely, he turned from the enticement
Father’s plan brought deep joy to our
of sexual sin, fleeing lustful temptation
Savior, a joy that came (Hebrews 12:2)
and honoring the word of God. His joy
from enduring the cross, scorning its
through obedience delivered the whole
shame and sitting down at the right
nation of Israel out of a dire famine,
hand of the throne of God.
physically, spiritually and politically.
All of us here, young people especially,
Joshua, strong and courageous in the
remember that sin looks good, feels
Lord, ridiculously marched around the
good and tastes good— for a moment.
wall of Jericho seven times at God’s
Then the trouble begins, your joy is
command, blowing the horns of demise
stolen, and the devil can get a grip on
that would fell the wall. Make sense?
your life. God’s desire for you is joy.
Yes - God said so! Little David stood
It is His gift to you through the Lord
up to the mighty Goliath in the name
Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit; it is
of the Lord with a little sling and a stone. Daniel continued
experienced by you as you yield your will, your every decision,
to pray to His God, despite the threat of being the lions’
to the word of God on your journey through life. Walk by
evening meal.
faith, and watch Him fill your joy tank and prepare you for the
Little Zaccheus, the despicable tax collector, left the sycamore
overwhelming blessings that will follow to all that call upon
tree to sup with the Lord Jesus physically and spiritually. His
the name of the Lord.
reward: eternal life for his household, and he blessed those he
July 1, 1999
“may” have cheated many times over. There is joy in giving!
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
Peter and John continued to preach the word of God in the
Philippi, West Virginia
early days of the church, despite continued persecution. Their
messages trained the young deacon Stephen, whose courageous
testimony upon being stoned to death planted seeds in the heart
of an ornery Pharisee named Saul. And if it weren’t for the mission
Editorial … Pokraèování ze strany 50
work of Saul, turned Paul, we wouldn’t be here today!
Personally, I am so thankful to God. Even when my faith
Bez této lásky by totiž velikonoce ani nebyly. Díky této lásce mùže
was weak, he showed me that it was better to abstain than to
být uskuteènìno veliké dílo spasení èlovìka tak, jak ho Pán Bùh
give in to youthful lusts. Joy followed years later with the gift
naplánoval. V klimatickém pásmu, ve kterém žijeme, jaro s sebou
of my wonderful wife, Debbie, and two sons, Jeremy and Chad.
pøináší nový život jak v pøírodì, tak i ve svìtì zvíøat. Golgata
Twenty-two years of blessed, life-changing ministry with the
pøináší nejen nový život, ale i novou nadìji, která je ve vzkøíšení.
turning down of a $50,000-a-year job in Saudi Arabia sports
Uvìdomujeme si tyto souvislosti, když obdivujeme jarní pøírodu?
development, to raise and earn $10,000 annually to minister in
Jestliže ano, pøipojíme své hlasy k chválám našeho Boha, jak nás k
a group,at that time beleaguered and in debt, by the name of
tomu vyzývá žalmista: „Hlahol Bohu, celá zemì!!” (Žalm 66,1).
Greater Cleveland Youth for Christ. I lost my “blood” family over
V praktickém životì køesana však nestaèí pouze vyslovené chvály.
that choice for several years, but what joy the Lord has brought our
Nᚠživot by mìl být jedním velikým komplexem chval, jinými slovy,
way. This “yielding” was overwhelmingly rewarded in the winter
zpùsob našeho života musí chválit Pána Boha. Jak to ve skuteènosti
cold of January, 1979, when my father professed his personal faith
je? Obávám se, že mnohdy místo chval Pána Boha zarmucujeme
in the Lord Jesus Christ, one day before his death!
a znovu køižujeme. Nemusí Pán Ježíš nad námi plakat jako nad
I am not trying to be boastful. For every victory, there is a
Jeruzalémem? Nelze øíci, že by dnešní køesan nemìl dostatek
struggle. But many of you know what I am talking about. You
vìdomostí, jak žít v souladu s Božím Slovem. Problémem je zmìna
could fill in the blanks with your own testimony of difficult
myšlení moderního èlovìka, a to se odráží i v køesanovì chápání
obedience, followed by great joy and blessing. Sometimes the
Božích zásad a celého zákona. Jistì nás rozruší katastrofy, které
“feelings” of joy are present, and a true happiness abounds.
zpùsobí rùzné poruchy v pøírodì nebo dokonce pøírodu nièí. Proè
Praise the Lord for those times. But sometimes, the choices
tolerujeme zmìny—katastrofy—v životì jednotlivých údù církve?
are made in severe isolation, surrounded by pressure pointing
Proè nebojujeme za èistotu církve a vztahù mezi lidmi? Nemìli
you strongly away from God’s best. It is during these times
bychom horlit stejným zpùsobem o nápravu jako horlíme pøi
that the key to joy is the yielding, obeying God’s word during
zneèištìní vodního toku chemikáliemi? Odpovìdí je ochabnutí vztahu
your life’s journey.
èlovìka k Bohu Otci—ochladnutí, opuštìní té první lásky. Lásky,
Just words from our Savior? Hardly! No one knows it better
která zatøásla svìtem tenkrát na køíži.
that Jesus, who agonized in the garden of Gethsemane, with the
Lásky Pána Ježíše, která má být v našich srdcích. Lásky, která
direction of eternity at stake for the entire world. Overwhelmed
se nemìní a obìtuje se za bližního. Takovou lásku do srdce vloží
to the point of death, he could have bailed out, thinking of his
jenom Pán Bùh, tato láska dokáže milovat až do konce v jakémkoliv
own self and needs. He could even have pulled off a great miracle,
lidském vztahu. Ve znamení této lásky bychom mìli prožít nejen
rising to life from the cross before expiring, thus letting us die
tento mìsíc nebo rok, ale celý život.
hopelessly in our sinful state. But He didn’t! “Not what I will,
šéfredaktorka Nataša Legierská
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Love Matters
Rev. Garth Priebe
Galatians 5:22,23; I Samuel 20:1–17
alking through an old folks home
a few months ago, I noticed an
unusual plaque. It read:
The Philosophy of Love
If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it will always be yours.
If it doesn’t come back, it was never yours
to begin with.
If it just sits in your living room, watches
your TV, messes up your stuff, eats your food,
uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn’t appear to
realize that you actually set it free in the first place, you either
married it or gave birth to it!
Read for a moment these words:
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Against such things there is no law” (Galations 5:22,23).
Isn’t that profound?
In the next few days we are going to sojourn in God’s
orchard. We’re going to stop and smell the fruit blossoms.
We’re going to sink our teeth into holy fruit. We’re going to
linger beneath the branches of our Savior’s trees and allow the
sap of the Holy Spirit to flow through our veins. It will be
quite a journey. So let’s begin.
Let’s stop and ponder this next thought: let us discover why
God begins with love, why that is the first flavor we taste. The
apostle Paul states: “Now abide these three: faith, hope and
love, but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13).
The Lord requires much more from us
Than just an outer show;
True love for Him will give itself
To people here below.
I cannot think of a more practical narrative to share with
you this evening than that of David and Jonathan. There
birthed in the pages of God’s Word is a valuable treasure that
witnesses the fruit of God’s Spirit in one heart and the acts
of sinful nature in another. One demonstrates godly love, and
the other, a heart of malice.
“Saul told his son Jonathan and all the attendants to kill
David. But Jonathan was very fond of David and warned him,
‘My father Saul is looking for a chance to kill you. Be on your
guard tomorrow morning; go into hiding and stay there’ ” (1
Sam. 19:1,2). Later, King Saul made an oath that he would
not harm Jesse’s son, that he would spare David’s life, But
that, too, was just a passing whim.
It was outrage and animosity that destroyed a relationship
and broke up a friendship. It was spite and jealousy that
chased away a person who could help King Saul
the most—for David was a man after God’s
heart. And King Saul needed the stability of
God within his life.
After narrowly escaping the spear of
King Saul, David vanished under cover of
darkness and fled to where Samuel, God’s
prophet, was hanging out. Filled with questions, fear and disbelief, David shared his
heart with God’s prophet. Meanwhile, back
at the palace...
Hate fosters murder. And murderous
thoughts gripped the king as he pursued God’s anointed servant.
With seething enmity he hunted David, leaving Jesse’s son a
fugitive and an outlaw in his own country. It was under these
perilous circumstances that “…David fled from Naioth at Ramah
and went to Jonathan and asked, ‘What have I done? What is
my crime? How have I wronged your father, that he is trying
to take my life?’ ” (20:1)
Jonathan was a friend who loved at all times. He wasn’t
a fair-weather buddy who hangs out with somebody because
they are cool, hip or in. Jonathan loved David even when his
friend was labeled a renegade and a desperado. To this man
David fled too. To this man David pleaded for an answer. With
this man David searched for reasons that a death warrant had
been put on his head.
We can always go to that someone who models the Spirit’s
love, because we know that he or she will walk with honesty,
integrity and decency. That person who walks closely with God
will exhibit a love that is patient and kind, a love that doesn’t
envy, or boast, a love that doesn’t give in to pride. Jonathan
was never rude to David when his friend accused his father of
murderous intents. Jonathan never turned to self-centeredness
because David questioned him about his father’s anger. Jonathan
never flew into a rage even when he responded: “ ‘Never!’
Jonathan replied. ‘You are not going to die! Look, my father
doesn’t do anything great or small, without confiding in me.
Why would he hide this from me? It’s not so!’ ” (20:2) Jonathan
was not easily angered at David’s doubts. Bad-mouthing his
long-time friend was the farthest thing from his mind. Jonathan
wanted to investigate and discover for himself the ambitions of his
dad. What a young man of integrity Jonathan was. God had His
hand on his life, for the love Jonathan manifested went far deeper
than surface friendship. Jonathan loved as God loved.
“But David took an oath and said, ‘Your father knows very
well that I have found favor in your eyes, and he has said to
himself, “Jonathan must not know this or he will be grieved.”
Yet as surely as the Lord lives and as you live, there is only one
step between me and death.’ Jonathan said to David, ‘Whatever
you want me to do, I’ll do for you.’
So David said, ‘Look, tomorrow is the New Moon festival, and I
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
am supposed to dine with the king; but let me go and hide in the
field until the evening of the day after tomorrow. If your father
misses me at all, tell him,“David earnestly asked my permission to
hurry to Bethlehem, his hometown, because an annual sacrifice
is being made there for his whole clan.” If he says, “very well,”
then your servant is safe. But if he loses his temper, you can be
sure that he is determined to harm me. As for you, show kindness
to your servant, for you have brought him into a covenant with
you before the Lord. If I am guilty, then kill me yourself! Why
hand me over to your father?’ ” (1 Sam. 20:3-8)
Hate, anger, bitterness, malice, rage, brawling and slander
are the things we need to rid ourselves of. Those things are
contrary to love, let alone to the Spirit of God. When God dwells
within us, there is not anything that can remove the kindness and
compassion we can show to another, neither will we withhold
forgiveness when we are wronged. We will forgive as God forgave
us in Christ Jesus. Love is beautiful when it covers some person’s
life. It drives away the garbage and the filth that promote the
ugliness of sin. Love comes from God, for God is love.
So David positions the stage. The curtain is opened and the
drama is set to begin. It was the time for feasts and sacrifices. It
was a time for celebrations. In spite of Saul’s prodigal ways he
still insisted on taking the form of holiness.
His virtue tarnished by the quivering spear in the palace wall,
his horrible death oath spit out in fiery anger, his tired soldiers
whom he commanded to pursue an innocent man, and yet Saul
prepared the public feast to bring honor to God.
God tells us that if we say we love Him yet we hate our
brother, we are liars. For anyone who does not love his brother,
whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
And He has given us this command: “Whoever loves God must
also love his brother” (I John 4:20–21).
Somewhere between the oil from the ram’s horn to this
present time in Saul’s life, the king lost his walk with God.
It is at this feast that the character of Israel’s first king will
be revealed. Love doesn’t delight in evil, but rejoices at the
truth. But in a few short hours Jonathan will realize his father’s
vengeful heart. Evil drives away love. Evil destroys, but truth
always embraces the Spirit’s love.
So the trap is laid. The two friends prepare a plan that will
expose and uncover Saul’s homicidal heart.
“ ‘Never!’ Jonathan said. ‘If I had the least inkling that my
father was determined to harm you, wouldn’t I tell you?’ David
asked, ‘Who will tell me if your father answers you harshly?’
‘Come,’ Jonathan said, ‘let’s go out into the field.’ So they went
there together. Then Jonathan said to David: ‘By the Lord, the
God of Israel, I will surely sound out my father by this time
the day after tomorrow! If he is favorably disposed toward you,
will I not send you word and let you know? But if my father is
inclined to harm you, may the Lord deal with me, be it ever so
severely, if I do not let you know and send you away safely. May
the Lord be with you as he has been with my father. But show
me unfailing kindness like that of the Lord as long as I live, so
that I may not be killed, and do not ever cut off your kindness
from my family—not even when the Lord has cut off every one
of David’s enemies from the face of the earth.’ So Jonathan
made a covenant with the house of David, saying, ‘May the Lord
call David’s enemies to account.’ And Jonathan had David
reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as
he loved himself” (I Samuel 20:9–17).
There is something about God’s love that warms the heart.
In the midst of this catastrophe Jonathan renews an oath, a
covenant he has made with David. A covenant of love.
Terrible things are occurring all around these two comrades.
Lives are being threatened, charges are being laid, posses are
being prepared. And in the chaos Jonathan recalls a vow of
love: a vow that was never made on an impulse, a vow that
was as solid as the ground they stood upon. To Jonathan this
was a vow of love that always seeks to protect, always trusts,
always perseveres in the midst of disaster. To Jonathan it was
love that never failed, no matter what difficult roads lay ahead.
God’s kind of love sticks like that. God’s kind of love doesn’t
cease or fade away with the changing tide of fair-weather
friendships. God’s spiritual love goes beyond the call of duty,
goes beyond public opinion, goes beyond even the most
inconstant camaraderie. In other words, God’s love serves
(Galatians 5:13). God’s love sticks closer than a brother.
God’s love must be sincere (Romans 12:9). God’s love does
not harm its neighbor (Romans 13:10). God’s love builds a
person up (I Corinthians 8:1).
Jonathan would find out his father’s motives. There before
hundreds of guests a few days later, Saul would fly off the
handle and curse Jonathan’s mother. In his fit of rage he
would call for David’s execution, then angrily hurl his spear
at his own flesh and blood. Jonathan would warn David, he
would urge David to run like the wind and never look back.
He would beg him to hide till the way was safe and the dust
had cleared and the Israel’s Most Wanted posters were ripped
off the shops in all Judea.
But that is not the most important factor this evening.
It comes down to a four-letter word known as love. Not the
kind of love the world talks about, but a Spirit-driven love. A
Spirit-controlled love. A Spirit-focused love.
Jonathan parts with David that day, but not before he
challenges his friend with their vow of love. Never forget what
has been said between us, Jonathan says. Never forget the
promise that has been given. Never forget that love is to be
shown between our clans forever.
God’s love would be shown to King Saul and Mephibosheth.
David would exhibit the Holy Spirit’s love as time and time
again he would spare King Saul’s life, no records of wrongs,
no delighting in evil, just patient love for a man who would
rather bury him than enjoy his friendship. David’s love would
persevere through those long dark nights. Later, David would
generously bestow a heart of love upon Jonathan’s son, a
cripple. He would take him into his home, he would care for
him and provide for his servant.
David’s love never failed because it came from God. We
must remember God said that the greatest of these is love!
Remember God tells us to put on love. I trust that you have
got the flavor of holy love this evening, that through the lives
of biblical heros you have witnessed what it means to walk in
Spirit-controlled love. Amen.
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Dávajte pozor
Peter Abrman
List Júdov
4. èas
isate3⁄4: Júda, pod3⁄4a Matúša 13:55, je
den zo štyroch bratov Pána Ježiša.
Slovensky preložené meno „Júda“
malo v èase Pána Ježiša aspoò dve formy;
v hebrejèine „Judah“ a v gréètine „Judas“,
do slovenèiny preložené aj ako „Judᚓ.
V Novom Zákone rozoznávame aspoò
osem mužov s týmito menami, a preto je
potrebné si upresni, ktorý z nich je pisate3⁄4
Júdovej epištoly. Júda, brat Pánov, sa najprv
nestotožòoval s uèením Ježiša, svojho brata,
ale po Kristovom zmàtvychvstaní sa stal jeho
úprimným nasledovníkom.
V prvých storoèiach nášho letopoètu bolo
podozrenie, že list Júdov nebol inšpirovaný
Svätým Duchom, a preto by nemal by
súèasou Nového Zákona. Toto podozrenie
podporovali nasledujúce dôvody: (1) Žiaden
pisate3⁄4 Nového Zákona sa neodvoláva na
Júdove výroky z jeho epištoly. (2) Júda sa
neoznaèuje vo svojom liste ako „apoštol“,
ale ako „sluha“, èím sám naznaèuje, že nemá
apoštolskú autoritu. (3) Krátkos listu (štvrtý
najkratší list v Novom Zákone). (4) Nie
je prítomná ani jedna základná doktrína
kresanského vierovyznania. (5) Citovanie
„nebiblických“ textov (verše 9 a 14). (6)
Nie je uvedený konkrétny adresát. Napriek
týmto a iným námietkam, list Júdov bol
zahrnutý okolo roku 170 n.l. do takzvaného
Muratoriánskeho Kánonu a v priebehu 4.
storoèia bol všeobecne prijatý celou cirkvou
z nasledujúcich dôvodov: (1) Júdov vzah
k Pánovi (bol Jeho bratom). (2) Jeho priame,
oèividné svedectvo o zmàtvychvstalom Kristu.
(3) Júdovo zastávanie sa viery a jeho zápas
za vieru. (4) V Júdovej epištole nie je žiadny
rozpor s uèením kresanskej viery.
Júda žil poèas prvého, ve3⁄4mi krutého
politického prenasledovania prvotných
kresanov Rímom a zároveò poèas silného
napádania viery v zmàtvychvstalého Krista.
Podobne ako Ján, ktorý žil ku koncu
prvého storoèia, Júda húževnato pracoval
na povzbudzovaní prvých
kresanov a obhajovaní
Kristovho uèenia.
Význam mena Júda:
Hlavnou myšlienkou
Júdovho listu je jednanie
s falošným uèením a to
v troch segmentoch: (a)
upozornenie—verše 3–4,
(b) príklady falošníkov—
verše 5–16, (c) povzbudenie—verše 17–25.
Naši nepriatelia
Júdovou túžbou bolo napísa svojim
milovaným spoluvykúpeným list, ktorý
by pojednával o „spoloènom“, v inom
preklade „všeobecnom“ spasení. List, ktorý
by azda vyjadroval zázrak spasenia, naplnenie
proroctiev èí nádej na prekrásny život
v prítomnosti Spasite3⁄4a. Je však prinútený
písa o výstrahe, upozornení a zápase. Dôvod?
Júda si bol vedomý nebezpeèia èíhajúceho
na mladú cirkev, mladé uèenie a mladých
veriacich. Vo svojich slovách, verš 3: „…aby
ste zápasili za vieru…“ nemal na mysli, aby
sme bojovali za udržanie si nášho spasenia,
ale aby sme vieru, ktorá bola raz daná svätým
obhajovali a zápasili za òu. Preèo obhajova
vieru? Preèo zápasi za vieru? Júda vedel o
tých, ktorí chceli znehodnoti èisté uèenie
viery, ktorí mali záujem prevráti èistú pravdu
o našom Spasite3⁄4ovi. Zápasi o èistotu viery
je našou povinnosou. Ak nemáme takýto
postoj, aké je potom naše presvedèenie o tom,
v ktorého sme uverili a o tom, v èo sme
Júda vo svojom liste upozoròuje na
nepriate3⁄4ov viery, ktorí sa vyznaèujú piatimi
charakteristickými vlastnosami—verš 4:
1,—„ kradmo boènými cestami votreli
niektorí 3⁄4udia...“ Pri tomto bode nechcem iba
konštatova to, na èo apoštol Peter upozoròuje
v 2.Pet. 3. kapitole, že budú takí, èo sa budú
snaži tajne votrie do ovèinca, ale hlavne sa
chcem zamyslie nad nasledujúcou otázkou:
„Ako je to vôbec možné, že sa takíto 3⁄4udia
dostanú do kruhu vyvolených?“ Po dlhšom
uvažovaní som prišiel k tejto odpovedi:
Preto, lebo tí èo majú stráži, pospali!
Nechcem vylúèi ochranu Božej ruky nad
Jeho vyvolenými, ale Slovo Božie nám jasne
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
na mnohých miestach hovorí
o „strážení“ viery. Apoštol
Pavol píše v Gal. 2:5 „...ktorým
sme neustúpili ani na chví3⁄4u...“.
V 1.Tim.5:17 hodnotí: „Starší,
ktorí dobre spravujú, nech sú
považovaní za hodných dvojej
cti, najmä tí, ktorí pracujú v
slove a v uèení.“ Efežanov
v 6:10–11 povzbudzuje:
„Ostatne, moji bratia, mocnejte
v Pánovi a v sile jeho vlády. Obleète si celú
zbraò Božiu, aby ste mohli obstᝠproti taktike a
úskoènosti diablovej.“ Apoštol Peter pripomína
v 2. Pet. 3:1–4: „Toto vám, milovaní, píšem
už druhý list, v ktorých to listoch upomínaním
povzbudzujem vašu èistú myse3⁄4, aby ste pamätali
na slová…vediac najprv to, že v posledných
dòoch prídu posmievaèi, ktorí budú chodi pod3⁄4a
svojich vlastných žiadostí a hovori: Kde je to
zas3⁄4úbenie o jeho príchode?…“ Pisate3⁄4 Židom
napomína v Žid. 13:17: „Poslúchajte svojich
vodcov a ustupujte im, lebo oni bdejú za vaše
duše ako takí, ktorí vydajú poèet, aby to robili s
radosou a nevzdychali, lebo to by vám nebolo
užitoèné.“ Z týchto a ïalších podobných
miest Slova Božieho môžeme konštatova,
že ak sa niekomu podarí votrie do zboru
a kona dielo skazy, máme h3⁄4a da chybu
najprv v nás.
2,—„…dávno vopred zapísaní k tomu
odsúdeniu…“ Júda nepíše, že Boh urèil
niektorých k odpadnutiu, èi k falošnému
uèeniu v tom zmysle, že by èlovek nemal
slobodnú vô3⁄4u rozhodovania. Júda tu píše,
že takí, ktorí sa rozhodli neprija pravdu, èi
prija faloš, sú „…vopred zapísaní k odsúdeniu“.
A to iba právom! Apoštol Pavol píše v tom
istom zmysle v Ef. 4:17–19. Boh nemôže a ani
nebude trpie vo svojej prítomnosti žiaden
hriech a neèistotu.
3,—„…bezbožníci…“— pôvodné grécke slovo
„asebes“ popisuje nadobudnutú negativitu
osoby. Tento výraz neoznaèuje èloveka, ktorý
nemá jasno v oblasti viery, ale èloveka, ktorý
má ve3⁄4ké poznanie pravdy, ktorú vari v živote i
praktizoval, ale nikdy ku Pravde nepatril. Mat.
12:45: „vtedy ide a pojme so sebou sedem iných
duchov, horších ako je sám, a vojdúc prebývajú
tam, a posledné veci toho èloveka bývajú
horšie ako prvé“. Mal podobu pobožnosti,
ale jeho život nebol v súlade s Pravdou, ba
dokonca zapieral Pravdu, vystupoval proti
Nej a prekrúcal Ju. Júda nás vyzýva, aby sme
zápasili o vieru—bojovali za vieru, práve proti
takýmto bezbožníkom.
4,—„…ktorí obracajú milos našeho Boha na
nehanebnos…“ Toto je prvý z dvoch cie3⁄4ov,
ktoré chcú „bezbožníci“ dosiahnú. Ale
preèo práve takýto cie3⁄4? Títo bezbožníci sa
z vlastnej vôle postavili proti Bohu a všetkému
èo je Božie. Pýcha, podobne ako u Satana,
im zabránila podriadi sa Božím pravdám,
ktorými boli raz osvietení. K Bohu chcú prís
vlastným úsilím. Pohàdajúc Božou milosou
preukázanou v Pánu Ježišovi, zároveò uèia,
že Božia milos nie je potrebná a je naniè.
Pokia3⁄4 títo falošní uèitelia pochádzali zo
židovského prostredia, nemusíme sa divi,
že si túto úlohu zvolili ako svoj životný cie3⁄4.
Len sa zamyslime nad nasledujúcou otázkou:
Ako pristupovali 3⁄4udia v starozákonnej dobe
k Bohu? Mali na to stovky príkazov, zákazov
a nariadení, ktoré museli dodržiava deò èo
deò. Po celé tisícroèia ich praktizovali. Zrazu
sa tu objaví niekto, Galilejský muž, ktorý
o sebe prehlasuje, že je Synom Božím (Mat.
26:63–65), že On je tá Cesta, Pravda i Život
(Ján 14:6: „A Ježiš mu povedal: Ja som cesta i
pravda i život; nikto nepríde k Otcovi, len skrze
mòa.“) A takúto cestu milosti mnohí nemohli
prehltnú. Ako príklad možno spomenú
Saula na ceste do Damašku, Skut. 9.
5,—„…a jediného samovládcu Boha a nášho
Pána Ježiša Krista zapierajú.“ Toto je druhý
cie3⁄4, ktorý sa snažili bezbožníci dosiahnu.
Pokraèujme v uvažovaní z predchádzajúceho
bodu. Židia verili v „jedného jediného“
Boha—JAHVE, (JEHOVA). 5.Moj.4:35: „Tebe
to bolo ukázané nato, aby si vedel, že Hospodin
je Bohom, a že niet iného okrem neho. Po celé
tisícroèia toto verili, uèili a hlásali. Boli na to
hrdí. Luk. 3:8: „…Veï otca máme Abraháma!…“
Títo falošní uèitelia nemali v záujme iba
potrie „nový“ vzah k Bohu—JAHVE, ale
aj „meno“ a podstatu Kristovej osobnosti.
Po prvé sa snažili zaprie fakt, že On je „...
jediný samovládca…“ a po druhé, že On je
„...nᚠPán...“. Chcem podotknú, že jeden z
najpoužívanejších textov gréckeho Nového
Zákona vynecháva slovíèko „Boha“, èo nám
presvedèivejšie a jasnejšie urèuje, kto je „jediný
samovládca“. Apoštol Pavol dosvedèuje túto
skutoènos v liste Kol.1:16 „…lebo v òom je
stvorené všetko, všetko, èo je v nebesiach i èo
je na zemi, vidite3⁄4né i nevidite3⁄4né, buï tróny
buï panstvá buï kniežatstvá buï vrchnosti, to
všetko je stvorené skrze neho a cie3⁄4om neho,…“
Ján, vo videní poèul slová, ktoré zaznamenal
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
v Zjav. 4:11: „Hoden si, Pane a nᚠBože,
vzia slávu a èes a moc, lebo ty si stvoril
všetky veci, a pre tvoju vô3⁄4u sú a boli stvorené.”
Áno, Pán Ježiš Kristus je „samovládca”! Po
druhé, bezbožníci zapierali fakt, že Ježiš si
„zaslúžil” by nazvaný Pán—Pán vo význame
zvelebovania. Veï Zákon ich uèil v 2.Moj.
20:5: „Nebudeš sa im [iným bohom] klaòa ani
im nebudeš slúži, lebo ja Hospodin, tvoj Boh,
som silný Boh žiarlivý“.
Toto nebezpeèie falošného uèenia vôbec
nekonèí. Dokonca je ešte väèšie ako
kedyko3⁄4vek v minulosti. Žijeme v posledných
minútach èasnosti na Božích hodinách. Satan
si je tejto skutoènosti vedomý a koná so
svojimi prívržencami všetko, èo len môže.
Evanjelista Marek zaznamenal upozoròujúce
slová nášho Pána vo svojom evanjeliu, Mar.
13:22 „…Lebo povstanú falošní kristovia a
falošní proroci a budú èini divy a zázraky,
aby zviedli, ak by bolo možné, aj vyvolených.“
Avšak my môžeme spoèinú v zas3⁄4ú bení,
ktoré nám Pán dal v Mat. 16:18: „A ja ti tiež
hovorím, že si ty Peter, Skala, a na tej skale
vybudujem svoju cirkev, a nepremôžu ju ani
brány ríše smrti…“.
Potvrdenie histórie
Júda nám pripomína koniec troch
prípadov nevery, vzbury a 3⁄4a hkovážnosti
naproti Bohu. (1) Verš 5: 1⁄4ud Izraelský vyjdúc
z otroctva s nádejou nevstúpil do Zas3⁄4úbenej
Zeme. Kvôli svojej nevere a neposlušnosti,
prameniacej zo strachu, zostali tesne pred
òou a nevstúpili do nej. Zaèali sa beznádejne
túla po púšti ïalších 38 rokov. Okrem
Jozuu a Kálefa, všetci vo veku nad dvadsa
rokov vychádzajúci s nádejou z Egypta,
beznádejne pomreli. (2) Verš 6: Anjeli, žijúci
v ponebeských oblastiach v prítomnosti
svojho Stvorite3⁄4a, ktorí sa pridali na stranu
Pýchy, vzbúriac sa spolu so Satanom proti
Najvyššiemu, nemajú ani len nádeje k návratu
a tak ich oèakáva beznádejná veènos. (3)
Verš 7: Júda tu dáva za príklad extrém 3⁄4udskej
nemorálnosti. Obyvatelia Sodomy a Gomory,
holdujúci „…inému telu…“, sa oddávali rôznym
zvrátenostiam. Pravdu, ktorá prebývala v ich
strede, brali ve3⁄4mi na3⁄4ahko. Tento 3⁄4ahostajný
prístup ku pravde ich priviedol do záhuby,
ktorej ani muž viery, Abrahám, nemohol
Spoloèná èrta všetkých „poblúdených“ je
vystihnutá vo verši 8: „Podobne však aj títo,
pohrúžení v spánok, telo poškvròujú, panstvom
pohàdajú a slávam sa rúhajú.“ „Pohrúžení
v spánok“—grécke slovo „enupniazomai“
znamená „sníva“, „ži v snoch“, „ži mimo
reality“. Títo falošní uèitelia žili vo vysnívanom
svete, mimo skutoènej reality. Žili v klamnom
svete, uverili Satanovej lži, ktorej pod3⁄4ahol
i prvý èlovek. 1.Moj.3:5 „...a budete ako
bohovia...“ Je vhodné si povšimnú súvislos
medzi prijatím tejto lži a vonkajšími prejavmi
týchto falošných uèite3⁄4ov.
Po prvé, „…telo poškrvòujú…“. Keï èlovek
zaprie Božie pravdy, žije len pre sebecké
uspokojenie svojich telesných žiadostí, ktoré
nepoznajú medze, pravidlá èi poriadok. Naèo
však taký èlovek zabúda je to, že takýto štýl
života nesie so sebou aj negatívne následky,
a to nie len v oblasti telesných chorôb, ale aj
duševných porúch.
Po druhé, „…panstvom pohàdajú…“.
„Panstvom“—grécke slovo „kyriotes“ znamená
„vládu“, „autoritu“, „poriadok“. Všetka vláda
a autorita pochádza od Boha. Èi to už je
autorita civilná, zborová alebo autorita
v dome. Falošní uèitelia sa vymykajú spod
Bohom urèenej autority. Samých seba urèili
ako jedinú autoritu, a to nie len pre seba, ale
chcú vládnu aj nad inými. Chcú presadi
svoje „ja“ za každú cenu.
Tento postoj ich vedie k tretiemu prejavu,
a to „…slávam sa rúhajú…“. „Slávam“—grécle
slovo „doxa“, znamená „nebeské bytosti“,
„nebeské výsosti“. Èlovek, ktorý nemá rešpekt
pred autoritou Stvorite3⁄4a, nemá rešpekt ani
pred tým èo Boh stvoril. Rúha sa všetkému
a pohàda všetkým, èoho sa dotkla Božia
stvorite3⁄4ská ruka. V protiklade k tomu Júda
pripomína v 9.verši archanjela Michala,
ktorý si ani len nedovolil vyriec rúhavý
súd nad Diablom v spore o telo Mojžišovo.
Bezbožníkov, bez oh3⁄4adu na to, v ktorej
dobe sa nachádzajú, stihne „Beda im!“—verš
11. Apoštol Pavel to vystihol nasledujúcimi
slovami v liste Gal. 6:7: „Nemý3⁄4te sa, Bohu
sa nebude nikto posmieva. Lebo èoko3⁄4vek seje
èlovek, to bude i ža.“
Júda nám po poh3⁄4ade do minulosti
vyobrazuje v 12.verši zbor napadnutý
„bezbožnými“: „Tí sú škvrnami na vašich
hodoch lásky, ktorí sa spolu hostia bez bázne
sami seba pasúc…“. Nedovo3⁄4me, aby naše
hody lásky boli poznaèené akýmiko3⁄4vek
Jasné riešenie
Verše 20–23: „Ale vy, milovaní, budujúc sa
na svojej presvätej viere, modliac sa v Svätom
Duchu, strážiac zachovajte sa v láske Božej
oèakávajúc milosrdenstvo nášho Pána Ježiša
Krista cie3⁄4om veèného života. A nad niektorými
majte 3⁄4útos karhajúc ich a robiac rozdiel a
iných zachraòujte bázòou vytrhujúc ich z ohòa,
nenávidiac ešte len aj tej od tela poškvrnenej
Pokraèovanie na strane 70
Few Words about Someone Special
inally we arrive at our destination.
In 1969 Marija and George came
I get out of the car and stretch
to the United States and currently they
my limbs, all numb after an
work at the Alderson-Broaddus College
eight-hour ride. Four days of
in Philippi, West Virginia. Thanks to their
fellowship in a beautiful environment
active role within the convention, we can
await us. During the entire year we look
gather in the pleasant environment of the
forward to the convention, and finally we
college every year. George’s abilities have
are here. On the way to the registration
also contributed to raising the standard of
desk we recognize many familiar faces,
Glorious Hope to what it is today.
and one embrace is followed by another.
It is wonderful to see how God leads a
At the registration desk we are greeted by
person from the very beginning of his life,
Helen Pojman’s smiling team. Helen has
through adulthood and into the period
an important message for me. I need to
of life when a person might be entitled
find George right away; he’s been asking
to some rest. It is interesting that those
for me three times already. Indeed, I am
who are active servants of God rarely rest.
at the right place. This is the familiar
Although brother Sommer may start to
atmosphere of the behind-the-scenes
consider retirement, he will certainly not
organization of the convention. George
rest. Our dear Sommers are always very
should be waiting in the sound room. I
welcoming. Each of their visitors feels like
quickly take the side stairs, but I arrive
the most important guest.
late. He has already left. I return to the
We wish our brother guidance, blessGeorge Sommer
registration desk. I just missed him, but
ing and presence in the future years of his
he has left me a message about where I
life. We also thank him for his responsible
can find him. He urgently needs to speak to me, so I must find
and selfless approach to all his work within our convention.
him quickly.... He never seems to slow down, I think to myself
Natasha Legierski
as I try to track him down....
I could continue with my description of each convention day
from an organizational perspective. We may not have realized
how many interesting, humorous and sometimes unpleasant
History—Mothers … Continues from page 52
situations arise, how much confusion needs to be cleared up and
for God’s Word remained strong. Today our history is a source
how much needs to be kept under control. However, to go into
of encouragement as well as a warning. We have only touched a
detail would take up too many pages of our magazine, so I’ll
tiny fragment of our nation’s entire history. We can see what the
limit my description to one key person, who is really the reason
mothers of past generations were like. What will the mothers of
that I am writing this article.
our future generation be like? Do the mothers of today teach their
Yes, you guessed correctly, the person is George Sommer. We
children to love God’s Word, when contact between children
all know him well, his selflessness, and his energetic approach as
and parents is often minimal? Do they entrust the upbringing
he completes all the various tasks in his role as executive secretary
of their children to unqualified strangers or institutions? How
of the Czechoslovak Convention. It is difficult to imagine
do they prepare their children for the future? Do they teach
the convention without him. He is always in the right places,
them to love and serve their neighbour, or are children isolated
giving advice, taking photographs…only he knows the secret of
from others? Today, with various technological luxuries, it
managing so much at once. His wife Marija is his right-hand
has become possible, even for those in the same household,
person. I’m not sure if anyone is aware that Marija and George
to live isolated lives.
taught the local cooks how to make the traditional Czech meal,
As we talk of the past, we must also think of the future.
roast pork with sauerkraut and dumplings.
History helps us to understand the past and learn important
Why is it that I am writing this article about George in the
lessons for the future. In other words, history is our teacher.
first place? The reason is that on April 13, our dear brother
Families that are grounded in the principles of God’s Word
celebrated his 60th birthday.
provide fertile ground for individuals who are faithful to God
He was born in Czechoslovakia, in the city of Ostrava. We can
and His teaching. May our children be devoted to God and
witness how he has used the gifts God has given him to glorify his
spread His love as they grow up and leave our homes. I would
Lord. Already as a young man, he put his organizational talents
like to wish for everyone that our mothers might be prayerful
to use in his youth group. Even today members of his generation
pillars of Christ’s church, so that there may be more of those
remember how much self-sacrifice he put into everything he did.
who decide to follow Him.
His friends from his youth group joke about how they sometimes
did not want to listen to his instructions.
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Nìkolik slov…
oneènì dorážíme do cíle.
na Alderson-Broaddus College ve
Vystupuji z auta a
Philippi, v Západní Virginii. Díky
protahuji své údy,
jejich aktívnímu se zapojení do práce
èeskoslovenské konvence, mùžeme
osmihodinové jízdì. Máme pøed
se každým rokem scházet v krásném
sebou ètyøi dny obecenství Božího
prostøedí této univerzity. Schopnosti
lidu v krásném prostøedí. Celý rok
Jiøího také pomohly k pozvednutí
se tìšíme na konvenci a koneènì
èasopisu Slavné nadìje na souèasnou
jsme zde. Cestou k registraci
potkáváme známé tváøe a jedno
Je úžasné, jakými rùznými
objetí støídá druhé.
zpùsoby Pán Bùh èlovìka vede
Kousek nebe na zemi! U
od samého pøíchodu na zem, pøes
registraèního stolu nás vítají
dìtství, vìk dospìlosti, až do období,
úsmìvy týmu sestry Heleny
kdy má èlovìk nárok odpoèívat.
Pojmanové, která mi zároveò
Je zajímavé, že ti, kteøí se stanou
pøedává dùležitou zprávu. Mám se
aktivními pracovníky na Božím poli,
okamžitì hlásit u Jiøího, už mne
prakticky neodpoèívají. Bratr Jiøí by
Marija and George Sommer
Robert Dvorak (right)
prý tøikrát hledal!
již mohl zaèít pomýšlet na dùchod,
Ano, jsem na správném místì,
ale odpoèívat urèitì nebude. Naši
to je ta správná atmosféra zákulisí pøi organizování konvence.
milí Sommerovi vynikají pohostinností, každý návštìvník se u nich
Èeká na mne v „kukani” (tak øíkáme zvukové místnosti v kapli nad
cítí jako ten nejvzácnìjší host.
hlavním sále, kde je hlavní sídlo Jiøího po dobu konvence). Tajným
Pøejeme bratrovi Jiøímu Boží pøítomnost a zmocnìní do dalších
schodištìm se dostávám rychle nahoru. Pøicházím však pozdì.
let života, spolu se zdravím a hojností Božího požehnání. Zároveò
Odešel již druhou stranou. Ale kam? Vracím se tedy k registraci.
mu dìkujeme za jeho odpovìdný a obìtavý pøístup ke každé práci v
Zase pozdì. Právì zmizel a nechal mi tu vzkaz, kde ho hledat. Nutnì
rámci naší èeskoslovenské konvence.
se mnou potøebuje mluvit, musím ho tedy najít…. Ten èlovìk se snad
Nataša Legierská
nikdy nezastaví, øíkám si, a vydávám se po jeho stopách….
Mohla bych pokraèovat v popisu jednotlivých dnù naší konvence
Historie—Matky … Pokraèování ze strany 53
z pohledu organizaèního. Netušíme ani, kolik zajímavých situací,
jako v nedobytných pevnostech? Dnes, pøi všech technických
humorných i nepøíjemných se vyskytne, kolik zmatkù je tøeba uvést
vymoženostech to je možné.
do poøádku a hlavnì mít všechno pod kontrolou…. Zabralo by to
Hovoøíme-li o minulosti, nutnì musíme myslet na budoucnost.
však pøíliš mnoho stránek našeho èasopisu. Omezím se tedy pouze
Historie nám pomáhá porozumìt minulosti a vytìžit pro budoucnost.
na klíèovou osobu, kvùli níž vlastnì tento èlánek píši.
Jinými slovy, historie nás uèí. Z domácností založených a
Ano, domýšlíte se správnì. Je to bratr Jiøí Sommer. Všichni
vybudovaných na zásadách Božího Slova vycházeli jedinci vìrní
ho velmi dobøe známe, jeho obìtavost a neubývající energii, se
Pánu Bohu a Jeho uèení. Pøeji všem ètenáøùm, aby z našich domovù
kterou vykonává všechny mu svìøené úlohy v roli generálního
vycházeli osobnosti oddané Pánu Bohu, šíøící kolem sebe Boží
sekretáøe èeskoslovenské konvence. Bez jeho osoby si prùbìh
lásku. Pøeji nám všem, aby naše matky byly modlitebnicemi a
konvence ani neumíme pøedstavit. Hned je tam a zase jinde, fotí,
pilíøi Kristovy církve, aby tìch kteøí se rozhodnou k následování
radí, informuje…jak to všechno zvládne, to ví jenom on. On a jeho
ještì pøibývalo.
manželka Marija, která mu je pravou rukou. Nevím, zda-li milovníci
tradièního èeského jídla knedlo-zelo-vepøo vìdí, že Marija s Jiøím
nauèili místní kuchaøe uvaøit knedlíky i zelí.
Proè vlastnì o bratrovi píši? Tento milý bratr se totiž dožil
All information about
významného životního jubilea. Tøináctého dubna oslavil své již
60. narozeniny!!
91st Annual ConvenPøišel na svìt v dalekém Èeskoslovensku, v hornickém mìstì
tion in Philippi, WV
Ostravì (nyní Èeská republika), s raneèkem darù od Pána Boha.
you can find on our
Jsme svìdky toho, jak se tyto dary rozvinuly, jsou používány a
new web site
slouží k Boží slávì. Svými organizaèními schopnostmi vynikal již
jako mladý muž v ostravské mládeži. Ještì dnes jeho vrstevníci
vzpomínají na neúnavnou obìtavost pøi všem, co dìlal. Tehdejší
mládežníci si vyprávìjí humorné historky o tom, jak ho nìkdy
nechtìli poslouchat.
V roce 1969 Marija s Jiøím odešli do Spojených státù a pùsobí
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Do you believe in eternal security?
Yes, of “the believer,” i.e., someone
who continues to believe (present tense of
the Greek verb, which means that a person
habitually practices faith: see Hebrews 11:6). But
no, of a person who claims to believe, but shows
no proof of salvation from sin (Matt.1:21). Jesus
said, “By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt.7:20). “Faith
without works is dead” (James 2:20,26).
I’ve been praying about something, but have no answer. Does
God always answer prayer?
Yes. Your answer is probably “wait.” Other answers are
“Yes,” and “No.” Sometimes no answer is a “no” answer: “If
I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me, but
verily God hath heard me; He hath attended to the voice of
my prayer” (Psm.66:18,19).
What does it mean that God is sovereign?
He is supreme, all-powerful, independent, and rules the
universe; He is in control and responsible for everything
that happens anywhere and any time. That’s what “Thy will be
done” (Matt 6:10) means. There are things we don’t understand:
“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those
things which are revealed belong unto us.... that we may do all
the words of this law” (Deut.29:29).
Do you talk in tongues?
The miracle of being able to say in other than your own
language the “wonderful works of God” (Acts 2:11) is no longer
happening. “Tongues shall cease” (1 Cor. 13:8). In chapters
12-14, Paul corrects the “charismatic” Corinthians by prioritizing
gifts of the spirit and commending rather love, prophecy and
things that edify others.
Should America practice the separation of church and state?
No. The constitution, the pledge to the flag, oaths in our
courtrooms, the swearing in of public officials, our currency, and
national anthems clearly indicate our Godly heritage as a nation.
It is still true that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a
reproach to any people” (Prov.14:34), and “Blessed is the nation
whose God is the Lord” (Psm.33:12).
Are the heathen or pagans lost?
Yes. They have rejected the testimony of creation and
conscience (Romans 1:19,20). The Bible says that “they are
without excuse.” Nineveh responded in repentance and God
forgave them (Jonah 3,4).
How are law and grace related?
Salvation is 100% by grace through faith (Eph.2:8,9) and not
of works, but works follow as an evidence that the salvation was
real (James 2:17–26), for “faith without works is dead.” As Jesus
said, “By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt.7:20).
The Rev. John E. Karenko
The Rev. John E. Karenko
1330 Normandy Dr., Godfrey,
IL 62035
The Observation Tower
Victory in Jesus
Rev. John E. Karenko
f “Confession is good for the soul,” as someone has said,
I’m going to “bless my soul” by my testimony of teen time
temptation and triumphant victory “in Jesus.”
When I was 161⁄2 and a senior in high school, the Lord
“touched me” with salvation. It was wonderful, and for several
days my feet didn’t touch the ground. Wow, wow, wow! But then
the specters of some besetting sins reared their ugly heads and I
was devastated. To be 99.44% pure wasn’t good enough. I was
miserable. I had slipped, fallen into old habits that I thought were
buried in the depths of the sea! (Mic. 7:19). My guilt pestered
me. It recurred again and again. I felt like the apostle Paul as he
described his similar experience (Rom. 7:15): “What I hate, that
I do.” Like Paul, I cried out, “O wretched man that I am! Who
shall deliver me from the body of this death?” (v.24) Somehow I
missed the answer in the next verse and chapter.
I began a struggle of several years to overcome sin, but “I”
failed repeatedly. I tried to bully myself, to browbeat myself into
submission by various means. I made vows. I recall once promising
over half a week’s salary to God if I did
it again, and I had to pay up! What was
otherwise very good had black blotches
of sin, and I couldn’t defeat the devil,
no matter how hard “I” tried to resist.
“Old things” were supposed to “have
passed away,” but not for me!
It wasn’t until a friend pointed out
to me that Jesus overcame temptation
by quoting scripture to Satan (Matt.
4:4,7,10). My friend said to me that
the Word of God was “quick (alive)
and powerful” (Heb. 4:12). God had
promised, “My word that goes forth
from my mouth shall not return unto
me void, but it shall accomplish that
which I please, and it shall prosper in
Continues on next page
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
My Parents Struck It Rich in America
John E. Karenko
y parents came to America in 1911–1912. They sought
material happiness, but not knowing the language,
experienced little success in this goal. My father
was very religious, had a deep bass singing voice
and served in the Orthodox church as a liturgist (deacon). My
mother baked the bread used in the liturgy. They had icons in
the home and were “Christians.”
But alas, my father was a drunkard and this evil was ruining
our home. A Baptist co-worker gave him a Bible. He read that
drunkards do not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor.6:9,10;
Galatians 5:19–21). His religion was useless, but in the Bible
he also read that God loves the sinner (John 3:16) and is ready
to forgive all those who turn to Him in repentance and faith
(Mark 1:15). He learned that “Christ died for our sins” (1
Cor. 15:3) and that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from
all sin; that if we confess our sins to Him, He will cleanse us
from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:7,9). That was good news.
He kept reading…
“What must I do to be saved?” The Apostle Paul answered
this question by saying, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and
you will be saved and all your house. And he preached the Word
of the Lord to him and all in his house… and he and all his were
straightway baptized, and rejoiced, having believed in God with
all his house” (Acts 16:30–34).
In the same way, my parents believed, with repentance,
and were baptized by faith in 1918. God saved my father from
his drunkenness and life changed in our home completely for
the better. My parents found not material but spiritual good
fortune and happiness.
The Apostle John in his first letter, Chapter 5 verses 11–13,
says to US, too: “God has given to us eternal life [heaven]
and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son [of God] has
life; he who does not have the Son does not have life. I wrote
this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so
that you would know that you, believing in the Son of God,
have eternal life.”
Not only my parents believed and became happy, but I also (at
the beginning of September in 1933) repented and in faith received
Jesus as my personal Savior, and consider that I also am fortunate
and happy. Death for me will be “gain” and I will be “with Christ,
for this will be far better” (Philippians 1:21,23).
If you do not yet know this joy and good fortune that is in
Christ, I strongly urge you to immediately, without delay, turn
to Him in earnest prayer, with repentance, and receive Him
personally—and you will be saved, striking it rich in America
(2 Cor.8:9). Amen!
Victory in Jesus … Continues from page 62
the thing whereto I sent it” (Isa. 55:11). There was a way to
win I had not used.
But then my friend pointed out an even greater “help”: he
pointed to a powerfully able and available Jesus: “For in that he
himself has suffered being tempted, he is able to help them that
are tempted” (Heb. 2:18). Jesus has power to keep me from
falling (Jude v. 24). Jesus can enable me and strengthen me
(Phil. 4:13). Jesus is greater than tempting Satan (I John 4:4).
I learned that there was victory in Jesus (Rom. 7:25). Jesus “is
able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in Him” (Eph. 3:20). That
was wonderful news to me!
I wasn’t alone in the battle against sin and Satan! “The Lord
is my helper” (Heb. 13:6), and “my help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth” (Ps. 121:2). My solution was simply
to “Ask and you shall receive” (Matt. 7:7).
The bottom line was this: “You shall know the truth, and
the truth shall make you free…If the Son therefore shall make
you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:32,36). In Christ
and His Word I had overcoming help. Things have improved
tremendously since I found the “secret” that there is “Victory in
Jesus!” He is available and able (Matt. 11:28–30). That’s great! I
recommend the written and living Word for overcoming Satan and
sin in all its forms and disguises. Don’t miss defeating the devil
“through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).
Look to Jesus (Heb. 12:1) for liberty and freedom. From
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
my own experience I can witness and testify there is victory
in Jesus for you.
I am not claiming sinless perfection, but with the new strength
available “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling
of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14). However, there is a sense in
which we can be perfect by our desire to be be holy (1
Pet. 1:15,16), and “to be conformed to the image of [God’s] Son”
(Rom. 8:29). With His help that has become more and more a
reality in my life, and may it be for you. Amen!
All convention gifts may be sent in the enclosed
envelopes: US residents may use the Business
Reply envelope or send their gifts to Vera Dors,
6621 Elmdale Rd., Middleburg Hts, OH, 44130, and
Canadian residents may send their gifts to Henry
Pojman, 1516 Pembroke Dr., Oakville, ON, L6H
1V9, Canada. Make checks payable to Czechoslovak
Baptist Convention, and on the bottom write to
what account you are sending your gift: Convention,
Glorious Hope, Trust Fund, or Scholarship Fund.
Vìnováno všem mladým lidem, kteøí jsou nešastní a cítí se nepøijati a odmítnutí.
Na základì vyprávìní muže, který tento pøíbìh prožil, zapsala
Marie Frydrychová
arodil jsem se pøed druhou svìtovou válkou v Praze.
Moje matka byla nemanželské dítì a také mne mìla
za svobodna. Její rodina ji proto vyhnala z domu.
Když jsem se narodil a matku propustili z pražské
porodnice U Apolináøe, šla se mnou na most a chtìla mì hodit
do Vltavy. Tak byla zoufalá.
Pøistihla ji policie, na ètrnáct dnù ji zavøeli a pak jsem jí byl
odebrán a poslán do dìtského domova.
Tím zaèal mùj život. Ranné dìtství jsem prožil v dìtských
domovech. Až do sedmi let jsem o své matce nevìdìl vùbec nic.
Jiné dìti dostávaly balíèky, já lhal, že mi pøicházejí ještì vìtší
balíky, ale nebyla to pravda. Byl jsem velmi nešastný. Nikdo se o
mne nezajímal. Velice jsem toužil po lásce, ale znal jsem jen jeden
zpùsob, jak si ji vydobýt. Musel jsem být silnìjší, než ostatní dìti a
tak získat jejich respekt a obdiv. Od mala jsem silou vynikal, takže
jsem si prvenství vydobyl a to jsem pokládal za lásku.
V sedmi letech, bylo to v Mostì, mì jednou pozvali do kanceláøe
a tam stála žena, kterou mi pøedstavili jako moji matku. Po celou
tu dobu jsem velice toužil po matce, jako ostatnì všechny dìti,
které byly kolem mne. Nesmírnì jsem si pøál být milován. Byl to
podvìdomý cit, ale velmi silný.
Když jsem se s matkou poprvé sešel, polekal jsem se. Byl jsem
šasten, že je, že se objevila, ale zároveò jsem se jí díval do oèí a
bál jsem se. Ona mì oblékla do nových šatù, vyfotografovali mì a
odvezla mì do Plznì, kde žila s mužem, se kterým mìla další
dítì, malou dvouletou holèièku. Ten muž plánoval, že si matku
vezme a mne bude adoptovat. Nedošlo k tomu. Byl nasazen na
práci do Nìmecka a už se nevrátil. Zùstali jsme sami a já brzo
rozpoznal, že jsem v téhle domácnosti pøítìží. Ano, aèkoliv už
jsem byl velký chlapec, pomoèoval jsem se a nìkdy jsem i trochu
zadrhoval v øeèi.
Matka mou pøítomnost snášela velice tìžce. Èasto mì bila
a trestala a nebyl tu nikdo, kdo by její odpor vùèi mì zmírnil.
Asi po pùl roce dostala dopis, že její maminka, moje babièka
zemøela v Podìbradech. Tehdy jsem ji vidìl plakat a zdála se
zlomená. Odjela i se sestøièkou na pohøeb a zùstala tam ètrnáct
dnù. Po tu dobu jsem byl v bytì sám. Vyjedl jsem všechno, co
tam bylo k snìdku.
Když se matka vrátila, øekla mi, že my dva už se neuvidíme.
Sestøièka zùstala v Podìbradech, kde byl muž, buï nᚠdìdeèek
nebo strýc, pøesnì nevím, ke kterému se matka chtìla odstìhovat.
Ale beze mne. Mne vzala a odjeli jsme do Hradce Králové. I
po cestì ve vlaku mi èasto opakovala, že se vidíme naposled.
Nerozumnìl jsem tomu. Aèkoliv jsem se jí bál, mìl jsem ji rád. Do
dìtského domova už jsem nechtìl a tak jsem se jí držel jako klíštì,
aby mì nìkde nezapomnìla.
V Hradci Králové jsme pøišli k jakési budovì, která vypadala
jako pevnost. Uvnitø mì pøijal lékaø. Mluvil se mnou o samotì,
zatímco matka mìla poèkat na chodbì. Pamatuji si na jedinou
„Mᚠrád svou maminku?”
„Ano,” odpovìdìl jsem rychle. „Ano, mám.”
„A dokázal bys jí to i pøede mnou ukázat?” ptal se ten muž.
Trochu jsem zaváhal, znal jsem matèiny reakce, ale když ji
lékaø zavolal zpìt do ordinace, utíkal jsem k ní, chytil jsem ji do
náruèe a volal jsem: „Maminko!”
Matka mì odstrèila a vykøikla, že jsem ji kousl.
Lékaø jí dal do ruky papír a vyprovodil nás ke dveøím.
Já jsem tehdy nevìdìl, co je v tom dobrozdání napsáno. To
jsem se dozvìdìl až po ètrnácti letech, v roce 1957, kdy jsem
už jako dospìlý mladý muž hledal svou identitu a kopii tohoto
výnosu obsahoval mùj spis založený na Ministerstvu vnitra. Stálo
tam: „Buïte pyšná na svého syna. Sám bych byl rád, kdybych mìl
tak oduševnìlého chlapce. Vašeho syna nemùžeme pøijmout do
našeho ústavu k likvidaci.”
Ano, moje matka mì chtìla nechat usmrtit jako debilní dítì,
což podle Hitlerových zákonù bylo možné.
Do ústavu mì nevzali. Co tedy se mnou? Vzpomínám, že jsme
šli jakousi polní cestou kolem zemìdìlské usedlosti. Pøipadalo
mi, že bloudíme a matka ode mne utíkala a øíkala, že si musí
odskoèit, abych se na ni nedíval, ale já jsem se bál a držel jsem se
jí v patách, aby se mi neztratila.
Neztratila se. Vrátili jsme se do Plznì a odtud jsme se za
krátko odstìhovali do Podìbrad k tomu dìdeèkovi, kterému ale
já musel øíkat strýèku. Byl profesorem nìmèiny na podìbradském
Strýc bydlel ve vile Carmen hned u nádraží. Pro mì však
nastaly ještì t잚í èasy než pøed tím. Nemìl jsem tam nic, ani
postel. Nejprve jsem mohl být v kuchyni, ale protože jsem se stále
pomoèoval, zavøeli mì na záchod. Ano, žil jsem na záchodì. Tam
jsem bydlel, jedl i spal, stoèený do klubíèka kolem záchodové
mísy, pøes léto i pøes zimu. Jídla mi dávali velmi málo. Na zaèátku
jsem chodil do školy, ale já kradl, nádražákùm jsem bral svaèiny
z tašek, a když se to mùj strýc dozvìdìl, vzal mì ze školy a
zavøel na trvalo.
Mým vìzením byl buï záchod nebo koupelna, to podle toho,
kterou místnost míò potøebovali. Já èasto køièel, doslova vyl a tehdy
mì radìji zavírali do koupelny, protože ze záchodu bylo všechno
slyšet i do ostatních pater, kde bydleli jiní nájemníci a vyptávali
se, co se u nás dìje. Mìl jsem hlad. Mou jedinou potravou bývala
polévka a chleba. Matka si stìžovala, že jsem žrout a zlodìj. Byla to
pravda. Když jsem se dostal do ložnice, kradl jsem alespoò jablka,
která byla na lískách pod postelí. A pak mi bylo zle.
Pamatuji si, že jednou o vánocích mi matka ukázala stromeèek
a dárky, které nakoupila sestøièce. Pro mne mìla jen dvì nahnilá
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
jablka a kus uhlí. Jedl jsem i to uhlí.
Tolik jsem si pøál, aby i kousíèek té nádhery patøil mnì, ale
nepatøil. O tìch vánocích odešli všichni nìkam na návštìvu a já
vlezl do pokoje, abych si nabral nìkolik certlí ze stromeèku. Pøistihli
mì. Dostal jsem náøez. Jindy zase odešli a zamkli mì. Potøeboval
jsem na stranu a nebylo kam jít. Udìlal jsem to do papíru, papír jsem
zabalil a strèil ho do kamen až ke komínu. Zakrátko chtìla matka
zatopit, ale kamna nehoøela. Pøi èištìní zjistili, že je tam balík s mou
stolicí. Ten den jsem dostal v koupelnì k obìdu na talíø
místo polévky svou stolici a matka chtìla, abych to jedl.
A já, ano…já jsem opravdu pojedl nìco svých výkalù a matka se
smála jako šílená. Ona nevìdìla co dìlá, urèitì nevìdìla.
Po nìjaké dobì jsem byl soudnì pøidìlen do mìsteèka Králiky,
což byly Sudety—vlastnì tehdy už Nìmecko, a odtud do lágrù pro
nìmecké sirotky. Tady jsme mìli být navždy odtrženi od rodin a
vychovaní nìmeckým štábem pro budoucí pøidìlení na východ jako
vedoucí, kteøí mìli pozdìj i rozhodovat o zabraných slovanských
územích pro slavnou Velkonìmeckou øíši. Uèili nás nenávidìt
Slovany, slovanské národy byly oznaèovány za podøadnou rasu,
uèili nás prát se a bít.
Naštìstí po pùl roce válka skonèila a nᚠdomov obsadili Rusové.
Z budov si udìlali lazaret a nás rozpustili, respektive pøevezli nás do
Mladkova, kde nás rozmístili do ètyøech zámkù v okolí. Dohromady
nás bylo asi pìt set dìtí, samých nìmeckých dìtí a ty ètyøi zámky,
které jsme postupnì obsadili, jsme úplnì zdevastovali. Støíleli
jsme prakem do lustrù, do obrazù, nièili jsme všechno, co bylo
pìkné. Byli jsme velice zpustlí. Potom nás soustøedili v lágrech, v
bývalých koncentraèních táborech v Mladkovì a v Polesí. Ostøíhali
nás dohola, sedláci si silnìjší z nás brali na práci na sena, na žnì
a na brambory. Mìli jsme hlad, øádily mezi námi rùzné nemoci,
nìkteøí umírali.
O nìco pozdìji se objevila èeská vojenská mise, vedená generálem
Svobodou. Uèili nás øíci Dobrý den, dostali jsme každý sáèek
bonbónù a øekli nám, že mùžeme zùstat v Èeskoslovensku, a tato
republika nám umožní získat vzdìlání. Poprvé s námi byla sepsaná
kartotéka. Co jsme uvedli jako údaj, bylo pravdivé. Nikdo o nás
nic nevìdìl. Ti, o kterých Èervený køíž našel nìjaké doklady, byli
dávno odesláni do Nìmecka. My jsme byli mladí lidé bez rodin,
bez pøedkù, bez koøenù.
A tak jsem se postupnì znovu ocitl v dìtském domovì, tentokrát
v Èeských Køídlovicích. Tam nás rok uèili èesky a opìt nás dìlili
do rùzných domovù. Já skonèil ve Štípì u Gottwaldova. Když jsem
dokonèil školní vzdìlání bylo mi sdìleno pracovním úøadem, že stát
se o mnì dlouho staral a proto bych mìl jít nyní tam, kde mì stát
potøebuje. Pøijal jsem to s povdìkem. Odjel jsem do Karviné, kde
jsem se osmnáct mìsícù uèil horníkem.
Práce pod zemí byla tìžká, na lidský život tu èekalo mnoho
nástrah. Jednou se s námi utrhla klec. Zùstali jsme sice viset, ale
já si u toho zlomil nohu, takže jsem musel do nemocnice v Orlové.
Jindy pøišel tangenciální tlak, který se nedal pøedvídat a ono to
zmáèklo celou stìnu. Tenkrát to bylo velice zvláštní. Tìsnì pøed
tím jsem vyšel ven, protože jsem mìl dojem, že mì nìkdo volá.
Venku nikdo nebyl, ale najednou pøišla tlaková vlna a odmrštila
mì do chodby. Moji ètyøi kamarádi uvnitø štoly pøišli o život.
Já zùstal, jenom stojka mì praštila pøes nohu, takže jsem mìl
opìt zlomeninu.
V té dobì se u mì projevila slabost srdeèního svalu. Postupnì
jsem byl zbaven práce pod zemí a asi po devíti mìsících jsem
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
byl pøidìlen do Tatry Kopøivnice, kde jsem se vypracoval až na
referenta technicko-hospodáøských norem. Stále jsem chodil na
pravidelné lékaøské kontroly se srdcem a našli mi mitrální stenózu.
Byl jsem kandidátem na operaci srdce. Øíkalo se, že v Nìmecku a
ve Spojených státech už srdce operují. U nás se mìlo s operacemi
srdce teprve zaèít a lékaøùm vyhovovalo, že já nemìl rodièe. Byl jsem
v poøadí tøetí adept, vlastnì takový pokusný králík. Pøipravovali mì ve
Vítkovicích na internì u doktora Neuwirta. Sama operace se odehrála
v Hradci Králové u profesora Bedrny. Ve stejném Hradci, kde jsem
mìl jako chlapec o život pøijít, jsem nyní mìl život získat.
Ano, operace srdce se zdaøila.
Celý další rok jsem byl v rekonvalescenci a to právì v lázních
v Podìbradech. Nejdøív znovu Hradec Králové a potom znovu
Mìl jsem spoustu èasu na to, abych procházel tajnì ulicemi, které
jsem si pamatoval z dìtství. Zároveò jsem se bál jestli mì nìkde mùj
strýc nebo matka neuvidí. Co by se stalo, kdyby mì poznali?
Nakonce jsem se odvážil vejít do vily, kde jsme kdysi bydleli.
Našel jsem tam profesora Smrèku a starou paní uèitelku Máèkovou.
Pan profesor mi vyprávìl o nìjakých Modlischewských, kteøí tam za
války týrali jakéhosi chlapeèka. Aèkoliv mi bylo v té dobì tøiadvacet
let, stará paní uèitelka mì poznala. Ale já jí øekl, že jsem z kriminálky
a hledám informace právì o Modlischewských. Ukázal jsem jim
prùkaz ROH, oni byli staøí, bylo jim to jedno. Nakonec mi dali
všechen písemný materiál, který se po mých pøíbuzných zachoval.
Našel jsem tam i svoji fotografii z doby tìsnì, než mì matka
vezla do Hradce Králové, aby mì tam nechala usmrtit. Dala si mì
vyfotografovat na památku?
Pøes rùzné úøady a s pomocí jednoho advokáta a lékárníka jsem
zaèal pátrat po svých pøíbuzných. Dozvìdìl jsem se, že profesora
Modlischewského po válce zatkli a odsoudili ho k osmnácti rokùm
vìzení v Praze na Pankráci pro velezradu.
Pídil jsem se po sestøièce a po matce. Pøes Mezinárodní èervený køíž
jsem zjistil, že matka je provdaná v Mnichovì a s novým mužem
má dvojèátka.
Na Ministerstvu vnitra mi dali nahlédnout do mých osobních
spisù a tehdy jsem èerné na bílém èetl, že mì moje matka chtìla
nechat usmrtit.
Zachvátila mì zžíravá nenávist vùèi této ženì. Zaèal jsem si
vyøizovat žádost, abych ji mohl v Mnichovì navštívit. Tak jsem ji
nenávidìl, že jsem mìl v úmyslu ji zabít.
Do Mnichova jsem se opravdu dostal a s matkou jsem se setkal.
Plakala, když mì vidìla, ale já to bral jenom jako divadlo.
„Nenávidím tì. Proto jsem pøijel, abych ti to øekl. Nenávidím tì a
proklínám tì,” vychrlil jsem hned v prvních chvílích našeho setkání
a vzápìtí jsem ji opustil.
Myslel jsem si, že dám-li prùchod svému hnìvu, pøinese mi to
uspokojení. Opak byl však pravdou. Proklel jsem sice svou matku
a vrátil jsem se zpìt, ale najednou jsem vidìl, že jsem nešastný
èlovìk, jehož život je zlomen. Cítil jsem se sám, opuštìný ode
všech lidí.
Rozhodl jsem se zùstat v Praze a užít si velkomìsta. Chtìl jsem
kamarády, chtìl jsem být milován nebo aspoò obdivován. Ano, v Praze
jsem brzy našel kamarády i obdiv. V hospodì. Pil jsem, stal se vùdcem
party, kradli jsme, vykrádali, pøepadávali, provádìli rùzné podvody.
Trvalo to nìkolik mìsícù. Mìl jsem i svoji pøezdívku.
Pak nás dopadla policie a já byl odsouzen jako vùdce party.
Vlado Canji
was born as the third son in the
thereafter, I became seriously ill. Through this illness I felt that
family on July 7, 1935. My
God wanted me to attend the school. I yielded to God’s will and
father had been saved and
promised to enter the school as soon as I was well. Even though
baptized in a Baptist church
my sickness was serious and the doctor predicted it would last
in 1931, before I was even born.
six weeks at least, God healed me immediately after my decision.
My mother was concerned about
The doctors were surprised and did not know what to make of
my spiritual life and took me every
it. I prayed that when I told my parents, three days later, of my
Sunday to Sunday school in the
decision, they would not object. To my amazement my father
Baptist church. This went on till I
gave me the needed permission and promised his support. So I
reached age of 15, and at that time,
was able to register in the school, even though it was late, on
I made a decision for Christ. On
October 15, 1955.
October 15, 1950, I was baptized and became a member of the
In June 1961, I finished my education in the Bible school and
Baptist church in Sid, Yugoslavia.
was faced with the decision of either going to full-time ministry
My conversion was influenced by two things. The first was
or working in my trade and serving the Lord part time. I prayed
the Word of God, heard from my mother and preached in church,
that God would show me His will. On August 1, 1961, during
which convinced me of my sins. I realized
my devotion, He spoke to me through His
that without Christ I was lost and a sinner.
Word from Luke 4:18,19, and I became
The second was an incident which occurred
sure that He wanted me to serve Him full
in 1949. Two Jewish families decided to
time. Since then I have served Him in
move from my town of Sid to Israel with the
different ways as He has led me.
desire to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem
God gave me a loving and beautiful
and wait for the Messiah. This brought me
girl to be my life-long partner and friend,
to think of the scriptures from Luke 21:24
Ljubica Mrakovic. We celebrated our
and Romans 11:25. I was afraid that the
wedding on May 19, 1963. We have been
time of the Gentiles would soon come to
happily married for 36 years and have three
an end, and I would be left out. I therefore
children, Tihomir (Ted), Teofil (Neno)
committed my life to Christ and received
and Tabita (Susie).
forgiveness of my sins and assurance of
From 1961 to 1970 I served in three
eternal life.
Baptist churches in former Yugoslavia, in
When I look in the past I see the two
Leskovac, Pakrac, and Zagreb.
things through which God was preparing
In March 1970, Ljubica and I immime for full-time ministry. First, the Baptist
grated with our small children to Windsor,
church in Sid did not have a full-time pastor,
Ontario, Canada.
but was served by its members, and I was
In July 1971 I was called to be a partsometimes called to serve too. I was 15 years old when I preached
time pastor at Grace Baptist Church, Windsor.
my first message. The more I served in the church, the more
On October 15, 1974, I was ordained by the Baptist
concerned I became for lost souls. I was convinced that God
Convention of Ontario and Quebec.
expected me to fulfill the Word from Matthew 28:19,20 and from
I remained at Grace as a part-time pastor until March 1975.
Ezekiel 3:17–19, to testify of Christ to the unsaved.
In April of that year, I became a full-time associate pastor at
Second, I liked to read biographies of missionaries and
Grace, and continued serving there until October 1991.
ministers. My reading increased even more with my desire for
From November 1991 my five Ljubica and I were called to be
full-time service in this work. I especially enjoyed reading Acts,
missionaries in Slovakia and Yugoslavia with the Canadian Baptist
the beginning of the first church and missionaries, along with
the journeys of the apostle Paul, who was my hero.
In 1972 for the first time, Ljubica and I attended the
In order for me to make a final decision for full-time ministry,
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention in Campbell, Ohio. In 1974
God touched my life in a special way. In 1954, a Baptist
the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention was held in Windsor, Ont.
theological school was opened in Zagreb. I felt a definite call
I published a small newsletter for an invitation and Convention
to attend the school. Since my father was a strict Lutheran, I
program. Many brothers liked it, and the Rev. H. Boubelik
could not find enough courage to ask for his permission and
encouraged me to continue. The Convention elected the Rev.
support to be able to enter the Bible school. This happened
S. Hibbins, Rev. J. Novak and Rev. V. Canji to be editors of
again, one year later, at the beginning of the school year, and I
Glorious Hope — Slavna nadeje.
missed entering school for the second time. However, shortly
In 1975 the Rev. J. Novak resigned as editor of Glorious
Continues on next page
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Dear Vera
We hope all is well with
you. This has not been a very
good year for my dad. He has
fallen several times and was
in emergency three times since
the first of the year.
He is now under
nursing care full time but still rejoicing, singing hymns, and quoting scriptures. He has blessed
so many people in this place. We certainly appreciate your
prayers. God bless! Love in Him,
Judy Shoff
Dear Vera Wheeling,
IL 4/13/2000
Enclosed please find a check in memory of these dear
friends who have died recently. They are Victor Wilcox, Joe
Gregor, Mary Stupka, and Gertrude Sedjo. Also in memory of
Ed Miller, member of our former church.
Trust you are all well and looking forward to the convention
in June.
In His Love,
Andrew and Alice Kmetko
Canji … Continues from page 66
Hope, and all the responsibilities were on my shoulders—typing,
printing, mailing, etc.
For three years we printed Glorious Hope on 16 pages, four
times a year.
In 1977 we started to print six times a year.
In 1980 we started to print in a larger size.
In 1981 we added four more pages. It was 12 pages in Czech
and Slovak, and 8 pages in English.
Over four years we wrote over 800 addresses by hand. My
whole family were involved. Our basement was full of Glorious
Hope materials. First we put together inserts. Then we put them
in the magazine and inserted everything into an envelope. Then
we put two stamps on every envelope. Then we divided everything
by countries and by the number of copies in each envelope. Our
first copy machine wasn’t good and when we put the address
labels on the envelopes and pressed them, the addresses were
erased, and we had to do them all over again. Later, brother G.
Sommer developed a database for addresses, and printed addresses
for us on computer. It was a big help.
Ljubica and I were able to attend the Billy Graham Conference
on Evangelism in Amsterdam in 1986 and we both felt God’s call
to go on the mission field.
In 1989 I resigned as editor of Glorious Hope. We are both
grateful to all who continue to make Glorious Hope today a
beautiful magazine with good articles. Many people are blessed
through reading it.
Vladimir Canji
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Jerry Rand
(Jaroslav Racinsky)
Feb. 9, 1919 - Feb. 23, 2000
Jerry Rand was born in Michalovka,
Poland, on February 9th,1919. In
1925 the family moved to Hviezdoslavov in Slovakia. After his immigration to Minitonas, Manitoba, in
1929, he was baptized at the age of 16. When he was 18, he
left home and found work in Timmins, Ontario, at a lumber
camp and in the gold mines.
He married Olga Marek on June 21, 1940. In 1941 they
moved to Toronto, where they belong to the founding families
of the Czechoslovak Baptist Church. Three children, Irene,
Dagmar, and Ron, were born in Jerry’s family.
Jerry was a successful businessman. He was among those
who helped new arrivals. In this work he never stopped, even
after retirement. He helped establish other businesses where he
fully applied his experience.
He was active in church also. He was always prepared to
help with anything. He sang in the choir and for a number of
years he was the president of the church.
The Lord of life and death called faithful servant Jerry Rand
to eternal glory on February 23, 2000. The funeral service was
led by pastor Jan Banko.
“So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption,
and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be
brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up
in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54).
The cassettes with the Czech music, which we offered
in the last President’s letter, will be shipped in May
2000. We are sorry for a delay, but we faced technical
difficulties to obtain the tapes.
In the last issue of Glorious Hope, in the article Builders and
Makers of the Convention, we omitted one paragraph: Brother
Joe Hynek was also Financial Secretary of the Czechoslovak
Baptist Convention of USA and Canada for many, many years.
For All Children!!
ave you ever imagined what it would have been like
to have the Lord Jesus as a sibling and to grow
up with him? Imagine he was your brother. You
could play chess with him, play catch, climb trees,
go fishing or whatever. Do you think he was different from
boys today? Jesus’ mother knew he was an exceptional child.
Did his brothers and sisters know it too? Did he belong among
miraculous kids that stand out with some sort of extraordinary
ability? We do not know too much about Jesus’ childhood. We
do know that he showed great maturity and knowledge at the
young age of twelve. That is how old he was when he met the
elders and teachers of the law at Jerusalem.
Could anyone play a game like chess with him? He would
win for sure! Or play hide-and-go-seek? You can’t hide
from Him!
Write us what you think Jesus was like growing up, kids.
Or write what you think it would be like to have Jesus in
your family as your brother. We know you will come up with
lots of creative ideas, and we will publish them in a future
Glorious Hope!
Natasha Legierski
Všem dìtem!!
øemýšlely jste už nìkdy nad tím, jaké by to bylo mít Pána
Ježíše jako sourozence a vyrùstat s ním? Pøedstavte si,
že by to byl vᚠbratr. S bratrem mùžeme hrát šachy, hrát
si s míèem, lézt po stromech, chytat ryby atd. Myslíte si,
že byl docela jiný, než jsou chlapci dnes? Matka Pána Ježíše vìdìla,
že je to zvláštní dítì. Zda-li pak to vìdìli i Ježíšovi sourozenci?
Patøil mezi zázraèné dìti, které vynikají nìjakou neobyèejnou
dovedností? Z dìtství Pána Ježíše mnoho zpráv nemáme. Víme
však, že vynikal vyspìlostí a rozumností již ve dvanácti letech.
Vzpomeòme si na setkání s uèenými muži v Jeruzalémì.
Mohl s ním nìkdo hrát šachy? Urèitì vyhrál! Nebo na
schovávanou? Vždy pøed Ním se nelze schovat!
Napište nám, dìti do redakce, co si myslíte o tom, jaký byl Pán
Ježíš, když vyrùstal. Nebo napište o tom, jaké by to bylo ve vaší
rodinì, kdyby tam byl Pán Ježíš jako jeden se sourozencù. Víme,
že vás napadne mnoho zajímavých myšlenek! Rádi vaše myšlenky
uveøejníme v pøíštích èíslech Slavné nadìje!
Nataša Legierská
A Special Day
Amy Nesvadba
On Mother’s Day we remember our mothers
who brought us into this world.
They instill in us the values
that are important to live our lives.
A mother is with me throughout my time
She will always hold a special place in my heart.
No matter where I go and what I do,
Her love will always be there to comfort me.
Our hearts are filled with love so dear
An emotion so deep it will cry a tear
Our mothers are there to guide us,
and make sure we know we are truly loved.
Love is unconditional.
Drawings by Nicole Malek
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Knowledge Is Not Enough—Jane Branda
nyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is
like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after
looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets
what he looks like” (James 1:23–24).
I have chosen to study the book of James with my Sunday
school class this year, and I have truly taken many blessings
from my preparation for these lessons. I would like to share a
few thoughts about what I learned from my meditation on the
above verses from James.
This passage indicates that it is possible for a person to look
at God’s word carefully and accurately and still be ignorant of its
relevance to one’s own life. I have often thought about the idea in
connection with those individuals who hold doctorates in theology
or religious studies but study the Bible as a mere intellectual
exercise, and detach themselves from the truths it contains. Using
James’ mirror analogy, it is as though instead of observing and
studying one’s reflection in the mirror, these individuals study the
mirror itself. How can someone’s heart and mind be so closed in
as to treat God’s word as just another historical or philosophical
text? How can one see sin portrayed as the horrible evil that it is
and discover God’s gracious gift of salvation, yet walk away as if
one had never been exposed to these realities?
Recently I came into contact with a professor who fit this
description. In my final year at the University of Toronto, I
had the opportunity to take a seminar course that deals with
the Renaissance and the Reformation. The enrollment for this
particular course was limited to just fifteen students, and this
condensed class setting forced us all to contribute actively to
discussions and, in an indirect way, to reveal where we stood
spiritually. In preparation for these discussions we had to read a
number of primary documents written by Martin Luther, William
Tyndale and John Calvin, then compare their ideas and contrast
them to those of the established Church. It soon became apparent
that our professor had a very solid understanding of the Protestant
faith. However, he was also evidently an atheist who spoke about
salvation with contempt and insolence. I found this to be a
tremendous paradox, and although I had a lot of respect for
him as a historian, I realized how worthless his Ph.D. was if he
did not know the Lord.
In 1 Corinthians 1:18 Paul says, “For the message of the cross
is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being
saved it is the power of God.” In verse 20 of the same passage Paul
asks, “Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the
philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of
the world?” (See also 1 Corinthians 1:26-30.)
I have discovered in my university studies that being a
Christian can be perceived in the academic world as a sign of
weakness, decidedly beneath the scholarly pursuits worthy of “true
intellectuals.” However, Jesus responds that “unless you change
and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of
heaven” (Matthew 18:3). Unless we humble ourselves before God
and realize our own worthlessness and inability to achieve salvation
on our own, all of our wisdom and knowledge are meaningless.
Moreover, they can become stumbling blocks in the way of making
the final decision to follow Jesus.
Professors and scholars are not the only people who are in
danger of becoming satisfied with a mere knowledge of Scripture
and Christian teachings. Many of those who attend church can also
feel a false sense of contentment by simply listening to the sermon
each Sunday and knowing the basic doctrines of faith, without
any intention of actually applying and living out these profound
truths. However, God wants more. He wants to have a personal
relationship with us that requires an active belief on our part.
I praise God for reinforcing the truth of James’ words through
my experiences at school. I am also very grateful for the reminder
that the Bible is not just something to read and grasp but that it
is truly God’s Word, and that a proper reaction to its truths calls
for humility before God, and a changed life.
Keep inTouch
Please write to:
Glorious Hope
Rt.1, Box 58D
Philippi, WV 26416 USA
Include your mailing label from a recent
issue of Glorious Hope for faster service.
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Listen up, young people. Convention is only a couple
of months away, and we want you all to come! As
usual, bring your cleats, bathing suits and whatever
else you need for sports and games, and a quiet heart
for fellowship. Everyone is welcome to share any
talent they may have (singing, instrument playing,
magic, whatever) at the annual Saturday night
concert. The convention is once again being held on
the Alderson-Broaddus College campus from June
29 to July 2, 2000. See you all there!
Natasha Legierski
ummer is coming. Hooray! I suppose there
are some people for whom the summer
may not be ranked first on the list of
season. But for most folk, especially those
of us in the northern climates—oh, how we look
forward to that time of year.
And if you are a friend or member of the
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention, the coming of
summer also means convention time and our annual
return to Alderson-Broaddus College. Philippi, WV,
has become a home place to the Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention. We are so glad that George and Marija Sommer
in the late 1980’s proposed the idea of meeting at that school
where they have serve on faculty and staff for a number of years.
We now love the place.
So about this annual convention—few other dates in the
calendar give us opportunity for so much fellowship, singing,
recreation, and spiritual nurturing all wrapped into the package of
a few days. We meet each other, and we surely meet Christ. We
are fed with abundance at mealtimes, and we feast on the Word.
And we really, REALLY, want you to be part of the experience.
There is so much goodness to it. How could we help but want
to share the richness of convention days with as many people as
Biblická studie … Pokraèovanie zo strany 59
Niekde som èítal, že Èínsky Múr nesplnil svoje ochranné poslanie
trikrát poèas svojej existencie. Avšak, v každom prípade boli strážni
podplatení. Pevná a silná ochrana závisí od pevných a silných
obrancov. Tento princíp platí i v duchovnej sfére. Ak zbor chce zotrva
èistý, tak každý z nás musí by dostatoèné silný a schopný postavi
sa proti „…taktike a úskoènosti diablovej. Lebo nie je nám zápasi s
krvou a s telom, ale s kniežatstvami, mocnosami, so svetovládcami
temnosti tohoto veku, s duchovnými mocami zlosti v ponebeských
oblastiach.“ Ef. 6:11–12.
Ako teda môžeme v praxi oponova nepriate3⁄4om viery a udržiava
èistotu a jednotu v cirkvi?
1,—Musíme pozna Slovo Božie. Každý zbor by mal by „biblickou
školou“, každý kresan by mal by študentom Biblie. Z našich
kazate3⁄4níc musíme káza jasnú pravdu a otvorene odha3⁄4ova lož.
Nemôžeme sa necha unies „každým vetrom súèasnosti“, každou
novotou uèenia alebo každým výmyslom filozofie, nech je na poh3⁄4ad
akoko3⁄4vek pekný a dobrý. Ef. 4:14: „…aby sme už neboli viacej
nedospelými, zmietaní vlnami a sem a ta nosení každým vetrom uèenia,
závratníctvom 3⁄4udí, schytralosou mámi do bludu…“ Ef. 6:13–17: „Preto
vezmite na seba celú zbraò Božiu, aby ste mohli odola v ten zlý deò
a vykonajúc všetko stá. …A vezmite aj prilbu spasenia i meè Ducha,
ktorým je slovo Božie,…“
2,—Musíme „bdie a modli sa“. Nepriate3⁄4 neprichádza niekedy
v ïalekej budúcnosti—on už je tu! Nikto z nás si nemôže dovoli èo
len zadriema. 1.Pt 5:8–9: „Buïte triezvi a bdejte, lebo vᚠprotivník,
diabol, obchádza ako revúci lev a h3⁄4adá, koho by zožral, ktorému sa
postavte na odpor, pevní vo viere, vediac, že vaše bratstvo inde po svete
znáša tie isté utrpenia.“
3,—Vodcovia zborov musia rozpozna èloveka, ktorý nesie iba
possible! If you participate, it will be like finding
a new shine on that “pearl of greatest price,” the
metaphor Jesus once used.
This year at our 91st convention the schedule
has been shortened to four days, Thursday, June
29 through Sunday, July 2, or one weekday less
day than the pattern of recent years. (Attendance
has normally risen sharply with the approach of
the weekend anyway.) The adjustment reflects an
attempt to keep costs well within bounds for all
our delegates. You are welcome, however, to come
early and stay a little later than the convention dates at cost,
but for that arrangement please communicate with our executive
secretary, George Sommer. A number of folk appreciate the
opportunity to enjoy the West Virginia scenery and stillness, since
they have traveled some distance to be present.
In a few short weeks, then, we will have opportunity to
do very much more talking together and enjoyment of each
other. I feel confident we will also know the arms of Christ
wrapped all around us at convention time. Till then, God bless
you. Register early!
Robert Dvorak
„podobu pobožnosti“ a v pravý èas a správnym spôsobom reagova.
2.Tim. 3:5,8 : „…ktorí majú tvárnos pobožnosti, ktorí však jej moc
zapreli. A tých sa stráò. …A ako èo Jannes a Jambres sa postavili proti
Mojžišovi, tak sa aj títo stavajú proti pravde, 3⁄4udia, skazení na mysli,
nedokázaní èo do viery.“
4.—Všetci veriaci v zbore musia „skúša duchov“, hlavne
preskúmava kázané slovo. 1. Ján 4:1: „Milovaní, neverte každému
duchu, ale skúšajte duchov, èi sú z Boha, pretože mnohí falošní proroci
vyšli do sveta.“
Nakoniec, všetci musíme by odhodlaní zasta sa Pravdy.
Chráòme ju ako aj apoštol Pavol. V Skut. 20:24 èítame: „Ale ja na
to na všetko niè nedbám, ani môj život nie je tak drahý, ako aby som s
radosou dokonal svoj beh a službu, ktorú som prijal od Pána Ježiša,
to jest, aby som pevne svedèil evanjelium milosti Božej.“ Naša viera,
postavená na Pravde, je nezaplatite3⁄4ným darom Božím. Je raz
daná svätým a to za vysokú cenu—za cenu vyliatej krvi nevinného,
svätého a dokonalého Baránka—Syna Božieho. Žid10:10,12: „v ktorej
vôli sme posvätení donesenou obeou tela Ježiša Krista, raz navždy.
…Ale on donesúc jednu bitnú obe za hriechy navždy sa posadil po
pravici Božej.“
Nikto z nás nemusí padnú do osídla omylu. Pamätajme ako sa
Júda lúèi na konci svojho listu a komu sme naše životy odovzdali:
„…tomu, ktorý vás môže zachova tak, èo neklesnete, a postavi
bezvadných pred tvárou svojej slávy v plesaní, jedinému múdremu Bohu,
nášmu Spasite3⁄4ovi, nech je skrze Ježiša Krista, nášho Pána, sláva a
velièenstvo, sila a vrchnostenská moc, ako pred všetkými vekmi, tak i
teraz i na všetky veky. Amen.“
Napriek mnohým pochybnostiam o inšpirácií Júdovho listu
Svätým Duchom, jeho obsah bol aktuálny v každom storoèí. Nie je
tomu inak ani dnes, keï sme vstúpili do 21. storoèia.
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
October 28, 1996
Monday Morning 4 a.m.
n our way to church last night
while driving along Ridgewood
Drive, we noticed a bright red
car driving next to us. Being
inquisitive, my husband inquired what kind
of car it was. As we neared the intersection
of Ridgewood Drive and Ridge Road, we
both had to stop at the red light. In the
bright lights I could see it was a Porsche. I kept looking and
smiling as I noticed the driver was a very nice-looking, friendly
young man. I also noticed his window was lowered about half-way.
I wanted to lower my window and say something. My first thought
was “I’ll be praying for you” with the emphasis on the “you,” and
my second thought was “Excuse me, Sir, but do you have a cellular
phone?” The light changed to green and I missed my cue. I didn’t
say anything. We all just smiled and he turned…
That night at church something “stood out” in our text.
Ephesians 5:15 says, “Be very careful, then, how you live, not
unwise, but wise, making the most of every opportunity, because
the days are evil.”
I thought of that dear young man in that bright red car.
Knowing the potential power of that car and its monetary worth,
I am so sorry I didn’t use that opportunity to plant the seeds
of kindness by saying, “I’ll be praying for you.” He might have
thought I was a little crazy, but I wanted to warn him in a nice
way. Seeds sown in love and said “in the Spirit” bring good fruit.
I’m still praying for him…
Barbara Manas
Tell Us About You—Natasha Legierski
Dear Sisters,
ast year towards the end of summer, I received an
invitation to attend a women’s Baptist conference
in the Czech Republic. The conference was held with
the sisters from Slovakia. After consulting General
Secretary George
Sommer and at the
recommendation of
President Robert
Dvorak, I accepted
the invitation and
took par t in the
Czech as a representative of the
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of
USA and Canada
Ladies’ Union. The
conference was held
from August 7 to 9
in Ostrava, Moravia.
I shared some
precious moments
with the sisters from Slovakia and Czech and strongly
felt the binding love of our Lord Jesus Christ. I returned
enriched and encouraged to continue the Lord’s work.
You will all hear more about this when we meet in Philippi
this July at the convention, Lord willing.
In His Love, Natasha Legierski
Glorious Hope • Slavná nadìje • May 2000
Milé sestry,
minulém roce, na sklonku léta, jsem obdržela pozvá
ní na baptistickou konferenci sester v Èechách.
Konference byla spoleèná se sestrami ze Slovenska. Po
konzultaci s bratrem tajemníkem, Jiøím Sommerem,
a na doporuèení
našeho presidenta,
pozvání pøijala a
zúèastnila jsem
se konference v
reprezent antk a
konvence USA a
sester. Konference
poèátkem dubna
(od 7. do 9. dubna)
v Ostravì na
Prožila jsem vzácné chvíle se sestrami ze Slovenska a Èech
a okusila jsem silné pouto lásky Pána Ježíše Krista na této
zemi. Vrátila jsem se obohacena a povzbuzena do další práce
na Božím díle. Více o této cestì se dozvíte pøi našem setkání
v èervnu ve Philippi na naší konvenci, dá-li Pán.
V jeho lásce Nataša Legierská
Stála tam,
s pohledem upøeným pøed sebe.
Snad už ani nevnímala,
nesmírnì—nesmírnì trpìla.
Umíralo její vzácné dítì.
Bylo skuteènì její?
Pøišlo do jejího života náhle
a náhle odchází…
Matka se chvìje,
Ztrácí syna!
- ženo, to je tvùj syn!
- Jane, to je tvoje matka!
Zvedla oèi,
a spatøila tváø Spasitele.

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