Nessie Newsletter 09


Nessie Newsletter 09
Newsletter 09/11/2012
Dear Parents,
At Nessie we feel it is important to raise children’s awareness
of environmental issues, so this week closed with a special
‘Environment Day’ event! At our whole-school Assembly,
children learnt a bit about how recycling can help our
environment and community and showed off their amazing
costumes made from recycled materials. The Year 1 children
then joined the Pinkies, while Reception teamed up with
Nursery, to work together on reusing materials to create
some amazing sculptures. (Many thanks to parents who
donated materials from home!) We all did a great job of being
kind, helpful and conscientious. Don’t forget to look for
photos in next week’s newsletter!
Stars of the
Next Wednesday, 14 November, Miss Petra and I will be
hosting a planning meeting for Nessie’s upcoming ‘Holidays
Around the World’ event. If you would like to participate or
contribute to any aspect of this celebration, please join us at
8:30 in the Year 1 classroom to share your ideas!
for always having
positive approach to
activities and making
everyone in the class
to laugh
Vincent N.
Wishing you a delightful weekend,
Vážení rodiče,
chceme, aby dětem záleželo na životním prostředí a tento
týden jsme zakončili „Dnem životního prostředí“. Během
shromáždění celé školy se děti dozvěděly, jak recyklace
pomáhá životnímu prostředí a děti předvedly své skvělé
kostýmy, vyrobené z recyklovaného materiálu. Year 1 se
připojil k dětem z Pinkies, děti z Reception se připojily k
Nursery, aby spolu vytvořily zajímavé předměty z
recyklovaných materiálů. Děkujeme všem rodičům za
přinesení nepotřebných materiálů do školy. Všichni se moc
snažili a udělali kus skvělé práce. Nezapomeňte se podívat na
fotky z této akce v příštím Newsletteru!
Ve středu 14.listopadu pořádáme s Miss Petrou plánovanou
schůzku ohledně akce „Cesta kolem světa“. Pokud se chcete
zúčastnit této schůzky a přispět nějakým nápadem, neváhejte
se k nám přidat v 8.30 ve třídě Year 1.
Přeji Vám krásný víkend!
Victoria Smith
Oliver Š.
for joining in during
Circle Time and
becoming one of our
best dancers
Filip Š.
for working really
hard this week
Year 1
Lukáš K.
for being very kind,
helpful, and working
really hard at the
Golden Rules
What’s going on this
13 November:
Nursery trip to the
Art Galerie
14 November:
Meeting re: Holidays
Around the World
event at 8:30
16 November:
Pinkies trip to flight
20 November:
Pinkies trip to
‘Kingdom of
21 November: Year
1 trip to the
Museum of Toys,
Reception trip to
Our autumn garden is so much fun, lots of leaves
are falling down!
The Pinkies bunch at the airport!
Giving my Teddy
an injection
to make him
feel better
I loved going to the airport,
and now I enjoy playing with planes
in class!
Choo, choo!
We have done sooo well
practising the Fire Drill
Look what the rain
brought in!
Climbing a turtle
a transportation puzzle!
Exploring mark-making with cars!
I love mark-making
with cars!
my to
cutting skills out!
move objects
Hello mummy, idn´t you say
you are coming in few minutes
I spy with my little eye…
I am learning how to use
scissors correctly
Look at my structure!
Catching with our partners
was fun!
Writing a letter home to tell
Mummy and Daddy all about our
So much fun! We were combining
colors by shaking the bottles!
I found a plastic number.
Let´s recycle it!
We went on a bear
hunt…and we found a bear!
Kaja, what is easier,
cooking or eating?
Kaja was afraid of the ball at the beginning
What color would water be if we put
blue, yellow and green in it?
Karolinka was tracing numbers
in shaving foam all by herself
Natalie´s bear
had an ear operation
Great BEARS, Nursery!
We used torches to look
for animals in the darkness
What did you find in the cave?
What ´s inside these boxes?
Yoghurt mustaches
make us look silly!
The seesaw is a lot of fun
Bartek enjoyed paper mache
Look at us go!
Filip is comparing the sizes of lots
of things in the classroom
How cute!
We made
paper mache fruit in Art
I wonder who is going to get
the fruit the fastest…
Matteo likes naming fruit
Stephan and his brother Gabriel
play in the garden together
ICT time!
Matteo is helping his friends
with our WOW words
Viki and Amálka are
good friends
Teamwork in action!
We are learning our
fruit by playing fun
Working hard during Maths!
ear 1
Look what we made...
all by ourselves!
Books give us all kinds
of information!
Delicious…and healthy too!
Ohhhh…blocks and dinosaurs
together! What fun!
The next Van Gogh, perhaps?
We love to see a plan through
to the end
We are so proud of our designs in DT!
Look at these talk partners!
ear 1
We really enjoyed exploring
toys during History this week!
We are not afraid of a little bug..
Enjoying Literacy
in our Art Studio
Yep – we still do a lot of
playing in Year 1!
I wonder
how this Russian doll works…
We used computers
to learn about animals in
Investigating moving toys
and the materials they
We love our life-sized
are made from
Snakes and Ladders game!
We are learning about sounds
and hearing in Science