
1. Department of Management
Role of Management and Management Fundamentals
Competence Profile of a Manager and Management Etiquette
Decision Making
Organisation and Corporate Governance
Implementation Management
HR Management
Managing Information
Corpotate governance
Project management
Change management
Customer relationship management
Strategic management
Knowledge management
Risk management
Crisis management
History and Development of Management
• ROBBINS, S. P., COULTER, M. K. Management. Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-01-3216-3842.
• NAISBITT, J. Megatrends - Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives. Warner
Books, Inc., New York 1982, ISBN 0-446-32922-3.
• HAMEL, G. The Future of Management, Harvard Business School Publishing,
Hardcover: 288 pages, Publisher: Harvard Business School Press; 1 edition (September
10, 2007) ISBN-10: 1422102505, ISBN-13: 978-1422102503
2. Department of Human Resources
• Personnel management, human resource management, people management, human
capital. Definitions of the terms. Identification of the specifics of various approaches to
managing people.
• The personnel work and personal (HR) services in the organization. The role of HR
managers, managers and employees in personnel management (HRM). Organizational
structure of HR departments.
• Job design. Job analysis and evaluation.
• Personnel (HR) planning, concepts, areas and methods.
• Recruitment, concepts, objectives and methods.
• Selection, processes, methods and their validity and reliability.
• Orientation, objectives, concepts, process.
• Performance management and performance appraisal, objectives, concepts and methods.
Integration of performance management into HR processes.
nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3-Žižkov
tel.: Tel.: +420 224 098 440
fax : 224 098 740
e-mail: [email protected]
Appraisal interview, objectives, style, course. Principles of interviewing and common
Redundancy and dismissing workers, tasks, methods of laying off.
Training and development, incl. management development, objectives, methods and
evaluation of the effectiveness of T & D.
Industrial relations, the concept of individual and collective labour relations, ways of their
formation and development, information and communication. Trade unions and collective
Benefits, objectives and concepts, safety and health at work, services provided by
Personnel information system and computerized personnel information system.
Diversity management.
International human resources management and its characteristics.
• Briscoe, Dennis R.- Schuler, Randall S.- Claus, Lisbeth. International Human Resource
Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises. 3rd ed. Routledge.
2009, 424 p. ISBN 978-0-415-77359-5 (pbk).
• Dowling, Peter J. - Festing, Marion - Engle, Allen D. International human resource
management. 5th ed. Thomson, 2008, 368 p. ISBN 978-184480-542-6.
• Dvořáková, Zuzana a kol. Řízení lidských zdrojů. Praha : C.H.Beck, 2012. 559 s. ISBN
• Harzing, Anne-Wil- Pinnington, Ashly. International Human Resource Management. 3rd
ed. Sage, 2011, 664 p. ISBN 9781847872937 (pbk).
• McGuire, John B. - Rhodes, Gary. Transforming your leadership culture. Jossey-Bass,
2009. 336 p. ISBN: 978-0-470-25957-3.
• Sparrow, Paul (ed.) Handbook of international human resource management. Integrating
people, process, and context (Blackwell Handbooks in Management). Wiley, 2009. 518 p.
ISBN 978-1-4051-6740-6 (hbk).
3. Department of Logistics
Characteristics of the logistic position in the corporate strategy
Supply chain optimisation and the synergic effect
Outsourcing and partnering in Logistics
Logistic market, its evolution and trends, causes, situation in EU and CR
The role of transportation and freight forwarding in business transactions in CR
Characteristics of transportation relations
The role of the freight forwarder in transportation chain
• Mosolf, J. M. , Pernica P.: Partnership in Logistics, 2000. ISBN 80-86031-24-1
• Bowersox, D.J., Closs, D.J.: Logistical Management: The Integrated Supply Chain
Process, 1996, ISBN 0-07-006883-6
• Christopher, M.: Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Creating Value – Adding
Network, 2005. ISBN 0-273-68176-1
• Stadtler, H., Kilger, CH.: Supply Chain Management and advanced planning, 2005. ISBN
• Emmett, S., Crocker, B.: The Ralationship-Driven Supply Chain, 2006, ISBN 978-0-56608684-7
• Blanchard, D.: Supply Chain Management: Best Praktice, 2007. ISBN 0-471-78141-X
nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3-Žižkov
tel.: Tel.: +420 224 098 440
fax : 224 098 740
e-mail: [email protected]
Mentzer, J. T., Myers, M. B., Stank, T. P.: Global Supply Chain Management, 2007.
ISBN 1-4129-1805-7
Saphiro, J. F.: Modeling the Supply Chain, 2007. ISBN: 0-4951-12611-X
Dolgui, A., Soldek, J., Zaikin, O.: Supply Chain Optimisation: Produkt/Process, Design,
Facility, Location and Flow Kontrol, 2005. ISBN 0-387-23566-3
4. Department of Marketing
The essence of marketing and its importance, marketing principles
Marketing environment
Marketing information system
Marketing research
Consumer behaviour
Market segmentation
Marketing management
Marketing mix
Product in marketing concept
Possibilities of distribution channels
Marketing communication
Marketing specifics of services
International and global marketing
Holistic marketing
• Philip Kotler Kevin Keller:Marketing Management,Prentice Hall; 2011, ISBN-13: 9780132102926
• Kevin Lane Keller Strategic Brand Management, Prentice Hall; 2007 ISBN-13: 9780131888593
• Kenneth E. Clow, Donald E. Baack Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing
Communications, [Prentice Hall; 2011, ISBN-13: 978-0132538961
• Schiffman, L., Kanuk, L., Consumer Behavior. Prentice Hall; 2009 , ISBN-13: 9780135053010
• Solomon, M, [at al.], Consumer behaviour : a European perspective / 4th ed. Harlow :
Prentice Hall : Financial Times, 2010, , 978-0-273-71726-3
• Usunier, J. -- Lee, J. A. Marketing across cultures, Harlow, Pearson Education, 2009,
ISBN 978-0-273-71391-3
• Pride,W.M., Ferrell ,O.C., Marketing South-Western College Pub; 15 ed., 2011, ISBN13: 978-0547167473
5. Department of Arts -management
Economics of culture, public – private sectors
Multicultural Europe , the role of national and regional cultures
Economics of cultural monuments, societal animation, management and financing
Interpretative culture, economic criteria
Specifics of management of theatres and concert halls
Regional and local cultures – the economic point of view
• BELL, D. (1974) The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. London: Heinemann.
• BELL, D: (1979) The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism. London: Heinemann.
nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3-Žižkov
tel.: Tel.: +420 224 098 440
fax : 224 098 740
e-mail: [email protected]
HÄGERSTRAND, T. (1967) Innovation Diffusion as a Spatial Process. Chicago: The
Chcago University Press.
INGLEHART, R., WENZEL, C. (2005) Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy.
The Human Development Sequence. Cambrdge: The Cambridge University Press
BECK, U., GRANDE, E. (2007) Cosmopolitan Europe. Cambridge: Polity Press.
DOSTÁL, P. (2010) Multi-Speed European Union: Differentiated Integration and Spatial
Development in Public Opinion. Prague: Geographica Series, vol. 6, Czech Geographic
GIDDENS, A. (2007) Europe in the Global Age. Cambridge: Polity Press.
MANSVELT BECK, J. (2005) Territory and Terror: Conflicting Nationalisms in the
Basque Country. London: Routledge Press.
ANHEIR,H. ed. The Cultural Economy, London, SAGE, 2008, ISBN 978-1-4129-3473-2
OWARD, P. Heritage, Management, Interpretation, Identity London, N. York, 2003
LADRY,C. The Creative City, a Toolkit for urban Innovators, 2000, London Comedia,
Earthscan Publ. Ltd.
GREFFE, X., PFLIEGER, S. (eds.) Culture and Local development,2005 OECD
6. Department of Business Economics
Asset, Capital and Organizational structure of enterprise
Financial management of enterprise
Corporate objectives and activities and their reciprocal relations
Assumptions of business competitiveness
Corporate strategy
Enterprise valuation
Strategic Capital Investment, approaches to measure effectiveness and impact of means of
entrepreneur financing on final decision making
Revenues, Costs, Operating Result and their reciprocal relations
Phases of business life cycle and their specifics, solution of going concern principle
Enterprise performance and its analysis, Controlling, External and Internal Audit
The dependence of financial and non financial indicators of corporate performance
The importace of benchmarking
Reorganization and Restructuring of enterprise, Insolvency
Treasury and Risk management
Monte Carlo simulations in risk analysis
Financial derivatives and thein role in the market risk management in a non financial
• THOMAS, Christopher R. a MAURICE, S. Charles. Managerial economics: foundations
of business analysis and strategy. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, ©2011. xx,
747 s. The McGraw-Hill series economics. ISBN 978-0-07-122120-7.
• HIRSCHEY, Mark. Managerial economics. 10th ed. Mason: Thomson/South-Western,
©2003. xix, 771 s. ISBN 0-324-18330-5.
Recommended reading:
• MARREN, Joseph H. Mergers & acquisitions: a valuation handbook. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1993. xxiii, 548 s. ISBN 1-55623-676-X.
• MADDEN, Bartley J. CFROI valuation: a total system approach to valuing the firm.
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. xviii, 356 s. ISBN 0-7506-3865-6.
nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3-Žižkov
tel.: Tel.: +420 224 098 440
fax : 224 098 740
e-mail: [email protected]
BOETZEL, S., SCHWILLING, A., Managing for Value: Successful Strategies for
Creating Company Value, Capstone Publishing Limited: London, 1999, ISBN 1-84112080-4
7. Department of Psychology and Sociology
Executive’s personality and activities
Working groups and teams
Culturological concept of a company
Social psychology and sociology methods in management research
• Furnham,A.: The Psychology of Behaviour at Work, Psychology Press, 2005
• Arnold, J. Silvester,J.: Work psychology: understanding human behaviour in the
workplace, Pearson Education, 2005
nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3-Žižkov
tel.: Tel.: +420 224 098 440
fax : 224 098 740
e-mail: [email protected]

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