Quantum Integrated Photonics based on Direct


Quantum Integrated Photonics based on Direct
Centrum HiLASE
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
Za radnici 828
25241 Dolni Brezany
Centrum HiLASE Vás zve na seminář
Quantum Integrated Photonics based on Direct Femtosecond
Laser Writing Technology
Maxime Lebugle,
with M. Gräfe, R. Heilmann, A. Perez-Leija, S. Nolte, and A. Szameit
Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
PICQUE Project, Marie Curie Initial Training Network
Quantum optics represents an excellent experimental test bench for various novel concepts
introduced within the framework of Quantum Information Science theory. However the realization
of complex optical schemes consisting of many elements requires the introduction of waveguide
technology to achieve the desired scalability, stability and miniaturization of the devices.
Hence, for photonic quantum technologies to have a significant real-world impact, quantum
applications require integrated photonic technology, incorporating photon sources, detectors and
circuits with high component density on a single chip.
Direct femtosecond laser writing addresses these challenges by efficient and controllable
prototyping of photonic structures without cleanroom processes. When focussing ultrashort pulses
in dielectrics, the interaction regime is highly nonlinear and, as a result, the index of refraction can
be locally modified at will. This allows the fabrication of waveguides with micrometre resolution and
true 3D-capabilities.
In this talk, we will present this technology and its potential [1], as well as several advanced devices
for the manipulation of light at the single-photon level [2]. We will focus on the generation of high
photon-number W-states [3], with direct applications in quantum random number generation.
Recent results on quantum correlations will be presented, demonstrating the non-locality and the
high non-classicality of states readily controllable with this platform.
který se bude konat v pátek 14. 11. 2014 od 15:00
v přednáškové místnosti Centra HiLASE
Za Radnicí 828, Dolní Břežany