Replenish 360


Replenish 360
Why IV Therapy Vitamins are Better
than Oral Vitamin Supplements
Everyone is well familiar with the roles of water, vitamins, minerals,
and vital nutrients obtained from food, beverages, and dietary
supplements. Simultaneously, individuals are well aware of the
intravenous bags to supply fluids and nutrients to serious patients
admitted to hospitals and clinics. However, many of us do not know
that IV Therapy Vitamins work well to supply the essential
nutrients to athletes, party lovers, and other common people. In this
blog post, you will know many facts to highlight that intravenous
therapy is a better option than oral supplements.
Provides Custom Blend
When you intake vitamins and minerals via tablets or pills, you will
get a relatively less scope related to personalization. Indeed, many
people relying on oral supplements have to intake multiple products
to get the combination of their desired results. IV Hydration
Therapy is just the opposite of an oral supplement, as it lets you
choose a blend of the essential nutrients to get the essential benefits.
In this way, intravenous therapy addresses every essential aspect of
your health. Moreover, you will get the benefits of a single IV Drip to
elevate your energy levels, boost the immune system, and get calm
Allows Better and Faster Absorption
IV Hydration is more efficient than water or oral supplement intake.
When you consume fluids and vital nutrients orally, they have to
pass through the digestive system and follow metabolization before
your body may use them. It is a relatively slow process and oral
supplements are only 50 percent bio available at their best. However,
while comparing them with nutrients supplied via intravenous
therapy, we have found that the therapy allows your body to absorb
100 percent of essential nutrients. The reason is that IV
Therapy bypasses the digestive process and enters the bloodstream
directly to work well and to let you feel better.
Hydrates the Body from its Inside
Fluid works as a foundation of every intravenous drip and it is an
effective delivery system. It also provides the benefit related to
hydrating your body at a fast rate and more efficiently than
consuming water. Hence, individuals only have to search for IV
Therapy near me to undergo intravenous hydration and get the best
results. In most cases, your IV clinic will use two different types of
liquids named saline and lactated ringers. Saline supplied
by Replenish 360, a reputed IV clinic contains a combination of salt
and water with the same salt concentration, as found in the human
body. On the other hand, lactated ringers have sodium lactate,
calcium chloride, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride.
Overcomes Ailments and Works Well for People with Sensitive
Digestive System
Today, many people search for IV Hydration near me because they
consider it an effective treatment to overcome several ailments,
including dehydration and inflammation. Many people have reported
getting more energy, a strong immune system, and improved wellbeing when they included intravenous therapy in their wellness
program. It is also successful to provide vital nutrients to people with
sensitive digestive systems.
Therefore, IV therapy is an effective option than oral supplements to
hydrate your body and deliver vital nutrients to it. It also delivers
nutrients and fluids in less time and allows full absorption of it by
your body.
Replenish 360
A Division of Palm Desert Resuscitation Education, LLC
"Renew the body, refresh the mind, and restore performance"
73700 Dinah Shore Drive, Suite 107,
Palm Desert, CA 92211
[email protected]

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