Small Foldable Pooper Scooper


Small Foldable Pooper Scooper
Small Foldable Pooper Scooper –
Picking Your Doggo’s Poo Has Never
Been Easier
The time of the day that your furry friends look forward to the most is when you
take them out on a walk. But you may dread walking your dog thinking about all
the poo you may have to scoop up. Cleaning your pet's waste is essential, but if
you use typical plastic bags for it, the damage it does to the environment is
something to ponder. That’s where the Small Foldable Pooper Scooper comes in
An Eco-Friendly Take on Cleaning Poop
You can contribute significantly to the atmosphere's safety by saying no to plastic.
The small foldable pooper scooper features 100% biodegradable bags. It is the
perfect gadget to eliminate your pet's waste responsibly. Besides being
environmentally friendly, this product cleans up after poo without risking contact.
If your hand lands in the excrement even after being careful, this pooper scooper
is for you.
Easy To Use
With this gadget, you'll be done with the task in just three time-saving steps. The
first is to pull out one bag from the product and attach it to the handle. Next,
push the bag in to create a pocket and grab the poo with contact. Lastly, remove
the bag from the handle and throw the rubbish in a basket. This scooper can
make the task of disposing of your pup's poop easy and labor-saving.
A Handy Gadget
The Foldable Pooper Scooper clip opens 3.74 inches wide to maximize pick-up
room. The package comes with six rolls of biodegradable pick-up bags and a dog
leash, so you know you're covered when going on walks.

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