Mgr. Jana Nožičková 22. 4. 2013 sedmý


Mgr. Jana Nožičková 22. 4. 2013 sedmý
Mgr. Jana Nožičková
22. 4. 2013
Vzdělávací oblast
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Vzdělávací obor
Anglický jazyk
Tematický okruh
To be v minulosti – pracovní list
Téma – klíčová slova
to be – minulý čas, oznamovací věta, otázka, zápor, krátká
odpověď, mluvení, čtení, procvičování gramatiky v kontextu
Cílem vytvořeného materiálu je procvičit sloveso to be
v minulosti v kontextu. Žáci pracují na vyplnění pracovního
listu. Úkoly vychází ze situací v běžném životě, ze schopnosti
porozumět a zhodnotit pravdivost tvrzení. Přínos spočívá také
v mluvních aktivitách, ve kterých žáci cvičí otázky a
odpovědi se slovesem to be. Rovněž pracují s textem, ve
kterém je nutno porozumět kontextu. Otázky k textu nejsou
ve stejném pořadí jako obsah textu. Je také nutné nad
otázkami zapřemýšlet, protože jsou formulovány jinými slovy
než v textu.
To be v minulosti – pracovní list
1/ Read the sentences. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Circle either T or F
My neighbour was at school last week. T/F
I wasn´t in New York last year. T/F
My Dad was in Italy. T/F
I was at school last Sunday. T/F
My classmates weren´t in Prague last year. T/F
I was in Uherský Brod yesterday. T/F
My parents weren´t in Japan last week. T/F
My Mum was in France four years ago. T/F
2/ Work in groups of 4 pupils. Complete the table
a/Where were you on Friday?
b/ Where was your Mum on Monday?
1st name
2nd name
3rd name
your Mum
The groups are changed by the teacher. Work in pairs. What do
your tables include?
3/ Read the text
My name is Petr. I have many friends. Their names are Roman, Milan,
Martin, Michal and Jakub. We were at school last week. However,
Michal wasn´t at school because he was ill last week. Milan wasn´t at
school on Wednesday because he was at the doctor´s. We were at the
Novaks´ on Friday because Roman Novák was 13. Michal wasn´t at
the Novaks´. He was in his bed. My parents were at school on
Tuesday because my grades are terrible. Roman, Milan and Martin
were in France one year ago. They play football. Michal and Jakub
weren´t in France one year ago.
Answer the questions
Was Peter´s Mum at school on Tuesday?
Were Martin and Michal in France one year ago?
Where was Michal last week?
Were four classmates at school on Wednesday?
Why were four classmates at the Novaks´ on Friday?
4/ Work in pairs. Answer the questions. Use the short answers.
Were you at school last week?
Was your Mum at work yesterday?
Were you at the doctor´s yesterday?
Was your teacher ill last month?
Were your classmates in Uherský Brod yesterday?
Were you ill one month ago?
The pairs are changed by the teacher. Answer the same questions.
Use the short answers.