Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"


Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
Veronika Pavlíčková
The seven deadly sins:
The seven deadly sins – lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath,
envy and pride – have always been a certain border, which a
good Christian would have never come across. But what makes
the border today, when a majority of people are non-believers?
I have decided to make a list of nowadays sins, of
which are people maybe unconscious but might be
suffering in the near future. I only should add that my
point of view is a bit different and untraditional then
readers might expect. We live in the 21
century, which for sure have an effect on today’s sins.
The following paragraphs contain the seven
deadly sins which are modified into way that is
more convenient for our time.
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Studentské eseje na téma " The Seven Current Mortal Sins"
Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
Fast-food overeating
. Gluttony in modern way with several side
effects. Of course, above all fast-food is
business. We pay and fast-food owners
provide us with tasty meals and save our
time. How convenient, isn’t it? The
problem is that our body suffers – not
immediately after eating a hamburger or
chips, but in some time while regularly
eating at fast-foods the menace of
civilization diseases (obesity, heart stroke,
cancer of digestive organs etc.) is coming
closer and closer… Is it necessary? For
me not. Even if I am hungry and the way
back home is long, I buy pastry or a
whole-meal roll rather than French fries
soaked in fat or big cheeseburger full of
empty calories – because I do not want
my body suffer from my sins!
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
Genetic manipulation
. Though for someone it is a peak of
modern science and a gate into the
world of unlimited possibilities, I see
genetic engineering more like a good
idea with a bad base, which should be
unceasingly controlled. The truth is
that it is in controversy with nature.
Artificial replacement of cells? Cellular
multiplication like through the carbon
paper?? Or even creating identical
human individuals??? If nature once
made a system, which works through
ages up to the present day, there is
no need to intervene in it and “help” it.
From my point of view, it is alright
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
when cloning cells helps to find a cure
for so far incurable diseases, but
whole organisms should definitely not
be cloned.
Technical addiction
. As science goes constantly
ahead and makes our lives easier
and more comfortable, the more
people get addicted to all the
technical devices – although they
do not realize their addiction. And I
am not talking only about mobile
phones without which no one
leaves his house today, televisions
without which many people do not
know how to spend an evening, or
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
the Internet – which is a chapter
about itself. Some things we are
addicted to are often considered
as a piece of furniture, for example
a fridge: it preserves food that
would soon go rotten in our
overheated flats and houses. Or
even warm water from the tap, the
light and the electricity – can
anyone imagine, what would
happen if all those things stopped
working for one week? I cannot.
Virtual identity.
And the Internet once more,
this time in a lead role. You
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
probably know some of the
get-acquainted websites, like, or, or at least you
have already come to some
chat-room by chance, do you?
Those communities are fine,
because they associate people
with the same or similar
interests, and I can personally
say it is nice to talk with
someone who really
understands your passions and
hobbies and does not consider
you as a fool. Well, it is OK, but
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
as with everything – it is too
much with a good thing. A
brilliant example may be one
ex-wedded pair from the USA,
who got divorced from a wife’s
initiative. The reason was a
husband’s cuckoldry – on the
Internet, in the game Second
life (more information on
). For me, it is like that: one
body - one soul. It is similar
to cloning but on a spiritual
base. And my opinion is that
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
people should not have their
second lives when they
cannot fully cope with the
real life.
The biggest sin against the
Mother Earth. It seems like
people do not mind if they
live in a clear and healthy
environment or not. It
depends much more on
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
their own comfort: why
should they throw litter into
a bin instead of onto
ground? Why should they
sort out the rubbish? Why
should they not burn it and
emit it into the air? I know
that the most serious
problem are big companies
whose impact on the Earth
is worse than from a big
amount of people, but the
essential is a cooperation
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
of all of us. One man can
do very, very little. But we
all together are able to do
a lot. So, let us protect our
Material wasting.
Quite close to the
previous paragraph. My
personal example: when
I find one-page printed
paper sheets at home,
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
which are not intended to
use anymore, I take them
and cut into squares, and
those squares put in a
box with papers for
messages, so they can
be used for writing notes
on the clear, blank side!
This is a simple way how
to save materials, and it
does not cost a thing.
Why do people not do it?
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
. Or social sin, if you
want. Maybe it is not
such a modern sin, but
I perceive it very
intensively. I got an
impression that most of
people do not know the
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
actual meaning of the
word “friendship”. I
think it is considered as
a common feature, too
common to be
respected. “Friends are
here and friends will be
always here.” Is that
true? I know personally
some people who think
they can buy friends –
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
they give them presents
without any reason,
they always pay in
cafes and bars and so
on. Well, it has been
working up to this day
and maybe will be
working for a while. But
those people – “buyers
and sold ones” – do not
realize that friendship
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
cannot be based on
something so
down-to-earth and
materialistic. I hope
they will find out soon –
sooner than it will be
too late.
My lecture is over
. No, my intention was
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not to moralize. I only
feel something is
wrong in the world.
And if we call it sins or
anyhow, the important
is to realize it and ask
(who? God?
ourselves?) for
forgiveness. And act a
little bit different next
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Napsal uživatel Kloudová Štěpánka
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