Knižní hydrobiologická literatura - Hydrobiologie


Knižní hydrobiologická literatura - Hydrobiologie
Abel PD (2000): Water pollution biology. Taylor & Francis, London, 286 pp.
Aber JS, Pavri F, Aber SW (2012): Wetland environments: A global perspective. WileyBlackwell, Chichester, 421 pp.
Adámek Z, Helešic J, Blahoslav M, Rulík M (2010): Aplikovaná hydrobiologie.
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod, Vodňany,
350 pp.
Allan JD (1995): Stream ecology: Structure and function of running waters. Kluwer
academic publisher, Dordrecht, 388 pp.
Ambrožová J (2001): Aplikovaná a technická hydrobiologie. Vysoká škola chemickotechnologická, Praha, 226 pp.
Barnes RSK, Hughes RN (1991): An introduction to marine ecology. Blackwell
scientific publications, Oxford, 351 pp.
Barnes RSK, Mann KH (eds.) (1993): Fundamentals of aquatic ecology. Blackwell
scientific publications, Oxford, 270 pp.
Beckman DW (2013): Marine environmental biology and conservation. Jones & Barlett
learnings, Burlington, 451 pp.
Belgrano A, Scharler UM, Dunne J, Ulanowicz RE (eds.) (2005): Aquatic food webs:
an ecosystem approach. Oxford university press, New York, 262 pp.
Boon PJ, Calow P, Petts GE (eds.) (1992): River conservation and management.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 470 pp.
Boon PJ, Pringle CM (eds.) (2009): Assessing the conservation value of fresh
waters: An international perspective. Cambridge university press, New York, 293 pp.
Boon PJ, Raven PJ (eds.) (2012): River conservation and management. John
Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 412 pp.
Botosaneanu L (ed.) (1998): Studies in crenobiology. Backhuys publishers, Leiden,
261 pp.
Bridge JS (2003): Rivers and floodplains: forms, processes and sedimentary record.
Blackwell publishing, Oxford, 491 pp.
Brönmark Ch, Hansson LA (1998): The biology of lakes and ponds. Oxford
university press, New York, 216 pp.
Bulíček J (1972): Povrchové vody v Československu a jejich ochrana. Academia,
Praha, 354 pp.
Burgis MJ, Morris P (2007): The world of lakes: Lakes of the world. The freshwater
biological association, Ambleside, 281 pp.
Caduto MJ (1990): Pond and brook: A guide to nature in freshwater environments.
University press of New England, Hanover, 276 pp.
Calow P, Petts GE (eds.) (1994): The rivers handbook: Volume 2. Blackwell scientific
publications, Oxford, 523 pp.
Cantonati M, Bertuzzi E, Spitale D (eds.) (2007): The spring habitat: Biota and
sampling methods. Museo tridentino di scienze naturali, Trento, 350 pp.
Carling PA, Petts GE (eds.) (1992): Lowland floodplain rivers: Geomorphological
perspectives. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 302 pp.
Carrington R (1975): Život moří a oceánů. Orbis, Praha, 178 pp.
Carrington R (1960): A Biography of the sea. Basic books, New York, 286 pp.
Clark RB (2005): Marine pollution. Oxford university press, New York, 237 pp.
Closs G, Downes B, Boulton A (2004): Freshwater ecology: A scientific
introduction. Blackwell publishing, Malden, 221 pp.
Cooke GD, Welch EB, Peterson SA, Nichols SA (2005): Restoration and
management of lakes and reservoirs. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 591 pp.
Culver DC, Pipan T (2009): The biology of caves and other subterranean habitats.
Oxford university press, New York, 254 pp.
Cushing CE, Cummins KW, Minshall GW (eds.) (1995): Ecosystems of the world:
River and stream ecosystems. Elsevier science, Amsterdam, 817 pp.
Cushing CE, Allan JD (2001): Streams: Their ecology and life. Academic Press, San
Diego, 366 pp.
Cushing CE, Cummins KW, Minshall GW (eds.) (2006): River and stream:
Ecosystems of the world. University of california press, Berkeley, 817 pp.
de Beaufort LF (1951): Zoogeography of the land and inland waters. Sidgwick and
jackson limited, London, 208 pp.
Dobson M, Frid Ch (2009): Ecology of aquatic systems. Oxford university press,
New York, 321 pp.
Dodds WK (2002): Freshwater ecology: Concepts and environmental applications.
Academic press, San Diego, 569 pp.
Dodds W, Whilles M (2010): Freshwater ecology: Concepts & environmental
applications of limnology. Academic Press, Burlington, 811 pp.
Eiseltová M, Biggs J (eds.) (1995): Restoration of stream ecosystems: An
integrated catchment approach. International waterfowl and wetlands research
bureau, Slimbridge, 170 pp.
Eiseltová M (ed.) (1996): Obnova jezerních ekosystémů: holistický přístup. The
nature conservation bureau limited, Newbury, 190 pp.
Findlay SEG, Sinsabaugh RL (eds.) (2003): Aquatic ecosystems: Interactivity of
dissolved organic matter. Academic press, San Diego, 512 pp.
Fogg, GE (1998): The biology of polar habitats. Oxford university press, New York,
263 pp.
Fott J, Blažka P, Kořínek V, Lellák J, Straškrabová V (1978): Hydrobiologie pro
postgraduální studium - textová část. Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, Praha, 93
Fott J, Kořínek V, Blažka P, Straškrabová V (1981): Hydrobiologie pro
postgraduální studium - obrazová část. Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, Praha, 44
Gammon JR (1998): The Wabash river ecosystem. Indiana university press,
Bloomington, 250 pp.
Giller PS, Malmqvist B (1998): The biology of streams and rivers. Oxford university
press, New York, 296 pp.
Gordon ND, McMahon TA, Finlayson BL, Gippel ChJ, Nathan RJ (2004): Stream
hydrology: An introduction for ecologists. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 429 pp.
Harper DM, Ferguson AJD (eds.) (1995): The ecological basis for river
management. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 614 pp.
Hart CW, Fuller SLH (eds.) (1974): Pollution ecology of freshwater invertebrates.
Academic press, New York, 389 pp.
Hartman P, Přikryl I, Štědronský E (1998): Hydrobiologie. Informatorium, Praha,
335 pp.
Hauer FR, Lamberti GA (2006): Methods in stream ecology. Academic press,
Amsterdam, 877 pp.
Herring P (2002): The biology of the deep ocean. Oxford university press, New
York, 314 pp.
Hogarth PJ (1999): The biology of mangroves. Oxford university press, New York,
228 pp.
Horne AJ, Goldman ChR (1994): Limnology. McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 576 pp.
Hrbáček J (1981): Produkční vztahy, výchozí struktura pro posuzování faktorů
eutrofizace údolních nádrží. Academia, Praha, 58 pp.
Hůrka K, Čepická A (1978): Rozmnožování a vývoj hmyzu. Státní pedagogické
nakladatelství, Praha, 223 pp.
Chudoba J, Dohányos M, Wanner J (1991): Biologické čištění odpadních vod.
SNTL Nakladatelství technické literatury, Praha, 465 pp.
Chytil J, Hakrová P, Hudec K, Husák Š, Jandová J, Pellantová J (eds.) (1999):
Mokřady České republiky: přehled vodních a mokřadních lokalit ČR. Český ramsarský
výbor, Mikulov, 327 pp.
Janský B, Šobr M (eds.) (2003): Jezera České republiky: současný stav
geografického výzkumu. Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, Praha, 216 pp.
Jedicke E (1988): Kleingewässer: Teiche, tümpel, weiher. Ravensburg: Maier,
Augsburg, 127 pp.
Jeffries M, Mills D (1998): Freshwater ecology: Principles and applications. John
Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 285 pp.
Jones JB, Mulholland PJ (eds.) (2000): Streams and ground waters. Academic
press, San Diego, 425 pp.
Jóža M, Vonička P (eds.) (2004): Jizerskohorská rašeliniště. Jizersko-ještědský
horský spolek, Liberec, 159 pp.
Kaiser MJ, Attrill MJ, Jennings S, Thomas DN, Barnes DKA, Brierly AS, Polunin
NVC, Raffaelli DG, Williams PJB (2005): Marine ecology: Processes, systems and
impacts. Oxford university press, New York, 555 pp.
Kalbe L (1985): Leben im wasser-tropfen. Urania- Verlag, Leipzig, 224 pp.
Kalff J (2001): Limnlogy. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 592 pp.
Keddy PA (2010): Wetland ecology: Principles and conservation. Cambridge
university press, New York, 497 pp.
Kelemen J, Oberleitner I (1999): Flienßende grenzen: Lebensraum March-ThayaAuen. Umweltbundesamt, Wien, 384 pp.
Knox GA (1994): The biology of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge university press,
Cambridge, 444 pp.
Kubíček F, Zelinka M (1982): Základy hydrobiologie. Státní pedagogické
nakladatelství, Praha, 140 pp.
Kukal Z (1984): Oceán: pevnina budoucnosti. Horizont, Praha, 314 pp.
Kukal Z (ed.) (1990): Základy oceánografie. Academia, Praha, 590 pp.
Kříž H (1983): Hydrologie podzemních vod. Academia, Praha, 289 pp.
Kříž V (ed.) (1988): Hydrometrie. Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, Praha, 175 pp.
Lake PS (2011): Drought and aquatic ecosystems: effects and responses. WileyBlackwell, Chichester, 381 pp.
Lampert W, Sommer U (2007): Limnoecology: The ecology of lakes and streams.
Oxford university press, New York, 324 pp.
Lellák J, Kořínek V, Fott J, Kořínková J, Punčochář P (1985): Biologie vodních
živočichů. Univerzita Karlova, Praha, 220 pp.
Lellák J, Kubíček F (1992): Hydrobiologie. Karolinum, Praha, 257 pp.
Levinton JS (1995): Marine biology: Function, biodiversity, ecology. Oxford university
press, New York, 420 pp.
Likens GE (ed.) (2009): Encyclopedia of inland waters (volume 1). Academic press,
Oxford, 789 pp.
Likens GE (ed.) (2009): Encyclopedia of inland waters (volume 2). Academic press,
Oxford, 859 pp.
Likens GE (ed.) (2009): Encyclopedia of inland waters (volume 3). Academic press,
Oxford, 840 pp.
Likens GE (ed.) (2010): Biogeochemistry of inland waters. Academic press, San
Diego, 728 pp.
Likens GE (ed.) (2010): Lake ecosystem ecology. Academic press, San Diego,
463 pp.
Likens GE (ed.) (2010): Plankton of inland waters. Academic press, San Diego,
398 pp.
Likens GE (ed.) (2010): River ecosystem ecology. Academic press, San Diego,
411 pp.
Little C, Kitching JA (1996): The biology of rocky shores. Oxford university press,
New York, 240 pp.
Little C (2000): The biology of soft shores and estuaries. Oxford university press,
New York, 252 pp.
Lüning K (1990): Seaweeds: their environment, biogeography and ecophysiology.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 527 pp.
Magnuson JJ, Kratz TK, Benson BJ (eds.) (2006): Long-term dynamics of lakes
in the landscape: Long-term ecological research on north temperate lakes. Oxford
university press, New York, 400 pp.
Maitland PS (1990): Biology of fresh waters. Chapman and Hall, New York, 276 pp.
Maitland PS, Morgan NC (1997): Conservation management of freshwater
habitats: Lakes, rivers and wetlands. Chapman & Hall, London, 233 pp.
Mann KH (2000): Ecology of coastal waters: with implications for management.
Blackwell science, Malden, 406 pp.
Mann KH, Lazier JRN (2006): Dynamics of marine ecosystems: biological-physical
interactions in the oceans. Blackwell publishing, Malden, 496 pp.
Marshall NB (1957): Tiefseebiologie. Veb Gustav Fischer verlag, Jena, 334 pp.
Maršálek B, Keršner V, Marvan P (eds.) (1996): Vodní květy sinic. Nadatio flosaquae, Brno, 142 pp.
Mason CF (1991): Biology of freshwater pollution. Longman scientific & technical,
Harlow, 351 pp.
McLusky DS, Elliot M (2004): The estuarine ecosystem: ecology, threats and
management. Oxford university press, New York, 214 pp.
Middleton BA (ed.) (2012): Global change and the function and distribution of
wetlands. Springer, Dordrecht, 151 pp.
Miller ChB (2004): Biological oceanography. Blackwell publishing, Malden, 402 pp.
Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG (1993): Wetlands. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York,
722 pp.
Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG, Anderson ChJ, Zhang L (2009): Wetland ecosystems.
John Wiley & sons, New Jersey, 295 pp.
Moss B (1988): Ecology of fresh waters: Man and medium. Blackwell scientific
publications, Oxford, 417 pp.
Moss B (2010): Ecology of freshwaters: A view for the twenty-first century. John Wiley
& Sons, Chichester, 470 pp.
Naiman RJ, Décamps H (eds.) (1990): The ecology and management of aquaticterrestrial ecotones. UNESCO and The Parthenon publishing group, Paris, 316 pp.
Naiman RJ, Bilby RE (eds.) (1998): River ecology and management: Lessons from
the pacific coastal ecoregion. Springer, New York, 705 pp.
Naiman RJ, Décamps H, McClain ME (2005): Riparia: ecology, conservation and
management of streamside communities. Elsevier academic press, Burlington,
430 pp.
Netopil R (1972): Hydrobiologie pevnin. Academia, Praha, 294 pp.
Novák B (1985): Ochrana přírody (I. akvatické ekosystémy). Rektorát Univerzity
Palackého, Olomouc, 89 pp.
Nybakken JW, Bertness MD (2005): Marine biology: An ecological approach.
Pearson education, San Francisco, 579 pp.
O´Sullivan PE, Reynolds CS (eds.) (2004): The lakes handbook (Volume 1):
Limnology and limnetic ecology. Blackwell publishing. Malden, 699 pp.
O´Sullivan PE, Reynolds CS (eds.) (2005): The lakes handbook (Volume 2):
Lake restoration and rehabilitation. Blackwell publishing, Malden, 560 pp.
Patočka C, Macura L (eds.) (1989): Technický průvodce 36: Úpravy toků. SNTL
Nakladatelství technické literatury, Praha, 397 pp.
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Perrilo GME, Wolanski E, Cahoon DR, Brinson MM (eds.) (2009): Coastal
wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 941 pp.
Polunin NVC (ed.) (2009): Aquatic ecosystems: trends and global prospects.
Cambridge university press, New York, 482 pp.
Prach K, Jeník J, Large ARG (eds.) (1996): Floodplain ecology and management:
The Lužnice river in the Třeboň biosphere reserve, central Europe. SPB academic
publishing, Amsterdam, 285 pp.
Ray GC, McGormick.Ray J (2004): Coastal-marine conservation: Science and
policy. Blackwell publishing, Malden, 327 pp.
Reichholf J (1998): Pevninské vody a mokřady. IKAR, Praha, 223 pp.
Reynolds C (2006): Ecology of phytoplankton. Cambridge university press, New
York, 535 pp.
Reynolds J, Souty-Grosset C (2012): Management of freshwater biodiversity:
crayfish as bioindicators. Cambridge university press, New York, 374 pp.
Rulík M, Kršková M (1997): Cvičení z hydrobiologie – obrazová příloha.
Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc, 161 pp.
Rydin H, Jeglum J (2006): The biology of peatlands. Oxford university press, New
York, 343 pp.
Scheffer M (2004): Ecology of shallow lakes. Kluwer academic publishers,
Dordrecht, 357 pp.
Schönborn W (1992): Fließgewässer-biologie. Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena,
Stuttgart, 504 pp.
Sheppard ChRC, Davy SK, Pilling GM (2009): The biology of coral reefs. Oxford
university press, New York, 339 pp.
Sládeček V (1986): Hydrobiologie. SNTL - Nakladatelství technické literatury, Praha,
141 pp.
Sládečková A, Sládeček V (1997): Hydrobiologie. Vydavatelství ČVUT, Praha,
141 pp.
Smol JP (2002): Pollution of lakes and rivers: A paleoenvironmental perspective.
Arnold, London, 280 pp.
Spitzer K, Bufková I (2008): Šumavská rašeliniště. Správa NP a CHKO Šumava,
Vimperk, 203 pp.
Stonehouse B, DPhil MA (1989): Polar ecology. Chapman and Hall, New York,
222 pp.
Stürmerová K (2007): Arktida a antarktida: život ve věčném ledu. Euromedia group,
Praha, 304 pp.
Sumich JL, Morrissey JF (2004): Introduction to the biology of marine life. Jones &
Barlett publishers, Sudbury, 449 pp.
Sverdrup KA, Armbrust EV (2009): An introduction to the world´s oceans. McGrawHill, New York, 508 pp.
Svobodová Z, Máchová J, Vykusová B (eds.) (1992): Havarijní a dlouhodobé
znečištění povrchových vod. Výzkumný ústav rybářský a hydrobiologický, Vodňany,
180 pp.
Šrámek-Hušek R (1958): Život našich řek. Orbis, Praha, 280 pp.
Štěpánek O (1954): Oživené vody. Orbis, Praha, 309 pp.
Štěrba O (1986): Pramen života. Panorama, Praha, 221 pp.
Štěrba O, Rosol J (1989): Znečišťování a ochrana vod. Přírodovědecká fakulta UP,
Olomouc, 181 pp.
Šálek J, Tlapák V (2006): Přírodní způsoby čištění znečištěných povrchových a
odpadních vod. ČKAIT, Praha, 283 pp.
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perspectives. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 246 pp.
Tilzer MM, Serruya C (eds.) (1990): Large lakes: ecological structure and function.
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Tockner K, Robinson ChT, Uehlinger U (eds.) (2009): Rivers of europe. Academic
press, London, 700 pp.
Tundisi JG, Tundisi TM (2012): Limnology. CRC Press/Balkema, Leiden, 864 pp.
van der Valk AG (2006): The biology of freshwater wetlands. Oxford university
press, New York, 173 pp.
Viessman W, Hammer MJ, Perez EM, Chadik PA (2009): Water supply and
pollution control. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Yersey, 861 pp.
Welch EB, Jacoby JM (2007): Pollutant effects in freshwater: Applied limnology.
Taylor & Francis, London, 504 pp.
Wetzel RG, Likens GE (2000): Limnological analyses. Springer, New York, 429 pp.
Wetzel RG (2001): Limnology: Lake and river ecosystems. Academic Press, San
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Dr. Eugen Rott, Innsbruck, 193 pp.
Wright JF, Sutcliffe DW, Furse MT (eds.) (2000): Assessing the biological quality of
fresh waters: RIVPACS and other techniques. Freshwater biological association,
Ambleside. 373 pp.
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