katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky ff uo v olomouci
katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky ff uo v olomouci
KATEDRA ANGLISTIKY A AMERIKANISTIKY FF UP V OLOMOUCI Hodnocení bakalářské práce Autor: Ivana KARÁSKOVÁ Název práce: Mapping Out Visits to Olomouc and UP by English Speaking Writers from 2002 to the Present Vedoucí práce: Mgr. David Livingstone, PhD. Oponent: PhDr. Matthew Sweney, PhD. 1/ Cíl - záměr: vymezení splnění 2/ Argumentace (schopnost formulovat východiska a závěry, logická koherence, schopnost generalizace a konkretizace) 3/ Znalost primární literatury 4/ Znalost sekundární literatury (rozsah, adekvátnost) 5/ Samostatnost (schopnost odborné polemiky, kritický úsudek), originalita 6/ Formální úroveň (dodržování zvolené bibliografické normy) 7/ Jazyková a stylistická úroveň práce 8/ Jazyková a stylistická úroveň resumé Hodnocení Poznámky A,B,C a F (nevyhovující) A The topic is excellent, and necessary E-F Version 2 of this thesis is slightly improved. Many errors have been fixed after consultation with myself (and I hope others). The introductory and concluding sections have been added to – however with errors – the result is what I would consider a bare minimum. E Finally there is some brief mention of what these visits meant to English speakers and Olomouc, but much more could be done here. F? Not sure if the candidate is familiar with the writers’ works. E The work centers on Olomouc, but many local contacts were still not even interviewed. On-line sources were found, but there is still more local material, in public and personal archives, to be consulted. E/F I have no idea of what the candidate thinks of this subject. It seems poorly written by a robot. ? See note 3. below. E Still many mistakes and inaccuracies N/A 9/ Typografické provedení, úprava 10/ Poznámka k práci This is a deserving subject which deserves a better chronicler: one who at least has enthusiasm for the project and a feel for the material. Připomínky a otázky k obhajobě: 1. Can you tell me how or why you invented such “facts” as “Quinn first visited Olomouc during the American Studies Colloquium held on September 3-8, 2000…” (16), or calling the non-profit Detour productions [sic] a “company” (15) ? 2. For more than half a dozen writers, such as Galway Kinnell (19), Georgia Scott (21), Richard Caddel (21), Robert Alan Jamieson (31), Peter Urpeth (31), Kerry Shawn Keyes [sic] (41), Peter Mackay (45), Alexander Hutchinson (45), you simply write “See Smejkalová.” I believe you are referring to a thesis which has not even been submitted yet. This is not just lazy; it is unacceptable. And in the cases of several of these writers, they will not match the scope of Ms. Smejkalová’s thesis, so I severely doubt they will be included at all. What do you have to say for yourself about this? 3. There is a peculiar item in the bibliography: Dickinson, Chrissie. “ Review: Chris Mills´ whip-smart tunes fill Schubas.” Chicago Tribune, January 25, 2014. Accessed March 12, 2015. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-01-25/entertainment/ct-chris-mills-review-20140126_1_keyboards-whipsmart-guitar. It is a concert review in Chicago, which in the last paragraph mentions the Irish singer Niall Connolly (who did come to Olomouc). This article does not qualify as a source. It does not provide any information, other than that the singer is Irish and lives in Brooklyn. Can you recognize a proper source? Závěr: Práce je - není - doporučena k obhajobě. Navržený klasifikační stupeň: E-F V Olomouci dne 25.8.2015….. Vedoucí - oponent bakalářské práce