Paul Silverstein - Česká sociologická společnost


Paul Silverstein - Česká sociologická společnost
Česká asociace pro sociální antropologii
Masarykova česká sociologická společnost
ve spolupráci s
Etnologickým ústavem AV ČR, v.v.i.
Fakultou sociálních věd UK
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Gellnerovský seminář založen Jiřím Musilem a Petrem Skalníkem v roce 1998
který se bude konat
v pondělí
21. března 2016 od 17:00 hod
v ředitelně Etnologického ústavu AV ČR, v.v.i.
Praha 1, Na Florenci 3, č. dv. 503 - 504
Paul Silverstein
Reed College, Portland, Oregon
Na téma
Living with/in the Material Past:
The Politics of Remains and the
Remains of Politics in Berber North
K pozvánce přikládáme abstrakt přednášky a charakteristiku přednášejícího
Barbora SPALOVÁ, v.r., Zdeněk UHEREK,v.r., Luděk BROŽ, v.r., Alena MILTOVÁ,v.r.,
The paper revisits Ernest Gellner's assessment of the possibilities of a Berber future in North
Africa by exploring the material and affective dimensions of contemporary Berber (or
Amazigh) activism in North Africa -- a movement of cultural and linguistic revitalization of
increasing importance since the time Gellner did his Moroccan research. I particularly query
how the normative nonchalance about the pre-national (and pre-Islamic) material past comes
to be arrested and interrupted, how historical ruins come to be recognized, and indeed made,
from the aggregate rubble. Drawing on my work with Amazigh activists in southeast
Morocco, the essay fathoms how a particular ethical-aesthetic sensitivity to the material past
is cultivated through sustained effort and training, to the ways in which young men and
women learn to experience the physical landscape as positively haunted. Through such
training, ruins become less the passive objects for spiritual contemplation than the active
translators of affective intensities, producing complex emotions that combine melancholy,
outrage, and an incitement to political action. I will thus argue that current Amazigh
conservation efforts are not the end result of a pre-formed ethno-political ideology but the
material and embodied means through which such cultural awareness comes into being.
Lecturer´s CV
Paul A. Silverstein, Professor of Anthropology
Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Chicago, 1998
M.A., Anthropology, University of Chicago, 1994
A.B., Anthropology, Princeton University, 1992
Research and Teaching Interests
Immigration, race/ethnicity, nationalism, colonialism/post-coloniality, cultural politics, sport,
urban anthropology, historical anthropology, practice theories, Marxian and post-Marxian
theory, Islam, Berber activism, France, North Africa, Middle East.
Selected Publications
Selected publications – Books
- Algeria in France: Transpolitics, Race, and Nation. Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 2004
- Memory and Violence in the Middle East and North Africa. Edited with Ussama
Makdisi. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006
- Bourdieu in the Field: Colonial Politics, Ethnographic Practices, Theoretical
Developments. Edited with Jane Goodman. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,

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