Let`s Clean the Czech Republic!


Let`s Clean the Czech Republic!
march 2015
Let’s Clean the Czech Republic!
This year will be the second time the volunteer cleaning event ‘Let’s Clean the Czech Republic’ will be taking place.
The event has been organized with the financial support of ŠKODA AUTO.
he aim is to rid Czech towns,
villages and countryside of
waste lying around and illegal
landfills, drawing attention to the
long-standing problem of illegal fly
tipping. This year’s event takes place
on 18 April and volunteers are still
needed for organizing local cleaning events, as well as helpers who
would come to join in the cleaning
itself. If you would like to support the
event, you can complete your application at www.uklidmecesko.cz
The Ekosmák club was inspired
to organize projects like this by
a movement established in Estonia
in 2008. Back then, about 50,000
people joined the project and successfully removed 10,000 tons of illegally disposed waste everywhere
around the country. This event became an inspiration to more than
100 countries and almost 9,000,000
volunteers. Last year’s premiere
event in the Czech Republic attracted
almost 6,200 volunteers in 280 locations. They succeeded in cleaning up
a considerable amount – 350 tons of
waste! Their efforts and the ideas behind the project didn’t go unnoticed;
they were awarded the number-one
prize in the ‘Energy Globe Awards’ in
Earth Hour
This year ŠKODA AUTO is once
again going to symbolically
switch off the lights to support
the ‘Earth Hour 2015’ event on
28 March from 8.30 p.m. to 9.30
p.m. More details are available at
the Czech Republic, and came second
in the ‘Socially Responsible Project’
contest. However, there will be several changes to the project in 2015.
Most importantly, the date of the
event will be different. Based on last
years’ experience and the volunteers’
responses, the countryside is in full
blossom in May, and any waste lying
around is easily hidden in the lush
vegetation. Also, the possibility of organizing other clean-ups endorsed by
‘Let’s Clean the Czech Republic’ on alternative dates has been introduced.
The aim is to enable the organization
of company and school clean-ups
during standard working hours as
part of the cleaning schedule. ŠKODA
AUTO’s support will consist of transporting and disposing the collected
waste. In this respect the event will
follow up on the ‘MapIt’ project, which
operates a database of illegal landfills
around the Czech Republic.
Novi nky
ŠKODA GreenFuture News Celebrates
he March issue of the ŠKODA
GreenFuture News marks the
project’s second anniversary. Not
only have we released 24 monthly
issues, but we have published a total of 110 articles in them. The time
has come to look back on what we
have achieved together under the
topic of the environment over the
past 12 months.
What was the biggest success in terms of environmental
protection in 2014? Under the first
pillar of ŠKODA’s ecological strategy, focused on the production
itself, 2014 was named the ‘Year
of Water’. It was no accident that
we made the most progress in this
area, achieving a reduction of more
than 20%. Currently, the indication
number is 2.1 m3 per car produced.
This is equal to the amount of water you could transport in the luggage compartment of four ŠKODA
Fabia estates. The following measures, which we have previously
described, made significant contributions:
› Systemic assessment and follow-up removal of leaking water
in outdoor pipelines (06/2014)
› Constructing a closed cooling circuit in the quality lab (10/2014)
› Repeated use of water from the
demineralised water production
process in the Kvasiny paint shop
And how are we doing in
terms of reaching the defined
environmental targets? Currently,
the sum indicator of the five key
parameters defined in the ‘Envi-
ronmental Targets for 2018’ document was at 34% in 2014. The fact
that the Group’s target of 25% has
already been reached was thanks
to a combination of large and
small-scale measures.
The foundation for generating
our measures and monitoring them
is the ‘Umweltforum’, where representatives of various organization
units present their ideas each
month. It also covers the systemic
use of IT technology, such as the
Group programme massnahmen@
web, where all measures related to
the issue of the environment are
registered and monitored.
In addition to technical measures, we are also supported
by strategic decisions, such as
restructuring production. Since
srpen 2013
Úspory energií šetří
kapsu i životní pros
Nejen samotné vozy
s okřídleným šípem
představuje významn
ve znaku, ale i jejich
ý podíl společno
energeticky náročná
na tvorbě skleníkov
ždyť všechny tři
ých plynů.
závody ŠKO-
DA AUTO ročně
množství energie,
jejíž výroba představuje emise
539 000 tun
CO2. Stejný objem
oxidu uhličitého
by vyprodukovala
flotila jednoho milionu vozů ŠKODA
Octavia na cestě
z Mladé Boleslavi
do Nižního Novgorodu a zpět. Je proto
cílem automobilky
produkci oxidu
uhličitého minimalizovat.
V případě
vozů vede cesta
přes vývoj agregátů s nízkými emisními
limity. U produkce to pak je
především efektivní
výroba energií a
úsporná opatření
v oblasti jejich spotřeby.
K významným
krokům patří
stavby nízkoenergetic
kých budov,
dodatečná zateplení
stávajících budov a využívání
zařízení s vysokou
účinností využití
energie. ŠKODA
koordinátor životního
AUTO zateplila své
prostředí ve
objekty již před
ho snížení produkce
společnosti ŠKO-ENERGO.
15 lety a dodavatel
oxidu uhličitého
„Ze souenergií, společných zdrojů energie.
ze zdrojů ŠKO-ENERGO
časného množství
Tím například
o 120 000 t.
30 000 tun biopostavila vysojiž nyní dodává
(viz graf). K výrobě
masy za rok plánujeme
ŠKO-ENERGO aukoúčinnou kombinovanou
zelené elektřiny
navýšení do
tomobilce 56 %
a tepla zajišťuje
roku 2015 až na
zelené elektrické
tepla a elektrické
80 000 tun za rok.
energie (tzv. KVET)
energie z obnovitelných
nákup elektrické
Bude tak dosaženo
v závodě Mladá
energie, a to pouze
zdrojů. Do
celkového ročníBoleslav v roce
roku 2015 se očekává
vyrobené na zařízeních
zvýšení toho1998. Podobné
obnovitelsystémy jsou nyní
to podílu až na 63
budovány také v
závodech v Kvasi„Nejúčinnější opatření
Úspora CO spalován
nách a ve Vrchlabí.
k omeze2
ím biomasy
ní produkce CO máme
ale ve svých
Cílem společnosti
rukách my všichni,“
ŠKO-ENERupozorňuje Jiří
GO je rovněž maximalizace
Mach. „Je to minimalizace
energií z obnovitelných
by energie, a tím
zdrojů. „Za
i její výroby díky
účelem dodávek
zelené energie
úsporným opatřením.
Když nebudejsme na zdroji v Mladé
Boleslavi prome energií plýtvat,
nebude potřeba
vedli opatření umožňující
ji ani vyrábět, a produkovat
spoluspalování biomasy,“
tak CO .
vysvětluje Jiří Mach,
Pokud budeme
energiemi naopak
šetřit, ochráníme
přírodu a zároveň
naše kapsy,“ dodává
Snižování CO pro
lepší dýchání
xid uhličitý (neboli
V návaznosti na
vznikající zejména
tento globálspalováznečišťovatelé USA
ní problém byl v
a Čína. Naopak
ním fosilních paliv,
roce 1997 sepsán
bude svým dílem
jako je
Česká republika
Kjótský protokol,
přispívat ke zlepuhlí, ropa nebo
se ke snižování
v němž se jednotzemní plyn, je nešení životního prostředí.
emisí zavázala.
livé státy dobrovolně
dílnou součástí našeho
Na zlepzavazují ke
šování životních
ovzduší. Po
Stejně odpovědná
snižování emisí
podmínek se však
vodní páře zároveň
skleníkových plynů.
je i ŠKODA
patří mezi nejmůže podílet každý
AUTO, která se
Původní Kjótský
z nás.
rozšířenější skleníkové
zavázala v rámci
protokol zavazoplyny, které
Úsporná jízda a
projektu GreenFuture
val státy snížit emise
spotřeba enerjsou ve většině
snížit množskleníkových
případů v atmosfégií bez zbytečného
ství vypouštěného
plynů do roku 2012
plýtvání jsou
ře zastoupeny přirozeně.
CO2 o 25 procent
o 5,2 % v porovzákladními prvky
Na druhé
a přispět tak ke
nání s rokem 1990.
na cestě ke zdrastraně se ale podílí
zlepšení kvality
V loňském roce
na globálních
vějšímu ovzduší.
ovzduší. Ekologičtější
byl protokol prodloužen
Navíc se úspory
klimatických změnách.
se má stát
do roku
i nespotřebova
nejen výroba, ale
2020, ale stále v
né energie
také provoz naněm chybí největší
pozitivně projeví
šich vozidel. Každý
na finančních pronový produkt
_8_2013.indd 1
14.8.2013 9:57:00
2013, cars have been produced at
only two production plants, thus
improving the use of our production capacity and increasing the
efficiency of utilizing resources by
70,000 cars (+12%) compared to
2011-2013. In the future, we will be
happy to report new information
on the established trend of ŠKODA
AUTO’s environmental protection,
and look forward to spreading the
news about your own contribution
to all our colleagues.
march 2015
Intelligent lighting in the Kvasiny body shop
2014 saw the construction of a new body shop in the Kvasiny plant. Apart from state-of-the-art equipment for chassis
manufacture, new technologies are used here for monitoring and reducing energy consumption.
he new body shop now has
a total of 551 modern light units,
in which T5 tubes are used.
In addition to the lower energy consumption of this type of lighting compared to the previous lighting fixtures,
great attention was paid to optimizing
the control system, whilst maintaining
the same parameters of light sources
in the workplace. The ideal candidate was the DALI protocol – the so
called digital lighting interface. This is
a ground-breaking solution in the field
of lighting that enables separate units
to be controlled through a network interface. An important contribution this
solution makes is the possibility of controlling the lights throughout the shop
with touch panels on a single station.
Additionally, the switch-on or switchoff modes can also be on a timer.
Besides these touch panels, the
lighting system can be controlled
with a single control unit with three
Representatives of the Kvasiny plant Energy
Management: from the left Martin Preclík,
Milan Dvorský and Ladislav Martinec.
settings including a dimming function. These controls are located at
the individual work stations. First and
foremost, the main benefit of this is
making the lighting system more logical, with the employees not having to
look for separate light switches, which
used to be the case in the former body
shop building. “In co-operation with
the ‘Umweltforum’, we would like to
enhance the use of the DALI protocol with a number of options that will
help to optimize the use of electricity
for lighting the shop. This includes, for
example, the Burn Management application that gives the user information on the remaining service life of
the lighting tubes, about their use and
energy consumption. Furthermore, we
would like to monitor the frequency of
lighting failure and identify issues by
utilizing central graphic visualization.
Logically, the next step is applying
the DALI protocol in other production
shops and buildings, while maintaining
a single control and visualization interface,” said Milan Dvorský, the energy
management system officer. Milan
Preclík, the EnMS representative for
VFK added, “Thanks to our colleagues
from the body shop, we have succeeded in implementing a pioneering measure of the 21st century in the area
of energy management. The lighting
solution in the new Kvasiny body shop
represents another important step
towards the efficient management
and monitoring of energy-demanding
processes. Projects like this need to
be supported and included in ŠKODA
AUTO’s company standards.”
Ladislav Martinec, VFK1
The Group Forum Awarded Prizes for Excellent Achievements
his is the eighth time that
awards have been presented
under the ‘Optimization of the indirect production area’ Group forum.
In the presence of Thomas Ulbrich,
Group and Brand Board Members
for Production and Logistics, plant
representatives of Volkswagen Pkw,
Audi, ŠKODA and Volkswagen gathered in the Wolfsburg pilot hall to
witness the announcement of the
best contributions made by improvement proposals and the all-Group
exchange of TOP-measures.
ŠKODA AUTO received an award
in the ‘Best Benchmark’ category –
appreciation for the highest financial
savings of all the Group companies.
Among the measures that had contributed to the great result were,
for example, the ‘Optimization of
surface utilization’, which saved approximately €3.5 million. It has been
proven that actively monitoring and
developing optimization measures
can yield excellent results. The best
improvement proposal in the area
The winners enjoyed the award ceremony
attended by Thomas Ulbrich.
of production came from Hannover.
Having saved a total of €1.2 million,
the ‘Ventilation process in engine
testing’ improvement proposal has
been enforced worldwide, protecting the environment mainly due to
reducing energy costs. The award in
the ‘Environment, energy, reducing
CO2’ category was also presented
to the Hannover production site.
The energy management project
there was also given a special men-
tion. The engine shop in Chemnitz
received a prize for ‘Ecology, energy and reducing CO2’ intended for
component-manufacturing plants.
The Volkswagen Pkw site in Zwickau
was at the top of the ‘All-Group TOPmeasure exchange’. Successfully
implementing the ‘2nd KVP cascade
phase in indirect production areas’
in Audi Ingolstadt was also appreciated. “I would like to thank all the
presenters from the Group brands
and the winners, because they
demonstrate the importance of exchanging knowledge and experience
between the individual brands. Such
intercommunication benefits our
Group by saving us money. We need
to improve on this further. Only then
will our efficiency grow in the future,”
concluded Thomas Ulbrich, Volkswagen Group and Brand Board Member
for the area of Production and Logistics, on the first Group Forum in 2015.