Why just international magazine


Why just international magazine
Why just international magazine ?
The international magazine is about important events in life of school year 2011/12. The
partners of this one are three basic
schools: primary school in Hrochův
Týnec – the Czech republic /www.zsht.cz/,
primary school in Wroclaw - Poland
/http://sp28.wroc.pl/and primary school
in Bošany – the Slovak republic
/www.zsbosany.edugpage.org/. The magazine consists of the articles in Polish, Czech, Slovak
and English. We would like to public some documents of our children and enable to
meet Slavonic languages them too. The autors of project suppose, that children can
understand the sense of articles written by Slavonian languages well and they can
improve their knowledge by using English. We hope, that magazine
can be used
in lessons of languages and the other subjects, like Civics, History,
Geography in
our schools. The main topic about this project is about school and
education in
history and nowadays. The most of articles was made by children themselves. Magazine was
made in eTwinning programme. We made this project for anniversaries of our school foundation.
The whole project is here: http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p56697 /M. Filipi, ZŠ Hrochův Týnec/
Issue II. 2011/12
Česká škola: Kouzlo
starých časů aneb beseda s penzionovanými učiteli
Jak by to asi vypadalo, kdyby to tu bylo jako za časů našich
babiček? Možná bychom
byli slušnější a měli
respekt k učitelům. Ale nejsem si jistá,
jestli bych chtěla chodit do školy
v sobotu, nebo místo povídání si
s kamarády chodit do kolečka po chodbě o
přestávkách. Myslím si ale, že kdybychom jezdili na
spartakiády, že by nás to bavilo. Paní učitelka by nám dala čepičky nebo bychom se
drželi za provaz. Také by věděla jak obstarat zapomenuté kraťásky, jednoduše by šla
do ztrát a nálezů a vysvětlila by zde, že jsme je „ztratili“, zda je někdo nenašel.
Určitě by se nějaké našly. Nebo kdybychom dělali různé pokusy
v laboratořích, byla by to zábava. Také starání o zahrádky by
nebylo špatné. Vzali bychom si krumpáč a motyčku, vykopali
zeleninu a o hodině vaření bychom si z toho uvařili třeba polévku.
A stejně si myslím, že zážitky se najdou na každé základní škole a je jedno, zda
z roku 1968 nebo 2036. Své kouzlo to má vždy, nemyslíte? /by: Lenka Kaplanová/
http://youtu.be/KTVe4DXlhEM http://youtu.be/w08G8SlzUEs
Szkoła polska:
Moja szkoła dawniej i dziś projekt etwinning w SP 28
Grupa uczniów klas 4-5 naszej
szkoły bierze udział w
projecie współpracy
międzynarodowej etwinning zatytułowanym "My
school in the past and
nowadays". Wraz z
rówieśnikami z Czech i
Słowacji wykonujemy
zadania, które pomogą nam poznać nawzajem
swoje szkoły, porównać uczniowską rzeczywistość
nie tylko w sąsiadujących krajach, ale także na
przełomie kilkudziesięcioletniej historii naszych
/from: http://sp28.wroc.pl/
Slovenská škola: Škola kedysi a dnes
Nie je tomu tak dávno, čo namiesto tašky plnej učebníc a učebných
pomôcok deti, idúc do školy, stískali pod pazuchou drevené polienko.
Aby si mohli v triede zakúriť.. Učili sa totiž iba v zime, v lete
pomáhali na gazdovstve. Tak nám rozprávali naši starí rodičia.
Jedinými učebnými pomôckami boli griflík a tabuľka, na ktorú sa písalo a po
skontrolovaní učiteľom sa tabuľka zmazala. Peračníky neboli. O pár rokov boli
peračníky drevené /vyrezávane/ tam bolo pero
/atramentové/ ,ceruzka a vo fľaške atrament. Učilo sa
väčšinou len v zime, od jari do jesene mali dedinské
deti množstvo pracovných povinností od varovania
mladších súrodencov až po rôzne ľahšie práce okolo
domu a na poli. TREST: Deti kľačali na polienkach,
ktoré si samy priniesli. V každej triede boli kachle,
kúrilo sa drevom, každý žiak musel denne doniesť jedno
poleno. Trstenica. Kto neposlúchol učiteľa, okúsil jej
„trpkú“ príchuť. /by Slovak partners/
Česká, polská a slovenská škola: My dreamy school
It‘s 2512. We write on the touch sensitive tablets, teachers are replaced by machines. The food is
served in like capsules. We walk to school, but thanks to our scientists we know what happen at
school before we arrive there – it is a new future machine. W e learn only for 4 lessons. This is the
school of our dreams.
/Lenka and Barborka, Slovakia/
The school of my dreams
The school of my dreams should have a view at football, floorball and table tennis
court. Each pupil would be able to choose what sport wants to play. In school there
would be 8th year after 3 classes, so 24 classes together. In school there should be a large dining room for
all pupils and a school club for hobby activities too. Large school football pitch would be there too and
also 2 great halls in which we could play floorball and table tennis. Every 3 weeks there will be an international match
in football, floorball or table tennis. The school will start at morning 8 am and end at 14:30. /Jirka
Petrlík, Czech Republic/
I think my school in year 2060 will be very modern. Teachers will have artificial helpers. These are going to be robots check ing
students’ tests. Teachers will have more free time. Schoolboys and schoolgirls will have personal computers instead of books. It
will make their school bags lighter. The school building will be floating on the water. The school will collect energy from water. That’s why
students are going to learn much more about ecology. Classrooms will be very comfortable and I think every student will like going to school.
There will be no fights and naughty children. And this is my dream about school. /Kacper from Poland/
Czech school: Why the „Hroši“ came into Týnec /about the name of Czech partner´s school and town/
Our story started during Hussite
wars in Czech
kingdom. The whole villages
were burnt… The
king Albrecht was killed and
many fights were in
the whole kingdom. In 1440 four
important nobles
men met and talked about possibility of peace in our country. One
of them was Lord Jan Hroch from Mezilesice. He got our village
from the king Jiří z Poděbrad as a present for his loyal work. Jan
Hroch had two sons: Vaněk and Mikuláš. He gave Týnec to Vaněk:
„You must look after it“. But in this time the the Hungarian king Matyáš Korvín went to our country and
begun to burn villages and towns. People captured Matyáš, but he dressed himself like a ordinary man from a
farm and escaped… When Vaněk died, the master of Týnec was his brother
Jan, he was called like
his father Mikuláš too. He was very wise and gave to Týnec many lands…
Týnec was recalled
by title „town“, it was written in „Zemské desky“. But these were fired in a
great fire in 1541.
Hrochův Týnec got his emblem: St. Martin on a horse cutting by sword the clothes of a
Films are here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=i6E4JMXXMUE
Do you know what „Hroch“ is? It means „hippo“