Glorious Hope -3/2011 - Czechoslovak Baptist Convention


Glorious Hope -3/2011 - Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
Convention Mission Statement
The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
exists 1) to assist in extending the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ in lands of central and eastern Europe, particularly the
Czech and Slovak Republics; 2) to support the work of Baptists and other evangelical churches in North America that
minister to persons of Czech and Slovak descent, and 3) to
provide a Christian context for worship, fellowship, teaching,
and appreciation of heritage among those in the United States
and Canada who bear interest in the nationalities we represent.
Misijní poslání konvence
Československá baptistická konvence Spojených států a Kanady
byla ustanovena za účelem: 1) napomáhat v šíření evangelia
našeho Pána Ježíše Krista v zemích střední a východní Evropy,
zvláště v České a Slovenské republice; 2) podporovat práci baptistů a jiných evangelikálních církví v severní Americe, které slouží
českým a slovenským potomkům; 3) předkládat formu bohoslužby,
obecenství a učení, vážit si dědictví těch, ve Spojených státech a v
Kanadě, kterým leží na srdci národy, které reprezentujeme.
From the President–Robert Dvorak.................................................... 2
Prezident konvence–Robert Dvorak................................................... 3
From the First Vice President–Joza Novak.................................................. 4
From the Executive Secretary–Darko Siracki...................................... 5
George Sommer—Executive Secretary 1980–2010...................... 5
Glimpse into the History–Natasha Laurinc...................................... 6
Pohled do historie–Nataša Laurincová.............................................. 8
It Happened Last 100 Years–Ruby Mikulencak............................... 10
Greetings and Congratulatory Letters............................................... 12
Pastor Dan Widlicka Remembers - Dan Widlicka........................... 15
The Missionary Work–Natasha Laurinc................................................ 16
Misijní práce–Nataša Laurincová............................................................ 17
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of the USA and Canada:
Timeline—History to 101st Year................................................................ 18
Timeline—Magazine........................................................................................ 46
Timeline—The Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission Union ... 52
Glorious Hope/Slavná nadìje
Volume 37, No 3, 2011
(USPS 009334), ISSN 0700-5202
Published Bi-Monthly by
The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
of USA and Canada.
Periodical postage paid in Philippi, WV.
Editor-in-Chief: Natasha Laurinc
email: [email protected]
You may send articles to above address.
Desktop publishing and art: Vit Malek
Assistant Editors: Janice Cermak, Ondrej Laurinc, Ph.D.
Production Manager: George Sommer
Editorial Staff: George Sommer,
Joseph Novak
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Publication Office:
Glorious Hope / Slavná nadìje
Rt. 4, Box 58D, Philippi, WV 26416-9717 USA.
email: [email protected]
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
From the President
Our Story
n this issue of Glorious Hope
you will be seeing and reading a lot about 100 years of
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
existence and operation. We have
such a wonderful story to tell. It
is about the grace of God to our
forebears and all that we loved and
respected about them. It is also
about the central, invigorating
presence of the Holy Spirit in our mission down through
the years to the present time. Ultimately this is not about
us as a convention, but about the Lord at work in the
world, bringing the gospel of salvation to nations and
groups, among them Slovaks and Czechs who came to live
in countries other than their native lands.
God seems initially to have raised up the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention in order that the life, work, and
ministry of congregations filled with immigrants to North
America might flourish in the “new world.” July 3, 1909,
saw some faithful Baptist pastors and churches of east central European extraction gather in Chicago to explore ways
in which they might work together and help one another.
Their English wasn’t so good, but they could speak beautifully the languages of their homelands, which everyone
present seemed to have been able to understand. Those
who attended loved the fellowship. They quickly saw great
potential in coordinating some aspects of their respective
congregational experiences. Certainly they comprehended
the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:19, and may even have
quoted them to one another: “Truly I tell you, if two of
you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done
for you by my Father in heaven.”
So they were inclined to trust one another, share insights
about the challenges and opportunities they were facing,
maybe quarrel a little bit (gently and in the Spirit, one
hopes), express opinions candidly, and begin to tackle
problems common to the day. They dreamed of ways the
young persons in their congregations might meet together,
women organize into denomination-like mission focuses,
congregations find help in securing new or replacement
pastors through the reservoir of candidates available among
the ministers. Most of all those who came together knew
that effective evangelism and outreach—the heartbeat of
 Continues on page 15
Covers: Vit Malek—used photos from convention archive
Convention historic photos were scanned and re-touched
by Eric Shereda
Convention photos—Darko Siracki, Dusko Pilic,
John Jeren Jr., Vlast Pojman, George Sommer,
Maja Siracki, Eva Rehakova, David Wiseman
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
Prezident konvence
Náš příběh
tomto čísle Slavné naděje
uvidíte a dočtete se mnoho
o stoleté existenci a činnosti
Československé konvence baptistů.
Chceme se podělit o obdivuhodný
příběh. Týká se Boží milosti projevené našim předkům a všeho toho,
co jsme na nich milovali a vážili
si. Týká se to také toho nejdůležitějšího, a to oživující přítomnosti
Ducha Svatého při našem poslání v průběhu let až do současnosti. Nakonec se to netýká jen nás jako konvence, ale Boží
práce ve světě, nesoucí zvěst o spasení národům a skupinám,
mezi nimi Slovákům a Čechům, kteří přišli do zemí, jenž
nebyly jejich rodnou zemí.
Zdá se, že Bůh původně vybudoval Československou konvenci baptistů za účelem toho, aby život, práce a služba ve
shromážděních, které tvořili emigranti v Severní Americe, v
„novém světě“ plně prosperovali. V Chicagu byl 3. červenec
1909 svědkem sejití několika věrných baptistických kazatelů
a sborů, původem ze středovýchodní Evropy, kteří zkoumali
způsoby, jak si vzájemně pomoci. Anglicky moc neuměli, ale
dohovořili se svými překrásnými mateřskými jazyky, kterým
všichni přítomní, zdá se, rozuměli. Zúčastnění milovali obecenství. Okamžitě pochopili ohromnou možnost v koordinování některých aspektů ze zkušeností vlastního společenství.
Rozhodně pochopili Ježíšova slova v Matoušově evangeliu
18;19, možná si je dokonce i citovali: „Říkám vám také, že
pokud se dva z vás na zemi shodnou ohledně čehokoli, za co by
prosili, stane se jim to od mého nebeského Otce.”
Vzájemně si důvěřovali, sdíleli porozumění při výzvách
i příležitostech, kterým čelili, možná se i trochu dohadovali
(mírně a v Duchu, doufejme), vyjadřujíce názory laskavě
a řešíce tehdejší problémy. Toužili po tom, aby se v jejich
shromážděních měli mladí lidé možnost setkat, aby se sestry mohly spojit v misijních zájmech a aby společenství našla
pomoc při výměně nebo zajištění nových pastorů z dostatečného množství kandidátů v řadách kazatelů. Většina z nich si
byla vědoma toho, že úspěšná evangelizace a její dosah – srdce
každé křesťanské věřící komunity – dokázaly významné věci
ze společných zdrojů a že jedno společenství, které zkouší
„jít na vlastní pěst”, čelí mnohým nedostatkům, ale spojí-li se
s dalšími, mohou mnohé docílit. „Společně lépe” mohlo být
výstižným heslem pro to, co přicházelo.
A tak to začalo. Tři roky na zkoušku, v roce1912, společenství, které se setkalo v Poundu, Wisconsin, se oddělilo od
polské části a stanovilo si vlastní program. Nato bylo přijato
jméno Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of America (Československá baptistická americká konvence) a shromáždění
zvolilo výbor stávajíci ze čtyř členů, kterými byli: kazatel
Matthias Steuček, prezident; kazatel August Meereis, viceprezident; kazatel Václav Hlad, tajemník; Ján Valaštiak, pokladník. Bezprostředně byla vykonána sbírka; výtěžek byl $7.00. A
to do začátku stačilo!
O století později Československá baptistická konvence
USA a Kanady má docela jiný vzhled, než měla při svém
ustanovení v roce 1909. Na několik let se kolébkou konvence
stalo Philippi, Západní Virginie, ne Chicago, Illinois. Každé
léto se na čtyři dny sejdeme na univerzitě Alderson-Broaddus College. V současné době se delegáti konvence skládají z
členů, kteří se stotožňují s dlouholetým misijním zaměřením
a posláním konvence. Pochopitelně se mnohé v struktuře a
stylu konvence změnilo, ale oddanost Kristu, věrnost evangeliu, závazek zvěstování Krista národům a soudržnost, zvláště
s baptistickými bratry a sestrami ve vlasti Slováků a Čechů,
je stálá.
Chcete odhalit více z našeho příběhu na stránkách časopisu? Věříme, že to, co zde najdete, se vám bude líbit. A nadto
nadevšecko doufáme, že Pán schvaluje zápis naší konvence.
Náším prvořadým úkolem je, abychom se Mu ve všem zalíbili.
Díky za čtení a zvláště díky našim editorům a spolupracovníkům za zpracování tohoto materiálu.
Robert Dvorak, prezident Československé baptistické konvence
Přeložila Nataša Laurincová
Banquet, November 1927
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
From the First Vice President
am very happy to write
down my impressions
of the Czechoslovak
Baptist Centennial Convention. I attended the
Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention for the first
time in 1954, in Toronto,
Canada. In April I had just
graduated from Winnipeg
Bible College. I was asked
to speak about Joshua.
Next year we met in Chicago, and I was asked to address
the Ladies’ Missionary Union. This is still very fresh in
my mind, because just before I was to start my message,
I had a telephone call from my sister-in-law, who told me
that my wife Rose had given birth that morning to our
son David. Because I was so excited and nervous, in my
introduction, instead of saying that on the twelfth of July
the Lord had blessed us with a son, I proudly declared
that the Lord had blessed us with our twelfth son. As the
years went by I became a member of the General Board. In
1960 I was elected vice president, and in 1963, president.
From 1970 until 1980 I served as executive secretary. Since
then I have held the office of president for Canada and
first vice president of the Convention. In 1973 I served
as editor of Glorious Hope.
Now let me come back to our Centennial Convention.
Throughout the years I have seen many changes. At times
I was afraid that our Czechoslovak Baptist Convention had
no future, and no purpose to continue. Then, under the
leadership of Rev. Henry Boubelik, our Convention was
rejuvenated. After the collapse of communism in Czechoslovakia, a new door was open for mission ministry. Our
Convention seized that new opportunity for mission and
started to support the Baptist Unions in the Czech and
Slovak Republics.
Now new and younger people have taken over the leadership, and our Convention is alive and active. This was
especially evident at our Centennial gathering from July 9
to12, 2009. My wife Rose and I thoroughly enjoyed those
days. It was very encouraging to see so many young people
and children. Congregational singing, combined choir and
other musical numbers were uplifting and inspiring. Messages by Dr. Denton Lotz and by Canadian evangelist Dr.
Barry Moore were challenging and heart-searching. Bible
studies in Slovak and English languages were educational,
instructive and uplifting. I also appreciated the combined
choir from the Toronto area (most of them were members
of the Czechoslovak Baptist church when I was their pastor,
between 1955 and 1978). We all enjoyed those old Czech
pieces from the hymn book called Chvalozpěvy.
I believe that the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention has
a purpose and reason to continue, and I pray that we will
continue to serve the Lord for many more years.
Rev. Joza Novak
It Happened Last 100 Years… Continues from page 11
We have a wonderful heritage
often stopping in Cleveland for a
that we should never forget. I am
visit with Esther and Bill Widlicka.
In the latter years my sister Ruth
proud to be of Czech descent and
Whitlow joined us as well.
am so grateful to the Lord for the
Convention and to you who make
The involvement with the Conup the Convention.
vention these past 20 years have
I close with reminding us of
been such an honor and blessing
some of the things that I found
to me. I count it such a privilege to
know many of you and also many
Uncle Henry constantly passionate
about all through his ministry on
who have already gone to our heavenly home. I am grateful too for the
earth: Czech congregations, missions, radio, young people, good
times I have shared at the women’s
missionary gathering, as well as
food and of course fishing!!
Dr. Robert Mobley and Dr. Denton Lotz
I look forward to one day seeing
the times I was able to share with
him and countless others of Czech
the whole convention about the
and Slovak origin when we meet up there in heaven. Praise
work in Ghana, West Africa. I fondly remember Brother
the Lord for the future and the hope we have of being one
Mobley as president, and of course our present president,
Brother Bob, has always made me feel so much a part of
big family of God in our eternal home.
the Convention.
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History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
From the Executive Secretary
he first Convention I
attended was in 1992.
I moved to Canada in
1991, and shortly afterwards
I met the youth of the Slovak
Baptist Church in Kingsville and
started attending all the conferences and conventions with
them. We would travel regularly
to the spring conference of the
Toronto church as well as to all
three conferences of the South
Slavic Evangelical Mission. In the spring of 2004, I was
asked to join the General Board of the Convention and
help with the youth. In 2008 Brian Dors and I were asked
to help in coordination and preparation of our Centennial
Celebration, held in July 2009. That same year I was asked
to consider the position of executive secretary upon the
retirement of George Sommer. It is an honor and a great
responsibility to be entrusted with this position. I deeply
appreciate your prayers as well as the encouragement shown
to me and my wife Maja. I am looking forward to all the
challenges as executive secretary, not only during the annual
convention but throughout the entire year.
One of my favorite and most encouraging Bible verses
is Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I hope it will be
encouragement not only to you but to the entire Czechoslovak Baptist Convention. The Lord had a plan for our
Convention. And it is clear to many of us that this plan is
not fully completed. The Lord blessed the Convention and
He made it prosper in many ways, and only He knows the
future of the Convention. I encourage you to be part of it.
In His service,
Darko Siracki
“Your talk talks, and your walk talks, but your walk talks
louder than your talk talks.”
“I, therefore…beseech you to walk worthy of the calling
with which you were called.” (Ephesians 4:1)
George Sommer
Executive Secretary 1980–2010
Our First Convention
e arrived in the
USA in late
August 1969. We knew
of the Czechoslovak
Baptist Convention of
the USA and Canada,
but we did not have any
contact. Later on we got
the address of Mr. & Mrs. Piroch,
editor of Pravda a Slavna nadeje,
and they sent us the magazine, where
we learned about the convention.
We wanted to attend the next annual
convention, but unfortunately, the
convention was held in Toronto and
then in Minitonas, both in Canada,
and as we did not have a green card, we could not leave
the USA.
We learned that the 1972 convention would be held at
a church in Campbell, Ohio. At that time, the pastor of
the church was Rev. John Karenko. We sent the registration and a letter that I would like to lead the convention
choir, same as we did back in Czechoslovakia during our
annual conferences. When we arrived, I asked Rev. Joza
Novak if they had received my letter. He was laughing and
said that Rev. John Karenko did
not know the Czech language,
so Joza had to translate for him.
We were very surprised—the
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention, how come they do not
speak Czech?
Well, eventually we organized
the convention choir that sang
during the convention. With
God’s help I led the convention
choir until 1988.
George and Marija Sommer
Martin Alac daughters with Marija Sommer
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada 
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Glimpse into the History
of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
of USA and Canada
homeland is a place with which a
The first Bohemian immigrant to America
group of people holds a shared hiswas Augustine Heřman (1621–1686), a Czech
tory and a deep cultural association,
nobleman who came to New York in 1633.
a geographical region in which a particular
The first Slovak to come to America, in 1785,
national identity developed. Nothing is so
was Duke Móric Beňovský (1746–1786), King
dear to people as home. Being forced to leave
of Madagascar. Mass immigration to America
began in the nineteenth century for politione’s native country with no possibility of
return is a very cruel kind of punishment.
cal reasons. Soon after coming to America,
There are many reasons that people might
Czechs and Slovaks started publishing their
Natasha Laurinc
choose to emigrate. Some are religious,
own various papers and books and having
private schools.
political or economic freedom, or escape. In
the case of Czech and Slovak people, the main cause was
The greatest centre for Czechs was Chicago, Illinois, and
religious. The second cause was political, and the third
for Slovaks, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In the 1990 US cenreason was economic. It is believed that probably there is
sus, Slovak-Americans made up the second-largest portion
no country in the world today where there are no Czech
of Slavic ethnic groups. There are currently about 790,000
people of Slovak descent living in the United States.
and Slovak people.
The earliest known emigration from Bohemia to North
According to the 2000 US census, there are 1,262,527
America happened in the first part of the 17th century, after
Americans of full or partial Czech descent, in addition to
441,403 persons listing their ancestry as Czechoslovak.
the disastrous Battle of White Mountain in 1620. This
The Baptists began mission work among the Czechs and
battle marked the beginning of the collapse of ProtestantSlovaks in America in 1887. First Bohemian Baptist Church
of Chicago, Illinois, became the cradle of the Czecho-Slovak Baptist mission work. On Sunday, January 8, 1888, Rev.
L. Lany, the missionary for the Bohemians, started services,
and on February 3, 1888, six people were baptized on
confession of their faith in Jesus Christ. During the same
year twelve more persons were baptized, and the little group
grew. After two years Rev. L. Lany returned to work among
the immigrants at Ellis Island, doorway to the USA.
Rev. Jacob Meier, pastor of the First German Baptist
made connections with Rev. Henry Novotný of
The first Bohemian
The first Slovaj
Prague, asking him to suggest a missionary. Mr. Novotný
immigrant to America
immigrant to America
Augustine Heřman
Duke Móric Beňovský
recommended Mr. John Kejř, a Bohemian colporteur. Mr.
Kejř accepted, and began his ministry on February 5, 1891.
The Czech and Slovak Baptists sought the opportunity
ism and the downfall of the nation’s independence. The
to unite. In 1902, Rev. Václav Králíček suggested a joint
re-Catholization of Bohemia and Moravia followed. An
meeting in Chicago. On Thanksgiving Day in 1909, the first
imperial patent was issued in 1627 ordering Protestants
Slavic Baptist Convention met under the leadership of Rev.
to convert to the Catholic faith or leave the country. That
Králíček, then pastor of First Bohemian Baptist Church.
brought about the greatest exodus from the Bohemian
Delegates also included pastors and lay persons from Polish
lands. Entire families fled to many European states and
Baptist churches. The Convention elected four officers,
also to America. An estimated 150,000 to 200,000 Czech
all clergy, to carry on its initial organizational work: Rev.
Protestants left their homeland at that time, including one
Václav Králíček, president; Rev. Matthias Steuček, vice
of the greatest of the world’s teachers, the prominent Jan
president; Rev. Karel Střelec, recording secretary; and Rev.
Amos Komenský.
Václav Hlad, treasurer. Three years later, at a convention
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History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
held in Pound, Wisconsin, members decided that Polish
Baptists and Czechoslovak Baptists should pursue their
work separately. Consequently the Slavic Baptist Convention dissolved, and immediately the Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention of America was organized. It met the following
year, 1913, in Creighton, Pennsylvania, and has convened
annually ever since.
In the early years of Convention life, most energy and
activity was directed toward denominational concerns: the
establishment of congregations and relationships among
ministers, development of mission work, organization of
a women‘s auxiliary and youth associations, discussion of
theological concerns, and cooperation in financial matters.
Over subsequent years the Convention has called and sent
missionaries to Czechoslovakia and other countries, and
in other ways has always sought ways to support mission
enterprises abroad. Soon the Convention saw the need for
a communication linkage among the constituency, and
so it provided for a publishing ministry. For many years
the convention magazine bore the name Pravda a Slavná
naděje (Truth and Glorious Hope). Currently the periodical,
published bi-monthly, carries the title Glorious Hope/Slavná
During the hardest years of the Communist regime in
Czechoslovakia, when political rigidities made contact with
the homelands of Central Europe difficult, the Convention
turned its attention to Haiti and the support of evangelism
and church planting in that Caribbean nation. The focus
on Slavic lands, however, was never forgotten. In the 1970s
and 1980s the Convention turned once again to its first
love, supporting gospel outreach in Czechoslovakia, this
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada time through language-specific broadcasting of TransWorld
Radio (TWR) in Monte Carlo. More recently still, the
84th Annual Convention held in Minitonas, Manitoba, in
1993, voted to shift funding from TWR broadcasting to the
Baptist Unions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia directly.
Since 1994, then, on an alternating-year basis, the Czech
Baptist leadership and the Slovak Baptist leadership make
proposals to the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA
and Canada for specific financial support.
In the summer of 1997, the president and executive
secretary of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention visited in
the Czech Republic and Slovakia with local Baptist Union
leaders, pastors, and congregations, in an effort to further
solidify the long ongoing relationship with Baptist brothers
and sisters there.
In 1997 only six congregations maintained formal identification as Czechoslovak Baptist Convention churches.
Three are located in Canada: First Czech Baptist Church,
Minitonas, MB; Czechoslovak Baptist Church, Toronto,
ON; and Grace Baptist Church, Windsor, ON. Three others
are in the United States: Scranton Road Baptist Church,
Cleveland, OH; Hatch Hollow Baptist Church, Union City,
PA; and First Baptist Church, Campbell, OH.
Most other congregations formerly associated with the
Convention have redirected their connections toward the
larger national and regional Baptist bodies in both countries. In some cases, membership demographics have so
significantly changed as to render a given congregation no
longer Czech or Slovak in identity or interest. Some earlier
churches of the Convention have disbanded; a few have
chosen to drop affiliation and pursue independent paths.
 Continues on page 15
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Pohled do historie
Československé baptistické konvence
v USA a Kanadě
odná zem je místo, kde určitá
skupina lidí sdílí společnou
historii a má hlubokou kulturní
asociaci, zeměpisnou oblast, ve které se
formuje specifická identita.
Není nic dražšího než domov.
Násilný odchod z vlasti bez možnosti
návratu je velmi krutá forma trestu.
Lidé se rozhodují k emigraci z několika důvodů. Některé se týkají náboženské, politické nebo ekonomiské svodody.
V případě Čechů a Slováků hlavním důvodem byla svoboda
vyznání. Na druhém místě to byly důvody politické, na třetím
existenční. Říká se, že na světě snad není země, kde by nežili
Češi a Slováci.
První zmínka o emigraci z Čech do Severní Ameriky je
z první poloviny 17. století, po prohrané bitvě na Bílé hoře
v roce 1620. Touto bitvou je označován počátek pronásledování protestantů a ztráty národní nezávislosti. Po té následovala rekatolizace Čech a Moravy. Císařský patent z roku 1627
nařizoval přijetí katolické víry anebo vystěhování. To způsobilo hromadný odchod z českých zemí. Celé rodiny uprchly
do různých evropských států a také do Ameriky. Odhaduje
se, že v té době opustilo svou vlast 150 000 až 200 000
českých protestantů, mezi nimi i významná osobnost, učitel
národů Jan Ámos Komenský.
Prvním českým emigrantem do Ameriky byl Augustine
Heřman (1621–1686), český šlechtic,
který přišel do New Yorku v roce
1633. Hrabě Móric Beňovský (1746–
1786), král Madagaskaru, byl prvním
Slovákem, který přišel do Ameriky v
roce 1785.
Masová emigrace do Ameriky, z
politických důvodů, se datuje do 19.
století. Krátce po příchodu do Ameriky Češi i Slováci vydávali své noviny,
knihy a zakládali vlastní školy.
Největší středisko Čechů se nacházelo v Chicagu, v Illinois, a střediskem
Slováků byl Pittsburgh v Pennsylvanii. Podle sčítání obyvatel v USA z
roku 1990 jsou druhou největší částí
slovanských etnických skupin Slováci.
V současné době žije ve Spojených státech 790 000 lidí slovenského původu.
Sčítání obyvatel v USA z roku 2000
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
uvádí, že 1 262 527 Američanů je původu českého anebo má
původ částečně český, a dalších 441 403 lidí uvádí své předky
Baptistická práce mezi Čechy a Slováky v Americe začala
v roce 1887. První český baptistický sbor v Chicagu, v Illinois,
se stal kolébkou česko-slovenské misijní práce. Bohoslužby
zahájil v neděli 8. ledna1888 kazatel L. Lany, misionář pracujíci mezi Čechy, a 3.února 1888 bylo šest lidí pokřtěno na
vyznání své víry v Pána Ježíše Krista. V průběhu roku bylo
pokřtěno dalších dvanáct lidí a skupinka se rozrůstala. Po
dvou letech se kazatel L. Lany vrátil k práci mezi emigranty
na ostrov Ellis, vstupní brány do USA.
Kazatel Prvního německého baptistického sboru v USA Jacob Meier
navázal kontakt s kazatelem Jindřichem Novotným z Prahy ohledně
misonáře. J. Novotný doporučil Jana
Kejře, českého kolportéra biblí. J. Kejř
nabídku přijal a službu započal 5.
února 1891.
Čeští a slovenští baptisté hledali
příležitost ke sjednocení. V roce 1902
Rev. John Kejr
kazatel Prvního českého baptistického
sboru Václav Králíček navrhl společné
shromáždění v Chicagu. V Den díkůvzdání v roce 1909 se
pod jeho vedením sešla první Slovanská baptistická konvence.
Mezi delegáty byli přítomní také kazatelé a laičtí pracovníci
Minitonas 1974
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
polských baptistických sborů. Za účelem organizace konvence
zvolila z řady kazatelů čtyři vedoucí pracovníky: kaz. Václava
Králíčka prezidentem, kaz. Matthiase Steučka viceprezidentem, kaz. Karla Střelce zapisovatelem a kaz. Václava Hlada
pokladníkem. Tři roky na to, na konvenci v Poundu, ve
Wisconsinu, z rozhodnutí členů konvence se polští a českoslovenští baptisté rozdělili. Následkem toho byla Slovanská
baptistická konvence rozpuštěna a okamžitě ustanovena
Československá baptistická konvence v Americe. Sešla se v
následujícím roce 1913 v Creightonu, v Pennsylvanii, a od té
doby se každým rokem schází pravidelně.
V počátcích konvence byla většina úsilí a činnosti zaměIn the summer of 1997, the president and executive secretary of the
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention visited the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
řena na církevní zájmy: zakládání společenství a upevňování
From left: Marija Sommer, Robert Dvorak, Dorothy Dvorak, George
vztahů mezi kazateli, rozvoj misijní práce, organizování
Sommer, Květa Šolcová and Miloš Šolc
sesterských dobročinných kroužků a mládeže,
řešení teologických otázek a spolupráci ohledně
baptistů, kazatele a sbory v České
finančních záležitostí. V dalších letech konvence
republice a na Slovensku za účelem
povolala a vyslala misionáře do Českoslovendalšího upevnění dlouhodobých
ska a jiných zemí, a vždy hledala další cesty k
vztahů s tamními bratry a sestrami.
podpoře misijních organizací v zahraničí. Záhy
V roce 1997 se pouze šest sborů
konvence pocítila potřebu vlastního sdělovahlásilo k Československé baptiscího prostředku mezi členstvem, a tak založila
tické kovenci. Tři jsou v Kanadě:
vydavatelství. Po mnoho let se konvenční časopis
První český baptistický sbor v
jmenoval Pravda a Slavná naděje. V současné
Minitonas, MB, Československý
době časopis vychází každé dva měsíce a nese
baptistický sbor v Torontě, ON, a
název Glorious Hope/Slavná naděje.
Baptistický sbor milost ve WindV nejtěžších letech komunistického režimu
soru, ON. Další tři jsou ve Spojev Československu, kdy politická nekompromisných státech: Baptistický sbor na
nost znemožnila kontakty s rodnými zeměmi ve
Scrantonově ulici v Clevelandě,
střední Evropě, se konvence zaměřila na Haiti
OH, Baptistický sbor v Hatch
a podporovala evangelizaci a zakládání sborů
Hollow v Union City, PA, a První
George Sommer, Marija Sommer,
v této karibské oblasti. Slovanské země však
baptistický sbor v Campbellu, OH.
Jiří and Ludmila Dedecius
nikdy neupadly v
Většina dalších sborů patřízapomění. V letech
cích do konvence se připojila k větším státním a
1970–1980 se konoblastním baptistickým tělesům jak v USA, tak
vence opět navrátila
i v Kanadě. V některých případech došlo k takoke své první lásce
vým demografickým změnám, že se k českému
v podpoře šíření
nebo slovenskému původu již nehlásí a ani o to
evangelia v Českonemají zájem. Některé dřívější sbory konvence se
slovensku, tentokrát
rozpadly, několik se rozhodlo zrušit členství a jít
svou vlastní cestou.
rozhlasové stanice
Je třeba dodat, že kromě šesti výše zmíněTrans World Radio
ných sborů, konvence zahrnuje mnoho lidí, kteří
(TWR) v Monte
vyrůstali v Československém baptistickém sboru
Carlu. Později, v
Dobroslav Stehlík, George Sommer,
nebo je zaujal život a práce konvence z nejrůznějroce 1993, na 84.
Robert Dvorak and Petr Červinský
ších osobních důvodů. Ve Spojených státech a v
konvenci v MinniKanadě je na konvenčním seznamu 800 adres.
tonasu, v Manitobě, přesunula podporu rozhlasové stanice
Dá se říci, že dnešní konvence je charakterizována více
TWR přímo Jednotě baptistů v Česku a na Slovensku. Od
osobními než sborovými svazky. Spolupráce, jednota, oberoku 1994, na základě návrhů vedení slovenských a českých
cenství, poslání a společné dědictví jsou dnes pravděpodobně
baptistů, je zasílána každým rokem finanční podpora střídavě
silnějším faktorem než kdykoliv předtím ve stoleté historii
na Slovensko a do Česka.
Nataša Laurincová
V létě v roce 1997 navštívili prezident a tajemník Česko
slovenské baptistické konvence, spolu s představiteli Jednoty
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
It Happened Last 100 Years
About Rev. Henry F. Boubelik
By Ruby Mikulencak, Henry’s niece
f it was not for Rev. Henry F.
the Goodrich church in the Rib River,
Boubelik, I would not be standing
less than half a mile away from the present
in front of you today. Uncle Henry
Goodrich Community Church, formerly
had a passion and love for the ConvenGoodrich Baptist Church, the home
tion that started when he was a young
church I grew up in.
pastor in charge of five Wisconsin mission
Some other interesting facts of this
churches in the late 1940s. His love and
northern outreach of the convention:
concern for the Convention continued
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ivaska moved to
until the time of his death. Wherever he
Westboro from their home church, New
went as a pastor, the Convention was
Covenant Baptist Church of Chicago.
always part of him. I am convinced that
This was one outpost.
it was because of his passion while presiMr. and Mrs. John Pilch and family
dent to keep the Convention alive and
moved to Phillips, also members of the
well that we can celebrate this 100th year
new Covenant Baptist Church, which
Ruby Mikulencak
anniversary. I am sure he is looking down
became another outpost.
at us and enjoying seeing the fruit of his faithful years of
Another group came from Minneapolis Slovak Baptist
service to the Lord and to the Convention.
Church to Arnold and Donald.
In the late 1940s (Nov. 7, 1947 till January 2, 1955),
The first full-time pastor of these churches was Brother
Mike Evan followed by Dan Evan and then Henry F.
Besides being the pastor of the five mission churches,
Uncle Henry’s ministry also involved a radio program that
reached into many Czech and Polish homes, not only in
Wisconsin but in Minnesota as well, particularly in New
Prague. He had a very active young people’s group that
together with Youth for Christ made a huge impact in the
northern sphere of Wisconsin.
He also wrote a monthly newsletter of the Wisconsin
mission work of the Convention that has helped me piece
together some of the things that were accomplished in
this northern mission field. After Uncle Henry left, most
of the pastoring was done by lay pastors, most notably
Henry Boubelik and Vic Wilcox
and prominently Frank Macik and his understudy, John
Uncle Henry became the pastor of five Czech-related
At the annual Convention of 1938, Joseph Macik, the
churches in northern Wisconsin. This work started when a
of the Goodrich group, was sent as a delegate
number of Czechoslovak Baptist settlers made their home
the Goodrich Baptist Church. He gave his
in the Goodrich area. They were considered a mission
greetings and ended his talk with “I’m so happy to be
station of the Emmanuel (Bohemian) Baptist Church of
here today among all you believers. If I never see any of
Chicago, later called Lawndale Emmanuel Baptist. They
you again in this world, I want to meet you all in heaven.”
were visited once or twice a year by the pastors of the
As he sat down his head slumped over and he passed into
mother church. Rev. Vaclav Hlad, grandfather of Bob, our
eternity right during the convention. Anyone here who
president, and at that time pastor of the Lawndale Baptist
remembers this?
Church, was the first pastor to visit the mission churches
In 1950 at the Convention in Cleveland, President Mike
in northern Wisconsin. He baptized the first members of
Evan stopped all proceedings and there was an hour spent
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
in prayer. Those who attended this convention from Wising of Christ. Just
consin were John and Rose Mikul, Anna Macik and Pastor
before those meetBoubelik. The next Convention was held at Cedar Lake,
ings, the Executive
Indiana, in 1951. The news coming out of this convention
of the Convention
was that the Convention was going to be held in Medford,
met and were conWisconsin, the following year. Missionary outreach for the
sider ing closing
convention that year and the previous year was $10,000.
t he Convention.
Unfortunately the Convention never came to Medford.
Rev. Kerenko sugInstead it was held in the Immanuel Baptist Church in
gested they pool the
Minneapolis. Bob and Francis Gardner supplied the music,
money and give it
and Dan Widlicka led the music. Was this the first time
to a worthy cause.
of many conventions that our brother Dan roused us to
Dan Widlicka sugsinging praises and adoration to our beloved Savior and
gested, “Let’s pray
King? Thank you, Dan, for your faithful years of service to
about this before
us all and to the Convention! Brother Frank Macik spoke
we act.” Dur ing
at this convention with a sermon entitled “Occupying for
the revival meetChrist as Church Members.”
ings wit h Uncle
At that same convention, the then president, Rev.
Henry, it was sugKmetko, asked Uncle Henry to broadcast the Convengested that he try to
tion live from Minneapolis. It
was the first time that radio
revive the Convention by
broadcasts came directly from
taking up the presidency.
the Convention.
He took the challenge
After around 1955 the trail
and became president. I
of the convention disappears
strongly believe it was his
until around 1968–69, when
involvement that started
it reappears again in Uncle
the resurgence within the
Henry’s life. In the late 1960s,
Convention. This is a big
Dan Widlicka was asked by Joe
reason why we are meeting
and Mary Schoun to come
here today.
back home to Scranton Road
Sometime in 1973,
Baptist Church. Dan did and
Un c l e H e n r y m ove d
became part of the Executo Minitonas for four
tive of the Convention. He
months, but ended up
Mabel and Henry Boubelik, Daniel Widlicka
contacted Uncle Henry and
staying five years, as there
asked him to do revival meetings on the Second Comwas a great need for the Czech congregation there. He was
Henry Boubelik and Frank Brdlik
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada also serving as the president of the Convention at the same
time. In June of 1974, he took up a new post as missionary
outreach for the Czech convention. He became the director
of the Christian Missionary Stewardship Foundation. And
this I think is where I come in!
At the 1988 Convention in Cleveland, I was introduced
to the Convention as a third-generation Czech. I have
been involved with the Convention ever since that time,
but never would have been if it hadn’t been for Uncle
Henry’s vision of reviving the Convention by bringing
in full-time workers of Czech descent. Every time I came
home I was involved in the convention, which was about
every three years.
I remember fondly these years when my parents and
I made the long trek from Wisconsin to West Virginia,
 Continues on page 4
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Greetings and Congratulatory Letters
ear Brother Dvorak and
participants of the Centennial Celebration:
As you celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention, please accept my
heartfelt congratulations on this
joyous and most memorable occasion. I want you to know that your convention has had a
profound influence in my life and ministry.
Our family arrived in the USA in 1949, and in 1950
my father was invited to Cleveland, Ohio, to revitalize the
ministry of the Russian Baptist Church there. The Russian
congregation rented the facilities of the Scranton Road
Baptist Church. Since our Russian services were held at 3
p.m., I was able to attend the Sunday school and morning
services of the Scranton Road Baptist Church and to enjoy
the wonderful preaching of Dr. Kmetko and the faithful
teaching of our Sunday school teacher, whose name I have
forgotten. When I was 16, my father baptized me in the
sanctuary of that church.
I never intended to go into the Christian ministry, and
earned a degree in physics. But the Lord had other plans
for me. Eventually, I attended Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, studied in Germany and France and became
pastor of the First Russian Baptist Church in Newark, NJ.
(In 1972 we moved to Union, NJ, and changed the name
to Evangelical Baptist Church.) I have been serving this
bilingual congregation (English-Russian) for 45 years now.
We’re part of the Russian-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist
Union, USA, and, this weekend—June 26–28—we will be
celebrating the 90th Anniversary of RUEBU’s ministry in
Philadelphia, where it all started. (You’re ten years ahead
of us!) During this time I served in every possible capacity
with RUEBU, including as president for eight years. In
addition to my pastoral ministry, I was involved in radio
ministry to the Soviet Union, and later to Russia, for 45
years. Since 1993, I have served as a trustee with the Moscow Theological Seminary (Russia), where I teach a course
every year. I had the joy of introducing a youth ministry in
Russia, which functions in six cities and operates a Transformation Christian Center for drug addicts. For 17 years I
was Denton Lotz’s adviser with BWA for the former Soviet
Union and Russia. There are other ministries.
I share this information not to boast about myself but to
give God the glory and to thank the Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention for the important part that it played in my life
as a teenager many years ago in Cleveland, Ohio. Were it
not for Scranton Road Baptist Church, I don’t know where
I would be today. Through its faithful ministry to me and
through my ministry in Eastern and Western Europe, and
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
North and South America, CBC has touched more lives
than you can imagine. You have invested in my life, and
my fruit is your fruit as well, to the eternal glory of God
and the joy of those redeemed by Christ through our
labors for Him.
May the Lord bless you and all who are with you at
your Centennial Convention as you celebrate the faithfulness of God and that of those who were once part of your
fellowship. Congratulations on behalf of RUEBU, which
I presently serve at its first vice president, and from our
president, the Rev. George Harlov.
Rejoicing with you, George Boltniew
ítám vás jménem AldersonBroaddus College. This
year you celebrate your
Centennial of the Czechoslovak
Baptist Convention on the historic hilltop in Philippi. It was my
privilege 20 years ago to invite you
to hold your first convention at
Alderson-Broaddus College.
Thus began a mutually beneficial and enriching relationship that brings the Czech Baptist Convention back
to Philippi on July 9-12, 2009, to celebrate 100 years of
meeting the needs of the world through preaching the gospel. Few things are more demanding or inspiring than the
perennial job of making the faith intelligible and credible,
comprehensive and convincing, to well-informed and honest minds, which is the goal of your Convention. Nothing
short of the gospel can bring the hope and stability that
our world needs and wants so desperately.
The students, faculty, staff, trustees, and alumni of
Alderson-Broaddus College are proud of the College’s
association with the Czech Baptist Convention, and we are
all happy that you continue to choose Alderson-Broaddus
as the place for your worship, renewal, study, and planning.
Like you, Alderson-Broaddus College is proud of our
Baptist roots and our Baptist heritage. We are also proud
of our Baptist ideals, and we strive to live up to them. We
pray God’s blessing upon you as you worship, plan, pray,
fellowship, work, and celebrate during your Centennial
It has been my joy to be associated with many of you
over the years, and my only regret is that time and distance
prohibit my joining you this year for the Czech Baptist
Convention Centennial.
Yours in Christ,
William Christian Sizemore
President of Alderson-Broaddus College, 1983–1994
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
A Special Friendship
or almost a quarter of a century, Alderson-Broaddus College and the Czechoslovak
Baptist Convention have enjoyed a
unique Christian partnership which
has drawn the two closer together in
a special way.
What began for the College as the hosting of the annual
convention on the campus each July has grown into a
deep friendship defined by the caring manner exhibited
by both groups. What began as a routine business venture
has grown into a warm family gathering with members of
each group genuinely committed to the care
of the other.
For over a dozen years (1995–2008), I had
the pleasure of actively participating in this
yearly Baptist gathering and gained many new
and wonderful friends within the Convention.
I had the privilege of conferring honorary
doctoral degrees on Rev. Robert Mobley,
Rev. Andrew Kmetko, and Rev. Robert
Dvorak. From the meaningful worship services to the annual convention Sunday buffet,
this was always a picture-perfect event. Susan
and I had the pleasure of becoming good
friends with Bob and Dottie, and we cherish
our times together at the annual meeting. I
so admired Bob’s dramatic preaching that I
asked him to speak at one of our important
Opening Convocations here on the campus.
The Convention was so committed to the
College that they implemented two endowed scholarships
which will benefit A-B students for decades to come. This
gift of love will provide love for years to come for many
of our students.
My strong personal feelings for my Czech brethren was
exhibited in my carefully crafted annual welcoming letter
and opening Convention remarks. For me this partnership
was a spiritual tie between the majestic mountains of Central Europe and the magnificent mountains of Appalachia
—a spiritual tie between fellow believers from Canada and
the U.S. and the A-B family members called to serve others
through Christian higher education.
Each year, the Convention came to our mountaintop to
provide its members with a mountaintop spiritual experience, but this annual gathering also provided us in the A-B
family with a mountaintop spiritual experience!
Dr. Steven Markwood
President of Alderson-Broaddus College
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada A
s I complete my first year
as the eighth president of
Alderson-Broaddus College, I am honored to reflect on
the beautiful relationship between
Alderson-Broaddus College and
the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention. I have thoroughly enjoyed
working with George and Marija
Sommer, whose 40-year journey with A-B College and
support for the Convention is a testimony of God’s grace
and blessing. There can be no doubt that God led them to
our school and has used them to bless the lives of countless
faculty, staff and students.
George and Marija Sommer have been instrumental in
the strong partnership between Alderson-Broaddus College and the Convention. When I think of the 20 years
of songs, prayers, and fellowship brought to our campus
by the Convention, I recognize the blessing of this gathering to our College family. Our College owes a debt of
gratitude to George and Marija for their leadership, and
to the Convention for the spirit and joy they brought to
our school.
In these days of economic uncertainty and worldwide
trouble and fear, I am delighted that the message and ministry of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention prevails. The
“glorious hope” found in each convention participant’s
journey of faith and testimonial is an encouragement to
all who pass our way.
May God continue to bless the members and leaders
of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention.
With glorious hope,
J. Michael Clyburn
President of Alderson-Broaddus College, 2009–2010
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Minitonas Greetings
ear members of the czechoslovak
Milestones are amazing. God
reminds us many times in scripture of the
value of milestones and moments that
impact generations to come. One hundred
years is a significant achievement, but
what is even more amazing is the hand of God and what
He has done in those 100 years.
When the people of Israel saw God’s miracle of the
parting of the Red Sea, the parting of the Jordan River
at flood time, God asked them to build a monument of
stones. Why? So when they passed by those monuments
they would be reminded of the power and glory of God.
In that reminding they would be impressed to pass the
story down to another generation of Hebrews.
When God parted the waters of the Jordan River to
let the chosen people enter the promised land, Joshua
collected stones from the river bottom. He built a monument on the river bank as an object lesson for generations
to come. “In the future when your descendants ask their
fathers, ‘What do these stones mean?’” (Joshua 4:21).
These stones will always remind their children that God
keeps his promises and protects his people.
Think of the people who have been impacted in the last
100 years because of the Czech Convention, the lives that
have been transformed and renewed through Jesus Christ
because a group of people 100 years ago began a vision
that was prompted by God. Each year the monument laid
down more reminding stones: stories of God changing
lives, the gospel being preached, churches impacting their
community for the Kingdom of God.
Cornerstone Baptist Church would like to extend our
congratulations for this milestone of which we have also
been a part. I am reminded of the hymn written by Fanny
Crossly, To God Be the Glory…
To God be the glory, great things He has done;
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
Who yielded His life an atonement for sin,
And opened the life gate that all may go in.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory, great things He has done.
In Christ,
Pastor Garth Priebe
Cornerstone Baptist Congregation
Czechoslovak Baptist Convention — 1993 Minitonas
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
Pastor Dan Widlicka Remembers
n the fall of 1971 I attended the midyear planning session at the Hatch
Hollow Baptist Church. Rev. Frank
Brdlik was pastor. Rev. John Karenko was
president of the Convention. During our
session it was mentioned that we should
consider dissolving the Convention
and giving the remaining funds to our
brethren in Czechoslovakia. After much
prayer we felt the Lord was directing us
to continue the Convention.
One of the driving forces in this decision was the wonderful ministry of our
periodical Glorious Hope, especially to
our elderly brothers and sisters. (Editors
at this time were Brothers Vladimir Canji
and Stan Hibbins).
Almost immediately at our Convention
in Campbell, Ohio, in 1972, the Lord
brought George and Marija Sommer to us
with their unique music ministry, and many
others who had escaped from Czechoslovakia after 1968, mainly people from the
Toronto Czechoslovak Baptist Church. In
1973 I became president of the Convention. At that time Rev. Henry Boubelik
was pastor of the Minitonas Czechoslovak
Baptist Church. In 1974 Rev. Boubelik was
voted in as president of the Convention,
followed by myself, Rev. John Michael, and
Rev. Robert Mobley. The rest is history,
with our current president, Rev. Robert
President… Continues from page 2
any Christian faith community—achieved significant things
from pooling resources, and that one congregation trying
to “go it alone” faces a lot of limitations, but when joined
with others can attempt and accomplish much. “Better
together” could have been a great slogan for what was
getting underway.
So it started. Three years into the experiment, in 1912,
the convention that met in Pound, Wisconsin, separated
from the Polish constituency to undertake an agenda of its
own. Thereafter the name Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of America was adopted, and the convention elected
a team of four officers: Rev. Matthias Steucek, president;
Rev. August Meereis, vice president; Rev. Vaclav Hlad,
secretary; and John Valastiak, treasurer. Immediately an
offering was taken; it netted $7.00. And that was enough
to get going!
One century later the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of the USA and Canada looks a lot different from
what got organized in 1909. For some years now the
cradle of our convention has been Philippi, West Virginia,
not Chicago, IL. Each summer we meet on the campus
of Alderson-Broaddus College for four days. Currently,
convention delegates are those individual members who
identify with the mission and purposes of a very long run
of convention years. A lot of things about the structure
and style of the convention have, of course, changed, but
allegiance to Christ, loyalty to the gospel, commitment to
bring Christ to the nations, and a solidarity particularly
with Baptist brothers and sisters in the Slovak and Czech
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada homelands remain fixed in place.
Discover more of our story in the pages of this magazine, won’t you? We trust you will enjoy what you find
here. Above all, we hope that the Lord approves of the
record of this convention. Our primary goal is to please
him in all things.
Thanks for reading, and special thanks to our editors
and contributors for putting all this material together.
Robert Dvorak,
President of Czechoslovak Baptist Convention
Glimpse into the History… Continues from page 7
In addition to the six churches noted above, however, the
Convention embraces numbers of people whose personal
histories include formative years in Czechoslovak Baptist
congregations or who have become interested in the life
and work of the Convention for a variety of individual
reasons. The mailing list for the United States and Canada
numbers some 800 addresses.
In some ways, the Convention today is characterized
more by personal connectedness than by church networking. The collegiality, unity, fellowship, mission, and shared
heritage are perhaps a stronger feature today than during
some of the other periods in the hundred-year history of the
Natasha Laurinc
Drawn from various sources
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
The Missionary Work
uring research on the Convention’s
history, one word started flashing
throughout the pages. The word was
“mission.” It is amazing how many people of
the Convention have heard the call and gone
to the mission field. The Convention has had
very able ministers and missionaries, well educated and equipped for mission work. Several
ministers have achieved high degrees.
In nineteen years the Convention contribRev. Václav Hlad
uted over $33,000 towards the mission work
in Europe and in America.
Several churches and missions were established in
Over the course of time,
the Convention had as its
missionaries in Czechoslovakia Rev. K. Čermák, Rev.
J. Dvořák, Rev. Kadlec,
Rev. J. Roth, Rev. K. JerKatarína Hudáčková
Rev. J.P. Piroch
sák, Rev. T. Macháček,
Rev. Mikulenčák, Rev. J.P.
Piroch and Rev. H. Slanina,
Rev. Ján Šturman, Rev. Václav
Hlad, Rev. Frank Brdlík, Rev.
Dr. V.J. Vita, Rev. Joseph J.
Shereda, Katarína Hudáčková.
In Poland our missionaries
were Rev. V. Volanský and
Rev. E. Volanský; in Germany,
E. Svoboda; and in the United
States, Rev. J Fořt, Rev. F.
Čech, Rev. Václav Vojta, Rev.
Josef Vaněk and others.
In 1941 Rev. and Mrs. M.
Joe Novak and Ota Vozeh
Ruby Mikulencak
After World War II a number of changes
came about, chief of which was the anglicizing
transition in all the churches. Young men and
women establishing new homes felt the need
for more English and a closer integration into
the life of the community.
A further change was the closing of the
doors of Czechoslovakia to missionary work
because of the political situation there: support
of missionary work was blocked by the new
In the course of time the Czechoslovak Convention saw the great need in
the little country of Haiti, and started
supporting Rev. C.S. Kelly.
Other supported missions:
•In Yugoslavia—native ministers and
the seminary at Novi Sad.
•In Ghana—Ruby Mikulencak, now
SIM Ghana Director
•Tract Ministry—Joe Novak
•Fellowship Missions—V. Hromádka
•TWR broadcasts in Monte Carlo—
Otta Vožeh, Rev. Robert Poloha,
Jozef Gabor
•HCJB broadcasts in Ecuador, South
America—Georgina Gonzalez
•Slavic Mission—Rev. Vlado Čanji in
•In Czech Republic—Mark and
Gretchen Potma
•In Kenya—Dan and Dita Poenaru
Natasha Laurinc
Evan became the
missionaries of this
organization, working in a number of
Wisconsin Czechoslovak settlements.
The Czechoslovak
Baptist Convention
had almost three
thousand members
and twenty -five
pastors, and was
supporting sixteen
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
Mark and Gretchen Potma Family
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
Misijní práce
ři zkoumání historie konvence mi začalo
ze stránek probleskovat jedno slovo.
Tím slovem byla misie. Je obdivuhodné
kolik lidí z řad konvence slyšelo volání a odešlo na misijní pole. Konvence sdružovala velmi
schopné a vzdělané kazatele i misionáře s
potřebným vybavením pro misijní práci. Několik kazatelů dosáhlo vysokého vzdělání.
Během devatenácti let existence konvence
podporovala své misionáře kaz. K. Čermáka,
kaz. J. Dvořáka, kaz. Kadlece, kaz. J. Rotha,
kaz. K. Jersáka, kaz. T. Macháčka, kaz. Mikulenčáka, kaz. J.P. Pirocha, kaz. H. Slaninu, kaz.
J. Šturmana, kaz. V. Hlada, kaz. F. Brdlíka,
kaz. Dr. V.J. Vítu, kaz. J.J. Šeredu, Katarínu
Hudáčkovou v Československu; v Polsku kaz.
V. Volanského a kaz. E. Volanského;
v Německu E. Svobodu; ve Spojených
státech kaz. J. Fořta, kaz. F. Čecha, kaz.
V. Vojtu, kaz. J. Vaňka a další.
V roce 1941 se kaz. M. Evan a jeho
manželka stali misionáři konvence,
kteří pracovali mezi několika československými osadami. Československá
baptistická konvence měla téměř tři
tisíce členů s pětadvaceti kazately a
podporovala šestnáct misionářů.
Po druhé světové válce došlo k několika změnám, zvláště to byl přechod na
angličtinu ve všech sborech. Mladí lidé
zakládající rodiny cítili potřebu angličtiny a přizpůsobení se americkému způsobu života.
Další změnou bylo uzavření dvěří
do Československa pro misijní práci
Ruby Mikulencak in Ghana
Joe Novak
Další podporované misie:
•v Jugoslávii—místní kazatele a seminář v
Novém Sadě
•v Ghaně—Ruby Mikulenčákovou, nyní
ředitelku SIM (misijní společnosti) v
•traktátová misie—Josef Novák
•misijní associace—V. Hromádka
•TWR rozhlasové vysílání v Monte
Carlu—Otta Vožeh, kaz. Robert Poloha,
Jozef Gábor
•HCJB rozhlasové vysílání v Jižní Americe—Jiřinka Gonzálezová
•slovanská misie—kaz. Vl. Čanji na Slovensku
•v České republice—Mark a Gretchen
•v Keni—Dan a Dita Poenarovi
Nataša Laurincová
v důsledku politické situace po
roce 1948: podpora
misijní práce byla
novou vládou zablokována.
Po čase viděla
potřebu v malé zemi
Haiti a začala podporovat místního
kaz. C.S. Kellyho.
Rev. Vlado Čanji
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada The Poenarus
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
Convention time line from year to year, showing the place
of the Convention, giving the names of the elected officers
in the following order:
and mentioning some items of interest, theme and text if
Chronologický přehled konvence uvádějící místo konání a
jména zvolených pracovníků v následujícím pořadí:
a zmiňující některé zajímavosti, dostupná tématá a texty.
1st—CHICAGO, IL, First Bohemian Baptist Church
Rev. Václav Králíček, Rev. Matthias Šteuček,
Rev. K. Střelec, Rev. Václav Hlad
12 churches—about 600 members
12 sborů—přibližně 600 členů
2nd—DETROIT, MI No record available—Žádné informace
No record available—Žádné informace
3rd—POUND, WI, Polish Baptist Church
Rev. Matthias Šteuček, Rev. August Meeris,
Rev. Václav Hlad, Ján Valaštiak
Decided to publish Slovak ZORA, monthly, Editor Ján Kana
Přijato rozhodnutí k vydávání slovenského měsíčníku ZORA
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
Rev. Václav Hlad
The First Czechoslovak Baptist Convention in 1909
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
4th—CREIGHTON, PA, First Slovak Baptist Church
5th—CHICAGO, IL, Emanuel Bohemian Baptist Church
Rev. Václav Hlad, Rev. P. Bednár,
Ján Kána, J. Valaštiak
Rev. Václav Hlad, Rev. P. Bednár,
Rev. A.P. Slabey, Ján Valaštiak
Rev. Václav Hlad, Rev. Matthias. Šteuček, Rev. K. Brázda,
Ján Valaštiak
The Slavic Baptist Training School established in Chicago
Založen Slovanský baptistické učitelský ústav v Chicagu
Robert Dvorak at the grave of his grandfather Rev. Vaclav Hlad
History to 101st Year
Rev. P. Bednár, Rev. A.P. Slabey,
Rev. Anton Hok, Ján Valaštiak
Rev. A.P. Slabey, Rev. P. Brázda,
Rev. B. Mrázek, Ján Valaštiak
13 Churches, 1158 members
13 sborů, 1158 členů
Rev. P. Brázda, Rev. Matthias Šteuček,
Mr. Krajčocič, Ján Valaštiak
June 11–15, 1916, Cleveland
10th—CHICAGO, IL, First Bohemian Baptist Church
Rev. P. Brázda, Rev. Anton Hok,
Rev. B. Mrázek, Ján Valaštiak
Rev. Dr. V.J. Víta, Rev. Anton Hok,
Rev. J.J. Pavelda, Ján Valaštiak
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
13th—MINNEAPOLIS, MN, First Slovak Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. V. J. Víta, Rev. K. Brázda, Rev. J. J. Pavelda, F. Leiner
The Slavic Baptist Training School transfered to East Orange, N. J.,
as Czechoslovak Department of International Baptist Seminary
Slovanský baptistický učitelský ústav převeden do East Orange, N. J.,
jako Československá sekce Mezinárodního baptistického semináře
20 Churches, 1799 members—20 sborů, 1799 členů
No record available about officers
Žádná jména pracovníků k dispozici
Periodical PRAVDA accepted as the conventional journal
Periodikum PRAVDA přijaté jako konvenční časopis
Support of missionary work in Czechoslovakia begun
Počátek podpory misiononářů v Československu
Rev. Š.J. Herban, Rev. Karel Dušek,
Rev. Edward Čatloš, F. Leiner
Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Union organized
Založen Odbor sester
National Baptist Young People’s Union organized on November 18, 1923
18. listopadu 1923 založen Národní odbor baptistické mládeže
National Baptist Young People’s
Union of America
he National Baptist Young People’s Union
was organized on November 18, 1923.
Rev. G. M. Hadraba was the first president.
On July 5, 1924, the first young people’s
convention presented its program in Cleveland,
Ohio. At the Convention a constitution and
the name, “The Czechoslovak Baptist Young
People’s Union of America” were adopted.
The motto was, “Jesus Christ needs the
young people, and the young people need Jesus
Christ; the church needs young people and the
young people need church.” The Young People’s
Union was divided into four geographical districts: Western (Chicago and vicinity), Central
(Cleveland and vicinity), Eastern (Richmond,
New York and vicinity), and Northern (Minneapolis and vicinity).
The literary organ of this group was Convention Flashes, started in 1939, later (1941)
called Our Task.
The last record about the Young People’s
Union is from 1954. Daniel Chipka was the
president at that time.
Natasha Laurinc
Rev. Josef Vaněk, Rev. J.J. Pavelda, Rev. Edward Čatloš, F. Leiner
Shelter UTULNA for elderly suggested by V. Hlad; accepted
Návrh V. Hlada na ÚTULNU pro přestárlé; přijaté
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History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
17th—CHICAGO, IL, Emanuel Bohemian Baptist Church
Rev. Karel Bohatec, Rev. G.M. Hadraba, Rev. E. Čatloš, F. Leiner
Rev. Karel Bohatec, Rev. Jaroslav J. Zmrhal, Rev. Edward Čatloš, A. Sládek
Rev. Jaroslav J. Zmrhal, Rev. P. Kubík, Rev. G.M. Hadraba, A. Sládek
New hymnal PÍSNĚ A CHVALOZPĚVY published
Vydání nových zpěvníků PÍSNĚ A CHVALOZPĚVY
WINDSOR Church accepted into the Convention
Windsorský sbor přijat do konvence
Theme: Baptists—Baptisté
Rev. Jaroslav J. Zmrhal, Rev. J. J. Pavelda, Rev. G.M. Hadraba, A. Tvarožek
Purchase of the shelter UTULNA in New Prague, MI, for $13,000
Zakoupení ÚTULNY v New Prague, Minn., za $13,000
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
21st—CHICAGO, IL, First Bohemian Baptist Church
24th—CHICAGO, IL, Trinity Bohemian Baptist Church
Rev. P. Kubík, Rev. J.J. Pavelda, Rev. G.M. Hadraba, A. Tvarožek
Rev. P. Kubík, Rev. Frank T. Brdlík, Rev. G.M. Hadraba, A. Tvarožek
Slavná Naděje combined with Pravda as PRAVDA A SLAVNÁ NADĚJE
Slavná Naděje spojena s Pravdou jako PRAVDA A SLAVNÁ NADĚJE
František Dojáček, Rev. J.J. Pavelda, Rev. Edward Čatloš, K. Sekava
By-laws accepted—Přijetí stanov
Emanuel baseball team
František Dojáček, Rev. Karel Bohatec, Rev. Edward Čatloš, K. Sekava
Rev. Dr. V.J. Víta, Rev. Michal D. Hiben, Rev. G.M. Hadraba, K. Sekava
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
28th—CHICAGO, IL, Emanuel Slovak—New Covenant Baptist Church
30th—CHICAGO, IL, Emanuel Bohemian-Lawndale Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. V.J. Víta, Rev. B. Mrázek, Rev. G.M. Hadraba, K. Sekava
Rev. Dr. Josef Novotný, Rev. Michael D. Hiben, Rev. Edward Čatloš, K. Sekava
No record available—Žádné informace
Rev. Michael D. Hiben
Rev. Michael D. Hiben, Rev. Jan Fořt, Rev. Edward Čatloš, K. Sekava
Rev. Michael D. Hiben, Rev. Frank T. Brdlík, Rev. Edward Čatloš, K. Sekava
Rev. Frank T. Brdlík, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, Rev. Edward Čatloš, K. Sekava
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
32nd—MINNEAPOLIS, MN, Medicine Lake Camp
34th—CHICAGO, IL, Emanuel Bohemian-Lawndale Bapt. Church
35th—AKRON, OH
Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, Rev. Jan Fořt, Rev. Edward Čatloš, K. Sekava
35 churches in the Convention representing three thousand members
Konvence sdružuje 35 sborů, představující tři tisíce členů
Subsidiary Fund for the distressed in CSSR established—Pomocný fond pro trpící v ČSSR
Victory Fund for mission work established—Založen Fond vítězství k šírení misijní práce
Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, Rev. Joseph J. Shereda, Rev. Edward Čatloš, K. Sekava
International Baptist Seminary in East Orange, NJ, closed
Uzavření Mezinárodního baptistického semináře
Rev. Jan Fořt, Rev. Josef Zajíček, Rev. Edward Čatloš, P. Hanko
Rev. Jan Fořt, Katarína Hudáčková, Rev. Edward Čatloš, Stanley Dvořák
A.P. Tell, Rev. F. Čech, Rev. Edward Čatloš, Stanley Dvořák
36th—CHICAGO, IL, First Bohemian Baptist Church
Theme: Thru Planting the Word to Harvest the Souls
Setbou Slova ke sklizni duší Text: Acts 6;7
A.P. Tell, Dr. Karel Marek, Rev. Edward Čatloš, Stanley Dvořák
Toronto church accepted into the Convention
Torontský sbor přijat do konvence
od in His infinite grace has placed His
name upon a people who, for one reason or another, left their beloved homeland
of Czechoslovakia to take up a new life in a
strange and sometimes hostile land. The historical account of these refugees from poverty
and oppression cannot here be told; nor is
it possible in the allotted space to tell of the
individual groups of Baptists that sprang up
in many large concentrations of Czechoslovak
population in urban and rural communities.
Missions successively became churches and
ultimately these churches spontaneously felt
the need for a larger, more binding kind of
fellowship and missionary outreach. Out of
this need was born the Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention of North America.
John D. Michael, 50th Anniversary of the Convention
Bible Camp, Medicine Lake, Minneapolis, MN
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
40th—MINITONAS, MB, First session of the Convention in Canada
Theme: Christians in Progress—Rostoucí křesťan
A.P. Tell, Rev. John P. Piroch, Rev. Edward Čatloš, Stanley Dvořák
35,701 lb of food and clothing sent to Czechoslovakia ($11,184.69)
Zásilka jídla a šatstva do Československa, 35 701 lb v hodnotě $11 184,69
Rev. Joseph J. Shereda, Rev. F. Brdlík, Rev. Edward Čatloš, Stanley Dvořák
New hymnal PÍSNĚ DUCHOVNÍ published (seven thousands sent to Czechoslovakia)
Vydán nový zpěvník PÍSNĚ DUCHOVNÍ (sedm tisíc výtisků zasláno do Československa)
Theme: He That Winneth Souls Is Wise—Moudrý je ten, kdo získá duši svou
Rev. Joseph J. Shereda, Rev. Michael Evan, Rev. Edward Čatloš, Stanley Dvořák
Theme: Christians and Present Time—Křesťan a současná doba
Rev. Michael Evan, Rev. Dr. Harry, B. Gray, Rev. Dr. Karel Marek, Stanley Dvořák
Theme: Prayer—Modlitba, Text: Luke 11:1
Rev. Michael Evan, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, Stanley Dvořák
Support of missionary work in Czechoslovakia blocked by new government
Podpora misijní práce v Československu zastavena novou vládou
New missionary effort started in Haiti—Podpora misie zaměřena na Haiti
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada Rev. Michael Evan
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
1950—Cleveland, OH
Theme: Personal Evangelism—Osobní evangelizace, Text: Psalm 126:5
Rev. Andrew Kmetko, Paul Struhárik, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, Stanley Dvořák
Theme: Put This Money to Work Until I Come Back—Hospodařte s tím, dokud nepřijdu
Text: Luke 19:13
Rev. Dr. Karel Marek, Paul Struhárik, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, Stanley Dvořák
Theme: Sovereignty of Jesus Christ—Svrchovanost Ježíše Krista
Text: Philippians 2:11
Rev. Dr. Karel Marek, Paul Struhárik, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, Stanley Dvořák
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
46th—CHICAGO, IL, First Bohemian Baptist Church
49th—CLEVELAND, OH, Corlett Ave.
Theme: Revival of a Nation—Obnovení národa
Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Proverbs 14:34
Rev. D. Evan, S. Struhárik, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, John A. Jeren
Theme: Unity in Christ—Jednota v Kristu
Text: Ephesians 4:4–6
Rev. D. Evan, Paul Struhárik, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, John A. Jeren
Theme: The Holiness of Believers—Svatost věřících
Text: 1 Peter 1:16
Rev. Frank T. Brdlík, Rev. P. Kubík, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, John A. Jeren
Theme: I Want to Know Christ—Chci poznat Ježíše
Text: Philippians 3:8
Rev. Frank T. Brdlík, Rev. P. Kubík, Rev. Vincent P. Stupka, John A. Jeren
Theme: Christ the Center of His Church—Ježíš centrem své církve
Text: Revelation 1:11–13a
Sam Struhárik, Rev. John D. Michael, Rev. Vincent, P. Stupka, John A. Jeren
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada A
t the Convention of 1914,
held at the Emmanuel
Bohemian Baptist Church of
Chicago, it was decided that
a seminary be founded for
the training of young men
for the ministry. Accordingly,
the school was organized in
1915 in Chicago, and called
The Slavic Baptist Training
School. It opened with an
enrollment of fourteen students – nine Poles and five
Czechoslovaks. In 1921 the
school was merged into the
International Baptist Seminary of East Orange, New
John D. Michael, 50th Anniversary of the Convention
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
50th—CLEVELAND, OH, Scranton Rd. Baptist Church
Theme: Proclaim Liberty—Hlásání svobody
Text: Leviticus 25:10
Sam Struhárik, Rev. John D. Michael, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, John A. Jeren
Golden Anniversary of the Convention
Zlaté výročí konvence
Rev. Andrew Kmetko
Theme: Heaven–Our Hope — Nebe–naše naděje
Text: Hebrews 11:16
Rev. John D. Michael, Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, John A. Jeren
Theme: Our Specialties—Naše zvláštnosti
Text: Gal. 3:27
Rev. John D. Michael, Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. Andrew Kmetko,
John A. Jeren
Theme: God’s People—Boží lid
Text: 1 Peter 2:9
Rev. John D. Michael, Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. Andrew Kmetko,
John A. Jeren
Dr. John D. Michael and Rev. Daniel Widlicka
54th—CHICAGO, IL, Emanuel Slovak – New Covenant Baptist Church
Theme: Immutable Christ in a Changing World
Neměnitelný Kristus v měnícím se světě
Text: Hebrews 13:8
Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. F. Brdlík, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, John A. Jeren
Rev. Frank T. Brdlík
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
56th—TORONTO, ON, Czechoslovak Baptist Church
57th—CLEVELAND, OH, Scranton Rd. Baptist Church
58th—MINITONAS, MB , First Czech Baptist Church
Theme: Evangelization–Forward with Christ — Evangelizace–vpřed s Kristem
Text: John 3:16
Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. Frank T. Brdlík, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, John A. Jeren
Theme: Hold to the Word of Life—Držte se Slova života
Text: 2 Timothy 3:15–16
Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. F. Brdlík, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, John A. Jeren
Theme: Fellowship of Joy—Radostné obecenství
Text: Philip. 4:4
Rev. Frank T. Brdlík, Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, John A. Jeren
Theme: Repentance, Obedience, Mission—Pokání, poslušnost, misie
Text: Book of Jonah
Rev. Frank T. Brdlík, Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, Rev. Jan P. Piroch
Theme: Church Today—The Importance of the Church, Revival of the Church,
Responsibility of the Church
Dnešní církev—Důležitost církve, Obnovení církve, Zodpovědnost církve
Text: Matthew 16:18
Rev. J.N. Karenko, Rev. Josef Novák, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, Rev. Jan P. Piroch
Prayers for Czechoslovakia occupied by Red Army
Modlitby za Československo okupované Rudou armádou
o ask the question, “What
has been done in and
through the Czechoslovak
Baptist Convention?” is
to solicit the answer: “Far
more than the world will
ever know.” Thousands of
lives have been transformed.
Churches that have successfully made the transition
are now carrying on missionary work both in this
parent organization and in
the fellowship of the American, Canadian and Southern
Baptist Conventions. Literally dozens of dedicated
and trained Christian leaders have come out of these
churches. They continue to
serve Christ in the capacity
of teachers, professors, directors of Christian education,
missionaries, and ministers.
Also, in a natural course of
events, a host of laymen have
assumed places of service
and responsibility in other
churches and fields of the
Kingdom of God.
John D. Michael, 50th Anniversary of the Convention
Theme: Home—Domov
Text: Deuteronomy 6:4–7
Rev. J.N. Karenko, Robert Karhan, Rev. Andrew Kmetko, Rev. Jan P. Piroch
Guest: Rev. J.R. Pierre, Haiti
Host: kazatel J.R. Piere z Haiti
Robert Karhan
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
61st—TORONTO, ON, Czechoslovak Baptist Church
62nd—MINITONAS, MB, First Czech Baptist Church
Theme: Revival—Obnovení
Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14
Rev. J.N. Karenko, Rev. D. Kolman, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Theme: Christians as Witnesses—Křesťané svědky
Text: Acts 1:8
Rev. J.N. Karenko, Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Ota Vožeh reporting about TWR in Monte Carlo
Zpráva o TWR v Monte Carlu, Ota Vožeh
Toronto church
Theme: Such a Great Salvation—Takové spasení
Text: Hebrews 2: 2–3
Rev. J.N. Karenko, Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Guest speaker: Joe Morone
Hlavní řečník: Joe Morone
John Jeren Sr.
64th—CLEVELAND, OH, Scranton Rd. Baptist Church
Theme: I Am Sending You—Posílám vás
Text: John 20:21
Rev. Danidel Widlička, Rev. J.N. Karenko, Mária Schounová, John A. Jeren
Ota Vožeh reporting about his work in TWR in Monte Carlo
Ota Vožeh podal zprávu o své práci v T.W.R. v Monte Carlu
Dvorak and Sivulka
65th—WINDSOR, ON, Grace Baptist Church
Theme: Children of God: Competent, Participant, Abandonment
Boží děti: Způsobilé, spoluúčastné, odevzdané
Text: 1 John 3:1–3
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Title of Pravda a Slavná Naděje changed to SLAVNÁ NADĚJE
Název Pravda a Slavná Naděje změněn na SLAVNÁ NADĚJE
Jeren and Gregor
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
1974—First Czech Baptist Church
Minitonas, MB
History to 101st Year
Theme: God’s Men Who Helped Change the World
Boží muži, kteří pomohli změnit svět
Text: Isaiah 6:8
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Rev. and Mrs. Zeman
67th—MINITONAS, MB, First Czech Baptist Church
Theme: This We believe—Tomu věříme
Text: John 6:69
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Support of missionary work in Haiti transferred to TWR in Monte Carlo
Misijní podpora z Haiti převedena na TWR v Monte Carlu
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada Florian and Barbara Manas
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
68th—TORONTO, ON, Czechoslovak Baptist Church
Theme: The More Aboundant Life—Hojnější život
Text: John 10:10
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Theme: Stewards of the Grace of God—Správci milosti Boží
Text: 1 Peter 4:10
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Executive Board elected for two years, next elections to be in 1980
Výkonný výbor zvolen na dva roky, příští volby určeny na rok 1980
70th—CLEVELAND, OH, Scranton Rd. Baptist Church
Theme: Redeem the Time—Vykupujte čas
Text: Ephesians 5:16
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Josef Novák, John A. Jeren
Seventy years of the Convention, no elections
Sedmdesáté výročí konvence, bez voleb
Title Slavná Naděje changed to GLORIOUS HOPE - SLAVNÁ NADĚJE
Název Slavná Naděje upraven na GLORIOUS HOPE - SLAVNÁ NADĚJE
Guest: Otakar Vožeh, TWR
Host: Otakar Vožeh, TWR
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
from left: Ann Hala, Mary and Joe
Schoun, Leo Hala
John Karenko
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
71st—MINITONAS, MB, First Czech Baptist Church
72nd—CHICAGO, IL, Trinity Baptist Church
Theme: The Love of Christ Constraineth Us—Kristova láska nás zavazuje
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Dr. Pavel Titěra, Rev. Stanislav Švec and Rev. D. Šaling, who
came from Czechoslovakia as delegates to the World Congress in Toronto
Hosté konvence: kazatel Dr. Pavel Titěra, kazatel Stanislav Švec a kazatel D. Šaling, delegáti
z Československa na Světovém kongresu v Torontě
Theme: Can We Wait? Arise...Go and Cry
Můžeme prodlévat? Vstaňte...jděte a volejte
Text: John 4:35, Jonah 1:2
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
No elections—Bez voleb
Dr. Pavel Titěra
History to 101st Year
Dr. Zeman with Dr. and
Mrs. Titěra
73rd—WINDSOR, ON, Grace Baptist Church
Theme: He That Winneth Souls is Wise—Kdo je moudrý, ten duše získává
Text: Proverbs 11:30
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Guests at the Convention: Rev. and Mrs J. Kriška and Rev. F. Ciesar from Czechoslovakia
Hosté konvence: kazatel J. Kriška s manželkou a kazatel F. Ciesar z Československa
Later in the year Rev. and Mrs. H.F. Boubelík, Rev. D. Widlička and G. Sommer visited Baptist churches and were
guests of the Baptist Convention in Czechoslovakia
Koncem roku kazatel H.F. Boubelík s manželkou, kazatel D. Widlička a G. Sommer byli hosty na konferenci Bratrské
jednoty baptistů a navštívili baptistické sbory v Československu
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
Theme: Walking in the Light—Chození ve světle
Text: 1. John 1:7
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
No elections—Bez voleb
75th—TORONTO, ON, Czechoslovak Baptist Church
Toronto church
Theme: The Entrance of the Word Giveth Light—Tvé slovo s sebou světlo přináší
Text: Psalm 119:130
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
New position: Rev. Miloš Šolc, vice president for Canada
Nová funkce: kazatel Miloš Šolc, viceprezident pro Kanadu
Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Convention—Sedmdesáté páté výročí konvence
10 churches in the Convention—Konvence zahrnuje 10 sborů
Theme: The Sovereignty of God—Boží svrchovanost
Text: Psalm 139
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Rev. M. Šolc, vice president of Canada
Guest at the Convention: Rev. J. Šperl from Czechoslovakia
Hosté konvence: kazatel J. Šperl z Československa
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
77th—MINITONAS, MB, First Czech Baptist Church
Theme: You Did Not Choose Me, But I Chose You to Go...
Vy jste si mne nezvolili, ale já jsem vás vybral, abyste šli...
Text: John 15:16
Rev. Henry F. Boubelík, Rev. Daniel Widlička, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office open: Rev. Miloš Šolc, Stanley Hynek
Otevřen úřad v Kanadě: kazatel Miloš Šolc, Stanislav Hynek
Guest at the Convention: Rev. Pavol Kondač from Czechoslovakia
Hosté konvence: kazatel Pavol Kondač z Československa
78th—CLEVELAND, OH, Scranton Rd. Baptist Church
79th—WINDSOR, ON, Grace Baptist Church
Daniel Widlicka
Theme: Enlarging Our Missionary Vision—Rozšíření našeho misijního pohledu
Text: Isaiah 54:2
Rev. Daniel Widlička, Rev. Robert L. Mobley, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Miloš Šolc, Stanley Hynek
The Henry F. Boubelik Missionary Trust Fund established
Založen misijní fond Henryho F. Boubelíka
Theme: Know the Word! Live the Word! Share the Word!
Znej Slovo! Žij Slovo! Sdílej Slovo!
Text: 2 Tim. 3:16–17
Rev. Dr. John D. Michael, Rev. Robert L. Mobley, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Josef Novák, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Jan Pospíšil, president of Czechoslovak Baptist Union, and his wife
Hosté konvence: kazatel Jan Pospíšil, prezident Československé jednoty baptistů, s manželkou
Milan Lev, Joe Novak,
Jerry Rand, Josef Hynek
and Stanislav Hynek
80th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Making God Known... In the Beginning God...
Boží dílo známo... Na počátku Bůh...
Text: Gen. 1:1
Rev. Robert L. Mobley, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Josef Novák, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Jaroslav Pospíšil and his wife
Hosté konvence: kazatel Jaroslav Pospíšil s manželkou
John Jeren Jr. and Sr.
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
1989—Philippi, WV
81st—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Thus Says the Lord: I Have Called You by Name–You Are Mine
Toto praví Hospodin: povolal jsem tě jménem tvým–patříš mi!
Text: Isaiah 43:1
Rev. Robert L. Mobley, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Josef Novák, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
The John and Emily Michael Memorial Scholarship Fund established
Založen Pamětní stipendijní fond Johna a Emily Michaelových
Guests at the Convention: Martin, Jindřich and Zdeněk Pospíšil—The Pospíšil Trio
Hosté konvence: Martin, Jindřich a Zdeněk Pospíšilovi—Trio Pospíšilových
82nd—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
83rd—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
George Sommer
Theme: Jesus Through Many Eyes: Who Do You Say I Am?
Ježíš v očích druhých: A za koho mě máte vy?
Text: Mat. 16:15
Rev. Robert L. Mobley, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Josef Novák, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Theme: Things that remain. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing
can be added to it and nothing taken from it.
To, co zůstává. Vím, že vše, co Bůh dělá, trvá navěky; nic k tomu nelze přidat ani
z toho nic odejmout.
Text: Eccalesiastes 3:14a
Rev. Robert L. Mobley, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Josef Novák, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Dave Dravecky, Rev. Juraj Kohút and his wife
Hosté konvence: Dave Dravecky, kazatel Juraj Kohút s manželkou
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
Robert Dvorak
Joe Novak
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
1992—Philippi, WV
1990—Philippi, WV
History to 101st Year
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
84th—MINITONAS, MB, First Czech Baptist Church
85th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Where Have We Been?—Odkud jdeme?
Text: 1. Samuel 7:12b
Rev. Robert L. Mobley, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Josef Novák, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Theme: Where Are We Now?—Kde jsme nyní?
Text: 1. Samuel 7:12b
Rev. Robert L. Mobley, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Bruce Snurr, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Juraj Pribula and his wife
Hosté konvence: kazatel Juraj Pribula s manželkou
Dr. Robert Mobley receives Honorary
Divinity Doctor Degree
86th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Where Are We Going?
Kam jdeme?
Text: 1 Samuel 7:12b
Rev. Robert L. Mobley, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer,
John A. Jeren
Canadian Office: Rev. Bruce Snurr, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev,
Otilia Alac
Dr. Robert Mobley, Mrs. and Mr. Dravecky
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
87th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: How Do We Get There?—Jak se tam dostanem?
Text: 1. Samuel 7:12b
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Bruce Snurr, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Petr Červinský and his wife
Hosté konvence: kazatel Petr Červinský s manželkou
Rev. R.L. Mobley awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Alderson-Broaddus College
Udělen čestný doktorát teologie univerzitou Alderson-Broaddus College kazateli R.L. Mobleymu
88th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Best News—A Gospel for the World and Salvation to Us
Největší zpráva—Světu evangelium a nám spasení
Text: Romans 15:1,2
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Bruce Snurr, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Vladimír Dvořák and Růžena Dvořáková-Žiaranová
Hosté konvence: Vladimír Dvořák a Růžena Dvořáková-Žiaranová
Paul Struharik
Vladimír Dvořák
89th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: We Have Seen His Glory—Viděli jsme Jeho slávu
Text: John 1:14b
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Dobroslav Stehlík and his wife
Hosté konvence: kazatel Dobroslav Stehlík s manželkou
Rev. Dobroslav Stehlík and his wife
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
90th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
91st—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
92nd—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: To Live as Spiritual Christians—Žít Duchem
Text: Galatians 2:22–25
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Jerry Rand, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Rev. Andrew Kmetko awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree
Udělen čestný doktorát teologie kazateli Andrew Kmetkovi
Guests: George Cooper, TWR director for Central–East Europe, Lubomir Vyhnánek, TWR director of Slovakia
Hosté: George Cooper, ředitel TWR pro středovýchodní Evropu, Lubomir Vyhnánek, ředitel TWR na Slovensku
Theme: Our hope for Living in the New Millenium—Naše naděje v novém mileniu
Text: 1 John 4:4b
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests: George Cooper (TWR Europe), Jan Victorín (TWR CZ), Jiří a Ludmila Dedecius (book Guarded City) Otilia Alac
Hosté: George Cooper (TWR v Evropě), Jan Victorín (TWR CZ), Jiří a Ludmila Dedeciovi (kniha Střežené město)
Theme: Christ‘s Expectations of Us—Co od nás Kristus očekává
Text: John 14:15
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests: TWR – Jan Victorin (CZ), Lubomír Vyhnánek (SK), George Cooper (Europe)
Hosté: TWR – Jan Victorin (CZ), Lubomír Vyhnánek (SK), George Cooper (Europe)
Jan Victorin, George Cooper,
Lubomír Vyhnánek
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
93rd—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
94th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
A. Kmetko & Matuzalems
History to 101st Year
Theme: Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?
Pane, ke komu půjdeme?
Text: John 6:68b
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Jozef Kulačík and his wife
George Cooper (TWR Europe)
Hosté konvence: kazatel Josef Kulačík s manželkou
George Cooper (TWR Europe)
Theme: You’ll Never Walk Alone
Nikdy nepůjdete sami
Text: Leviticus 26:11,12
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: The Christian Singing Group Matuzalem - Slavo Kráľ, Daniel Šaling,
Daniel Valenta, Dušan Jančula, Peter Rapoš
George Cooper( TWR Europe)
Hosté konvence: Křesťanská skupina Matuzalem – Slavo Kráľ, Daniel Šaling, Daniel Valenta,
Dušan Jančula, Peter Rapoš
George Cooper (TWR Europe)
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada George Cooper
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
95th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Living Power: Power That Is Alive, Power to Make Us Lively
Živá moc: Moc, která žije a nás oživuje
Text: 2 Timothy 1:7
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Luboš and Diana Dzuriak
George Cooper (TWR Europe)
Hosté konvence: Luboš a Diana Dzuriakovci
George Cooper (TWR Europe)
Rev. Robert Dvorak awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from
Alderson-Broaddus College
Udělen čestný doktorát teologie univerzitou Alderson-Broaddus College kazateli
Robertovi Dvorakovi
Bob Dvorak receiving Honorary Divinity
Doctor Degree
96th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: What Is Asked of Us?
Co se od nás očekává?
Text: Deuteronomy 10:12
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer,
George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev,
Otilia Alac
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
Andrew Kmetko receiving Honorary Divinity Doctor Degree
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
97th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Life with God Very Near—Život s Bohem se přiblížil
Text: 2 Cor. 6:16b
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Jan Titera and his wife
George Cooper (TWR Europe)
Hosté konvence: kazatel Jan Titěra s manželkou
George Cooper (TWR Europe)
Věra and Jan Titěrovi
98th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Whoever Is in Christ Is New
Kdo je v Kristu, je nové stvoření
Text: 2 Cor. 5:17
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Rev. Tomas Kriska and his wife
Hosté konvence: kazatel Tomáš Kriška s manželkou
Tomáš and Ester Kriškovi
99th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: Spiritual Wisdom
Duchovní moudrost
Text: Proverbs 9:10
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer,
George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev,
Otilia Alac
George Gregor at the general board meeting
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
100th—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: The Mission Today and Always—Misijní poslání dnes a navždy
Text: John 20: 21b
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, George Sommer, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Rev. Ján Banko, Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
Guests at the Convention: Dr. Denton Lotz, Dr. Barry Moore, Tim Bailey,
Rev. Jan Titěra, Dr. Darko Kraljik
Hosté konvence: Dr. Denton Lotz, Dr. Barry Moore, Tim Bailey,
kazatel Jan Titěra, Dr. Darko Kraljik
J. Titěra, R. Dvorak, Darko Kraljik
at the banquet
101st—PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Theme: The Call God Has Sent Us
- To Serve Faithfully and Wait Patiently (I Thessalonians 1:9–10)
- To Assume a Fresh Identity with the Lord (Romans 1:1,5-7)
- To Use Personal Strengths and Gifts to God’s Glory (I Peter 4:10)
- To Final Victory Alongside God (Revelation 17:14)
Poslání Bohem svěřené
- Věrně sloužit a očekávat trpělivě
- Obnovit totožnost s Pánem
- Používat vlastní přednosti a dary k slávě Boží
- Ke konečnému vítězství po boku Božím
Rev. Robert Dvorak, Rev. Josef Novák, Darko Siracki, George Gregor
Canadian Office: Donna Nesvadba, Milan Lev, Otilia Alac
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
History to 101st Year
List of ordained Ministers that were active in the churches of our
Convention from its beginning in 1909 up to this date July 9, 2009
Abraham Joseph
Adrian George
Abdallah George
Banko Ján
Bastel F. T.
Bednár Pavel
Bohatec Karel
Boubelík Henry F.
Brázda Charles
Brdlík Frank T.
Chipka Daniel
Cornell G.
Čánji Vl.
Čapek N. F.
Čatloš Edward
Čech Frank
Daku Paul
Devine Keneth
Dowse J.
Dvorak, Dr. Robert
Dušek A.
Dušek Karel
Elavský M. S.
Evan Daniel
Evan Michael
Feryance Daniel
Fořt Jan
Franka Ján
Fried Harold
Georgoff George
Gilbert Jame
Gray, Dr. Harry
Hadraba George M.
Herban Stephan J.
Hibbins S. W.
Hiben M. D.
Hlad Václav
Hnůta M. J.
Hok Anton
Ibser Henry
Karenko John N.
Kejř Jan
Kmetko, Dr. Andrew
Knobloch Adolf
Kolman Daniel
Kovacs, Dr. Sandor B.
Králíček Václav
Kralík Vladimír
Krivosh Michael
Kubík Pavel
Lemon Art
Manas Florian
Mantle Stan
Marek, Dr. Karel
Matejka J.
Matejka M. S.
Mazanec Richard
McMahon Kenneth
Meereis August
Michael, Dr. John D.
Miksa Ludwik
Millard Joseph
Mlynár Paul E.
Mobley, Dr. Robert
Moravský P.
Mrázek Bohumil
Novák Joseph
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada Novotný, Dr. Joseph
Pavelda J. J.
Piroch Ján P.
Potter R.
Priebe Garth
Rotar William
Rundus Joseph F.
Shereda Joseph J.
Shoff, Dr. Donald
Shuldes Václav
Skokan Paul E.
Slabey Andrew Sr.
Slabey, Dr. Andew
Snurr Bruce
Strapon Adam
Střelec Karel
Stupka Vincent P.
Škriečka J.
Šolc, Dr. Joseph
Šolc Miloš Jr.
Šolc Miloš Sr.
Šteuček Matej
Šturman Ján
Švec Stanislav
Tuček Teofil
Vaněk Josef
Víta, Dr. V. J.
Vojta, Dr. Václav
Whitney R.
Widlička Daniel
Zajíček Joseph
Zeman, Dr. J. K.
Zmrhal Jaroslav
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
he first magazine connected to the Convention was Zora (Aurora), published
monthly in Slovak. The decision was made
at the Slavic Baptist Convention in 1912. Mr.
Ján Kana was elected editor. A subscription
was 25 cents per year, to Europe 35 cents. This
magazine was discontinued in 1919. The same
year members of the Convention decided to
publish a monthly magazine, Pravda (Truth),
linked directly to the Czechoslovak Baptist
The first issue of Pravda was edited in April
1920 by the Bible Circle of the Czechoslovak
Baptist Churches of Chicago. In 1922 this magazine was taken over by the Czechoslovak Baptist
Convention. In 1927 the magazine had two
sections—the Slovak section and the Czech section. In 1929 Pravda was combined with Slavná
Naděje (Glorious Hope), a non-denominational
paper edited by Dr. V. J. Víta, creating Pravda
a Slavná Naděje (Truth and Glorious Hope).
Included in the convention magazine was a
1917—Rev. Dr. V.J. Víta started to publish SLAVNÁ NADĚJE
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
section of the literary organ published by the
young people (Convention Flashes, started in
1939, later (1941) called Our Task).
A number of editors took turn achieving the
spiritual, educational and informative reputation of the magazine. In 1974 the title Pravda
a Slavná Naděje was changed to Slavná Naděje
only. It was decided that the magazine would be
published quarterly and all expenses would be
covered by the Convention. Since 1977 Slavná
Naděje has been published every second month.
The title Slavná Naděje was changed to Glorious
Hope-Slavná Naděje in 1979.
The magazine went through many changes
over the years of its existence. The Glorious
Hope-Slavná Naděje you are holding in your
hands is the result of diligent work by a whole
team of people. It is truly the mission tool of
The Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA
and Canada, connecting Czech, Slovak and
other Slavic people over the entire world.
Natasha Laurinc
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
Magazine Timeline
rvním časopisem ve spojitosti s konvencí
byl Zora, který vycházel jednou měsíčně
ve slovenštině. Bylo o tom rozhodnuto
na Slovanské baptistické konvenci v roce 1912.
Redaktorem byl zvolen Ján Kana. Roční předplatné bylo 25 centů, do Evropy 35 centů. V
roce 1919 časopis přestal vycházet. Téhož roku
se členové konvence rozhodli vydávat měsíčník
Pravda, který byl těsné spjatý s Československou
baptistickou konvencí.
První číslo Pravdy bylo vydáno v dubnu
1920 Biblickým kroužkem československých
baptistických sborů v Chicagu. Tento časopis
převzala v roce 1922 Československá baptistická konvence. V roce 1927 měl časopis dvě
sekce – slovenskou a českou. Ke spojení Pravdy
a Slavné naděje, mezidenominačních novin
redigovaných Dr. V.J. Vítou, došlo v roce 1929, a
tak vznikl časopis Pravda a Slavná Naděje. Svou
sekci v konvenčním časopise mělo i mládežnické periodikum (Konvenční záblesky založené
v r. 1939 a v r. 1941 nazváné Náš úkol).
1945—Magazine published by young people
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada Několik redaktorů se vystřídalo a časopis
dosáhl pověsti duchovního, vzdělávacího a
informatívního časopisu. V roce 1974 byl z
názvu vypuštěn výraz Pravda a časopis se začal
jmenovat Slavná Naděje. Bylo také rozhodnuto,
že bude vycházet čtvrtletně a všechny náklady
budou hrazeny konvencí. Od roku 1977 Slavná
naděje vychází každý druhý měsíc. Titul Slavná
naděje byl v roce 1979 upraven na Glorious Hope
– Slavná naděje.
Po dobu své existence časopis prošel mnohými změnami. Glorious Hope – Slavná naděje,
kterou držíte v ruce, je výsledkem usilovné
práce celého týmu pracovníků. Vskutku je to
misijní nástroj Československé baptistické konvence v USA a Kanadě, spojující Čechy, Slováky
a další Slovany po celém světě.
Nataša Laurincová
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
Slovak ZORA, monthly
Editor Ján Kana
Editor Rev. A.P. Slabey
Rev. Dr. V.J. Víta started to
Monthly PRAVDA, published
by the Bible Circle in Chicago,
accepted into the Convention
Editor G.M. Hadraba
PRAVDA taken over by the
Editor Rev. Edward Čatloš
Editor Rev. Ján P. Piroch
Editors Rev. K. Brázda,
Rev. M.D. Hiben
Slavná Naděje combined with
Editors Rev. K. Brázda, Dr. V.J.
Vita, Rev. M.D. Hiben
Editors Frank Čech, Dr. V.J. Vita,
Rev. M.D. Hiben, Rev. V.P. Stupka
Editors Frank Čech
and Rev. V.P. Stupka
Editors Frank Čech, Rev. V.P.
Stupka, Rev. Edward Čatloš
Editors Dr. J. Novotný
and Rev. J.P. Piroch
Editors Rev. V.P. Stupka
and Dr. J. Novotný
Editors Rev. V.P. Stupka and
Rev. K. Marek
Rev. Michael D. Hiben
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
Jan Paul Piroch
Antonia Dedic Piroch
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
Magazine Timeline
Editor Rev. J.P. Piroch
Between October 1973 and October 1974, with the position of
editor vacant, publication was
Title of Pravda a Slavná Naděje
changed to SLAVNÁ NADĚJE
Editors Rev. J. Novák, Vlado
Čanji and Rev. Stanley W.
Published quarterly, expenses
covered by the Convention
Editors Rev. Vlado Čanji and
Rev. Stanley W. Hibbins
Mission tool reaching thousands
of Czechs, Slovaks and others all
over the world
Rev. Vlado Čanji
Title Slavná Naděje changed to
Editors Rev. Vlado Čanji and
Rev. Stanley W. Hibbins
Co-editor George Sommer
Editors of Glorious Hope:
Rev. Vlado Čanji
and Rev. Stanley W. Hibbins
Co-editor George Sommer
Special section in Glorious Hope
started for children and youth
Editor Rev. Vlado Čanji
Assistants Rev. Stan Mantle,
Ruth Pístecká
Co-editor George Sommer
Editors George Sommer,
Joe Hodul
Assistant Rev. Stan Mantle
Joe Hodul
Martin Alač
Stanley W. Hibbins
Stan Mantle
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada George Legierski
George Sommer
      Vol 37 N 3, 11
Editors George Sommer, Joe
Hodul, Assistant Barbara Smith
Editor Martin Alač, Assistants
Janette Alač, Joe Hodul
Editor George Sommer, Assistants Barbara Smith, Joe Hodul
Editors George Legierski,
Vít Málek, Assistants Barbara
Smith, Joe Hodul
Editors George Legierski,
Vít Málek, Assistants Iveta
Stuška, Joe Hodul
Editors George Legierski,
Vít Málek, Assistants Barbara
Smith, Joe Hodul
Editors George Legierski,
Vít Málek,
Assitants Barbara Smith, Rev.
Ján Banko, Natasha Legierski
Editors George Legierski,
Vít Málek, Assistants Janice
Cermak, Rev. Ján Banko,
Natasha Legierski
ravda a Slavná Naděje is the name
of the literary organ of the Convention. Its editors have been many,
all capable and qualified people.
Outstanding in the field of the magazine’s business affairs and subscriptions is Mrs. Katherine Hudacek.
This magazine currently reaches
thousands of people in the United
States, Canada, South America, and
Europe—even in Czechoslovakia and
John D. Michael, 50th Anniversary of
the Convention
Editors Natasha Legierski,
Vít Málek,
Assistants Janice Cermak, Rev.
Ján Banko, George Legierski
Editors Natasha Legierski,
Vít Málek, Assistants Janice
Cermak, Rev. Ján Banko
Editors Natasha LegierskiLaurinc, Vít Málek, Assistants
Janice Cermak, Rev. Ján Banko,
Production Manager George
Editors Natasha Laurinc,
Vít Málek, Assistants Janice
Cermak, Ondrej Laurinc, PhD,
Production Manager George
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
Glorious Hope—Editorial Staff
Magazine Timeline
Natasha Laurinc, Editor-in-Chief
Vit Malek, Destop Publishing and Art
Janice Cermak, Assistent Editor
Ondrej Laurinc, Ph.D., Assistent Editor
Elizabeth Jane Fields, Translator from Czech into English
George Sommer, Production Manager
Dr. Robert Dvorak, Publishing Commitee
Rev. Joseph Novak, Publishing Commitee
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada       Vol 37 No 3, 11
The Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission Union
Motto: Kristus život náš—Christ Our Life
Mission statement: to support mission work among Czechs and Slovaks
The Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission Union timeline from year to year,
indicating the place of the Convention, and the names of the elected officers in the following order:
Mrs. G. Cepl, M. Sládková, B. Hadrabová, R. Macíková
Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission Union organized
No record available—Žádné informace
Bohatcová, A. Zmrhalová, Novosadová, Fialová
Speaker: Katarína. Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková
Emanuel Bohemian-Lawndale Baptist Church
Cecilie Tučková
A. Zmrhalová
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
A. Zmrhalová
MINNEAPOLIS, MN, Medicine Lake Camp
J. Perglová, V. Brdlíková, M. Obertíková, R. Mrázková
CHICAGO, IL, First Bohemian Baptist Church
C. Tučková, J. Perglová, L. Brazdová, Klcová
Speaker: C. Tučková
Shipments of food and clothing sent to Czech and Slovak
people in refugee camps in Germany, Austria, Italy and
other places
E. Novosadová, J. Perglerová, L. Brazdová, A. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
The Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission Union
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
S. Brázdová, J. Perglerová, E. Novosadová, A. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková, V. Brdlíková, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková, M. Obertliková, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshková
Speaker: V. Brdlíková
Katarína Hudáčková, M. Obertliková, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková, M. Obertlikova, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshkova
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková, M. Obertliková, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada Mrs. and Mr. Brdlik
he vision and faith that characterized the women in the Union was
such that they sent missionaries into
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Canada, and
the United States of America. Some of
the missionaries that this organization
has supported in Czechoslovakia are
Rev. K. Čermak, Rev. J. Dvořák, Rev. K.
Vaculík, Rev. C. Burget, and others. Mrs.
Katarína Hudáčková has worked tirelessly as the Women’s Union missionary
and president.
John D. Michael, 50th Anniversary of the
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshková
Speaker: Ján P. Piroch
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshková
Speakers: Katarína Hudáčková, V. Brdliková
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
A. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
M. Broshková
Speakers: Katarína Hudáčková, V. Brdliková
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
M. Broshková
Speaker: H.E. Parham
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
M. Broshková
Speaker: Rev. Stanislav Švec, Czechoslovakia
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
M. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
M. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
M. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
Katarína Hudáčková
Counting Our Blessings
Thinking back over the few years that we
have been actively involved with many aspects
of the convention, we can say with certainty
that we have indeed been blessed!
The speakers, the special music, the youth
involvement, the choir, the fellowship, the
beautiful surroundings, the food! All these have
a special place in our memory as we relive our
times at convention.
As a child growing up, I would look forward
to going to convention with my cousins and
friends to enjoy this special time.
My mother, Olga Zajicek, was president of
the Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission
Union from 1972 to 1974, and then 30 years
later I had the privilege of this same position.
What memories would come to me as I stood
at the pulpit during the meetings. In my mind
I could hear my mother as she would pour out
her heart in prayer, and then use her God-given
gift—singing his praises. Folks would tell me as
the years have gone by what an impact her voice
and choice of hymns had on them.
As we look forward to future conventions,
we see our youth being involved—new folks
attending—grandchildren coming along being
involved—what a blessing!
Esther Tarr
(nee Zajicek)
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
Katarína Hudáčková, Antonia Pirochová, E. Novosadová,
M. Broshková
Speaker: Katarína Hudáčková
Antonia Pirochová, K. Hibenová, M. Nechvátalová, M.
Speaker: Olga Zajíčková
Antonia Pirochová, K. Hibenová, M. Nechvátalová, M.
Speaker: Antonia Pirochová
Antonia Pirochová, K. Hibenová, M. Nechvátalová,
M. Broshková
Speaker: C. Tučková
Antonia Pirochová, K. Hibenová, M. Nechvátalová,
M. Broshková
Speaker: Rev. J.O. Markus, Czechoslovakia
Antonia Pirochová, K. Hibenová, A. Broshková,
M. Broshková
Speaker: Jan P. Piroch
Antonia Pirochová, K. Hibenová, A. Broshková, M.
Speakers: C. Tučková, Ota Vožeh
Olga Zajíčková, Vlasta Hynková, Marie Schounová,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Marie Schounová
Olga Zajíčková, Vlasta Hynková, Marie Schounová,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Olga Zajíčková
50th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s
Mission Union
Olga Zajíčková, Vlasta Hynková, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Olga Zajíčková
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada Karel and Bozena Bohatec
The Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission Union
ew missions and churches came into
being in scores of northeastern, southeastern, Great Lakes, and mid-western areas,
as well as a number of Canadian cities and
farming communities. The Convention grew
and the churches, through their Convention,
sent missionaries back to their homeland
with the gospel of Christ. It was a glorious
era of expansion and conquest in all fields
of missionary endeavor. Yet the work in any
American or Canadian field was not easy. The
people by birth were either Roman Catholic
or Lutheran, and it meant constant personal
witnessing—often in the face of bitterest
opposition and even bodily harm, not only
from those they sought to convert, but even
from members of their own households. The
churches sometimes suffered from internal
strife, but through it all, and in spite of it all,
God continued to add to His Church.
John D. Michael, 50th Anniversary of the Convention
Zajicek family
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
Mabel Boubelik, Vlasta Hynková, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Olga Zajíčková
Mabel Boubelik, Vlasta Hynková, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Mabel Boubelik
Mabel Boubelik, Marie Schounová, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Mabel Boubelik
Mabel Boubelik, Irene Jeren, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Mary Tell
Mabel Boubelik, Irene Jeren, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Dr. Cleora Handel Widlicka
Mabel Boubelik, Irene Jeren, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Eva Titěrová
CHICAGO, IL, Trinity Baptist Church
Mabel Boubelik, Irene Jeren, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Helen Mikulencak
Mabel Boubelik, Irene Jeren, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Jarmila Krišková
Mabel Boubelik, Irene Jeren, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Jane Jacobs
Georgina Gonzales
Olga and Josef Zajicek
Mary Schoun
Antonie Springle
Mary Shereda Grant
Irene Jeren
Kellie Honey
Leona Choy
Joan Rotar, Anne Opocensky, Eileen Lev, Natasha Legierski
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
The Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission Union
Helen Horwath, Jane Widlicka, Anne Opocensky,
Esther Widlicka
Speaker: Emily Turansky
Helen Horwath, Jane Widlicka, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Joyce Blakesly
Helen Horwath, Jane Widlicka, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Margaret Winter
Helen Horwath, Jane Widlicka, Anne Opocensky,
Martha Karhan
Speaker: Ruby Mikulencak
Jean Hynek, Jane Widlicka, Anne Opocensky,
Alice Kmetko
Speaker: Jiřina Pospíšilová
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Jean Hynek, Jane Widlicka, Anne Opocensky,
Alice Kmetko
Speaker: Lydie Pospíšilová
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Helen Mikulencak, Esther Widlicka, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Dr. Denton Lotz
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Helen Mikulencak, Esther Widlicka, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Marija Sommer
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Marija Sommer, Margie Jeren, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Mária Kohútová
Marija Sommer, Margie Jeren, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Naomi Hall
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada Judy Shoff
Ruby Mikulencak
Michele Moore
Alice Kmetko
Esther Widlicka
Jean Hynek
Helen Mikulencak
Margie Jeren
Marija Sommer
Jane Widlicka
      Vol 37 No 3, 11
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Margie Jeren, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Elena Pribulova and Anne Sizemore
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Margie Jeren, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Barbara Manas
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Margie Jeren, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Joan Rotar
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Natasha Legierski, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Ružena Dvořaková-Žiaranová
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Natasha Legierski, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speakers: Ruby Mikulencak and Mlada Stehlíková
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Natasha Legierski, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Helen Struharik
Speaker: Zorka Abrmanová
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Natasha Legierski, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Joan Rotar
Speaker: Ludmila Dedeciusová
Margie Jeren
Dorothy Dvorak
Toronto ladies choir
Zorka Abrmanová and Natasha Legierski
Donna Seaman
Anna Kulačíková
Esther Tarr
Anne Opocensky
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Natasha Legierski, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Joan Rotar, Donna Nesvadba (Canadian treasurer)
Speaker: Ruby Mikulencak
      Vol 37 No 3, 11 
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada
The Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s Mission Union
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Natasha Legierski, Eileen Lev, Anne Opocensky,
Joan Rotar, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Anna Kulačíková
Other Guests: Leona Choy, Kellie Honey
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Dorothy Dvorak, Eileen Lev, Jane Widlicka,
Grace Niswonger, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Susan Markwood,
Other Guests: Dita Poenaru, Zorka Abrmanová—mission
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Dorothy Dvorak, Eileen Lev, Jane Widlicka,
Grace Niswonger, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Ruby Mikulencak
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Esther Tarr, Margaret Springle, Jane Widlicka,
Grace Niswonger, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Donna Seaman
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Esther Tarr, Margaret Springle, Jane Widlicka,
Marija Sommer, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Věra Titěrová
Deb Mulder, Judy Shoff, Margaret Springle,
Esther Tarr and Dorothy Dvorak
Dorothy Dvorak, Esther Tarr and Věra Titěrová
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Esther Tarr, Margaret Springle, Deb Mulder,
Marija Sommer, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Ester Krišková
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Esther Tarr, Margaret Springle, Deb Mulder,
Marija Sommer, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Ruby Mikulencak
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Deb Mulder, Donna Nesvadba, Margaret Springle,
Marija Sommer, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Heather Mantle
PHILIPPI, WV, Alderson-Broaddus College
Deb Mulder, Donna Nesvadba, Margaret Springle,
Marija Sommer, Donna Nesvadba
Speaker: Koreen Villars
87th Annual Meeting of the Czechoslovak Baptist Women’s
Missionary Union
Ester Krišková and Esther Tarr
Sue Devine
Koreen Villars and Deb Mulder
History of the Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of USA and Canada Donna Nesvadba
      Vol 37 No 3, 11

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