vy_32_inovace_49 - zsvitejovice.cz


vy_32_inovace_49 - zsvitejovice.cz
April 03, 2013
Základní škola Vitějovice, okres Prachatice
Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám
Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3540
Název projektu: Interaktivní škola pro konkurenceschopnost
Šablona: III/2
Jméno autora:
Mgr. Jaroslava Jiraňová
II. /4. ročník/
Datum vytvoření:
11. 2. 2013
Vzdělávací oblast:
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Anglický jazyk
Výstižný popis způsobu využití, Procvičení vazby there is/ there případně metodické pokyny:
are, otázka, odpověď.
IV 12­17:26
April 03, 2013
There is .../ There are ...
There is a cat in the picture.
There are book s in the picture.
There is a lorry in the picture.
There are lorr ies in the picture.
There is an apple in the picture.
There are apple s in the picture.
II 11­14:34
April 03, 2013
Přiřaďte větu k obrázkům.
There is a book in the picture.
There is a dog in the picture.
There is a bus in the picture.
There is a banana in the picture.
There is a mouse in the picture.
There is a ruler in the picture.
There is an apple in the picture.
There is a pen in the picture.
There is a car in the picture.
II 11­14:34
April 03, 2013
Přiřaďte věty k obrázkům.
There are three cats in the picture. There are six oranges in the picture.
There are five balls in the picture. There are two planes in the picture.
There are two lorries in the picture. There are four teddy bears in the picture.
There are seven pencils in the picture.
II 11­14:34
April 03, 2013
Is there a/an ... in the picture ?
Yes, there is.
No, there isn´t.
Rozdělte věty, podle skutečnosti.
No, there isn´t.
Yes, there is.
Is there a plane in the picture ?
Is there a ball in the picture ?
Is there an orange in the picture ?
Is there a cat in the picture ?
Is there a brick in the picture ?
Is there a pen in the picture ?
Is there a dog in the picture ?
Is there an apple in the picture ?
Is there a book in the picture ?
Is there a train in the picture ?
II 11­14:34
Are there ... in the picture ?
April 03, 2013
Yes, there are.
No, there aren´t.
Rozdělte věty, podle skutečnosti.
Yes, there are.
No, there aren´t.
Are there planes in the picture ?
Are there apples in the picture ?
Are there oranges in the picture ?
Are there cats in the picture ?
Are there bricks in the picture ?
Are there books in the picture ?
Are there pens in the picture ?
Are there dogs in the picture ?
Are there chairs in the picture ?
Are there rulers in the picture ?
Are there lorries in the picture ?
Are there cars in the picture ?
II 11­14:34
April 03, 2013
Pairs : ball ­ balls,...
II 11­14:34
April 03, 2013
I 30­18:17

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