LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring


LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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Brno University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
The Institute of Manufacturing Technology
Testing and Measuring
Ing. Miroslav PÍŠKA, PhD., Associate Professor
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bc. Michael Lars George HILL
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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1 Terms, Vocabulary
2 Examples
3 Exercises
4 References
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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Terms, Vocabulary
carry out /perform/ a test
subject sth. to a test, to undergo
acceptance test
ageing test
field test
final test
laboratory test
life test
non-destructive test
performance test
random test
routine test
Test method
test bed
test certificate
test record, test report
test result
test specimen /or sample/
test stand
testing department
testing engineer
testing equipment
testing laboratory
testing regulations /or specifications/
testing shop /or station/
zkouška, zkoušet
testing podrobit zkoušce
přejímací zkouška
zkouška na stárnutí
provozní zkouška, terénní zkouška
konečná zkouška, závěrečná zkouška
laboratorní zkouška
zkouška životnosti
zkouška bez porušení materiálu
provozní zkouška
namátková zkouška
běžná zkouška
zkušební metoda
zkušební stanoviště
zkušební protokol, osvědčení o zkoušce
záznam o zkoušce, zkušební protokol
výsledky zkoušky
zkušební vzorek
zkušební stanoviště
zkušebna, zkušební oddělení
zkušební technik
zkušební zařízení
zkušební laboratoř
zkušební předpisy
zkouška, pokus
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
trial load
trial run
take /or make/ measurements
measuring apparatus /instrument
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zkušební zatížení
zkušební jízda, provozní zkouška
míra, měřítko, měřit
zkoušet, zkoumat, prohlížet
měřící přístroj
1. Being started in time, all the preparations for the test will be completed today. The hard check tests have
been devised from practical experience. All these types of short-run tests have their purpose and should be used.
It is important to carry out a limited number of actual-use tests to determine how accelerated life test results
correlate with actual life of motor cars in use. Before shipment, every relay is subjected to electrical tests as
well as to a thorough mechanical inspection.
2. This new device has not yet been subjected to the lengthy tests normally done with innovative new products. The aircraft is subject to additional tests according to the testing regulations of the country in question.
The testing engineer must have forgotten all about the scheduled acceptance test otherwise he would not have
left the testing shop. The performed ageing tests should have complied with the respective standards. The
realization of these difficulties did not stop the testing engineers from conducting further field tests. Since it is
not always possible to duplicate actual conditions in laboratory tests, it is advisable to carry out field tests as
3. The problem occurred when the final test was to be carried out. The following laboratory test is equal, if
not superior, to that performed before. These laboratory tests should duplicate the mode of transportation and
distances that will be encountered in getting the finished product to the customer. A life test seeks to measure
the time or period during which the product will retain its desired quality characteristics. The non-destructive
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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tests are scheduled to start next week.
4. The speedy completion of these random tests is highly desirable. These simple routine tests are to be
used as a supplement to the usual mechanical tests. The fatigue tests were of particular interest for our young
engineers. Packaging tests are tests carried out on a packaged product to measure the adequacy of the packaging when protecting the product against handling damage due to impact. Such testing should include drop,
compression, vibration, and revolving drum tests.
5. The efficiency of this test method can be best demonstrated by the following example. New engines for
heavy-duty four-wheel trucks are run on test beds under maximum load for 3,000 hours. Then they have to
cover 125,000 miles in test vehicles and a further 250,000 miles under working conditions. The inspector carries
out final tests and completes the test certificate including details of all the mechanical tests carried out at the
testing room. Some interesting results of the preliminary tests may be briefly recorded. A test under intensive
conditions differs from a test under actual-use conditions in eliminating idle time to hasten the test results.
Prior to testing all test specimens have been painted blue. Every test stand should be fully instrumented to
enable complete performance tests to be conducted.
6. Testing had to be discontinued because of a lack of adequate testing devices. If any of the basic conditions
prove to be correct, the testing department may require considerable reorganisation. The main bay is used for
the manufacture and the testing of large machines. The purpose of the described severe testing is to design
trucks unequalled in rugged construction, reliability and long service-life.
7. The second experiment in the testing laboratory was insisted upon by all the testing engineers. The special testing equipment having been installed ahead of schedule made it possible to test complicated mechanisms
within the specified period. Equipment for the dynamic balancing and over-speed testing of rotors installed in
the testing shop should be maintained very carefully. In the high-power testing station the circuit breakers have
been tested to failure.
8. On trial flights the aeroplane achieved a speed of about 1,500 miles per hour. To save time in coming
to conclusions of trial runs of cars, the engineers use digital computers. Having applied a lower trial load than
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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specified by the customer, the testing engineers could not produce relevant and useful test results.
9. The results of our noise measurements are added for comparison. It would be better to obtain the required
characteristics by independent measurement. The results of check measurements have not been assessed on a
credible scientific basis. There is no direct and accurate method of measuring the toughness of metals. The
thickness of various layers can be measured with the help of radioactive elements. The semiconductor devices
should be examined very carefully. All measuring instruments have varying degrees of precision. Considerable
scientific and practical work on further improvement of measuring apparatuses is currently under way.
Vocabulary notes:
Check test - kontrolní zkouška; devise - vymyslit, odvodit; short-run - krátkodobý; shipment - odeslání;
inspection - kontrola; schedules - plánovat; fatigue test - zkouška na únavu; packaging test - zkouška obalu,
zabalení; impact - náraz, úder; drop test - zkouška pádem; compression test - zkouška tlakem; vibration test zkouška na únavu chvěním; revolving drum - otočný buben; efficiency - účinnost; working conditions - provozní
podmínky; inspector - kontrolor; preliminary test - předběžná zkouška; idle time - ztrátový čas, nevyužitý čas;
rugged - masivní, robustní; service-life - životopis; balancing test - zkouška vyvážení; overspeed test - zkouška
při nadnormální rychlosti; maintain - udržovat; high-power testing station - zkratovna; circuit breaker - vypínač;
failure - selhání; flight - let; noise measurement - měření hluku; assess - určit, stanovit; credible - věrohodný;
toughness - houževnatost; improvement - zlepšení, zdokonalení.
I. Join two sentences into one, using the present and perfect participle:
1. The gas turbine was tested at our plant, it functions properly now.
2. The engineer finished the non-destructive testing; he put down the results.
3. The building is being built at our institute, it will be our new testing station.
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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4. The new methods of measurement had been studied in detail, the manager decided to introduce them at
the testing laboratory at once.
5. They prepared all the recording instruments; the testing engineers could continue in their measurements
of the new equipment.
6. The temperature is measured during the long-term test; it should not differ from that of the surrounding
II. Translate the following words paying attention to the meaning of the prefixes anti,- counterand de-; compose short sentences using each of them:
Anticlockwise rotation, antidazzle light, antiknock fuel, antimagnetic, antifreeze solution, antifriction grease, anticorrosive paint, counterweight, counter-contact, counter-force, counter-pressure, counter-statement,
counter-project, counter-offer, counterclaim, deformation, decolourisation, deoxidation, decarburization, degassing, decomposition, deceleration, deodorization, derailment, destruction, decentralization, demagnetization,
de-watering, de-icing, demounting, degrease.
III. Arrange the following expressions into pairs of synonyms:
additional test
being tested
amount of test samples
acceptance test
testing cell
endurance test
reproducible test
recording apparatus
test record
test run
testing engineer
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registering device
testing valve
fatigue test
test specifications
test report
tropicalization test
under test
supplementary test
repeatable test
inspection test
trial run
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
testing tube
long-run test
test rules
tropical chamber test
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long-term test
testing cubicle
quantity of test specimens
testing operator
IV. Translate the following expressions:
Conventional testing methods, stipulated test conditions, short-circuit testing, tested in operation, the main
test room, the least known testing method, the average value of the test voltage, prolonged service testing, a
trial installation, the testing of the tanks for leaks, variable test results, the interval to be measured, aircraft
model testing, tensile test specimens, rigorously tested sample, pressure test, test date, testing plant, impact test,
impulse test, standard test, bending test, test floor, test run, deformation test, material-testing apparatus, exact
testing conditions, prompt test results, valid results of measurements, facilitated testing, X-ray examinations,
measuring capacity, measurable value, measuring length.
V. Compose original sentences containing the following expressions:
To complete tests, the engine under test, during the trials, to obtain test samples, the curves resulting from
the measurement, over the extended trial period, special trial period, special testing methods, fatigue testing,
steadily increasing testing speed, to measure the full range of, commonly encountered measurements methods,
repeatedly made tests of the same product, to segregate accurately for measurement purpose, arrangement of the
tested device, certificate of the type of test, mechanical endurance test, comparable test results, applied method
of measurement, the recommended methods of measuring the temperature, tests made at the manufacturer’s
works, after completion of the measurements, the tests requested by the customers.
VI. Complete the following sentences:
1. Further tests have demonstrated the indispensability of . . .
2. When evaluating those long-term measurements . . .
3. The latest test results confirmed the expected increase in . . .
4. The most convincing evidence of the complexity of the tests . . .
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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5. Accurate comparison tests have shown that . . .
6. The improved test conditions were found to be . . .
7. The measurement method accepted as a standard way of . . .
8. Before commencing the measurements it was necessary to . . .
9. The proposed method of measurement appeared to be more complicated than . . .
10. In none of the final tests . . .
11. In such cases the tests to be applied shall be subject to agreement between . . .
12. Detailed evaluation of the test results would involve . . .
13. The comparison test has proved that . . .
14. These measurements under certain circumstances . . .
15. This test method referred to as . . .
VII. Read and translate the following words:
To test - testing - tester, to try - trial - trying, to measure - measuring - measurable - measurability measurement - immeasurable - immeasurability, to examine - examination - examiner - examinee, to prepare preparation - preparatory - preparative - preparedness, to complete - completion - incomplete, to continue - to
discontinue - continuation - continual - continuous - continuity, accurate - accuracy - accurately - inaccuracy inaccurate.
VIII. Arrange the following expressions into pairs of antonyms:
final test
full-load testing
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immeasurable quantity
end of the test
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
long-time test
tested device
beginning of the test
lower limit
overpressure testing
exact testing methods
general-purpose measuring device
actual-use life test
measurable amount
non-destructive test
laboratory testing
compression test
comparable test results
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preliminary test
incomparable results of the test
tensile test
no-load testing
field testing
upper limit
short-run test
destruction test
testing apparatus
under-pressure testing
approximate testing methods
special-purpose measuring device
accelerated life test
IX. Translate the following word combinations into English:
Systematické zkušební metody, zkoušené zařízení, zkoušení jakosti, zkouška odolnosti proti opotřebení, tropikalizační zkouška, zkušební komora, zkušebna materiálů, zkušební období, zkušební let, Brinellova zkouška
tvrdosti, úředně schválený zkušební postup, obvykle používaná zkušební metoda, rozbor zkušebního vzorku,
zkoušení prototypů, citlivost měřících přístrojů, zkouška bezpečnosti, průměrná zkušební rychlost, zkouška tlakem, stejně uspokojivá zkušební metoda, zhodnocení různých výsledků měření, shromažďování a analyzování
výsledků zkoušek, poněkud vyšší zkušební náklady, dříve používaný zkušební postup, změřené hodnoty, přesná
měření, zkušební mechanik, zkušební obvod, jednotlivé zkoušky, uspokojivě dokončená zkouška, rozbor chvění,
měřitelnost hluku, měřící rozsah, měřící souprava.
X. Explain in English the meaning of the following expressions:
Type-tested device, the apparatus under measurement, field-tested components, unparalleled testing methods, guarantee examination, test certificate, acidity testing, mechanical testing, weld-ability test, test pit, test
load, load test, test lamp, accelerated ageing test, life test, life during use, false evaluation of results, indication
errors, a preliminary series of tests, measuring instrument, tabulated test results, certified results of the measurements, field-test engineer, test department manager, destructive tests, test of temperature rise, permitted
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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method of measurement, factory test, development test, pre-production test, testing facilities, full-scale test,
overload test, tropical chamber test, measuring by sight.
XI. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the primary function of the testing department?
2. In your opinion, is the work of the testing engineers interesting?
3. What do you know about the testing of motor-car prototypes?
4. What is the purpose of accelerated ageing tests?
5. Can you explain the expression ”guarantee examination”?
6. Are the results of laboratory tests and field tests always comparable?
7. Why is it important to standardize procedures?
8. What are the main tasks of test mechanics?
9. Can you explain the purpose of test certificates?
10. What are test pits used for?
XII. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Veškeré přípravy pro závěrečné zkoušky měly by být dokončeny během týdne.
2. Zdá se, že bude nutno provést další podrobná měření.
3. Zkušební technici byli rádi, že získali tak uspokojivé výsledky při prototypové zkoušce nového vozu.
4. Laboratoř pro zkoušení nekovových materiálů byla vybavena novými přesnými měřícími přístroji.
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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5. Když psal závěrečnou zprávu, zmínil se o několika skutečnostech týkajících se poslední zkoušky.
6. Výsledky zkoušek musí být zaznamenány ať již jsou úspěšné či nikoliv.
7. Až na menší potíže rázová zkouška hladce proběhla.
8. Množství legovacích prvků je možno zjistit s přiměřenou přesností.
9. Tato zkušební metoda při odhalování skrytých vad v odlitcích se projevila jako nejuspokojivější.
10. V průběhu těchto složitých pokusů připravovali zkušení technice závěrečnou zkoušku.
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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[1] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction. English for advanced learners. 1th ed. Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1993.
192 p. ISBN 0-17-556395-0.
[2] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction workbook. English for advanced learners. 1th ed. Nelson and Sons Ltd,
1993. 84 p. ISBN 0-17-5563967-7.
[3] BEAUMONT, D., GRANGER, C. The Heinemann English Grammar. An intermediate reference and
practice book. 1th ed. The Bath Press, Avon 352 p. ISBN 0 435 292188.
[4] MURPHY, R. English grammar in use.
ISBN 0 521 43680 X.
2th ed.
Cambridge University Press, 1994.
350 p.
[5] DYKAST, I. Kurz technické angličtiny. Praha: Prago-Union, a.s.,1990. 69 s.
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[7] VAŘECHA,V., URBANOVÁ, V., REJTHAROVÁ, V. Advanced English conversation practice. 1. vyd.
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[8] JURÁNKOVÁ, V., SLÁDKOVÁ, E. 222 cvičení z anglické mluvnice. 1. vyd. Brno: MC nakladatelství,
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[9] PEPRNÍK, J., NANGONOVÁ, SPARLING, D. Angličtina pro jazykové školy IV. Praha: Fortuna, 1995.
357 s. ISBN 80-7168-241-1.
[10] NOVÁKOVÁ, V. Anglicko-český frekvenení slovník. 1. vyd. Praha: Interkontaktservis, 1992. 312 s.
ISBN 80-900 342-2-3.
[11] SOARS, J.&L. Headway. Upper-Intermediate. Students book. 1th ed. Oxford University Press, 1987. 136 p.
ISBN 0 19 433559 3.
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LESSON 13 - Testing and Measuring
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[12] SOARS, J.&L. Headway. Upper-Intermediate. Workbook. 1th ed. Oxford University Press, 1987. 94 p.
ISBN 0 19 433560 7.
[13] SANDVIK Coromant.
ISBN 91-972299-0-3.
Modern Metal Cutting. A practical handbook
Tofters Tryckery AB, 1994.
[14] Oxford Photo Dictionary. 1th ed. Oxford University Press, 1991. 125 p. ISBN 0 19 431360 3.
[15] DAVID J. Writing Tasks. Teachers Book.
ISBN 0 521 22924 6.
10th ed.
Cambridge University Press, 1993.
235 p.
[16] DAVID J. Writing Tasks. Students Book.
ISBN 0 521 22924 3.
10th ed.
Cambridge University Press, 1993.
167 p.
ISBN 80-900095-7-3.
1. vyd.
Praha: Jan Kanzelsberger, 1990.
146 s.
Developing Writing.
[18] KUBÍČKOVÁ, J., JENÍKOVÁ, Z., BAREŠ, K. Angličtina pro vysoké školy technické. 2. vyd. Praha:
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[19] SVOBODOVÁ, Z.et al. Writing in English. A Practical Handbook for Scientific and Technical Writers.
A Pilot Project. Brno: BUT, 2000. 71 p.
[20] BLOCH, A. Murphys Law. 13th ed. Arrow 1988. 282 p. ISBN 0 7493 0146 5.
[21] Prospects, news, technical journals of Sandvik Coromant, Kennametal, Widia, Iscar, Emuge-Franken, etc.
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