LESSON 15 - Conferences - Symposia


LESSON 15 - Conferences - Symposia
LESSON 15 - Conferences - Symposia - Fairs
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Brno University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
The Institute of Manufacturing Technology
Conferences - Symposia - Fairs
Ing. Miroslav PÍŠKA, PhD., Associate Professor
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bc. Michael Lars George HILL
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LESSON 15 - Conferences - Symposia - Fairs
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1 Terms, Vocabulary
2 Examples
3 Exercises
4 References
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LESSON 15 - Conferences - Symposia - Fairs
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Terms, Vocabulary
scientific conference
annual conference
anniversary conference
general meeting
Conference participants
scientific committee
organizing committee
guest of honor
conference opener
Presenting lectures
declare a meeting open
declare a meeting closed
deliver a lecture
hold a meeting
to have the floor
present a report
put forward a suggestion
dual projection
vědecká konference
roční konference
výroční konference
shromáždění, konference (US)
schůze, zasedání
valné shromáždění
sympozium, zasedání
účastníci konference
vědecký výbor
organizační výbor
čestný host
zahajovatel konference
řečník, hlavní mluvčí
zahájit zasedání
ukončit zasedání
přednést přednášku
pořádat schůzi
presentovat příspěvek
přednést zprávu
předložit návrh
duální projekce (2 promítačky)
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take part in the session
Conference organisation
admission ticket
free admission ticket
honorary card
discussion of a paper
agenda of a meeting
social programme
name badge
presidential address
proceedings, transactions
registration fee
registration of participants
simultaneous translation
coffee break
dinner večeře
Fair, trade fair
International Engineering Fair
exhibition area
exhibit hall
exposition booth, stand
expose, exhibit, display, show
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zúčastnit se zasedání
organizace konference
volná vstupenka
čestná vstupenka
diskuse ke zprávě
program zasedání
společenský program
proslov předsedy
sborník příspěvků z konference
registrační poplatek, zápisné
zápisné účastníků
současný překlad
přestávka na kávu
slavnostní oběd
Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh
výstavní plocha
vystavený předmět, exponát; výstava
výstavní hala
výstavní stánek
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LESSON 15 - Conferences - Symposia - Fairs
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1. An all-day conference will be held in the building C2 of The Institute of Manufacturing Technology
on Wednesday, 11th November 2005. The arrangements for the Annual Conference have been made by the Organizing Committee, consisting of the representatives of the above mentioned institution. This meeting was very
useful for the discussion and exchange of views, information and experience. Because the agenda of the meeting
had been exhausted, the delegates began leaving the conference room.
2. This problem will be dealt with during the meeting of the Plenary Assembly. Please indicate with a cross
the technical sessions at which you are intending to be present. The technical sessions will be devoted to recent
developments in machining. This year’s conference is the biggest ever planned and will feature some four sessions providing an in-depth and comprehensive series of reports on the latest development in CAD/CAM. Each
three-hour session will include a discussion. The symposium is open to anyone with an interest in computers.
The symposium introduced by Mr. P. Vickers includes 11 papers and 25 poster presentations.
3. The conference participants will receive a set of preprints on payment of the registration fee. Chairmen
of sessions are well-known scientists, who have a direct interest in the subject of the session. All the members
of the Advisory Committee are likely to take part in the general meeting. The higher the level of the delegates
the less time for the conference they have available. The sponsoring organisation has been invited to provide
the conference opener. Speakers need time for preparing written papers. Transferable tickets enable the sending
of deputies if necessary. The Organizing Committee is responsible for the registration of participants and the
preparation of preprints and proceedings, which will be published later.
4. The first lecture will be delivered by Prof. Jacques Deblir. Preferably no more than four papers are presented every day. After the final discussion the Session Chairman declared the meeting closed. The National
Conference will be held in September. Written papers are desirable for subsequent record purposes. Only briefly
introduced papers allow sufficient time for discussion. A report containing the gist of the papers and discussions
is invaluable for the participants for subsequent study. The scientist would like to take part in the symposium
if he were invited. All who wish to participate in the conference must register, even though in some instances
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no charges are involved.
5. Applications for admission tickets should be sent to the Research and Development Institute. Tickets for
the Awards Luncheon, a traditional opening event, are available at $10 each. The completed enclosed registration form should be returned no later than the 24th of March, 2005. The charged registration fee will cover
the administrative expenses and the provision of morning coffee and afternoon tea. The registration, covering
also the proceedings preprint, is payable at the registration desk. There is no charge to register your wife for
the ladies programs.
6. Those registering for the technical sessions will be sent a name badge. They are requested to wear it at all
times during the conference, except the luncheon. Name badges are useful in promoting mixing and free discussions. The full programme of the technical sessions is given overleaf. A tour of Prague’s famous Old Town will
highlight the ladies program for Tuesday. The ladies have been cordially invited to attend the Awards Luncheon.
The incoming President will deliver his Presidential Address on the morning of Monday, the 18th of February.
7. Extra copies of the preprint books may be purchased at the conference. Authors of the technical papers
judged to be best will receive prizes at the awards luncheon. All the sessions will be held in the Congress
Centre, where excellent facilities include equipment for simultaneous translation. Comfortable seats, ventilation
and hall temperature are most important for a successful conference. Refreshment, particularly tea and coffee,
is best served in or near the conference room. Time will be available for touring the interesting spots in Prague,
shopping, and sightseeing.
8. Wide publicity for every fair and exhibition is necessary. When first exhibited at the trade fair, the
apparatus attracted very little attention. Brno International Engineering Fair is worth seeing. An exhibition
in the adjoining rooms, covering modern laboratory instruments, increases the attraction of the conference.
Admission to the exhibit area is free. All exhibits will be located in the exhibit halls of the Fair house. The
exhibits will be open on the following days. Listed alphabetically in the following columns are the names of all
exhibitors and the products or services they will be introducing in their displays. Some 500 exposition booths
will be used by exhibitors to show their products and services offered to the industry.
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Vocabulary notes:
On sale - na prodej; feature - charakterizovat; advisory - poradní; sponsor - podporovat, mít záštitu; gist podstatné jádro; award - cena, udělit cenu; highlight - zvýraznit, vrcholit; tour - cestovat; publicity - propagace,
I. Read and translate the following groups of words:
To participate - participant - participation - participator; to exhibit - exhibitor - exhibition; to present presentable - presentation; to discuss - discussed - discussion; to proceed - proceeding - proceedings - process
- procedure; to print - preprint - reprint - misprint - printer - printable; to register - registration - registrant registry - registerable - registrability; to expose - exposition - exposure; to-report - reporting - reporter; value valuable - invaluable - to evaluate - valuation - valued - valueless - to revalue - to devalue, to respect - respect
- respecting - respected - irrespective.
II. Arrange the following expressions into pairs of synonyms, giving their Czech equivalents:
visitors of the exhibition
common procedure
commission for the exhibition
meeting room
exhibition space
industrial exhibition
plenary session
subject of a paper
lecturing area
conference attendee
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exposition of industry
theme of a report
session behind closed doors
registration period
usual proceeding
council hall
exhibit attendees
annual convention
conference participant
important sessions
plenary assembly
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registration hours
key-note sessions
annual conference
closed session
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exhibition hall
lecturing stage
exhibit area
exhibition committee
III. Translate the following expressions:
A full-scale conference, a debatable question, overwhelming majority, in the form of a lecture, conference hall,
exhibition area, galley proof, engineering section, subject of a lecture, under the chairmanship of, a suggestion
satisfying everyone, final decision, order for proceedings, reports available separately, the appropriate registration
form, advance registration, registration hours, technical programme committee, session organizer, key-note
sessions, thought-provoking subject, shuttle bus service, admission per person, presentation of the Medals of
Honour, safety-equipment fair, executive council, Deputy Chairman, the aforesaid problem, car parking facilities,
technical excursion, two separate five-hour sessions, day-by-day program.
IV. Write original sentences containing the following expressions:
A conference subsidized by, to try out the demonstration gear, desirable personal contacts, supplementary
lighting of exhibits, number of tickets required, advance copies of reports, preparation of preprints, conference
participants’ wives, to be on the agenda, non-profit exhibition, conference building, an international convention
on, an industrial conference, accessibility by public transport, to provoke discussion, successful symposium,
conference records, reservation application, final date for presenting papers, discussion arrangement, general
introductory paper, to attend a session, to register for admission to the exhibits, presentation of awards, the
exhibit booth location diagram, admission to the cocktail party.
V. Complete the following sentences:
1. . . . should be responsible for organizing technical sessions.
2. At the international conference we learnt about a lot of . . .
3. . . . as was shown in the introductory paper.
4. To use a negative example, it would be . . .
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5. As pointed out by the chairman . . .
6. The program committee is considering a proposal to establish . . .
7. For, as noted at the beginning of this session . . .
8. I dealt briefly in the last chapter . . .
9. These two papers vary mainly in the degree of emphasis they place on . . .
10. Justification for setting up a committee . . .
11. After overcoming procedural difficulties . . .
12. Technical sessions will be held . . .
13. . . . the most diversified ladies program ever put together.
14. . . . providing an opportunity for conference participants to meet and exchange views.
15. . . . offers an excellent opportunity to renew old acquaintances and make some new ones.
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VI. Arrange the following expressions into pairs of antonyms:
accepted proposal
afternoon meeting
as discussed above
b) listener
in general
personal interest
temporarily exhibited
d) definite programme
similar view
in particular
informal evening sessions
full-time members
rejected proposal
success of a conference
h) conference conclusion
morning session
permanently displayed
10. formal day meetings
final arrangement
11. advance registration fee k)
part-time members
12. professional interest
opposite view
13. provisional arrangement m) failure of a convention
14. conference opening
n) door registration fees
15. proposed program
as discussed below
VII. Fill each space with an expression from the following list in its proper form:
Awards Luncheon, company, conference, continental breakfast, discussion, exchange of information, exhibit,
exhibit hall, free of charge, ladies program, name badge, participate, proceedings preprint, programme, register,
registration, reports, session chairman, technical sessions, valuable forum;
1. The bound volume will contain the complete . . . and . . .
2. . . . for . . . for one day is L10, however, no . . . is included.
3. The preprint book is provided . . . to those . . . for all the technical sessions.
4. The delegates . . . are politely asked to return to the hotel in time to attend the . . .
5. Each day the . . . will begin with a complimentary . . .
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6. Various interesting . . . will be displayed in the . . .
7. Speakers should be introduced to the . . . as early as possible.
8. The . . . depends on the duration of the . . .
9. The technical sessions have also served as a . . . for . . .
10. Each . . . should have space for name and . . . or organisation.
VIII. Translate the following word combinations into English:
Navržený závěr, nezodpovězené dotazy, seznam pozvaných hostů, přímý účastník, program konference,
stručný popis vystavených výrobků, seznam vystavovatelů, diskutovaný problém, předběžná zpráva, jednodenní
zasedání, volný vstup, úvodní přehled, podzimní mezinárodní veletrh, členství, zasedací místnost, nejnaléhavější problém, nadcházející události, Brněnský mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh, přípravy na kongres, vybraná
témata, konference u kulatého stolu, tisková konference, propagační akce, zvláštní zasedání, časový rozvrh zasedání, časový limit pro diskusní příspěvek, konference místního významu, promítačka diapozitivů, zásobník
na diapozitivy, pohodlná sedadla, zástupci tisku, panelová diskuse, výstavní výbor, recepce pro zahraniční
návštěvníky, souběžná zasedání, náklady na zábavný program.
IX. Explain in English the meaning of the following expressions:
Informal group discussion, a handy meeting place after, conference sessions, joint discussion, official opening
of a symposium, luncheon ticket, exhibition ground, additional sets of reports, advance registration discount
price, timely subject, annual banquet, Hospitality Committee, a welcome reception, non-commercial exhibition,
survey papers, the deadline for the submission of papers, members meeting, conference exhibition, registration
area, associated exhibition, location of a convention, catering facilities, a recognized meeting place, duplicated
material, personal invitation, informal evening session, discussion opener, lighted speaker’s desk, press officer,
conference events, fashion show, technical paper awards, spouses of delegates, Awards Committee, poster sessions, to provide for room and board of the participants, official language, attendees, no objections were raised,
to preside at a meeting, to be in the chair.
X. Answer the following questions:
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1. Have you ever taken part in an international conference?
2. What is the main aim of technical conferences?
3. What does the duration of a conference depend on?
4. What location for an international symposium to be held in the Czech Republic would you choose?
5. Do you often attend industrial trade fairs?
6. What is the purpose of name badges?
7. Why is the activity of a technical translator difficult?
8. Do you prefer panel discussions to usual debates?
9. Can you describe the activity of a conference organizing committee?
10. Why are preprints of papers given to conference participants beforehand?
XI. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Namítal byste něco proti tomu, kdybychom tuto záležitost znovu prodiskutovali?
2. Přednášejícímu naslouchali s velkým zájmem.
3. Když budete v Londýně, neměl byste opominout navštívit tu průmyslovou výstavu.
4. Statistické údaje, na které bylo právě poukázáno, byly minulý týden uveřejněny v časopise
5. Engineering News.
6. Po tříhodinové bouřlivé diskusi se dospělo ke konečnému rozhodnutí.
7. V živé diskusi, která následovala, pozornost účastníků zasedání se soustředila na hlavní téma předchozí
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8. Text posledního odstavce byl přijat jednomyslně.
9. Není příliš mnoho výzkumných zpráv, které pojednávají o tomto jevu.
10. Podle mého názoru se tomuto problému v diskusi věnovala malá pozornost.
11. Diskutované pojednání se týká vlastností nekovových materiálů vyvinutých v našem výzkumném ústavu.
XII. Fill in with do or make
- means to perform, carry out, busy oneself with (work, duty, military service, favour, good, harm, honour,
justice, kindness, wrong and others);
- means to construct, produce, also cause sb. to do sth., is used with the following nouns: appointment,
arrangements, attempt, change, decision, difference, demand, discovery, effort, fire, fun, journey, mistake, noise,
progress, request, tea or coffee).
1. What are you . . . now?
2. What shall we . . . next?
3. Have you . . . any arrangements for your stay abroad?
4. Don’t . . . fun of me.
5. I will . . . what I can.
6. We have nothing to . . . this afternoon.
7. Have I . . . a mistake?
8. What is this tray . . . of?
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9. It is easier said than . . . .
10. Ill . . . you a cup of coffee.
11. Dont . . . such noise.
12. They are . . . progress.
13. I will have nothing to . . . with it.
14. You have to . . . more than your duty.
15. Who . . . that discovery?
16. A glass of wine won’t . . . you any harm.
17. This will never . . . .
18. The heat . . . us tired and sleepy.
19. . . . yourself comfortable.
20. Can you . . . me a favour?
21. Did he . . . that work properly?
22. What . . . you think so?
23. Nothing can . . . me . . . it.
24. What can I . . . for you?
25. I shall . . . nothing of the kind.
26. It doesn’t . . . any difference.
27. I have . . . an appointment with my dentist for tomorrow.
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28. What are you going to . . . about it?
29. This is the longest journey that I have ever . . . .
30. We must . . . up for the lost time.
31. We shall have to . . . without our skiing trip this winter.
32. This is all I have, will it . . . ?
33. When did you . . . your military service?
34. You would . . . well to take the doctor’s advice.
XIII. How to begin (a speech or a discussion): Ladies and gentlemen,
1. The subject of my talk is . . .
2. I wish to talk to you about . . .
3. May I draw your attention to the fact that . . .
4. Allow me to say . . .
5. May I bring to your notice the fact that . . .
6. I should like to point out that . . .
7. Referring to the paper . . .
8. I should like to keep to the point (subject) . . .
9. May I grab your attention . . .
10. I have the honour of introducing to you Prof. Ford.
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According to our programme, . . .
11. I have the pleasure to introduce Prof. Armstrong.
12. I agree with the paper as a whole.
13. I should like to make a few comments on . . .
As Prof. Mc Hillar has shown, . . .
14. Unfortunately, there isn’t time to go into details. This point has been discussed in great detail by . . .
15. In my view, . . .
16. Mr. Gill was possibly of the opinion that . . .
17. Dr. Thomas has distinguished the difference between the theory of . . . and . . .
18. I entirely agree with the presented conclusions . . .
19. I am in complete agreement with . . .
20. Unfortunately, I am in total disagreement with . . .
21. Our research and findings support those conclusions . . .
22. Your findings may possibly be right, but our results indicate/show that . . .
23. I would agree with you in principle, but . . .
24. I am afraid I can not endorse your opinion of the government’s record.
25. On the contrary . . .
26. The theory for the chip breaking that we put forward was . . .
27. I would like to lay particular emphasis on . . .
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28. Mr. Novak has illustrated his argument stating that
29. Dr. McCormack characterised that problem as . . .
30. Prof. Solamon first recognised the relations between . . .
XIV. Job application form
Fill in the form below. Private and confidential. Please, complete this form and return it to the Personnel
Director. Which post are you applying for? How did you hear about it? Surname. Forenames. Mr/Mrs/Miss.
Permanent home address. Telephone. Present address (if different from above). Date of birth. Nationality. Place
of birth. Marital status. Maiden name (if applicable). Number of children (sex and age). Name and address of
next of kin (please state relationship). Have you ever been employed by us before? If so, please give details.
Please list schools, colleges, universities attended: date, name, subjects taken, results. What training courses
or further studies have you undertaken? Languages (state proficiency). Technical or professional qualifications.
Give names and addresses of previous employers, working backwards from present/last job: dates, name and
address, salary, job title and duties, reason for leaving. What is your general state of health? How much time
have you had off work, through illness, in the last five years? What are your main current interests, hobbies,
membership of clubs, etc? Names and addresses of two referees (References will not be taken up without your
prior consent). I believe the information given to be true. I understand that I may be required to undergo a
medical examination. Applicant signature. Date. For Personnel Department use.
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[1] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction. English for advanced learners. 1th ed. Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1993.
192 p. ISBN 0-17-556395-0.
[2] FOLEY, M., HALL, D. Distinction workbook. English for advanced learners. 1th ed. Nelson and Sons Ltd,
1993. 84 p. ISBN 0-17-5563967-7.
[3] BEAUMONT, D., GRANGER, C. The Heinemann English Grammar. An intermediate reference and
practice book. 1th ed. The Bath Press, Avon 352 p. ISBN 0 435 292188.
[4] MURPHY, R. English grammar in use.
ISBN 0 521 43680 X.
2th ed.
Cambridge University Press, 1994.
350 p.
[5] DYKAST, I. Kurz technické angličtiny. Praha: Prago-Union, a.s.,1990. 69 s.
[6] DUŠKOVÁ,L., REJTHAROVÁ,V., BUBENÍKOVÁ, L. Mluvená angličtina. 1. vyd. Academia Praha, 1981.
343 s.
[7] VAŘECHA,V., URBANOVÁ, V., REJTHAROVÁ, V. Advanced English conversation practice. 1. vyd.
Praha: SPN, 1979. 292 s.
[8] JURÁNKOVÁ, V., SLÁDKOVÁ, E. 222 cvičení z anglické mluvnice. 1. vyd. Brno: MC nakladatelství,
1994. 63 s.
[9] PEPRNÍK, J., NANGONOVÁ, SPARLING, D. Angličtina pro jazykové školy IV. Praha: Fortuna, 1995.
357 s. ISBN 80-7168-241-1.
[10] NOVÁKOVÁ, V. Anglicko-český frekvenení slovník. 1. vyd. Praha: Interkontaktservis, 1992. 312 s.
ISBN 80-900 342-2-3.
[11] SOARS, J.&L. Headway. Upper-Intermediate. Students book. 1th ed. Oxford University Press, 1987. 136 p.
ISBN 0 19 433559 3.
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[12] SOARS, J.&L. Headway. Upper-Intermediate. Workbook. 1th ed. Oxford University Press, 1987. 94 p.
ISBN 0 19 433560 7.
[13] SANDVIK Coromant.
ISBN 91-972299-0-3.
Modern Metal Cutting. A practical handbook
Tofters Tryckery AB, 1994.
[14] Oxford Photo Dictionary. 1th ed. Oxford University Press, 1991. 125 p. ISBN 0 19 431360 3.
[15] DAVID J. Writing Tasks. Teachers Book.
ISBN 0 521 22924 6.
10th ed.
Cambridge University Press, 1993.
235 p.
[16] DAVID J. Writing Tasks. Students Book.
ISBN 0 521 22924 3.
10th ed.
Cambridge University Press, 1993.
167 p.
ISBN 80-900095-7-3.
1. vyd.
Praha: Jan Kanzelsberger, 1990.
146 s.
Developing Writing.
[18] KUBÍČKOVÁ, J., JENÍKOVÁ, Z., BAREŠ, K. Angličtina pro vysoké školy technické. 2. vyd. Praha:
SNTL, 1970. 220 s. ISBN 04-003-70.
[19] SVOBODOVÁ, Z.et al. Writing in English. A Practical Handbook for Scientific and Technical Writers.
A Pilot Project. Brno: BUT, 2000. 71 p.
[20] BLOCH, A. Murphys Law. 13th ed. Arrow 1988. 282 p. ISBN 0 7493 0146 5.
[21] Prospects, news, technical journals of Sandvik Coromant, Kennametal, Widia, Iscar, Emuge-Franken, etc.
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