grammar tidbits 3


grammar tidbits 3
1) enjoy + -ing
2) be proud of something
3) be similar to something
4) begin +-ing nebo begin + to + infinitiv
5) continue -ing nebo continue + to + infinitiv
She enjoys reading scientific articles. Ráda si čte vědecké články.
He is proud of his daughter. Je pyšný na svoji dceru.
Spanish is similar to Italian. Španělština je podobná italštině.
She began talking. She began to talk. Začala mluvit.
She continued talking. She continued to talk. Mluvila dál.
2 NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE – late, later, lately
late – pozdě
later – později
lately – v poslední době
Bob came home very late. Bob přišel domů velmi pozdě.
They got married three months later. Vzali se o tři měsíce později.
Have you seen him lately? Viděl jsi ho poslední dobou?
since – od určitého bodu v čase
for – po určitou dobu
I have known John since 1996. Znám Johna od roku 1976.
I have known John for 20 years. Znám Johna dvacet let.
1) look forward to těšit se na (I'm looking forward to lunch. Těším se na oběd.)
2) hang out poflakovat se, trávit volný čas nečinností s přáteli (Teenagers usually hang out at this park. Mládež se
obvykle schází v tomto parku.)
3) try out vyzkoušet něco (I tried out a new recipe. Vyzkoušel jsem nový recept.)
4) pick up vyzvednout / sebrat (We'll pick you up at the airport. Vyzvedneme tě na letišti. He picked up the pen.
Sebral to pero.)
5) run out of dojít (We have run out of bread. Došel nám chleba.)
6) set up založit (The company was set up in 1992. Ta společnost byla založena roku 1992.)
7) turn down zeslabit / odmítnout (Can you turn down the TV? Můžeš ztišit televizi? She turned down my offer.
Odmítla moji nabídku.
8) work out vymyslet / fungovat (I can't work out how to use it. Nemůžu přijít na to, jak se to používá. It didn't work out.
Nefungovalo to, nevyšlo to.)
should a ought to znamenají totéž: měl bys, měla by, měl by atd. Rozdíl je v obvyklosti použití (should je častější).
Za slovem should se nikdy nepoužívá to, ale vždycky holý infinitiv.
Naopak spojení ought to vypadá vždycky takto, slovo ought se bez slova to nevyskytuje.
You should go there. You ought to go there. Měl bys tam jít.
6 COMPARING – than or as ... as
= než, používá se s druhým stupněm přídavných jmen (např. bigger, more interesting)
Spain is bigger than Portugal. Španělsko je větší než Portugalsko.
Astronomy is more interesting than football. Astronomie je zajímavější než fotbal.
as ... as = tak ... jako, používá se se základním tvarem přídavných jmen (např. big, interesting)
Spain isn't as big as Portugal. Španělsko není tak velké jako Portugalsko.
Football is as interesting as astronomy. Fotbal je stejně zajímavý jako astronomie.
1 Complete the following sentences with one word.
1 Her character is similar _____________________________ yours.
2 Mary swims _____________________________ fast as Jack.
3 I'm looking _____________________________ to meeting your parents.
4 I've been working _____________________________ I was sixteen years old.
5 Microsoft was set _____________________________ in 1975.
6 Tom ought _____________________________ show more respect to his grandfather.
7 He couldn't wait to try _____________________________ his new surfboard.
8 He has run _____________________________ of his energy.
2 Translate
1 Měl bys jíst víc ovoce. ______________________________________________________________________________
2 Mary je tak stará jako Cindy. _________________________________________________________________________
3 Žiji zde od roku 2005. ______________________________________________________________________________
4 Žiji zde již 10 let. __________________________________________________________________________________
5 Jeff je pyšný na svoji tetu. ___________________________________________________________________________
6 Přišel pozdě. ______________________________________________________________________________________
7 Přišel později než Mary. _____________________________________________________________________________
8 Koně jsou podobní oslům. ___________________________________________________________________________
3 Choose the correct option.
1 Robert was so busy he had to turn _____ an invitation to play golf.
2 I don't understand why you _____ out with her all the time.
3 You should _____ seriously if you want to pass the exam.
4 We'll have a meeting and _____ we can take a walk.
5 I heard you enjoy _____ to the beach.
6 Tom and Mary began _____ more time together.
7 Your idea seems to be similar _____ mine.
8 Young children _____ to learn empathy for animals.
A. down
A. run
A. study
A. late
A. go
A. spend
A. with
A. should
B. out
B. hang
B. to study
B. later
B. to go
B. spent
B. to
B. must
C. off
C. try
C. studying
C. lately
C. going
C. spending
C. on
C. ought
4 Answer the following questions. Use FULL SENTENCES.
1 What are you looking forward to? ____________________________________________________________________
2 How often are you late for school? ____________________________________________________________________
3 What should you never do? _________________________________________________________________________
4 What do you enjoy doing? __________________________________________________________________________
5 Choose the correct option.
1 It's almost impossible to work up / out this problem.
2 It was late / later at night when we got back.
3 Japan is not as big / bigger as Canada.
4 She continues to think / think that we are friends.
5 You should / ought to apologise to Mary.
6 Tom was more successful than / as Mary.
6 Complete the sentences with since or for.
1 We've been married _______________________ 30 years.
2 It has been so long _______________________ I last went to Disneyland with my family.
3 The Czech Republic has been a member of the European Union _______________________ 1 May 2004.
4 Tom left his parents' house this spring and has been living alone _______________________ then.
5 I've already been working here _______________________ a few months.
6 We've known each other _______________________ ages.
7 She's been ill _______________________ last Wednesday.
8 I've known Jim _______________________ I was a child.

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