

- 2011 - Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and European Studies, summa cum
laude (Metropolitan University Prague);
- 2013 - Master's Degree in International Relations and European Studies, summa cum laude
(Metropolitan University Prague);
- 2013 – present - PhD candidate (International Relations and European Studies) at the
Department of International Relations, Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social
Sciences at the Charles University in Prague.
PhD thesis: Control of territory as a factor for the effective implementation of a political
objective of an Islamist violent non-state actor.
Research interests: Territorial violent non-state actors, Privatization of security, French
geopolitics, French foreign policy, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.
- Polarita mezinárodního systému v proměnách globálního věku transnacionálních vztahů/The
polarity of the international system in the changing global age of transnational relations
(Mezinárodní politika 3/2012);
- Sarkozy a globální dimenze francouzské zahraniční politiky/Sarkozy and global dimensions
of French foreign policy (Mezinárodní politika 4/2012);
François Hollande - Hledání ztracené víry a naděje znovunalezená - Jakým aktérem
mezinárodních vztahů nyní Francie bude?/François Hollande - In search of lost faith and
odds regained - What actor in international relations now France will be? (Mezinárodní
politika 6/2012);
- Case Study on the Role of Non-State Military Actors in the 2011 Libyan Conflict (CEJISS
3-4/2012, co-author of the article Radana Makariusová);
- Role francouzských soukromých vojenských společností v sektoru privatizace bezpečnosti.
Specifické znaky francouzského přístupu a srovnání s anglosaskými soukromými vojenskými
společnostmi/The role of French private military companies in the security privatization
sector: Specific features of the French approach and a comparison with Anglo-Saxon private
military companies (Obrana a Strategie 1/2013);
- Působení militantních nestátních aktérů: Případová studie libyjského povstání 2011/Impact
of militant non-state actors: A Case study on the 2011 Libyan uprising, chapter in collective
monograph Oldřich Bureš et al.: Privatizace bezpečnosti: České a zahraniční
zkušenosti/Privatization of security: Czech and foreign experience (Grada Publishing 2013,
co-author of the chapter Radana Makariusová);
- Případ Severního Mali (Azawadu) 2012-13: stát a jeho vytěsnění alternativní autoritou/The
case of Northern Mali (Azawad) 2012-13: The state and its displacement by an alternative
authority (Obrana a Strategie 2/2014);
- Teritoriálně ukotvený islamistický nestátní aktér využívající násilí a otázka regulace
systémové anarchie/Territorially anchored islamist non-state actor using violence, and the
question of regulation of system anarchy (Vojenské rozhledy 3/2015);
- Kompetence, ochota a zmocnění protipovstaleckých sil v severním Mali v letech 2012–
2013/ The competence, willingness, and empowerment of counterinsurgency forces in
Northern Mali in 2012–2013 (Mezinárodní vztahy 2/2016).
- Role nestátních vojenských aktérů v konfliktu v Libyi v roce 2011/The role of non-state
military actors in the conflict in Libya in 2011 (conference at the Center for Security
Studies, Metropolitan University Prague. November 2012);
- The case of Northern Mali (Azawad) 2012-13: The state and its displacement by an
alternative authority (Fourth Global International Studies Conference - the World
International Studies Committee, Frankfurt am Main. August 2014);
- The case of Northern Mali (Azawad) 2012-13: The state and its displacement by an
alternative authority (African Studies Association of the UK ASAUK - Biennial Conference,
Brighton. September 2014).
- 2014/15 - co-grantee of a research project "Privatization of Security: Role of Private Sector
Actors in Countering Contemporary Security Threats", grant No. P408/11/0395, Grant
Agency of the Czech Republic;
- 2014 – present - co-grantee of the Specific Academic Research Project of the Institute of
Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.
Language skills and competences:
- Fluent in French, English, and Slovak languages.
- Passive knowledge of Italian, German, and Russian languages.

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